25,113 research outputs found

    Saxion Emission from SN1987A

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    We study the possibility of emission of the saxion, a superpartner of the axion, from SN1987A. The fact that the observed neutrino pulse from SN1987A is in excellent agreement with the current theory of supernovae places a strong bound on the energy loss into any non-standard model channel, therefore enabling bounds to be placed on the decay constant, f_a, of a light saxion. The low-energy coupling of the saxion, which couples at high energies to the QCD gauge field strength, is expected to be enhanced from QCD scaling, making it interesting to investigate if the saxion could place stronger bounds on f_a than the axion itself. Moreover, since the properties of the saxion are determined by f_a, a constraint on this parameter can be translated into a constraint on the supersymmetry breaking scale. We find that the bound on f_a from saxion emission is comparable with the one derived from axion emission due to a cancellation of leading-order terms in the soft-radiation expansion.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures; minor changes, typos corrected, version to appear in JHE

    Fabrication and structural analysis of ZnO coated fiber optic phase modulators

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    Fiber optic modulators were fabricated by coating optical fibers with electrode and piezoelectric ZnO layers. The techniques of piezoelectric fiber optic modulator (PFOM) fabrication are presented, and the microstructure and crystallographic texture of the coatings are analyzed. In order to produce thick (approximately 5 μm) ZnO coatings, it was necessary to study the reactive dc magnetron sputtering process in O2/Ar gas mixtures under conditions close to the transition between an oxidized and nonoxidized Zn target surface. In situ quartz crystal microbalance measurements of the deposition rate revealed thee distinct regions in the deposition rate (R) vs oxygen partial pressure behavior, at constant total pressure, for sputtering under conditions that provided an oxidized Zn target surface. Additionally, a transition between oxygen and argon dominated sputtering as observed by varying the sputtering pressure while maintaining a constant The transition between oxygen and argon dominated sputtering influences R to varying extents within the three R vs regions for an oxidized target surface. Correlations among the cathode current and voltage, deposition rate, and gas flow rate are presented to give a better understanding of the reactive sputtering processes occurring at the oxidized Zn target surface. Sputtering conditions optimized for a high ZnO deposition rate were used to produce 〈001〉 radially oriented ZnO fiber coatings for PFOM devices that can produce optical phase shifts as large as 0.38 rad/

    A note on the minimum distance of quantum LDPC codes

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    We provide a new lower bound on the minimum distance of a family of quantum LDPC codes based on Cayley graphs proposed by MacKay, Mitchison and Shokrollahi. Our bound is exponential, improving on the quadratic bound of Couvreur, Delfosse and Z\'emor. This result is obtained by examining a family of subsets of the hypercube which locally satisfy some parity conditions

    Digestion kinetics of dried cereal grains

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    Grain fermentability largely determines the feed value of grains for ruminants. Our objective was to evaluate the variation in kinetics of gas production of cereal grains and the relationship among gas production, chemical composition and feed value. Eighteen barley, 99 corn, 23 sorghum, and 57 wheat samples were fermented in vitro for 48 h. Gas production was measured with a computerized system and an exponential model was fitted to the data. The impact of the variation in composition and kinetics on the feed value of grains in feedlot rations was assessed with the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS). Fractional gas rates were significantly different between grains (P\u3c0.001), with a mean and S.D. of 0.24 (0.029) h-1 for barley (n=20), 0.15 (0.026) h-1 for corn (n=98), 0.06 (0.016) h-1 for sorghum (n=23) and 0.26 (0.039) h-1 for wheat (n=57). Fermentation rates were more variable than the chemical components. Fractional rates were poorly correlated with chemical composition within grain with the highest correlations for acid detergent insoluble crude protein (ADICP) (r=-0.31, P\u3c0.01) and ADF (r=-0.27, P\u3c0.01) for corn and neutral detergent insoluble crude protein (NDICP) (r=0.35, P\u3c0.05) for wheat. The impact of the variation in composition and kinetics on the feed value of grains in feedlot rations was assessed. The CNCPS predicted a maximal variation of \u3c2.1 MJ/day and \u3c60 g/day in metabolizable energy (ME) and metabolizable protein (MP) supply from grains, respectively. For sorghum, the fermentation rate was predicted to be a major determinant of the site of starch fermentation. A detailed evaluation of feed values for grains needs to include information on rates of fermentation

    Structure of Pion Photoproduction Amplitudes

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    We derive and apply the finite energy sum rules to pion photoproduction. We evaluate the low energy part of the sum rules using several state-of-the-art models. We show how the differences in the low energy side of the sum rules might originate from different quantum number assignments of baryon resonances. We interpret the observed features in the low energy side of the sum rules with the expectation from Regge theory. Finally, we present a model, in terms of a Regge-pole expansion, that matches the sum rules and the high-energy observables.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures and 4 table

    Magnetic and Optical properties of strained films of multiferroic GdMnO3

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    The effects of strain on a film of mulitferroic GdMnO3 are investigated using both magnetometry and magneto-optic spectroscopy. Optical spectra, in the energy range 1.5eV - 3.5eV, were taken in Faraday geometry in an applied magnetic field and also at remanence. This yielded rich information on the effects of strain on the spin ordering in these films. Epitaxial films of GdMnO3 were grown on SrTiO3 and LaAlO3 substrates. The LaAlO3 was twinned and so produced a highly strained film whereas the strain was less for the film grown on SrTiO3. The Ne\'el temperatures and coercive fields were measured using zero field data and hysteresis loops obtained using a SQUID magnetometer. Optical absorption data agreed with earlier work on bulk materials. The two well known features in the optical spectrum, the charge transfer transition between Mn d states at ~2eV and the band edge transition from the oxygen p band to the d states at ~3eV are observed in the magnetic circular dichroism; however they behaved very differently both as a function of magnetic field and temperature. This is interpreted in terms of the magnetic ordering of the Mn spins.Comment: 9 pages of text including figure

    Sign segmentation with changepoint-modulated pseudo-labelling

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    The objective of this work is to find temporal boundaries between signs in continuous sign language. Motivated by the paucity of annotation available for this task, we propose a simple yet effective algorithm to improve segmentation performance on unlabelled signing footage from a domain of interest. We make the following contributions: (1) We motivate and introduce the task of source-free domain adaptation for sign language segmentation, in which labelled source data is available for an initial training phase, but is not available during adaptation. (2) We propose the Changepoint-Modulated Pseudo-Labelling (CMPL) algorithm to leverage cues from abrupt changes in motion-sensitive feature space to improve pseudo-labelling quality for adaptation. (3) We showcase the effectiveness of our approach for category-agnostic sign segmentation, transferring from the BSLCORPUS to the BSL-1K and RWTH-PHOENIX-Weather 2014 datasets, where we outperform the prior state of the art

    A Mechanistic model for predicting the nutrient requirements and feed biological values for sheep

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    The Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS), a mechanistic model that predicts nutrient requirements and biological values of feeds for cattle, was modified for use with sheep. Published equations were added for predicting the energy and protein requirements of sheep, with a special emphasis on dairy sheep, whose specific needs are not considered by most sheep-feeding systems. The CNCPS for cattle equations that are used to predict the supply of nutrients from each feed were modified to include new solid and liquid ruminal passage rates for sheep, and revised equations were inserted to predict metabolic fecal N. Equations were added to predict fluxes in body energy and protein reserves from BW and condition score. When evaluated with data from seven published studies (19 treatments), for which the CNCPS for sheep predicted positive ruminal N balance, the CNCPS for sheep predicted OM digestibility, which is used to predict feed ME values, with no mean bias (1.1 g/100 g of OM; P > 0.10) and a low root mean squared prediction error (RMSPE; 3.6 g/100 g of OM). Crude protein digestibility, which is used to predict N excretion, was evaluated with eight published studies (23 treatments). The model predicted CP digestibility with no mean bias (-1.9 g/100 g of CP; P > 0.10) but with a large RMSPE (7.2 g/100 g of CP). Evaluation with a data set of published studies in which the CNCPS for sheep predicted negative ruminal N balance indicated that the model tended to underpredict OM digestibility (mean bias of -3.3 g/100 g of OM, P > 0.10; RMSPE = 6.5 g/100 g of OM; n = 12) and to overpredict CP digestibility (mean bias of 2.7 g/100 g of CP, P > 0.10; RMSPE = 12.8 g/100 g of CP; n = 7). The ability of the CNCPS for sheep to predict gains and losses in shrunk BW was evaluated using data from six studies with adult sheep (13 treatments with lactating ewes and 16 with dry ewes). It accurately predicted variations in shrunk BW when diets had positive N balance (mean bias of 5.8 g/d; P > 0.10; RMSPE of 30.0 g/d; n = 15), whereas it markedly overpredicted the variations in shrunk BW when ruminal balance was negative (mean bias of 53.4 g/d, P < 0.05; RMSPE = 84.1 g/d; n = 14). These evaluations indicated that the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System for Sheep can be used to predict energy and protein requirements, feed biological values, and BW gains and losses in adult sheep

    Hybrid squeezing of solitonic resonant radiation in photonic crystal fibers

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    We report on the existence of a novel kind of squeezing in photonic crystal fibers which is conceptually intermediate between the four-wave mixing induced squeezing, in which all the participant waves are monochromatic waves, and the self-phase modulation induced squeezing for a single pulse in a coherent state. This hybrid squeezing occurs when an arbitrary short soliton emits quasi-monochromatic resonant radiation near a zero group velocity dispersion point of the fiber. Photons around the resonant frequency become strongly correlated due to the presence of the classical soliton, and a reduction of the quantum noise below the shot noise level is predicted.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure