1,326 research outputs found

    Women and the mind of the south: Thomas Wolfe's "Look Homeward, Angel" (1929), and Richard Wright's "Black Boy" (1945)

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    "Marriage doesn't make love" : Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God

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    Zora Neale Hurston (1891-1960) fue una mujer auto-suficiente, extravertida, educada, culta, irresistible -a veces-, con una personalidad muy atractiva y que comparte con Toni Morrison la obsesión por escribir "sobre el amor y el desamor". Irónicamente, esta mujer extremadamente liberada e independiente decide escribir sobre mujeres que sufren relaciones sentimentales opresivas. El propósito de este artículo es demostrar que en la obra de Hurston There eyes were watching God (1937), "marriage doesn't make love", porque en el discurso literario de Hurston el matrimonio victimiza a la mujer castrándola física y espíritualmente. El mensaje de Hurston es provocativo y revolucionario ya que es la propia autora quien libera a algunos de sus personajes femeninos de la trampa del matrimonio. Como a ella misma le ocurre en su vida personal, en su discurso narrativo Hurston prefiere ver a sus mujeres solas pero libres, antes que encadenadas y casadas

    Migrant Women’s Bodies in Transit: From Sub-Saharan Africa to Spain in Real Life and Film

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    [Abstracts] The purpose of this chapter is to focus on African women’s bodies in transit from West Africa to Spain, in view of Gerardo Olivares’s42 pioneer film on the topic, 14 Kilometros (2007). Although the protagonist Violet’s journey does not speak for all African migrant women’s passage to Spain, it is my intention to highlight and analyze certain experiences that female migrant subjects share—even before the actual journey starts—as well as to address specific gender-oriented issues, such as prostitution or sex trafficking, that assault them throughout the duration of their excruciatingly painful voluntary or forced self-exile. In this sense, I would maintain that for the African women in transit, whether real or fictional, the journey of migration to Spain is written on their bodies. Finally, throughout the chapter I comment on and establish a parallel between the transatlantic slave trade and contemporary human trafficking and migration subjects

    "Marriage doesn't make love" : Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God

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    Zora Neale Hurston (1891-1960) fue una mujer auto-suficiente, extravertida, educada, culta, irresistible -a veces-, con una personalidad muy atractiva y que comparte con Toni Morrison la obsesión por escribir "sobre el amor y el desamor". Irónicamente, esta mujer extremadamente liberada e independiente decide escribir sobre mujeres que sufren relaciones sentimentales opresivas. El propósito de este artículo es demostrar que en la obra de Hurston There eyes were watching God (1937), "marriage doesn't make love", porque en el discurso literario de Hurston el matrimonio victimiza a la mujer castrándola física y espíritualmente. El mensaje de Hurston es provocativo y revolucionario ya que es la propia autora quien libera a algunos de sus personajes femeninos de la trampa del matrimonio. Como a ella misma le ocurre en su vida personal, en su discurso narrativo Hurston prefiere ver a sus mujeres solas pero libres, antes que encadenadas y casadas

    Una poética específica del espacio arquitectónico. Las "Atmósferas" de Peter Zumthor

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    Se teoriza acerca del concepto espacial que supone el libro Atmospheres, donde Peter Zumthor (Pritzker 2009) expone su propia poética arquitectónica a partir de una conferencia pronunciada ante literatos y músicos. Aludiendo a obras arquitectónicas concretas del mismo autor, queda patente que su opción supone un espacio multi-sensorial que quiere despertar emociones ligadas con la vida cotidiana, superando la extrema abstracción del espacio arquitectónico moderno

    Analysis of interworking functions in heterogeneous networks

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    Future cellular radio networks will enable mobile terminals to communicate in environments populated by a multitude of devices, technologies and business actors using several radio interfaces. In this environment, one important task is to develop common control functions for elements in such networks. One of today's challenges is to provide service continuity in those highly heterogeneous networks. The service continuity can be measured in terms of a satisfied user criteria, which consists e.g. of the perceived end to end data packet delay, i.e. transport layer packet delay. The IEEE 802.21 standard focuses on the support of media independent handover for a broad range of technologies, but with strong emphasis on 802 technologies. The Framework Programme (FP)7 European Project OMEGA investigates the performance of home networks, which consist of technologies like Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN), Hybrid Wireless Optics (HWO) or Power Line Communications (PLC). The aim of this work is to investigate in the context of the OMEGA project, which functions of the IEEE 802.21 standard are needed in order to co-operate in heterogeneous home networks. Subsequently, their performance in terms of QoS evaluation are developed. One of the most important functions is the path selection since it establishes the flow between source and destination and simultaneously, deals with the reservation of resources. In this work an approach for the identification and selection of possible paths using signal flow graphs analytically has been evaluated. The scheme is based on ad hoc networks and the proposed algorithm is Bandwidth Guaranteed Source Routing (BGSR). The analysis provides information about the required delay in the selection and helps to evaluate the influence of the route selection in the uninterrupted provision of service. Another concept to be considered is the path re-selection mechanism. A comparative analysis of centralized and decentralized solutions is developed using SFGs as well and basing the evaluation on the latency of both mechanisms

    Sobre las formas de reproducción del discurso ajeno en algunos textos periodísticos de la prensa italiana y española

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    En este trabajo se abordan algunos textos periodísticos italianos y españoles desde una perspectiva pragmática, como fenómeno de comunicación que sirve de punto de partida para analizar la polifonía del mensaje periodístico. Se estudian por tanto, la multiplicidad de voces a las que da acogida dicho texto y los procedimientos de cita que aparecen en el mismo, delimitando los principales mecanismos de reproducción del discurso ajeno que subyacen en ambas culturas periodísticas, para resaltar, donde proceda, las diferencias y analogías

    The use of prescription drugs during pregnancy: What are the “teratogens” that should always be avoided?

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    Teratología ClínicaN