1,475 research outputs found

    SIMNET: simulation-based exercises for computer net-work curriculum through gamification and augmented reality

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    Gamification and Augmented Reality techniques, in recent years, have tackled many subjects and environments. Its implementation can, in particular, strengthen teaching and learning processes in schools and universities. Therefore, new forms of knowledge, based on interactions with objects, contributing game, experimentation and collaborative work. Through the technologies mentioned above, we intend to develop an application that serves as a didactic tool, giving support in the area of Computer Networks. This application aims to stand out in simulated controlled environments to create computer networks, taking into ac-count the necessary physical devices and the different physical and logical topologies. The main goal is to enrich the students’ learning experiences and contrib-ute to teacher-student interaction, through collaborative learning provided by the tool, minimizing the need for expensive equipment in learning environments.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Melhoria contínua: um estudo sobre a filosofia kaizen em uma indústria

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    TCC (Graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Socioeconômico. Ciências Contábeis.A pesquisa tem por objetivo evidenciar os benefícios dos processos de melhoria contínua e da filosofia Kaizen, por meio de um estudo de caso numa indústria de produtos de higiene pessoal, a fim de observar a sua utilização, resultados e comparar com os métodos orientais. A coleta de dados foi realizada com entrevistas e análise de documentos internos da organização, no período de outubro a novembro de 2019. Os resultados mostram que a filosofia Kaizen traz benefícios à empresa, como organização, motivação e redução de gastos, podendo ser aplicado em praticamente qualquer atividade. Destaca-se também dificuldades apresentadas na aplicação da filosofia Kaizen, como as ações fora da zona de conforto

    Glass-coated kites and cervical injuries: a serious threat to children and adults

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)665923925Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP


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    Trauma is a public health problem of vast proportions. It is the leading cause of death in young people. Researches have shown a significant number of persons dying from preventable injuries. The number of these preventable deaths can decrease by improving the organization and planning for trauma care services. One of the key administrative functions used to strengthen trauma care is quality assurance programs, also known as medical audit or continuous quality improvement. Quality improvement is a continuous method of improving medical care by monitoring the elements of diagnosis, treatment and outcome. The goal of quality improvement is to ensure that trauma centers and trauma systems design processes to systematically monitor, analyze, and improve performance with the ultimate intent of improving patient outcomes. A variety of techniques have been used specifically to develop trauma quality improvement: morbidity and mortality conferences, preventable death studies, institutional registries, guidelines, audit filters, risk adjusted scoring, and outcome measures. In Brazil there is only rudimentary information on mortality due to the lack of systematic programs to collect data and information on trauma. This paper will emphasize the current status of quality improvement methodology to assess the care of injured patients.O trauma é um problema de saúde pública de grandes proporções. É a principal causa de óbito na população jovem. Pesquisas mostram um grande número de pessoas morrendo de lesões que poderiam ser prevenidas. Estes óbitos evitáveis podem diminuir com melhorias na organização e planejamento dos serviços de trauma. Uma das medidas administrativas utilizadas para melhorar a assistência ao trauma são programas de controle de qualidade conhecidos como auditoria médica ou processos contínuos de melhora da qualidade. O programa de melhoria de qualidade é um método contínuo de aperfeiçoar a assistência médica através da monitoração dos elementos de diagnóstico, tratamento e evolução dos pacientes. O objetivo deste controle de qualidade é assegurar que os sistemas e centros de trauma determinem sistematicamente processos de monitoração, análise e controle dos resultados com o objetivo final de melhorar a evolução dos pacientes tratados. Inúmeras técnicas têm sido utilizadas para desenvolver este processo: reuniões de morbimortalidade, estudos de óbitos evitáveis, registros institucionais, protocolos, auditorias, escores de risco e avaliação do prognóstico. No Brasil existem apenas informações rudimentares de mortalidade devido à falta de programas para coletar dados e avaliar as informações relacionadas ao trauma. Este artigo apresentará o estado atual dos programas de controle de qualidade para avaliar a assistência às vítimas de trauma

    Validation of the Software “Recycling of Nutrients” in Dairy-Farms of Western Cuba

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    To maintain a good productivity in the soil-plant-animal system it is necessary to achieve an equilibrium between input and output of nutrients and energy. Models and simulation software have been proposed for this purpose. For dairy farms, models have been utilised to show the behaviour of different aspects, such as: feed utilisation, energy flow, digestibility values and daily weight gains (Freer et al., 1970; Assis & France, 1983, Bruce et al., 1984). However, there are few models showing the interaction between soil-plant- animal components of these systems. The objective of the present study was to validate the software Recycling of Nutrients proposed by Ortiz (2000) for dairy farms of western Cuba

    Penetrating Ureteral Trauma.

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    The purpose of this series is to report our experience in managing ureteral trauma, focusing on the importance of early diagnosis, correct treatment, and the impact of associated injuries on the management and morbid-mortality. From January 1994 to December 2002, 1487 laparotomies for abdominal trauma were performed and 20 patients with ureteral lesions were identified, all of them secondary to penetrating injury. Medical charts were analyzed as well as information about trauma mechanisms, diagnostic routine, treatment and outcome. All patients were men. Mean age was 27 years. The mechanisms of injury were gunshot wounds in 18 cases (90%) and stab wounds in two (10%). All penetrating abdominal injuries had primary indication of laparotomy, and neither excretory urography nor computed tomography were used in any case before surgery. The diagnosis of ureteric injury was made intra-operatively in 17 cases (85%). Two ureteral injuries (10%) were initially missed. All patients had associated injuries. The treatment was dictated by the location, extension and time necessary to identify the injury. The overall incidence of complications was 55%. The presence of shock on admission, delayed diagnosis, Abdominal Trauma Index > 25, Injury Severity Score > 25 and colon injuries were associated to a high complication rate, however, there was no statistically significant difference. There were no mortalities in this group. A high index of suspicion is required for diagnosis of ureteral injuries. A thorough exploration of all retroperitoneal hematoma after penetrating trauma should be an accurate method of diagnosis; even though it failed in 10% of our cases.33142-8, discussion 149-5

    World Trauma Congress: when dreams come true

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