51 research outputs found

    Implications of the 125 GeV Higgs boson for scalar dark matter and for the CMSSM phenomenology

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    We study phenomenological implications of the ATLAS and CMS hint of a 125±1125\pm 1 GeV Higgs boson for the singlet, and singlet plus doublet non-supersymmetric dark matter models, and for the phenomenology of the CMSSM. We show that in scalar dark matter models the vacuum stability bound on Higgs boson mass is lower than in the standard model and the 125 GeV Higgs boson is consistent with the models being valid up the GUT or Planck scale. We perform a detailed study of the full CMSSM parameter space keeping the Higgs boson mass fixed to 125±1125\pm 1 GeV, and study in detail the freeze-out processes that imply the observed amount of dark matter. After imposing all phenomenological constraints except for the muon (g2)μ,(g-2)_\mu, we show that the CMSSM parameter space is divided into well separated regions with distinctive but in general heavy sparticle mass spectra. Imposing the (g2)μ(g-2)_\mu constraint introduces severe tension between the high SUSY scale and the experimental measurements -- only the slepton co-annihilation region survives with potentially testable sparticle masses at the LHC. In the latter case the spin-independent DM-nucleon scattering cross section is predicted to be below detectable limit at the XENON100 but might be of measurable magnitude in the general case of light dark matter with large bino-higgsino mixing and unobservably large scalar masses.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures. v3: same as published versio

    A percepção da família sobre sua presença em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica e Neonatal

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    O estudo, de abordagem qualitativa, teve por objetivo compreender como as famílias percebem a própria presença na unidade de terapia intensiva pediátrica e neonatal, e a aceitação dessa presença por parte dos profissionais de saúde. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada a 14 pais de crianças internadas na UTI pediátrica e neonatal de dois hospitais na Região Noroeste do Paraná. Para a interpretação dos dados, optou-se pela análise de conteúdo. Os resultados revelaram o sofrimento vivenciado pelos pais, as alterações que ocorreram na dinâmica familiar em face da hospitalização do filho, e a percepção dos benefícios da sua permanência junto à criança, do acolhimento e dos cuidados recebidos. Concluiu-se que os pais valorizam o fato de os profissionais demonstrarem respeito e atenção para com eles e a criança, criando elos de afetividade e confiança, além de gratidão pelo cuidado.Este estudio, de abordaje cualitativo, tuvo por objetivo comprender como las familias perciben su propia presencia en la unidad de terapia intensiva pediátrica y neonatal, y, la aceptación de esa presencia por parte de los profesionales de la salud. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de entrevista semiestructurada a 14 padres de niños internados en la UTI pediátrica y neonatal de dos hospitales en la Región Noroeste de Paraná. Para la interpretación de los datos se optó por el análisis de contenido. Los resultados revelaron el sufrimiento experimentado por los padres, las alteraciones que ocurrieron en la dinámica familiar frente a la hospitalización del hijo y la percepción de los beneficios de su permanencia junto al niño, del acogimiento y del cuidado recibidos. Se concluyó que los padres valorizan el hecho de los profesionales demonstrar respeto y atención para con ellos y el niño, creando vínculos de afecto y confianza, además de gratitud por el cuidado.This qualitative-based study aimed to understand how families perceive their own presence at the Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, as well as the acceptance of their presence by healthcare workers. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with 14 parents of children admitted to the pediatric and neonatal ICU at two hospitals in northwestern Paraná State, Brazil. Content analysis was chosen to interpret the data. The results revealed the suffering experienced by parents, the alteration of family dynamics resulting from the child's hospitalization, and the perception of the benefits of remaining close to the child in terms of welcoming and quality of care. It was concluded that parents value the professionals' respect and attention towards the child, thus creating bonds of affection, trust and gratitude for the care received

    Natural SUSY Predicts: Higgs Couplings

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    We study Higgs production and decays in the context of natural SUSY, allowing for an extended Higgs sector to account for a 125 GeV lightest Higgs boson. Under broad assumptions, Higgs observables at the LHC depend on at most four free parameters with restricted numerical ranges. Two parameters suffice to describe MSSM particle loops. The MSSM loop contribution to the diphoton rate is constrained from above by direct stop and chargino searches and by electroweak precision tests. Naturalness, in particular in demanding that rare B decays remain consistent with experiment without fine-tuned cancellations, provides a lower (upper) bound to the stop contribution to the Higgs-gluon coupling (Higgs mass). Two parameters suffice to describe Higgs mixing, even in the presence of loop induced non-holomorphic Yukawa couplings. Generic classes of MSSM extensions, that address the fine-tuning problem, predict sizable modifications to the effective bottom Yukawa, yb. Non-decoupling gauge extensions enhance yb, while a heavy SM singlet reduces yb. A factor of 4-6 enhancement in the diphoton rate at the LHC, compared to the SM prediction, can be accommodated. The ratio of the enhancements in the diphoton vs. the WW and ZZ channels cannot exceed 1.4. The h to bbbar rate in associated production cannot exceed the SM rate by more than 50%.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figure

    Sparticle mass hierarchies, simplified models from SUGRA unification, and benchmarks for LHC Run-II SUSY searches

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    Sparticle mass hierarchies contain significant information regarding the origin and nature of supersymmetry breaking. The hierarchical patterns are severely constrained by electroweak symmetry breaking as well as by the astrophysical and particle physics data. They are further constrained by the Higgs boson mass measurement. The sparticle mass hierarchies can be used to generate simplified models consistent with the high scale models. In this work we consider supergravity models with universal boundary conditions for soft parameters at the unification scale as well as supergravity models with nonuniversalities and delineate the list of sparticle mass hierarchies for the five lightest sparticles. Simplified models can be obtained by a truncation of these, retaining a smaller set of lightest particles. The mass hierarchies and their truncated versions enlarge significantly the list of simplified models currently being used in the literature. Benchmarks for a variety of supergravity unified models appropriate for SUSY searches at future colliders are also presented. The signature analysis of two benchmark models has been carried out and a discussion of the searches needed for their discovery at LHC RUN-II is given. An analysis of the spin independent neutralino-proton cross section exhibiting the Higgs boson mass dependence and the hierarchical patterns is also carried out. It is seen that a knowledge of the spin independent neutralino-proton cross section and the neutralino mass will narrow down the list of the allowed sparticle mass hierarchies. Thus dark matter experiments along with analyses for the LHC Run-II will provide strong clues to the nature of symmetry breaking at the unification scale.Comment: To appear in JHEP; 37 pages, 11 tables, 11 figure

    When Health Professionals Become NICU Parents

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