26 research outputs found

    Performance of wine bag-in-box during storage: loss of oxygen barrier

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    Bag-in-box system is a convenient packaging system for wine. Its barrier to oxygen relies, in many cases, in an aluminium metallized polyester film laminated between two polyethylene (PE) layers as the inner bag. One on the most frequently observed system failures is the ingress of wine into the gap between the layers of the double bag. This study aimed at verifying if that influences the barrier of the system to oxygen. The results showed that the contact of wine with this barrier layer, although through a PE layer, promotes the demetallization and consequent loss of barrier properties. The type of wine, in particular its volatile acidity, and the temperatures were two variables assessed. Results showed that wine with higher acidity and stored at higher temperatures tend to yield a higher increase in oxygen transmission rate of the film.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Marine terrace development on reefless volcanic islands:New insights from high-resolution marine geophysical data offshore Santa Maria Island (Azores Archipelago)

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    Submerged marine terraces are relict coastal erosional landforms now underwater due to rising sea level and/or land subsidence. Using as case study the shelf around Santa Maria Island (North Atlantic Ocean), we intend to advance our knowledge on the formation and preservation of these features on reefless volcanic islands. Santa Maria is an ideal place to study their combined generation, since it displays a sequence of subaerial and submerged marine terraces (the latter not studied before), distributed between 7/230 m in elevation, and 1240/ 12140 m in depth, respectively. Based on some geological constraints, we investigated a possible correlation between the formation of the different terraces with known sea-level changes. Our results suggest that the spatial distribution of marine terraces at Santa Maria depends on the complex interplay between glacio-eustatic sea-level fluctuations, the island's vertical motion trends, the morphology of the shelf, and the intensity of marine erosion. Subaerial terraces probably developed from ~3.5 Ma to ~1 Ma following a fortuitous conjugation of optimal exposure to energetic waves and a suitable arrangement/lithology of the stratigraphic units promoting easier erosion. Their preservation was likely promoted by the uplift trend the island experienced in the last 3.5 Ma, which was rapid enough to prevent their destruction by subsequent highstands. The submerged terraces, presumably all younger than ~1 Ma, were largely influenced by shelf gradient, leading to more developed and preserved terraces in wider and low-gradient sectors. Displacement by active faults also conditioned the formation and further development of both subaerial and submerged terraces, with tectonic activity documented for the 0.693 Ma\u20132.7 Ma period

    Development of new microalgae-based sourdough "crostini": functional aspects of Arthrospira platensis (spirulina) addition

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of Arthrospira platensis F&M-C256 (spirulina) incorporation on the nutritional and functional properties of “crostini”, a leavened bakery product largely consumed in Italy and Europe. Sourdough was used as leavening and fermentation agent and three concentrations of A. platensis F&M-C256 were tested: 2%, 6% and 10% (w/w). Despite a lower volume increase compared to the control, the A. platensis F&M-C256 “crostini” doughs reached a technological appropriate volume after fermentation. At the end of fermentation, no significant differences in microorganisms concentrations were observed. A. platensis F&M-C256 “crostini” showed higher protein content compared to the control. Considering the European Commission Regulation on nutritional claims, “crostini” incorporated with 6% and 10% biomass can be claimed to be a “source of protein”. Six and ten percent A. platensis “crostini” also presented significantly higher antioxidant capacity and phenolics. A significantly lower value of in vitro dry matter and protein digestibility between A. platensis F&M-C256 “crostini” and the control was found. The overall acceptability decreased with increasing A. platensis F&M-C256 addition. The combination of spirulina biomass addition and the sourdough technology led to the development of a novel microalgae-based bakery product with nutritional and functional featuresinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Developmental levels in adult's conceptions of health and disease

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    A socio-cognitive developmental perspective suggests that conceptions regarding health and disease processes may present different levels of openness, flexibility, inclusiveness and differentiation, and thus can be ordered into different levels. We present a qualitative study on lay significations regarding health and disease processes, endorsed by 67 adults. The results show that these adults have different socio-cognitive developmental competences related to health and disease processes. For each dimension of significations of health and disease, it is possible to sequence lay person's conceptions developmentally. Each level is distinct qualitatively, including responses characterized by a higher degree of differentiation, integration and complexity than the previous level. Finally, the implications of this approach to clinical and educational methods are discussed

    Developmental levels in adult's conceptions of health and disease

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    A socio-cognitive developmental perspective suggests that conceptions regarding health and disease processes may present different levels of openness, flexibility, inclusiveness and differentiation, and thus can be ordered into different levels. We present a qualitative study on lay significations regarding health and disease processes, endorsed by 67 adults. The results show that these adults have different socio-cognitive developmental competences related to health and disease processes. For each dimension of significations of health and disease, it is possible to sequence lay person's conceptions developmentally. Each level is distinct qualitatively, including responses characterized by a higher degree of differentiation, integration and complexity than the previous level. Finally, the implications of this approach to clinical and educational methods are discussed