37 research outputs found


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    The development of Aik Nibung agro-ecotourism ARD Garden in Badau Village is a post-tin mining management business. This activity cannot be separated from the mainstay role of farmers in this management. This study aimed to identify various forms of business management of post-tin mining land by leading farmers and to describe community perceptions of post-tin mining land management in Badau Village. This research is a case study with a descriptive research method and is analyzed qualitatively using a Likert scale. Sampling was done purposively (purposive sampling) with a total of 30 respondents. Data was collected through questionnaires, observations, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that: 1) The business managed by farmers is the mainstay in developing the Aik Nibung agro-ecotourism area ARD Garden, namely celocia, sunflower and button flower gardens, horticultural plant cultivation and tilapia fish cultivation; 2) The community's perception of pre-management of post-tin mining land is in agreement with an index coefficient value of 78.2%. Community perceptions of post-mining land management agree with an index coefficient value of 78.7% and community perceptions of successful post-mining land management strongly agree with an index coefficient value of 83.17%. With an average index coefficient value of 80.02% at the level of strongly agree.Pengembangan agroekowisata Aik Nibung “ARD Garden” di Desa Badau merupakan usaha pengelolaan di lahan pasca tambang timah.  Kegiatan ini tidak lepas dari peran petani andalan dalam pengelolaan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi berbagai bentuk usaha pengelolaan lahan pasca tambang timah oleh petani andalan dan mendeskripsikan persepsi masyarakat terhadap pengelolaan lahan pasca tambang timah di Desa Badau. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus dengan metode penelitian deskriptif dan dianalisa secara kualitatif menggunakan skala likert. Pengambilan sample dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive sampling) dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 30. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuisioner, observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) usaha yang dikelola oleh petani andalan dalam mengembangkan kawasan agroekowisata Aik Nibung “ARD Garden” yaitu taman bunga celocia, bunga matahari dan bunga kancing, budidaya tanaman hortikultura dan budidaya ikan nila; 2) persepsi masyarakat terhadap pra pengelolaan lahan pasca tambang timah adalah mengetahui dengen persentase 58,3 %.  Persepsi masyarakat terhadap pelaksanaan pengelolaan lahan pasca tambang timah adalah mengetahui dengan persentase 63,3 % dan persepsi masyarakat terhadap keberhasilan pengolahan lahan pasca tambang timah adalah  setuju dengan persentase 53,3%

    Managing the socio-economic impact of tin mining on Bangka Island, Indonesia - preparation for closure

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    Tin mines in the Bangka Belitung Islands have been exploited for about a hundred years. Following the issuance of a 1999 Ministry of Trade and Industry decree that tin is not an export item to be monitored and regulated, the Bangka regent issued a decree giving permission for the people to mine tin in 2001. Consequently, “unconventional mines” (tambang inkonvensional), the term used to describe local small-scale tin mines, have expanded significantly since 2000. Bangka Island has a surface of 11,900 km2 and is mainly lowland below 50 m with some hills up to 700 m; climatic differences within the island are small. Its climate is hot and wet with an average annual rainfall of approximately 2,400 mm. Mining activities are spread across the island and run by one publicly listed tin mining company, dozens of private companies and thousands artisanal mining groups. Tin mining activities increase the wealth of the people, but they decrease environmental stability. Offshore mining has reduced water quality as total soluble solids have increased and pH decreased; changes in the seabed have caused changes in benthic flora, fauna and plankton diversity and an increased mortality index of coral reefs and their associated fish. The number of fish caught in the offshore mining site has decreased. Inland mining activity has reduced soil fertility and flora and fauna diversity. Inland mining has reduced the number of individuals, species and plant families. In some areas, illegal mining causes floods in the rainy season and damages roads and bridges. Socio-economic secondary data were collected from various sites on Bangka Island through a literature review. In addition to inadequate commitment and political will on the part of the local and national governments, a low level of law enforcement seems to be a dominant factor in the low environmental awareness. These findings may be used to accelerate the mine closure program started by the largest tin mining company. This paper illustrates some opportunities and alternatives

    Impact of tin mining on the biota of Bangka Island, Indonesia a proof to convince the tin supply chain of smartphones companies

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    Tin mining in Bangka Belitung islands has is about hundred years old. The islands are the largest tin producing islands in the world, second after China. Tin was exploited by the local people long time before the monopoly of VOC – a Dutch trading company in 18th century. From the occupation until the independence era, the local people had not been involved in mining. In 1999 the Department of Trade and Industry changed the tin trading status so that tin is not an export item to be watched over and regulated. This was followed by the issuance of the Bangka regent decree to legalize mining for people. That was a false perception, however believed by local government and people. While the excitement of freely mining is difficult to stop, the law enforcement proved to be weak. On one hand tin mining activities increase the wealth of the people, on the other hand they change and decrease the environmental stability. Unconventional miners (tambang inkonvensional – TI), the term used to describe local small scale tin mines, have expanded significantly since 2000. Unfortunately most of the TI activities are being carried out without regard to good mining practices, safety of land reclamation. In the last two years, local, national and international environmental non-government organizations (NGOs) have increased their campaign against exported tin ingot produced by non-standard practices. A foreign investigation found that it is highly likely that a smartphone has illegal Bangkanese tin in it. Huge foreign coverage in the media has given trouble to some smartphones companies, and local private miners and smelter owners. At the end of 2013, an international seminar to facilitate discussion on that issue was held in Pangkalpinang, Bangka Island. It was attended by some overseas smartphones representatives, local and international consultants, local and international environmental NGOs, local government, local private miners and smelter owners, and academics. Pluses and minuses of tin mining activities mostly by TI miners with regard to socioeconomic aspects, including the destruction of infrastructure, seem no objection in the reports, but the biological aspects do have substance. As a proof to convince tin supply chain to smartphone companies, this paper presents some evidence on the negative impact of non-standard tin mining operations to land and off-shore biotas. The decrease of biodiversity on the land system, in land and off-shore water bodies, and some oceanic biotas is discussed


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    Real work learning (KKN) is an academic obligation that must provide benefits for learning for students and provide solutions to problems in society in the form of smart creative ideas that are appropriate for the times. The socialization program for the right packaging technology to increase the marketing of superior products from Limbung, Jada Bahrin Village via online to creative business actors as part of the XV KKN_UBB Program with the theme "Creative Learning and Serving in the Covid 19 Period". The activity was attended by 15 students and 1 assistant lecturer. The implementation starts from June 22 to August 9 2020 in Limbung hamlet, Jada Bahrin village, Merawang district, Bangka regency. Activities include, observation activities to better understand social conditions, formulating activity items and real implementation in the form of products. Mentoring activities begin with mentoring in making product packaging designs by means of tutorials and practice, mentoring and teaching online marketing tutorials. The activity succeeded in designing, packaging kelulud honey products and assisting technology-based marketing using online media. The whole stages and program of activities show that after this KKN activity is felt to be beneficial for the community, and the community hopes for the sustainability of the program. Technological improvements in the form of training and mentoring in the management of product innovation, packaging appearance and online marketing strategies are still needed.    

    Analisis Komparatif Pendapatan Usaha Tani Cabai Antara Petani Swadaya Dengan Petani Penerima Pengembangan Kawasan Cabai Keriting Kecamatan Mendo Barat

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    This study aims to compare the differences in farmers' income between independent curly chili farming and recipients of curly chili area development activities and to find out which curly chili farming is more profitable between independent smallholders and curly chili farmers from curly chili area development activities. The selection of the research location was done deliberately, the respondents were determined by using the Proportional Stratified Random Sampling technique. Respondents are farmers classified as independent smallholders and beneficiary farmers. There were 30 independent smallholder respondents and 30 beneficiary respondents. This study uses comparative analysis, income analysis and analysis of farm profits. The results of the study showed that the income of independent smallholders was Rp. 5,291,925,250,-/MT and beneficiary income of Rp. 5.305.861.283,-/MT. The results of the independent t-test obtained a t count of 2.42 > from a t table of 1.67 which means that the income of beneficiary farmers is higher than that of independent smallholders. The results of the analysis of farming profits show that beneficiary farming is more profitable, worth Rp. 9,565,000, - compared to independent smallholders


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    The development of Aik Nibung agro-ecotourism ARD Garden in Badau Village is a post-tin mining management business. This activity cannot be separated from the mainstay role of farmers in this management. This study aimed to identify various forms of business management of post-tin mining land by leading farmers and to describe community perceptions of post-tin mining land management in Badau Village. This research is a case study with a descriptive research method and is analyzed qualitatively using a Likert scale. Sampling was done purposively (purposive sampling) with a total of 30 respondents. Data was collected through questionnaires, observations, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that: 1) The business managed by farmers is the mainstay in developing the Aik Nibung agro-ecotourism area ARD Garden, namely celocia, sunflower and button flower gardens, horticultural plant cultivation and tilapia fish cultivation; 2) The community's perception of pre-management of post-tin mining land is in agreement with an index coefficient value of 78.2%. Community perceptions of post-mining land management agree with an index coefficient value of 78.7% and community perceptions of successful post-mining land management strongly agree with an index coefficient value of 83.17%. With an average index coefficient value of 80.02% at the level of strongly agree

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Probio_Fm dalam Penerapan Sistem Integrasi Sapi Kelapa Sawit di Bangka Tengah

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    The integrated cattle and oil palm system is part of an excellent program of the Bangka Tengah Regency to increase the production of plantation and livestock. The benefit of the system is ensuring the availability of the animal feed derived from oil palm plantation waste while the feces of cattle is potential in producing the fertilizer for oil palm. The community service aims to alter the paradigm of the society on the integrated cattle and oil palm system as well as to empower the people to implement the system. Four steps were used as the methods to implement the programs are preparation; socialization; simulation; and monitoring and evaluation. Qualitative descriptive was employed to analyze the data. The program found that 90% of stock farmers agreed that the system was easily doable. The stock farmers were able to use the probio_Fm technology in implementing the system by making the silage made from the oil palm plantation waste. The knowledge of beneficiaries had increased and their behavior in feeding activities had positively altered through the program. It was found that the livestock required a week to adapt to the silage as the fermented materials in the probio-Fm technology. The use of a chopping machine was able to be a choice as it was able to produce the smoother chopped midrib. It concludes that the system is sustainably used to be implemented by Tunas Baru stock farmer

    Strategi Pengembangan Agribisnis Muntok White Pepper dengan Business Model Canvas (BMC) (Studi Kasus di Muntok White Pepper (MWP) Agrotourism Edupark)

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    Muntok White Pepper farming as a commodity with Geographical Indications (GI) from the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands is showing decline, so that agribusiness development is needed to restore the glory of Muntok White Pepper in supporting the public's economy. The purpose of this research were (1) Analyzing the determinants of white pepper agribusiness development decisions; and, (2) Developing alternative strategy of white pepper agribusiness development using Business Model Canvas (BMC) in Air Gegas Subdistrict, South Bangka District. This research was conducted at Muntok White Pepper (MWP) Agrotourism Edupark in Nyelanding Village, Air Gegas Subdistrict, South Bangka District from February 2023 to July 2023 using the case study method. The data used in this research were primary data and secondary data that collected through observation, interview, questionnaire, and library study. The primary data came from sample selected using purposive sampling in the form of white pepper farmers who initiated the development of Muntok White Pepper (MWP) Agrotourism Edupark, meanwhile the secondary data came from theory and previous research. These data were analyzed using qualitative research method. The results of this research indicated that (1) The determinants of white pepper agribusiness development decisions of Muntok White Pepper (MWP) Agrotourism Edupark in Air Gegas Subdistrict consist of three research variables, including age, level of formal education, farming experience; and, (2) The priority alternative strategy of white pepper agribusiness development of Muntok White Pepper (MWP) Agrotourism Edupark in Air Gegas Subdistrict composed of nine elements in Business Model Canvas (BMC) is the expansion through promotion on social media as proof of the success of GAP and GHP implementation

    The Impact of tin mining in Bangka Belitung and its reclamation studies

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    Tin mining in Bangka Belitung has been exploited for hundred years. The province is the second largest tin producer in the world. Secondary data from studies which took place in all four regencies in Bangka Island were discussed to show the impact of mining activities and its reclamation studies. In order to add plant selection criteria for regevetate mined soil, the greenhouse and laboratory experiment was carried out with fourteen herbs and grass species in Tennessee. The mining activities increase the wealth of the community, but the other hand they change and decrease the environmental stability, and cause horizontal conflicts. Offshore mining reduced water quality, change sea bed caused the change of biodiversity. Onshore mining activity reduces biodiversity and causes floods and damages infrastructure. While the more economic species are demanded, planting local tree species is challenging. An evaluation with local tree species concluded that best adapted species based on anatomical and physiological measurements was not those that showed the best performance in the field. The greenhouse and laboratory findings indicate that some physiological characteristics i.e. plant height and cover, transpiration rate, and foliar pigments may be used to select plant adaptability to mined soil

    Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Program Reklamasi Lahan Bekas Tambang di Desa Gunung Muda Kecamatan Belinyu Kabupaten Bangka

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    Mining activities have a significant impact on the environment, so reclamation needs to be according to PT TIMAH Tbk Reclamation K3LH section Air Nyatoh pilot garden is one of the best reclamations that PT TIMAH Tbk has made. The purpose of this study is (1) to describe the public perception of the reclamation program of the former Air Nyatoh PT TIMAH Tbk air plantation mine in Gunung Muda Village, Belinyu district, Bangka Regency (2) to analyse the relationship between socio-economic factors and the community’s perception of the reclamation program Air Nyatoh PT TIMAH Tbk in Gunung Muda Village, Belinyu District, Bangka Regency. The research method use is a case study method. The analytical tool used is descriptive or quantitative descriptive statistics with a likert scale and spearman rank correlation analysis. The results of the study indicate that the community strongly agrees with the reclamation program with a percentage value of 83,7  percent so that this program is considered successful by the community. The results of the rank spearman analysis show that the relationship of economic sausage factors with perceptions is very weak. The relationship between age and perception with a value of -0,183. The relationship between education and perception with a value of 0,181. The relationship between income and perception with a value of -0,010. The relationship between the length of residence and perception with a value of -0,152. Relationships are very weak because of the homogeneus answer of the respondens.Kegiatan penambangan berdampak secara nyata terhadap lingkungan, sehingga perlu dilakukan reklamasi. Menurut bagian K3LH PT TIMAH Tbk Reklamasi Kebun Percontohan Air Nyatoh ialah salah satu reklamasi terbaik yang telah dilakukan PT TIMAH Tbk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mendeskripsikan persepsi masyarakat terhadap program reklamasi lahan bekas tambang kebun percontohan Air Nyatoh  PT TIMAH Tbk  di Desa Gunung Muda Kecamatan Belinyu Kabupaten Bangka (2) menganalisis hubungan faktor sosial ekonomi dengan persepsi masyarakat terhadap program reklamasi lahan bekas tambang kebun percontohan Air Nyatoh PT TIMAH Tbk di Desa Gunung Muda Kecamatan Belinyu Kabupaten Bangka. Metode penelitian menggunakan adalah metode studi kasus. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif atau deskriptif kuantitatif dengan skala likert dan analisis korelasi rank spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan masyarakat sangat setuju dengan program reklamasi dengan persentase nilai 83,7 persen sehingga program ini dinilai berhasil oleh masyarakat. Hasil analisis rank spearman diketahui bahwa hubungan faktor sosisal ekonomi dengan persepsi sangat lemah. Hubungan antara umur dengan persepsi dengan nilai -183. Hubungan antara pendidikan dengan persepsi dengan nilai 0,181. Hubungan antara pendapatan dengan persepsi dengan nilai -0,010. Hubungan antara lama bermukim dengan persepsi dengan nilai -0,182. Hubungan sangat lemah karena jawaban masyarakat yang homogen