277 research outputs found

    Orbital dynamics of "smart dust" devices with solar radiation pressure and drag

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    This paper investigates how perturbations due to asymmetric solar radiation pressure, in the presence of Earth shadow, and atmospheric drag can be balanced to obtain long-lived Earth centred orbits for swarms of micro-scale 'smart dust' devices, without the use of active control. The secular variation of Keplerian elements is expressed analytically through an averaging technique. Families of solutions are then identified where Sun-synchronous apse-line precession is achieved passively to maintain asymmetric solar radiation pressure. The long-term orbit evolution is characterized by librational motion, progressively decaying due to the non-conservative effect of atmospheric drag. Long-lived orbits can then be designed through the interaction of energy gain from asymmetric solar radiation pressure and energy dissipation due to drag. In this way, the usual short drag lifetime of such high area-to-mass spacecraft can be greatly extended (and indeed selected). In addition, the effect of atmospheric drag can be exploited to ensure the rapid end-of-life decay of such devices, thus preventing long-lived orbit debris

    First Experience with the LHC Cryogenic Instrumentation

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    The LHC under commissioning at CERN will be the world's largest superconducting accelerator and therefore makes extensive use of cryogenic instruments. These instruments are installed in the tunnel and therefore have to withstand the LHC environment that imposes radiation-tolerant design and construction. Most of the instruments require individual calibration; some of them exhibit several variants as concerns measuring span; all relevant data are therefore stored in an Oracle® database. Those data are used for the various quality assurance procedures defined for installation and commissioning, as well as for generating tables used by the control system to configure automatically the input/output channels. This paper describes the commissioning of the sensors and the corresponding electronics, the first measurement results during the cool-down of one machine sector; it discusses the different encountered problems and their corresponding solutions

    Management of children and adolescents with bronchiectasis: summary of the ERS clinical practice guideline

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    Bronchiectasis, characterised by chronic wet/productive cough with recurrent respiratory exacerbations and abnormal bronchial dilatation on computed tomography scans, remains an increasingly recognised but often neglected chronic pulmonary disorder in children and adolescents. An early diagnosis combined with optimal management offers the prospect, at least in some patients, of curing a condition previously considered irreversible. However, unlike in adults, until now no international paediatric guidelines existed. The recently published European Respiratory Society clinical practice guidelines for the management of children and adolescents with bronchiectasis attempts to address this clinical information gap. The guidelines were formulated by panel members comprised of experts from several relevant health fields, the European Lung Foundation and parents of children with bronchiectasis. Systematic reviews and the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) approach guided the nature and strength of recommendations. The recommendations are grouped into clinically relevant topics: diagnosis, evaluating for underlying causes, defining exacerbations, management, systematic care, monitoring, reversibility and prevention. The guidelines seek to achieve: 1) optimal lung growth, 2) preserved lung function, 3) enhanced quality of life, 4) minimal exacerbations, 5) few or no complications, and 6) if possible, reversal of lung injury for each child/adolescent with bronchiectasis. This review presents example cases that highlight the recommendations of the clinical practice guidelines

    Quantum Eavesdropping without Interception: An Attack Exploiting the Dead Time of Single Photon Detectors

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    The security of quantum key distribution (QKD) can easily be obscured if the eavesdropper can utilize technical imperfections of the actual implementation. Here we describe and experimentally demonstrate a very simple but highly effective attack which even does not need to intercept the quantum channel at all. Only by exploiting the dead time effect of single photon detectors the eavesdropper is able to gain (asymptotically) full information about the generated keys without being detected by state-of-the-art QKD protocols. In our experiment, the eavesdropper inferred up to 98.8% of the key correctly, without increasing the bit error rate between Alice and Bob significantly. Yet, we find an evenly simple and effective countermeasure to inhibit this and similar attacks

    Spatio-temporal variation in European starling reproductive success at multiple small spatial scales

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    Funding Information This work received funding from the Natural Environment Research Council, Fair Isle Bird Observatory Trust and the Royal Society. Acknowledgments We thank Jessica Walkup, Jeroen Minderman, and many volunteers for help with data collection; Deryk and Hollie Shaw and Fair Isle Bird Observatory staff for help and support; Xavier Lambin and Justin Travis for comments on the manuscript and NERC (DB); and Fair Isle Bird Observatory Trust (DB) and the Royal Society (JMR) for funding.Peer reviewedPublisher PD