42 research outputs found

    Årsrapport krypsivovervåking 2015

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    Overvåkingsprogrammet for krypsiv i Agder ble startet i 2014, og en videreutvikling og videreføring av programmet ble utført i 2015. Nytt av året er utlegging av trykkloggere samt innhenting av data fra andre kilder som kan knyttes til overvåkingsprogrammet. Resultatene fra selve overvåkingen viser ingen statistisk signifikante endringer i krypsivveksten fra 2014 til 2015, og det var heller ingen signifikant forskjell i vann- eller porevannskjemi mellom problemvekst- og referansestasjonene i 2015. Det anbefales at dagens overvåkingsprogram fortsetter med undersøkelsene og analysene som ble utført i 2015, men med noen nye undersøkelser i tillegg

    Biologisk overvåking i Vannområde Leira-Nitelva 2014

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    Som en del av overvåkingen av vassdragene Nitelva og Leira med tilløpsbekker ble NIVA bedt om å kartlegge økologisk tilstand ved hjelp av de biologiske kvalitetselementene begroingsalger (PIT/AIP), vannplanter (TIc) og bunndyr (ASPT/Raddum2) på 24 utvalgte lokaliteter. For eutrofiering/organisk belastning er den generelle trenden en økende grad av eutrofi nedover i begge vassdrag. I Nitelva når to av syv stasjoner målet om god eller svært god økologisk tilstand, mens tilsvarende tall for Leira er bare en av 17 stasjoner. Sammenliknet med årene 2008-2010 ses ingen store endringer i eutrofigrad ved denne undersøkelsen i 2014, men vi ser en svak trend mot dårligere tilstand i nedre deler av Leira inkludert enkelte tilløpsbekker. Stasjonene SOG og BØL i vassdragene hadde i 2014 et bunnsubstrat som var mer dominert av sand og silt enn tidligere år, noe som tyder på en økt tilførsel av erosjonsmateriale fra aktiviteter i nedbørfeltet. Når det gjelder vassdragsavsnitt som har en unaturlig lav pH er det kun to stasjoner øverst i vassdragene (L12 og RO) som ikke når målet om god eller svært god økologisk tilstand (begge fikk i 2014 moderat tilstand). Det er en generell trend at vannkvaliteten mht pH har blitt bedre nedover i begge vassdragene Leira og Nitelva. Sammenliknet med årene 2008-2010 ser vi ingen store endringer i pH situasjonen.Vannområde Leira-Nitelv

    PERKEMBANGAN SENI PERTUNJUKAN LONGSER DI KABUPATEN BANDUNG TAHUN 1975-2002: suatu tinjauan tentang peranan ateng japar sebagai seniman longser

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    Skripsi ini berjudul “Perkembangan Seni Pertunjukan Longser di Kabupaten Bandung Tahun 1975-2002: Suatu Tinjauan Tentang Peranan Ateng Japar Sebagai Seniman Longser”. Penelitian ini bertolak dari kekhawatiran peneliti terhadap seni pertunjukan Longser yang hampir punah. Untuk itu diperlukan upaya mempertahankan seni tradisi tersebut agar tetap bertahan di tengah kehidupan masyarakat modern saat ini. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini diantaranya: Pertama, Bagaimana latar belakang seni pertunjukan Longser sejak dipimpin oleh Ateng Japar? Kedua, Bagaimana peranan Ateng Japar dalam mengembangkan seni pertunjukan Longser Pancawarna (1975-2002)? Ketiga, Faktor-faktor apa saja yang dapat menghambat perkembangan seni pertunjukan Longser? Keempat, Bagaimana upaya pemerintah Kabupaten Bandung dan masyarakat dalam melestarikan seni pertunjukan Longser pasca meninggalnya Ateng Japar? Dalam penyusunan skripsi ini, peneliti menggunakan metode historis, yang terdiri dari empat langkah yaitu heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat dijelaskan bahwa Longser merupakan seni teater rakyat yang hidup di daerah Priangan, khususnya Kabupaten Bandung. Longser seringkali disebut sebagai seni sandiwara rakyat yang banyak menampilkan tarian-tarian berpasangan dan memberikan kesempatan kepada para penonton untuk menari bersama dengan penarinya. Salah satu tokoh seniman dalam seni Longser yang terkenal ialah Ateng Japar. Pada tahun 1939 Ateng Japar mendirikan kelompok Longser yang diberi nama Pancawarna. Awalnya kelompok ini melakukan pertunjukannya dengan cara mengamen, namun memasuki tahun 1970an terjadi peralihan tempat pertunjukan menjadi ke dalam gedung kesenian. Selain itu di tahun yang sama (1970an) kelompok Longser Ateng Japar menjadi satu-satunya kelompok yang masih aktif melakukan pertunjukan di wilayah Bandung. Hal ini dikarenakan pada saat itu hanya kelompok Longser Ateng Japar yang digemari oleh masyarakat Bandung. Pada tahun 2002 sang seniman (Ateng Japar) diberitakan wafat dan hal ini berdampak pada perkembangan Longser yang semakin meredup. Eksistensi Longser semakin diperparah ketika sebagian masyarakatnya terutama dari kalangan generasi muda masih banyak yang belum mengetahui tentang Longser. Adapun salah satu upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Bandung untuk melestarikan seni pertunjukan Longser adalah dengan cara melakukan kegiatan sosialisasi Longser kepada siswa-siswa dengan cara berkunjung ke sekolah-sekolah. Hal ini ditujukan untuk memperkenalkan kembali Longser, agar generasi muda dapat mempertahankan eksistensi Longser sebagai kesenian tradisional yang tumbuh dan berkembang di Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat. ---------- This scientific work entitled "The Development of Performing Arts in Bandung Regency Longser Year 1975-2002: An Overview of the Role Ateng Japar For Artists Longser". This study is based on the fears of the researcher of the performing arts Longser endangered, it is necessary for maintaining the tradition of art in order to stay afloat amid the life of today's modern society. Formulation of the problem are taken in this research are: First, What is the background of performing arts led by Ateng Longser since Japar? Secondly, How Japar Ateng role in developing the performing arts Longser Pancawarna (1975-2002)? Third, any factors which may inhibit the development of performing arts Longser? Fourth, how the government's efforts Bandung District and the community in preserving the performing arts after the death Longser Ateng Japar? In preparing this paper, the researcher uses historical method, which consists of four steps that heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. Based on the results, it can be explained that Longser is the art of theater folk who live in the area Priangan, especially Bandung regency. Longser often referred to as a theatrical art displays many folk dances in pairs and provide an opportunity for the audience to dance along with the dancers. One of the figures in the artist's famous art Longser is Ateng Japar. In 1939 Ateng Japar establish Longser group named Pancawarna. Initially this group did show by way of singing, but entered the 1970s there was a shift in the venue into an art gallery. Also in the same year (1970) Japar Ateng Longser group be the only group that still actively performing in Bandung. This is because at that time only Ateng Japar Longser group that favored by the people of Bandung. In 2002 the artist (Ateng Japar) reported the death and this affects the development Longser increasingly dim. Existence Longser aggravated when most people especially among the younger generation there are many who do not know about Longser. As one of the efforts undertaken by the government to preserve the Bandung District Longser performing arts is to conduct socialization activities Longser to students by means visiting schools. It is intended to reintroduce Longser, so that younger generations can maintain the existence Longser as a traditional art that grows and develops in Bandung regency, West Java

    Nuisance growth of Juncus bulbosus: the roles of genetics and environmental drivers tested in a large-scale survey

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    1. Invasive species can transform aquatic ecosystems, and the nuisance growth of the freshwater macrophyte Juncus bulbosus has become a problem in many lakes and rivers in northern Europe. It affects biodiversity strongly and conflicts with human uses, not least compromising the generation of hydroelectricity. The causes of the proliferation of these massive stands of J. bulbosus are not finally resolved, however. 2. In this study, a wide range of catchment, lake and sediment parameters (n = 34) were assessed for 139 lakes in Southern Norway, with the aim of explaining the presence or absence of J. bulbosus and to assess potential drivers behind its prolific growth. 3. Juncus bulbosus was more often present in lakes with lower pH and phosphate concentrations, and a higher element ratio of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to total phosphorus (DIN : TotP). 4. Despite the many parameters measured across substantial environmental gradients, none explained nuisance growth. Genetic screening (amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting) of plants from a subset of lakes and additional river sites also showed no genetic differences between the various growth forms. A macrophyte trophic index, however, suggested that the most problematic growth occurred in the most oligotrophic lakes. 5. The lack of consistent patterns may reflect either factors not assessed in our survey, or that the current extension of stands represents a gradual cumulative response over time, not characterised effectively in our snapshot survey. Nevertheless, we can now exclude some putative causes of nuisance growth, including in particular genetics and N‐deposition.acceptedVersio

    Surveillance monitoring of reference rivers in 2017

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    Prosjektleder Therese Fosholt MoeOvervåking av referanseelver startet opp i 2017, og 47 antatte referansevannforekomster ble undersøkt. Vannforekomstene dekket alle økoregioner og mange ulike elvetyper, men det er knyttet relativt stor usikkerhet til en del av resultatene. Med tanke på påvirkniger som fører til eutrofiering nådde alle vannforekomstene miljømålet, mens det kan se ut til å være noe organisk belastning i enkelte vannforekomster. For forsuringsparameterne var det 18 vannforekomster som ikke nådde miljømålet, med noe dårligere tilstand på Sørlandet enn i resten av landet. Det er behov for mer data og en sammenstilling av referanseverdier for de ulike forsuringsparameterne før vi konkluderer med at såpass mange vannforekomster faktisk er forsuret. For fiskeindeksen ble det tydelig at det er stort behov for mer data og en revidering av indeksen, da kun 3 vannforekomster havnet i svært god tilstand, og hele 35 vannforekomster ikke nådde miljømålet. Det ble observert lave konsentrasjoner av de fleste miljøgiftene, med unntak av kvikksølv og polybromerte difenyletere, som begge lå over grenseverdiene for alle vannforekomster der disse var målt. Også noen av de vannregionspesifikke stoffene oversteg grenseverdien for noen vannforekomster.MiljødirektoratetpublishedVersio

    Assessing the Benefits of Forested Riparian Zones: A Qualitative Index of Riparian Integrity Is Positively Associated with Ecological Status in European Streams

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    Developing a general, predictive understanding of ecological systems requires knowing how much structural and functional relationships can cross scales and contexts. Here, we introduce the CROSSLINK project that investigates the role of forested riparian buffers in modified European landscapes by measuring a wide range of ecosystem attributes in stream-riparian networks. CROSSLINK involves replicated field measurements in four case-study basins with varying levels of human development: Norway (Oslo Fjord), Sweden (Lake Malaren), Belgium (Zwalm River), and Romania (Arge River). Nested within these case-study basins include multiple, independent stream-site pairs with a forested riparian buffer and unbuffered section located upstream, as well as headwater and downstream sites to show cumulative land-use impacts. CROSSLINK applies existing and bespoke methods to describe habitat conditions, biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning in aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Here, we summarize the approaches used, detail protocols in supplementary materials, and explain how data is applied in an optimization framework to better manage tradeoffs in multifunctional landscapes. We then present results demonstrating the range of riparian conditions present in our case-study basins and how these environmental states influence stream ecological integrity with the commonly used macroinvertebrate Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT) index. We demonstrate that a qualitative index of riparian integrity can be positively associated with stream ecological status. This introduction to the CROSSLINK project shows the potential for our replicated study with its panoply of ecosystem attributes to help guide management decisions regarding the use of forested riparian buffers in human-impacted landscapes. This knowledge is highly relevant in a time of rapid environmental change where freshwater biodiversity is increasingly under pressure from a range of human impacts that include habitat loss, pollution, and climate change

    Bringing the margin to the focus: 10 challenges for riparian vegetation science and management

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    Riparian zones are the paragon of transitional ecosystems, providing critical habitat and ecosystem services that are especially threatened by global change. Following consultation with experts, 10 key challenges were identified to be addressed for riparian vegetation science and management improvement: (1) Create a distinct scientific community by establishing stronger bridges between disciplines; (2) Make riparian vegetation more visible and appreciated in society and policies; (3) Improve knowledge regarding biodiversity—ecosystem functioning links; (4) Manage spatial scale and context-based issues; (5) Improve knowledge on social dimensions of riparian vegetation; (6) Anticipate responses to emergent issues and future trajectories; (7) Enhance tools to quantify and prioritize ecosystem services; (8) Improve numerical modeling and simulation tools; (9) Calibrate methods and increase data availability for better indicators and monitoring practices and transferability; and (10) Undertake scientific validation of best management practices. These challenges are discussed and critiqued here, to guide future research into riparian vegetation

    Nuisance growth of Juncus bulbosus in lakes and rivers : experimental and observational studies

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    Nuisance growth of the aquatic macrophyte Juncus bulbosus has been observed since the 1980s in an increasing number of rivers and lakes in northern Europe. What causes such massive growth is not well understood, however, and our aim was to assess potential drivers behind the nuisance growth in both lakes and rivers. Our main hypothesis was based on the observation that there is a strong overlap between the areas receiving elevated nitrogen (N) deposition and those with the most severe growth of J. bulbosus. These areas generally have low levels of phosphorus (P) and we wanted to test whether the resulting elevated N:P ratios might promote J. bulbosus growth. To test this hypothesis, we collected data from 153 lakes and 28 river locations in Southern Norway (papers I, II and IV) and conducted a controlled growth experiment in which 100 J. bulbosus plants received different nutrient treatments (paper III). However, none of these approaches gave support for our hypothesis To search for other drivers for J. bulbosus nuisance growth, we collected a range of parameters from the lakes and rivers visited. These included catchment, lake water and sediment characteristics. Despite an extensive number of parameters tested, we were unable to detect any general drivers that could explain nuisance growth. Furthermore, a genetic screening (AFLP fingerprinting) showed no genetic differences between nuisance and nonnuisance plants. The upside of these “negative” conclusions however, is that we can now exclude several candidate parameters as the causes for nuisance growth. The most important being genetic differences and elevated N:P ratios. Our data did show that the most problematic nuisance growth occurred in the most oligotrophic lakes (paper I). Analyses of plant elemental composition (paper IV) showed that J. bulbosus plants had high C:N and C:P ratios compared to other freshwater macrophytes (and even higher in roots compared to shoots). This allows J. bulbosus to build large biomasses on small amounts of nutrients, rendering it highly competitive in nutrient poor habitats. In the growth experiment (paper III), we found an increasing uptake of sediment NH4 with increasing growth, pointing towards a special relevance of NH4 for J. bulbosus growth. Furthermore, analyses of plant elemental composition revealed higher N contents of river plants compared to lake plants (paper IV). Based on these results, relevant literature and indications from the lake and river surveys (papers I and II), we found indications that different triggers might be responsible for nuisance growth in rivers (NH4) compared to lakes (CO2). More detailed analyses are needed before we can draw definite conclusions

    Examination of benthic algae under the water management regulations. The Nordre Fosen water district 2016.

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    Basert på undersøkelser av begroingsalger og heterotrof begroing høsten 2016 er 36 elve- og bekkelokaliteter tilstandsklassifisert med tanke på eutrofiering, i henhold til vannforskriften. Totalt 15 lokaliteter var i moderat tilstand og nådde således ikke miljømålet (god/svært god økologisk tilstand). Dette skyldes hovedsakelig avrenning av næringssalter fra landbruksområder, og det må settes inn tiltak for å bedre tilstanden i disse vannforekomstene. De resterende lokalitetene var i god (9 lokaliteter) eller svært god (9 lokaliteter) tilstand med tanke på eutrofiering. Det ble observert heterotrof begroing på 21 av lokalitetene, noe som tyder på tilførsler av organisk materiale i store deler av vannområdet. Dette anbefales å følge opp med prøvetaking vår/vinter.The Nordre Fosen water district required the determination of the ecological status in terms of eutrophication of 40 stream and riverine localities in 2016. This was to be done by calculating the eutrophication index PIT based on benthic algae, in compliance with the water management regulation. The results show that in Osen and Roan, only one site in each municipality do not reach the environmental objective of good or very good status, but is in moderate ecological status. In Åfjord, two of the tributaries to the river Stordalselva, and the stream Hubekken, are in moderate ecological status, while the remaining tributaries and the Stordalselva reach the environmental objective. In Bjugn, only the stream Volldalsbekken, and the inlet and outlet creek to lake Brekkvatnet, reach the environmental objective, but the results for the Volldalselva are somewhat uncertain. In Ørland, only the upper parts of the stream Dalabekken (at Karlsenget) reach the environmental objective, while the lower parts, and the river Røstadelva, show moderate ecological status. The main pressure acting on the reaches that did not reach the environmental objective, is runoff from agricultural areas, and various measures are recommended to improve the condition of these water bodies. Furthermore, heterotrophic organisms were observed in 21 of the 36 localities investigated. It is recommended to follow up these results with samplings during spring and late fall/winter for a better classification of the ecological status with respect to the organic load.Nordre Fosen vannområd

    Monitoring bulbous rush, yearly report 2016

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    Overvåkingsprogrammet for krypsiv i Agder ble startet i 2014, og en videreutvikling og videreføring av programmet ble utført i 2015 og 2016. Det har ikke vært registrert markerte endringer i krypsivveksten ved noen stasjoner, med unntak av Drangsholt, der krypsivvolumet har økt som resultat av en overgang fra rosettplanter til såtevekst. Mengden krypsiv på hver stasjon er kvantifisert på ulike måter, men ingen av metodene viste sammenheng med noen av de målte parameterne (vannkjemi, porevannkjemi, vanntemperatur, substrat, annen vannvegetasjon) verken for 2016 eller for de tre siste årene sett under ett. Det anbefales at dagens overvåkingsprogram fortsetter med undersøkelsene og analysene som ble utført i 2016, men at man i 2017 setter i gang mer omfattende statistiske analyser av det nå foreliggende datamaterialet.A monitoring program for bulbous rush (Juncus bulbosus) was initiated in 2014, with the aim of finding factors that influence the growth of bulbous rush. The focus of the project in 2016 has been to continue the monitoring and further develop the program. The results from 2016 show no statistically significant changes in the amount of bulbous rush from 2014 to 2016, neither at nuisance nor reference sites. Looking at single sites, there was a clear shift in growth in Drangsholt, where the total volume of plants increased due to a shift from rosette plants to budding rosettes. We found no significant differences in any of the measured parameters (water chemistry, pore water chemistry, water temperature, substrate, other aquatic vegetation and algae) between nuisance and nonnuisance sites, or any correlations with total Juncus bulbosus cover or volume. It is recommended that the current monitoring program continues in 2017 with the sampling and analyzes carried out in 2016, and that thorough statistical tests are initiated