693 research outputs found

    VĂ€xthusgasutslĂ€pp i vĂ€stra Nyland – KartlĂ€ggning över Ă„r 2007

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    I vĂ€stra Nyland genomfördes en kartlĂ€gging av vĂ€xthusgasutslĂ€pp för Ă„r 2007. I kartlĂ€ggningen utreddes de mĂ€ngder vĂ€xthusgasutslĂ€pp som uppstod i de Ă„tta kommuner som Ă€r med i regioncenterprogrammet AKO VĂ€stra Nyland: Hangö, IngĂ„, Karislojo, Högfors, Lojo, Nummi–Pusula, Raseborg och SjundeĂ„. UtslĂ€ppskalkylerna utfördes under Ă„r 2009. I utslĂ€ppskalkylerna anvĂ€ndes en vĂ€xthusgas– och energibalansmodell för kommunnivĂ„, utvecklad av Finlands miljöcentral. De kartlagda utslĂ€ppssektorerna var energin i dess olika former, industrins processer, lantbruket och avfallshanteringen. Inom dessa sektorer faststĂ€lldes utslĂ€ppen av koldioxid, metan och kvĂ€veoxidul. Den sammanlagda utslĂ€ppsnivĂ„n av vĂ€xthusgaser var 3510 tusen ton koldioxi-dekvivalenter. Av dessa utslĂ€pp uppstod huvudparten inom industrin och energiproduktionen (ca 70 %). Trafikens andel av utslĂ€ppen var cirka 10 % och utslĂ€ppen frĂ„n fjĂ€rrvĂ€rme och byggnadernas separata uppvĂ€rmning i en klass om ungefĂ€r nio procent. Lantbrukets och avfallshanteringens andel av det totala utslĂ€ppet förblev rĂ€tt liten. Mellan kommunerna var variationen i utslĂ€ppsnivĂ„er mycket stor, för i omrĂ„det finns bĂ„de högt industrialiserade orter och kommuner nĂ€stan helt utan industri eller energiproduktion. TotalutslĂ€ppen varierade mellan 9 och 1283 tusen ton CO2–ekvivalenter. De högsta utslĂ€ppsnivĂ„erna hade Hangö, IngĂ„ och Lojo, som alla har stora industri– eller energiproduktionsanlĂ€ggningar. DĂ„ utslĂ€ppen sattes i relation till kommunernas invĂ„narantal, steg Hangö och IngĂ„ till en nivĂ„ högt över de övriga, för i dessa kommuner finns anlĂ€ggningar som producerar rikligt med utslĂ€pp men fĂ„ invĂ„nare. UtslĂ€ppen i förhĂ„llande till invĂ„narantal var i hela det kartlagda omrĂ„det klart högre Ă€n medelvĂ€rdet för hela Finland: utslĂ€ppen av vĂ€xthusgaser i hela Finland Ă€r ca 15 koldioxidekvivalentton per invĂ„nare, medan de i vĂ€stra Nyland uppgick till nivĂ„n 34 t/inv. Resultaten frĂ„n utslĂ€ppskartlĂ€ggningen illustrerar utslĂ€ppsnivĂ„n i de vĂ€stnylĂ€ndska kommunerna Ă„r 2007. Resultaten kan utnyttjas vid planeringen av klimatstrategier och minskning av utslĂ€ppen i de kartlagda kommunerna. Även utslĂ€ppsnivĂ„ns utveckling kan i fortsĂ€ttningen uppföljas genom att förnya kartlĂ€ggningen vissa Ă„r inom samma omrĂ„de med samma metoder

    Dental functional morphology predicts the scaling of chewing rate in mammals

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    How food intake and mastication scale to satisfy the metabolic needs of mammals has been the subject of considerable scientific debate. Existing theory suggests that the negative allometric scaling of metabolic rate with body mass is compensated by a matching allometric scaling of the chewing rate. Why empirical studies have found that the scaling coefficients of the chewing rate seem to be systematically smaller than expected from theory remains unknown. Here we explain this imparity by decoupling the functional surface area of teeth from overall surface area. The functional surface area is relatively reduced in forms emphasizing linear edges (e.g., lophodont) compared with forms lacking linear structures (e.g., bunodont). In forms with reduced relative functional surface, the deficit in food processed per chew appears to be compensated for by increased chewing rate, such that the metabolic requirements are met. This compensation accounts for the apparent difference between theoretically predicted and observed scaling of chewing rates. We suggest that this reflects adaptive functional evolution to plant foods with different fracture properties and extend the theory to incorporate differences in functional morphology. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    On calibrating the completometer for the mammalian fossil record

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    We know that the fossil record is incomplete. But how incomplete? Here we very coarsely estimate the completeness of the mammalian record in the Miocene, assuming that the duration of a mammalian species is about 1 Myr and the species diversity has stayed constant and is structurally comparable to the taxonomic diversity today. The overall completeness under these assumptions appears to be around 4%, but there are large differences across taxonomic groups. We find that the fossil record of proboscideans and perissodactyls as we know it for the Miocene must be close to complete, while we might know less than 15% of the species of artiodactyl or carnivore fossil species and only about 1% of primate species of the Miocene. The record of small mammals appears much less complete than that of large mammals.Peer reviewe

    Relative abundances and palaeoecology of four suid genera in the Turkana Basin, Kenya, during the late Miocene to Pleistocene

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    Most suids (Mammalia: Suidae, pigs) worldwide are omnivores living in closed environments, but the African warthog (Phacochoerus) has special adaptations for grazing in open environments. Similar specializations have been recorded from Plio-Pleistocene African suids. Four genera, Nyanzachoerus, Notochoerus, Kolpochoerus, and Metridiochoerus, have been discovered in late Miocene to middle Pleistocene locations around the Turkana Basin. We analyse the relative abundances of these four suid genera compared to other mammals, from approximately 8-0.7 Ma. The dataset includes most of the mammal specimens collected from locations around the Kenyan side of the Turkana Basin. Species of genus Nyanzachoerus were dominant before 4 Ma, but their relative abundance decreases through time thereafter. At the same time, Notochoerus increases in relative abundance, followed by Kolpochoerus, and finally Metridiochoerus. Their peak relative abundances do not overlap: Notochoerus peaks at 3.44-2.53 Ma, Kolpochoerus at 2.53-1.87 Ma, and Metridiochoerus at 1.38-0.7 Ma. We interpret the palaeoecology of these suids based on their relative abundances over time and on published isotope and pollen data. We find that Nyanzachoerus was replaced by its abrasive-diet-specialized successor Notochoerus, possibly in response to a rapid decrease in forest cover. Notochoerus adapted at first to the expanding wood- and grasslands, and then to more arid shrublands. After a period of severe aridity around 2.7-2.5 Ma, more variable environments allowed Kolpochoerus and Metridiochoerus to disperse, while Notochoerus disappeared, perhaps having lost its competitive edge. Further changes in the environment encouraged the expansion of grasslands over shrublands, favouring Metridiochoerus. Kolpochoerus persisted in the more closed environments near water sources.Peer reviewe

    Do species factories exist? Detecting exceptional patterns of evolution in the mammalian fossil record

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    A species factory refers to the source that gives rise to an exceptionally large number of species. However, what is it exactly: a place, a time or a combination of places, times and environmental conditions, remains unclear. Here we search for species factories computationally, for which we develop statistical approaches to detect origination, extinction and sorting hotspots in space and time in the fossil record. Using data on European Late Cenozoic mammals, we analyse where, how and how often species factories occur, and how they potentially relate to the dynamics of environmental conditions. We find that in the Early Miocene origination hotspots tend to be located in areas with relatively low estimated net primary productivity. Our pilot study shows that species first occurring in origination hotspots tend to have a longer average longevity and a larger geographical range than other species, thus emphasizing the evolutionary importance of the species factories.Peer reviewe

    The best of all possible coexistence

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    The writings of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) provide a window on early evolutionary thinking of a kind interestingly different from the roots of modern evolutionary theory as it emerged in the years following the French Revolution. Here we relate aspects of Leibniz's thinking to methods of modern palaeoecology and show that, despite a different terminology and a different hierarchic focus, Leibniz emerges as a strikingly modern theoretician, who viewed the living world as dynamic and capable of adaptive change. The coexistence approach of palaeoecological reconstruction, developed by Volker Mosbrugger and collaborators, with its core assumption of harmoniously co-adapted communities with strong historical legacy, represents, in a positive sense, a more Leibnizian view than functionally based and theoretically history-free approaches, such as ecometrics. Recalling Leibniz's thinking helps to highlight how palaeoecological reconstruction is about much more than reliably establishing the ecological and climatic situation of a given fossil locality. While reliable reconstructions of past conditions are certainly of great value in research, it is arguably the need to think deeply about how the living world really works that keeps palaeoecological reconstruction such a long-running and central aspect of evolutionary science. And while we struggle to understand the coexistence and dynamic interaction of endless levels of living agents of the living world, simultaneously large and small, global and local, the coexistence approach of palaeoecological reconstruction remains both an outstandingly operational method and part of a philosophical tradition reaching back to the very earliest evolutionary thinking.Peer reviewe

    Kaksituhatta vuotta yksisarvisia

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    Yksisarvinen on hyvin vanha olento. Emme tiedĂ€ kuinka kauan ihmiset ovat kertoneet satuja siitĂ€, mutta sen me tiedĂ€mme ettĂ€ jo yli kaksituhatta vuotta sitten oli eripuolilla Euraasiaa tarinoita yksisarvisista. Voimme myös pÀÀtellĂ€ ettĂ€ yksisarvinen nĂ€ihin aikoihin oli jonkinlainen muoti-ilmiö, sillĂ€ monet nĂ€istĂ€ saduista olivat jo silloin löytĂ€neet tiensĂ€ kaikkein arvokkaimpiin tekstikokoelmiin – myös sellaisiin joissa ei aikaisemmin ollut mainintaa yksisarvisesta

    Ihmisen lajikehitys – eli kaamean, karvaisen apinateorian paluu

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    Ihmisen kuva asemastaan maailmankaikkeudessa on hÀnen maailmankuvansa ydin, ja se kiteytyy hÀnen kuvaansa omasta alkuperÀstÀÀn. Olemmeko jumalten jÀlkelÀisiÀ, langenneita omenansyöjiÀ, apinoita ekologisella karkumatkalla vai Suuren VihreÀn PÀrskijÀn nenÀstÀ sinkoutunut, piinallinen erehdys
