612 research outputs found

    American Cultural Projection and Policy in Argentina (1928-1941)

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    El objetivo del artículo es analizar algunos aspectos de los orígenes de la “política cultural” estadounidense en Argentina. La atención se concentrará en el pasaje desde las declaraciones del presidente Hoover, que contribuyeron a favorecer un clima útil y propicio a la intensificación de los intercambios, a los primeros pasos concretos realizados en el periodo de la presidencia de Roosevelt. Se tratará, en particular, de individualizar las características de la cooperación establecida entre organismos estadounidenses y argentinos para favorecer la proyección cultural estadounidense en el país y el intercambio cultural entre Estados Unidos y Argentina, donde se iba intensificando la difusión de un sentimiento anti-imperialista, y que era entonces objetivo de formas de propaganda particularmente agresivas por parte de los regímenes totalitarios.The objective of this article is to analyze some aspects of the origins of the United States’ cultural policy in Argentina. Attention will be focused on the passage from President Hoover’s declarations -that contributed to a favorable and propitious climate for the intensification of interchange- to the first definite steps taken during Roosevelt’s presidency. Specifically, an attempt will be made to individualize the characteristics of the cooperation established between American and Argentine organizations in order to favor the United States’ cultural projection and cultural exchange between the United States and Argentina; a nation where the diffusion of anti-imperialist sentiments was intensifying, and that was the objective of particularly aggressive forms of propaganda by totalitarian regimes

    Modelling Practices and Practices of Modelling

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    Modelling represents a core method of investigation in the sciences. Relying on a number of case studies, I want to explore the main concepts that denote the practice of modeling in pure and applied sciences. I argue that these concepts could be seen as metaphors to reflect upon when exploring how the practices of modeling are characterised across different disciplines

    The Influence of Liquidity Ratio And Capital Adequacy Ratio to Bank’s Profitability (Empirical study On Joint Venture Banks In Indonesia for Period 2010-2012)

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    BIODATA a). Tempat/Tgl Lahir : Lubuk Sikaping/ 23Januari 1992 b). Nama Orang Tua : Yusrizal(Alm)/Artita c). Fakultas : Ekonomi d). Jurusan : Akuntansi e). No.Bp : 0910534032 f). Tanggal Lulus : 7 Januari 2014 g). Predikat lulus : Sangat Memuaskan h). IPK : 3.13 i). Lama Studi : 4 Tahun 5 bulan j). Alamat Orang Tua: Jln KH A Dahlan no 05 Guguak Malintang, Padang Panjang The Influance of Liquidity Ratio And Capital Adequacy Ratio to Bank’s Profitability (Empirical study On Joint Venture Banks in Indonesia For Period 2010-2012) Thesis By: Indah Fotia Arza Thesis Advisor: Drs.Riwayadi MBA, Ak, CSRS ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to obtain evidence about the influence of Liquidity Ratio in term of Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) on bank’s Profitability. This research was conducted at Joint Venture Banks in Indonesia. Types of research are descriptive and quantitative verification approach by testing all variables that used in this research. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling, with some criteria, those are: (1) Banking companies that published financial reportys for three consecutive years from 2010-2012; (2) financial statements which had ended on 31 december in order to avoid the influence of partial time in the calculation of financial ratios;. Analysis method used is multiple regression analysis, t-Test, F-Test and coefficient of determination analysis (R2). The result of this research shows that the data has fulfill the classical asumption, such as: no multicolinearity, no autocorrelation, no heteroscedasticity and distributed normally. From the hyphothesis testing of this research indicates that Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) has a positive and significant effect on Return on Asset (ROA), meanwhile Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) has positive but not significant effect on Return on Asset. In addition, simultaneously Loan to Deposit Ratio and Capital Adequacy Ratio have significant effect on Return on Asset. All of independent variables in this study are only accounted for 39,9% that affect on dependent variable and the remaining 60,1% is influenced by other factors that are not included in the regression model as shown in the adjusted R2 value. Keywords: Loan to Deposit Ratio, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Profitability Skripsi telah dipertahankan di depan sidang penguji dan dinyatakan lulus pada tanggal 29 November 2013, dengan penguji : Mengetahui : Ketua Jurusan Akuntansi: Dr. Efa Yonnedi SE, MPPM, Ak NIP.197205021996021001 Tanda tangan Alumnus telah mendaftar ke fakultas dan telah mendapat Nomor Alumnus : Tanda Tangan Nama Terang Rayna Kartika.SE.M.Com,Akt Drs.Riwayadi,MBA,Ak,CSRS ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to obtain evidence about the influence of Liquidity Ratio in term of Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) on bank’s Profitability. This research was conducted at Joint Venture Banks in Indonesia. Types of research are descriptive and quantitative verification approach by testing all variables that used in this research. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling, with some criteria, those are: (1) Banking companies that published financial reportys for three consecutive years from 2010-2012; (2) financial statements which had ended on 31 december in order to avoid the influence of partial time in the calculation of financial ratios;. Analysis method used is multiple regression analysis, t-Test, F-Test and coefficient of determination analysis (R2). The result of this research shows that the data has fulfill the classical asumption, such as: no multicolinearity, no autocorrelation, no heteroscedasticity and distributed normally. From the hyphothesis testing of this research indicates that Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) has a positive and significant effect on Return on Asset (ROA), meanwhile Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) has positive but not significant effect on Return on Asset. In addition, simultaneously Loan to Deposit Ratio and Capital Adequacy Ratio have significant effect on Return on Asset. All of independent variables in this study are only accounted for 39,9% that affect on dependent variable and the remaining 60,1% is influenced by other factors that are not included in the regression model as shown in the adjusted R2 value. Keywords: Loan to Deposit Ratio, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Profitability PetugasFakultas / Universitas No AlumniFakultas Nama: Tanda tangan: No Alumni Universitas Nama: Tanda tangan

    Experimental Study of Shock-train/Combustion Coupling and Flame Dynamics in a Heated Supersonic Flow.

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    Isolator/combustor interactions are measured in a direct-connect dual-mode ramjet-scramjet experiment. An operating point approach is used to create a mapping of the coupling effects between the isolator geometry, inlet flow conditions and fuel injector behavior. The resulting isolator/injector coupling map provides a description of the response of the isolator to particular injector performance, and the effective blockage it induces on the isolator flow. Existing models and correlations predicting the pressure rise across a pseudo-shock, and its resultant length, were evaluated through comparison with measurements made in a heated-flow isolator duct that is coupled to a hydrogen-air combustor. The observation of a normal-to-oblique shock-train transition mechanism has lead to the development of a revised shock-train operating regime description that takes into account the impact of Mach number and maximum pressure recovery on the shock configurations present in the isolator. The behavior of a ram-scram transition was examined along with pressure measurements and high-speed laser interferometry. The work quantifies the sudden change in the wall static pressure profile and flame position that occurs as the downstream boundary condition abruptly changes when the flow becomes unchoked. Transition was studied in three ways; as a quasi-steady phenomenon, or as caused by rapid variations in either fuel flow-rate or test-section wall temperature. A regime diagram was measured that plots the ram-scram transition boundary. Under certain conditions some periodic low-frequency oscillations of the flame position occur and they are shown to be correlated with oscillations of the upstream pre-combustion pseudo-shock. A self-sustaining shear-layer instability, associated with the flameholding cavity, is identified as the mechanism perpetuating this behavior. The relevant time scales associated with the ram-scram transition and the flameshock interactions are discussed.Ph.D.Aerospace EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/91395/1/mfotia_1.pd

    A Study of the Stability of Longitudinal Vorticies in a Poiseuille Flow Modulated by Periodic Wall Heating

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    The ability to enhance heat-transfer processes with a minimal amount of added energy expenditure has application in many industrial sectors. One avenue to pursue this is in the use of passive controls to trigger the promotion of secondary topological structures in a flow. These structures can be beneficial to the mixing and the transfer of heat into and out of the working fluid. In this instance, the influence of period heating and cooling patterns in the direction of the flow is considered with regard to the linear- stability of longitudinal vortices in a Poiseuille flow. The growth or suppression of these particular structures is investigated over an applicable range of flow parameters. Two physical arrangements are considered, the first case is that of only periodic wall heating being applied to the channel, while the second investigates the periodic heating’s impact on the stability of the flow in the instance of a heated lower wall

    Seismic Risk: GPS/GIS Monitoring and Neural Network Application to Control an Active Fault in the Castrovillari Area (South Italy)

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    The monitoring of geodynamic phenomena is constantly evolving. The availability of the big data acquired over time allows us to create specific models that can simulate those phenomena. However, the prediction of earthquakes is still scientifically impossible. Earthquakes occur in clusters and the major tremors are preceded by small tremors. The application of mathematical models to the data gathered from swarm measurement, could consequentely provide a percentage value concerning the likelihood of major seismic activity in a certain region. A probabilistic forecasting system of seismological phenomena can help authorities and public administration to make practical decisions or make decisive choices for the lives of citizens and for the management of our Cultural Heritage when the danger threshold is exceeded. The aim of the following work is to analyse the results of an experimental predictive system developed by the Geomatics Laboratory in Reggio Calabria. This system, based on neural networks, has been developed in such a way as to calculate the probability of occurrence of a seismic event depending ont the superficial tremors that were registered in the area and its surroundings on the monitoring network. For this purpose, data from the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology was used employing the data collected by an experimental GPS monitoring network, located on the active fault of Castrovillari (Calabria, Italy). Rischio sismico: monitoraggio GPS/GIS e applicazioni di reti neurali per il controllo di una faglia attiva nell’area di CastrovillariIl monitoraggio dei fenomeni geodinamici è sempre in continua evoluzione. La disponibilità di big data acquisiti nel tempo, consente di creare modelli specifici in grado di simulare la situazione in questione, tuttavia la predizione dei terremoti è ancora scientificamente impossibile. I terremoti si presentano a grappoli e le scosse di terremoto maggiori sono preceduti da piccole scosse. L’applicazione di appositi modelli matematici ai dati ricavati dalla misurazione degli sciami, potrebbe fornire come risultato un valore percentuale relativo alla probabilità che in una determinata regione possa accadere un evento sismico di data rilevanza.  Un sistema di previsione probabilistico dei fenomeni sismologici può aiutare le autorità e le amministrazioni pubbliche a prendere decisioni pratiche o fare scelte decisive per la vita dei cittadini o di gestione del patrimonio culturale. L’obiettivo del seguente lavoro è quello di analizzare i risultati di uno sperimentale sistema predittivo sviluppato dal Laboratorio di Geomatica di Reggio Calabria. Tale sistema, basato su reti neurali, è stato sviluppato in modo da calcolare la probabilità di accadimento di un evento sismico in funzione degli scostamenti superficiali di punti di una rete di monitoraggio in relazione ad eventi avvenuti nel loro intorno. A tale scopo sono stati utilizzati i dati in possesso dell'istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia correlati con i dati rilevati da una sperimentale rete GPS di  monitoraggio, posizionata a cavallo della faglia attiva di Castrovillari (Calabria, Italia).The monitoring of geodynamic phenomena is constantly evolving. The availability of the big data acquired over time allows us to create specific models that can simulate those phenomena. However, the prediction of earthquakes is still scientifically impossible. Earthquakes occur in clusters and the major tremors are preceded by small tremors. The application of mathematical models to the data gathered from swarm measurement, could consequentely provide a percentage value concerning the likelihood of major seismic activity in a certain region. A probabilistic forecasting system of seismological phenomena can help authorities and public administration to make practical decisions or make decisive choices for the lives of citizens and for the management of our Cultural Heritage when the danger threshold is exceeded. The aim of the following work is to analyse the results of an experimental predictive system developed by the Geomatics Laboratory in Reggio Calabria. This system, based on neural networks, has been developed in such a way as to calculate the probability of occurrence of a seismic event depending ont the superficial tremors that were registered in the area and its surroundings on the monitoring network. For this purpose, data from the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology was used employing the data collected by an experimental GPS monitoring network, located on the active fault of Castrovillari (Calabria, Italy). Rischio sismico: monitoraggio GPS/GIS e applicazioni di reti neurali per il controllo di una faglia attiva nell’area di CastrovillariIl monitoraggio dei fenomeni geodinamici è sempre in continua evoluzione. La disponibilità di big data acquisiti nel tempo, consente di creare modelli specifici in grado di simulare la situazione in questione, tuttavia la predizione dei terremoti è ancora scientificamente impossibile. I terremoti si presentano a grappoli e le scosse di terremoto maggiori sono preceduti da piccole scosse. L’applicazione di appositi modelli matematici ai dati ricavati dalla misurazione degli sciami, potrebbe fornire come risultato un valore percentuale relativo alla probabilità che in una determinata regione possa accadere un evento sismico di data rilevanza. Un sistema di previsione probabilistico dei fenomeni sismologici può aiutare le autorità e le amministrazioni pubbliche a prendere decisioni pratiche o fare scelte decisive per la vita dei cittadini o di gestione del patrimonio culturale. L’obiettivo del seguente lavoro è quello di analizzare i risultati di uno sperimentale sistema predittivo sviluppato dal Laboratorio di Geomatica di Reggio Calabria. Tale sistema, basato su reti neurali, è stato sviluppato in modo da calcolare la probabilità di accadimento di un evento sismico in funzione degli scostamenti superficiali di punti di una rete di monitoraggio in relazione ad eventi avvenuti nel loro intorno. A tale scopo sono stati utilizzati i dati in possesso dell'istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia correlati con i dati rilevati da una sperimentale rete GPS di  monitoraggio, posizionata a cavallo della faglia attiva di Castrovillari (Calabria, Italia)

    Numerical prediction of sloshing loads in flexible tanks

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    The scope of the presentation is to review our ongoing research on the numerical modeling of sloshing in deformable tanks

    An Approach for Rotational Hardening in Geotechnical Modelling

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    Abstract The object of this paper is the definition of a purely kinematic rotational approach for the elastoplastic modelling of soils. Once the shape of the yield and plastic potential surfaces is assigned, their rotational kinematics in the stress space is ruled by a second order tensor directed along their surface axes. The proposed approach differs from others proposed in literature since it does not introduce any distortion of the surface and is suitable for the description of inherent or induced anisotropy as well as the behaviour of soils subjected to cyclic loading

    Reduced-Order Modeling of Reacting Supersonic Flows in Scramjet Nozzles

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/83629/1/AIAA-2010-6958-311.pd
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