18 research outputs found

    The Inkas as Tyrants: The Construction of a Twisted Representation

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    The chronicler Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa wrote a history of the Inkas in 1571 proving that they had been tyrants. This was necessary to convince the King that he had every right to appropriate their lands, riches, and peoples. It is an excellent example of how a representation does not necessarily have to match what actually happened when political issues are at stake. My article analyzes that twisted representation and explores the motives Sarmiento had for kuraka to authenticate his version.Le chroniqueur Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa écrivit en 1571 une histoire des Incas pour prouver leur tyrannie. La chose était nécessaire pour convaincre le Roi qu’il avait tous les droits sur leurs terres, leurs biens et leur peuple. Cette chronique constitue un bon exemple du travail de représentation: celle-ci, en effet, lorsque les questions politiques priment, ne doit pas nécessairement refléter la réalité. Mon article analyse cette représentation trompeuse et explore les motifs pour lesquels Sarmiento dut faire authentifier sa version des faits par les kuraka

    Juan de Betanzos, the Man Who Boasted Being A Translator

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    This article draws the linguistic profile of a sixteenth century Colonial translator in the Andes, Juan Díez de Betanzos. This profile covers his linguistic background, and the knowledge of the languages he was in contact with when overseas. The identification and analysis of his translation techniques and strategies form the core of the article. What appears then is the image of the cultural translator of the times, a translator who was also a colonizer, and thus, a linguistic agent of colonization.Cet article offre le profil linguistique d’un traducteur du xvie siècle dans les Andes, Juan Díez de Betanzos. Le profil comprend sa formation linguistique ainsi que sa connaissance des langues parlées dans les nouveaux territoires américains. L’analyse de sa technique et de ses stratégies de traduction constitue l’essentiel de cette étude. Ce qui en ressort est l’image du traducteur culturel de l’époque, un traducteur qui a aussi été un colonisateur et, par conséquent, un agent linguistique de la colonisation

    El discurso de la historia en América andina: europeos escribiendo para europeos

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    Descargue el texto completo en el repositorio institucional de la University of Michigan: https://hdl.handle.net/2027.42/129766Esta tesis demuestra la existencia de tendencias contradictorias y opuestas en tres discursos del siglo XVI que aclaran tanto el análisis social como el literario e histórico andino contemporáneo. Las lecturas que propongo para estas crónicas tempranas se basan en desarrollos recientes de teorías sociales y literarias, centrándose en críticas del discurso colonial y de la escritura de la historia. Estas teorizaciones han provocado una necesaria y significativa reevaluación de las crónicas. Aun así, estas críticas muchas veces reproducen el punto de vista imperial, es decir, la perspectiva del colonizador desde la cual se continúa considerando a la desigualdad como natural o inclusive estética, y a la diferencia se le define como la inferioridad del “otro”.The early chronicles about Andean America have been considered as the foundational texts for the writing of History. This dissertation claims that instead, they are versions describing native life in the area. These versions show, necessarily, a positionality in each of the authors, reflecting the European perspective they shared with their audiences in the Peninsula. This study is focused on three chroniclers: Pedro de Cieza, Juan de Betanzos and Polo de Ondegardo. They all lived in the Andes, probably met in Cuzco between 1548 and 1549, and wrote their texts between 1550 and 1571. Cieza produced a historical account, Ondegardo an administrative report, and Betanzos, a combination of both. Semiotic methodology has been used in defining chronicles as discourses: specific ways historic individual have of organizing codified systems to generate sense in chosen audiences. Post-colonial theory is the perspective from which the deconstruction of foundational texts is approached. The analysis makes evident that these chroniclers were Spanish authors writing for Spanish audiences, having to adapt their writings to be understood by European readers. The persuasive strategies each author devised for his specific audience are also acknowledged and analyzed. Cieza resorts to testimoniality, Ondegardo appeals to reason and Betanzos uses mediation as his tactics to persuade his audience. The texts show sites of cultural conflict. These sites have been ports of entry into the cultural patterns and the ways in which these patterns affected perception and description. This is especially crucial to consider when the authors are part of a colonizing situation in which the colonized culture is being described

    Representación geo gráfica del mito del zorro en el cielo

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    Three sets of geoglyphs present in the Paracas and Nasca desert areas are associated with the Andean myth of the Fox in the Sky. A discoursive parallelism has been identified between the geoglyphs and the myth, establishing the geoglyphs as graphycally rendering scenes of the myth in two cases. In the third case, the characters are present but dispersed. The myth narrates the trip of the two main characters, the Fox and the Condor to the skies. They are later joined by the Parrot. The result of the mythical actions is the apparition of vegetable species on Earth, especially the oca. These edibles are also delineated on the Nasca Plains. These geoglyphic sets have been produced, in different styles in the places mentioned, in succesive periods. The myth, found from the Peruvian Central Andes to the Northern areas of Argentina and Chile, is still narrated today.Tres conjuntos de geoglifos de las zonas desérticas de Paracas y Nasca se asocian al mito andino del Zorro en el cielo, estableciéndose un paralelismo discursivo entre geoglifos y mito. Dos de los geoglifos constituyen escenas que ilustran gráficamente el mito, mientras que el tercero presenta personajes dispersos, y no una escena. El mito relata el viaje al cielo de los personajes principales, el Zorro y el Cóndor, a los que se les une el Loro. El resultado de las acciones míticas es la aparición de las especies vegetales sobre la tierra, especialmente la oca, también dibujada en Nasca. Estos conjuntos geoglíficos se han reproducido, en sus respectivos estilos y lugares, en épocas sucesivas. El mito, que se ha identificado desde la sierra central peruana hasta el norte de Argentina y Chile, también perdura hasta ho

    El difuso perfil de Juan de Betanzos como traductor de lenguas indígenas*

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    Desde una perspectiva indígena, Juan de Betanzos es un traductor poco confiable ya que sus versiones siempre servían a los intereses españoles. Disminuye el contenido y la cobertura de las palabras y, consecuentemente, de la cultura que las acuñó. Contribuye así a construir la representación colonial de los indígenas como personas poco efectivas, lerdas, inferiores. Su perfil, que presentaré en este artículo, coincide bien con el de un agente colonizador

    Khipu, Llautu: una familia de textos textiles

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    Textile art style patterns belonging to a unique ethnic group express specific information. They may be present in khipu configuration, since it is also a textile. Khipu would thus belong to the textile objects family of a given human group. Specific style khipu configuration could be considered an identity sign of a given ethnic group, which I propose in this article. The association of each archaeological khipu to a specific ethnic group and, within it, to a level of indigenous administration, is plausible.Los patrones estilísticos del arte textil de cada grupo étnico andino expresan información específica. Estos patrones pueden estar presentes en la elaboración del khipu, que es un textil. El khipu formaría parte de la familia textil de un grupo humano dado. La configuración estilística del khipu podría considerarse como señal identitaria de un grupo social dado, mi propuesta para el presente trabajo. La asociación de cada khipu arqueológico a un grupo étnico específico y, a su interior, a un nivel de administración indígena, es plausible

    Glosas croniquenses: A Synchronic Bilingual (American Indigenous Languages – Spanish) Set of Glossaries

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    Theoretical foundations Glosas croniquenses is a project that exhibits a distinct postcolonial approach, in that it considers texts as discourses and criticizes those accepted as foundational by conventional historians and anthropologists. Native languages and Spanish, as they appear in those discourses, have been studied as languages in contact by Solano (1991, 1993) and Rivarola (1990), as well as by Rosenblat (1977) and Alvar (1970) among others. These scholars deal with ever-changing Roya..

    Khipu, Llautu: una familia de textos textiles

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    Textile art style patterns belonging to a unique ethnic group express specific information. They may be present in khipu configuration, since it is also a textile. Khipu would thus belong to the textile objects family of a given human group. Specific style khipu configuration could be considered an identity sign of a given ethnic group, which I propose in this article. The association of each archaeological khipu to a specific ethnic group and, within it, to a level of indigenous administration, is plausible.Los patrones estilísticos del arte textil de cada grupo étnico andino expresan información específica. Estos patrones pueden estar presentes en la elaboración del khipu, que es un textil. El khipu formaría parte de la familia textil de un grupo humano dado. La configuración estilística del khipu podría considerarse como señal identitaria de un grupo social dado, mi propuesta para el presente trabajo. La asociación de cada khipu arqueológico a un grupo étnico específico y, a su interior, a un nivel de administración indígena, es plausible

    Khipu. Instrumento de gestión, memoria y poder [Capítulo 1]

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    Este es un libro de cuatro capítulos donde encontrarás los primeros vestigios de información sobre los khipu en las crónicas españolas de 1527 a 1537, así como sus usos, funciones y valor en las administraciones inka y española. También descubrirás desde la relación entre los khipu y la religión indígena hasta el khipu entendido como un código de códigos, es decir, un código sincrético. Esta investigación no solo aborda una de las herramientas más importantes y fascinantes de los inkas, sino que también emprende una misión con el mismo esplendor y minuciosidad que posee este instrumento. El objetivo de esta publicación es ser un referente para todos aquellos que quieran conocer más sobre la civilización inka.This book includes four chapters where you will find the first traces of information about the khipu in the Spanish chronicles from 1527 to 1537, as well as its uses, functions, and value in the Inka and Spanish administrations. You will also discover many aspects, ranging from the relationship between the khipu and indigenous religion to the khipu as a code of codes; that is, a syncretic code. This research not only addresses one of the most important and fascinating Inca instruments, but also undertakes a mission with the same splendor and thoroughness that this instrument possesses. The aim of this publication is to be a reference for all those who want to know more about the Inca civilization

    Los Archivos Coloniales: Fuentes Para el Estudio de la Traducción

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    In the context of the Spanish colonization in the sixteenth century, Castilian impacted on all indigenous Andean languages. It is pertinent, in this context, to assess the Hispanic intervention in the indigenous world through language. Even if it is perceived as a strategy of evangelization and indoctrination, Castilianization becomes one of colonization, and for that reason, one of the most destabilizing. Its scope affects all areas of human activity in the short, medium, and long terms. I now focus on Quechua considered a “general language”. My aim is to identify which translation strategies were used by comparing examples in Quechua present in two Castilian-indigenous languages bilingual archives, the catechetical Lexicons and Vocabularies on the one hand, and Glosas croniquenses on the other. As a result, a more precise definition for “colonial translation” will be proposed