2,013 research outputs found

    The Social Construction of Frivolity

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    Leisure is a continuum of behavior from normative to deviant. Some forms of leisure reflect widely shared cultural norms while others reflect only marginal or sub-cultural acceptance. Within this continuum, we label some harmless forms of non-traditional behavior frivolity. The social construction of frivolity is tempered by time, place, social class and tradition. In addition, frivolity can be a two-edged sword, defining the abnormal as normal or the normal as abnormal. Anthropologists document the functional nature of frivolity as a safety-valve to the pressures of conformity. Sociologists explore how patterns of interaction are altered or suspended in response to special events defined as periods of frivolity. Likewise, students of popular culture study the emergent norms, behaviors and the social definitions associated with carnivals, festivals and special environments dedicated to frivolity

    Utilizing Expert Knowledge in Estimating Future STS Costs

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    A method of estimating the costs of future space transportation systems (STSs) involves classical activity-based cost (ABC) modeling combined with systematic utilization of the knowledge and opinions of experts to extend the process-flow knowledge of existing systems to systems that involve new materials and/or new architectures. The expert knowledge is particularly helpful in filling gaps that arise in computational models of processes because of inconsistencies in historical cost data. Heretofore, the costs of planned STSs have been estimated following a "top-down" approach that tends to force the architectures of new systems to incorporate process flows like those of the space shuttles. In this ABC-based method, one makes assumptions about the processes, but otherwise follows a "bottoms up" approach that does not force the new system architecture to incorporate a space-shuttle-like process flow. Prototype software has been developed to implement this method. Through further development of software, it should be possible to extend the method beyond the space program to almost any setting in which there is a need to estimate the costs of a new system and to extend the applicable knowledge base in order to make the estimate

    Measurements of volatile organic compounds using proton transfer reaction ? mass spectrometry during the MILAGRO 2006 Campaign

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    International audienceVolatile organic compounds (VOCs) were measured by proton transfer reaction ? mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) on a rooftop in the urban mixed residential and industrial area North Northeast of downtown Mexico City as part of the Megacity Initiative ? Local and Global Research Observations (MILAGRO) 2006 field campaign. Thirty eight individual masses were monitored during the campaign and many species were quantified including methanol, acetaldehyde, toluene, the sum of C2 benzenes, the sum of C3 benzenes, acetone, isoprene, benzene, and ethyl acetate. The VOC measurements were analyzed to gain a better understanding of the type of VOCs present in this region of the MCMA, their diurnal patterns and their origins. Diurnal profiles of weekday and weekend/holiday aromatic VOC concentrations show the influence of vehicular traffic during the morning rush hours and during the afternoon hours. Plumes including of elevated toluene as high as 216 parts per billion (ppb) and ethyl acetate as high as 183 ppb were frequently observed during the late night and early morning hours, indicating the probability of significant industrial sources of the two compounds in the region. Wind fields during those peak episodes revealed no specific direction for the majority of the toluene plumes but the ethyl acetate plumes arrived at the site when winds were from the Southwest or West. The PTR-MS measurements combined with other VOC measuring techniques at the field site as well as VOC measurements conducted in other areas of the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) will help to develop a better understanding of the spatial pattern of VOCs and its variability in the MCMA

    Protective Effects of the Launch/Entry Suit (LES) and the Liquid Cooling Garment(LCG) During Re-entry and Landing After Spaceflight

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    Heart rate and arterial pressure were measured during shuttle re-entry, landing and initial standing in crewmembers with and without inflated anti-g suits and with and without liquid cooling garments (LCG). Preflight, three measurements were obtained seated, then standing. Prior to and during re-entry, arterial pressure and heart rate were measured every five minutes until wheels stop (WS). Then crewmembers initiated three seated and three standing measurements. In subjects without inflated anti-g suits, SBP and DBP were significantly lower during preflight standing (P = 0.006; P = 0.001 respectively) and at touchdown (TD) (P = 0.001; P = 0.003 respectively); standing SBP was significantly lower after WS. on-LeG users developed significantly higher heart rates during re-entry (P = 0.029, maxG; P = 0.05, TD; P = 0.02, post-WS seated; P = 0.01, post-WS standing) than LCG users. Our data suggest that the anti-g suit is effective, but the combined anti-g suit with LCG is more effective

    Metabolic Flexibility and Weight Status May Contribute to Inter-Individual Changes in Breastmilk Lipid Content in Response to an Acute Bout of Exercise: Preliminary Findings from a Pilot Study

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 13(2): 1756-1769, 2020. The purposes of this pilot study were to describe changes in breastmilk lipid content in response to an acute bout of moderate intensity exercise and to explore maternal metabolic health factors, including metabolic flexibility, which may impact this change. A cross-sectional, observational, pilot study design was performed in 14 women between 4 and 6 months postpartum. Whole body fasting lipid oxidation was assessed, a standardized high-fat breakfast was consumed, and lipid oxidation was again measured 120-minutes post-meal. Metabolic flexibility was determined by comparing the change in lipid oxidation before and after the meal. Women completed 30-minutes of moderate intensity treadmill walking 150-minutes post-meal. Breastmilk was expressed and analyzed for lipid content before and after exercise. Overall, there was no significant difference between pre- and post-exercise breastmilk lipid content (pre-exercise 59.4±36.1 g/L vs. post-exercise 52.5±20.7 g/L, p=0.26). However, five (36%) women had an increase in breastmilk lipid content in response to the exercise bout, compared to nine (64%) that had a decrease in breastmilk lipid content suggesting inter-individual variability. The change in breastmilk lipid content from pre- to post-exercise was positively correlated to metabolic flexibility (r=0.595, p=0.03). Additionally, post-exercise lipid content was positively correlated with body mass index (BMI), body composition, and postpartum weight retention. Preliminary findings from this pilot study suggest that metabolic flexibility and maternal weight status may help explain the inter-individual changes in breastmilk lipid content in response to an acute bout of moderate intensity exercise

    Overnight Atmospheric Transport and Chemical Processing of Photochemically Aged Houston Urban and Petrochemical Industrial Plume

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    Overnight atmospheric transport and chemical evolution of photochemically aged Houston urban and petrochemical industrial plume were investigated in July 2005. We report here on the 26 July episode in which the aged plume was tagged 1.5 h before sunset with a pair of free-floating controlled meteorological balloons, which guided quasi-Lagrangian aircraft sampling in the plume as it was advected 300 km to the north over 8 h. The aged plume around sunset was well mixed within a 1600 m residual layer, and was characterized by enhanced levels of aerosol, O3, CO, olefins, acetaldehyde, total odd nitrogen compounds (NOy), and relatively small amounts (\u3c1 \u3eppbv) of NO x. The plume experienced appreciable shearing overnight due to the development of a low-altitude nocturnal jet between 300 and 500 m above mean sea level (MSL). However, the plume above 600 m MSL remained largely undiluted even after 8 h of transport due to lack of turbulent mixing above the jet. About 40-60% of the NOx present in the aged plume around sunset was found to be depleted over this 8 h period. A constrained plume modeling analysis of the quasi-Lagrangian aircraft observations suggested that by dawn this NO x was converted to nitric acid, organic nitrates, and peroxy acyl nitrates via reactions of NO3 radicals with enhanced levels of olefins and aldehydes in the plume. Sensitivity of NOx depletion to heterogeneous hydrolysis of N2O5 on aerosols was examined. These results have significant implications for the impacts of urban and industrial pollution on far downwind regions

    Real-Time Measurements of Engine-Out Trace Elements: Application of a Novel Soot Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometer for Emissions Characterization

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    Lubricant-derived trace element emissions are the largest contributors to the accumulation of incombustible ash in diesel particulate filters (DPF), eventually leading to filter plugging and an increase in engine fuel consumption. Particulate trace element emissions also pose adverse health effects and are the focus of increasingly stringent air quality regulations. To date, the rates and physical and chemical properties of lubricant-derived additive emissions are not well characterized, largely due to the difficulties associated with conducting the measurements. This work investigated the potential for conducting real-time measurements of lubricant-derived particle emissions. The experiment used the Soot Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (SP-AMS) developed by Aerodyne Research to measure the size, mass and composition of submicron particles in the exhaust. Results confirm the ability of the SP-AMS to measure engine-out emissions of calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorous, and sulfur. Further, emissions of previously difficult to detect elements, such as boron, and low-level engine wear metals, such as lead, were also measured. This paper provides an overview of the results obtained with the SP-AMS, and demonstrates the utility of applying real-time techniques to engine-out and tailpipe-out trace element emissions. Application of the SP-AMS for engine exhaust characterization followed a two-part approach: (1) measurement validation, and (2) measurement of engine-out exhaust. Measurement validation utilized a diesel burner with precise control of lubricant consumption. Results showed a good correlation between CJ-4 oil consumption and measured levels of lubricant-derived trace elements in the particle phase. Following measurement validation, the SP-AMS measured engine-out emissions from a medium-duty diesel engine, operated over a standard speed/load matrix. This work demonstrates the utility of state-of-the-art online techniques (such as the SP-AMS) to measure engine-out emissions, including trace species derived from lubricant additives. Results help optimize the combined engine-lubricant-aftertreatment system and provide a real-time characterization of emissions. As regulations become more stringent and emission controls more complex, advanced measurement techniques with high sensitivity and fast time response will become an increasingly important part of engine characterization studies.United States. Environmental Protection Agency (Grant RD834560
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