35 research outputs found

    Історія радянської України в бібліографічних покажчиках англомовних праць другої половини ХХ століття

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    У статті проаналізовано бібліографічні покажчики англомовної слов’янознавчої та радянознавчої літератури, видрукувані в англомовних країнах протягом другої половини ХХ ст. Зроблено спробу визначити місце, яке у них займали праці з історії України, зокрема ті, що стосуватися пізньосталінського та хрущовського періодів.В статье анализируются библиографические указатели англоязычной славяноведческой и советологической литературы, опубликованные в англоязычных странах во второй половине ХХ века. Сделана попытка охарактеризовать положение, которое в них занимала история Советской Украины, особенно ее позднесталинский и хрущевский периоды.In the article, the bibliographic guides to the English-language publications in Slavic, East European and Soviet Studies that were published in the second half of the 20th century are analyzed. The special attention is given to history of Ukraine from the second half of the 1940s till the mid-1960s as a particular subject in those guides

    Direct observation of Anderson localization of matter-waves in a controlled disorder

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    We report the observation of exponential localization of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) released into a one-dimensional waveguide in the presence of a controlled disorder created by laser speckle . We operate in a regime allowing AL: i) weak disorder such that localization results from many quantum reflections of small amplitude; ii) atomic density small enough that interactions are negligible. We image directly the atomic density profiles vs time, and find that weak disorder can lead to the stopping of the expansion and to the formation of a stationary exponentially localized wave function, a direct signature of AL. Fitting the exponential wings, we extract the localization length, and compare it to theoretical calculations. Moreover we show that, in our one-dimensional speckle potentials whose noise spectrum has a high spatial frequency cut-off, exponential localization occurs only when the de Broglie wavelengths of the atoms in the expanding BEC are larger than an effective mobility edge corresponding to that cut-off. In the opposite case, we find that the density profiles decay algebraically, as predicted in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 210401 (2007)]. The method presented here can be extended to localization of atomic quantum gases in higher dimensions, and with controlled interactions

    Solvent-free fluidic organic dye lasers

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    We report on the demonstration of liquid organic dye lasers based on 9-(2-ethylhexyl)carbazole (EHCz), so-called liquid carbazole, doped with green-and red-emitting laser dyes. Both waveguide and Fabry-Perot type microcavity fluidic organic dye lasers were prepared by capillary action under solvent-free conditions. Cascade Forster-type energy transfer processes from liquid carbazole to laser dyes were employed to achieve color-variable amplified spontaneous emission and lasing. Overall, this study provides the first step towards the development of solvent-free fluidic organic semiconducting lasers and demonstrates a new kind of optoelectronic applications for liquid organic semiconductors

    Functional Implication of Dp71 in Osmoregulation and Vascular Permeability of the Retina

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    Functional alterations of Müller cells, the principal glia of the retina, are an early hallmark of most retina diseases and contribute to their further progression. The molecular mechanisms of these reactive Müller cell alterations, resulting in disturbed retinal homeostasis, remain largely unknown. Here we show that experimental detachment of mouse retina induces mislocation of the inwardly rectifying potassium channels (Kir4.1) and a downregulation of the water channel protein (AQP4) in Müller cells. These alterations are associated with a strong decrease of Dp71, a cytoskeleton protein responsible for the localization and the clustering of Kir4.1 and AQP4. Partial (in detached retinas) or total depletion of Dp71 in Müller cells (in Dp71-null mice) impairs the capability of volume regulation of Müller cells under osmotic stress. The abnormal swelling of Müller cells In Dp71-null mice involves the action of inflammatory mediators. Moreover, we investigated whether the alterations in Müller cells of Dp71-null mice may interfere with their regulatory effect on the blood-retina barrier. In the absence of Dp71, the retinal vascular permeability was increased as compared to the controls. Our results reveal that Dp71 is crucially implicated in the maintenance of potassium homeostasis, in transmembraneous water transport, and in the Müller cell-mediated regulation of retinal vascular permeability. Furthermore, our data provide novel insights into the mechanisms of retinal homeostasis provided by Müller cells under normal and pathological conditions

    Participation in Corporate Governance

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    TYPTERRES : Vers une typologie agronomique partagée

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    International audienceThe 1/250,000 soil mapping formalized in the Regional Soil Referentials (RRP) is currently being finalized for France through the IGCS (Inventory, Soil Management and Conservation) program led by the Soil Scientific Interest Group (GIS Sol). Such maps are now considered as a reference in the territories already covered. At the same time, and for many years, users of soil data for agriculture have built functional agronomic typologies of soils, based on available data and on their expertise. Today the common goal of map producers is to enhance the usefulness of their products by delivering improved agronomic typologies in terms of representativeness, precision and interoperability between territories. The latter aims to provide shared and common agronomic typologies based on soil data from the RRP for assessment, diagnostic and advice purposes to support proper management actions. These typologies developed at the regional or departmental scale need to "fit together" to eventually provide a harmonized, clear and shared typology at national scale. A generic methodology was developed and tested in 2 territories, Center-West and Alsace. The application of the method defined 30 to 50 agronomic soil types per department by aggregation of 140 to 380 initial soil types in the RRP. Each agronomic soil type is described by 36 variables. These are operational as input for a variety of decision support tools.La cartographie des sols au 1/250 000 formalisée dans les Référentiels Pédologiques Régionaux (RRP) est en cours de finalisation sur l’ensemble du territoire métropolitain au travers du programme IGCS (Inventaire, Gestion et Conservation des Sols). Ce programme, conduit par le Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique Sol (GIS Sol), constitue aujourd’hui une référence sur les territoires déjà couverts. Antérieurement et depuis de nombreuses années, les utilisateurs des données Sol pour l’agriculture ont construit des typologies agronomiques fonctionnelles des sols, à partir des données pédologiques disponibles et de leur expertise. Aujourd’hui l’objectif commun des producteurs des RRP est de valoriser les données acquises en produisant des typologies agronomiques améliorées en termes de représentativité, de précision et d’interopérabilité entre territoires. Ainsi, le projet TypTerres vise à construire à partir des RRP des typologies agronomiques des sols partagées, à des fins de diagnostic, d’évaluation, de conseil et d’action agronomiques et agro-environnementaux. Ces typologies constituées à l’échelle régionale ou départementale doivent conduire à terme à une typologie co-construite, harmonisée et partagée à l’échelle nationale. Une méthodologie générique pour construire ces typologies a été développée et testée sur 2 territoires ateliers, Centre-Ouest et Alsace, constitués respectivement par 4 et 2 départements. L’application de la méthode a défini 30 à 50 types agronomiques par département par agrégation de 140 à 380 types de sol initiaux dans les RRP. Chaque type agronomique est décrit par 36 variables. Ces dernières sont opérationnelles comme données d’entrée pour une diversité d’outils d’aide à la décision

    TYPTERRES : Vers une typologie agronomique partagée

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    International audienceThe 1/250,000 soil mapping formalized in the Regional Soil Referentials (RRP) is currently being finalized for France through the IGCS (Inventory, Soil Management and Conservation) program led by the Soil Scientific Interest Group (GIS Sol). Such maps are now considered as a reference in the territories already covered. At the same time, and for many years, users of soil data for agriculture have built functional agronomic typologies of soils, based on available data and on their expertise. Today the common goal of map producers is to enhance the usefulness of their products by delivering improved agronomic typologies in terms of representativeness, precision and interoperability between territories. The latter aims to provide shared and common agronomic typologies based on soil data from the RRP for assessment, diagnostic and advice purposes to support proper management actions. These typologies developed at the regional or departmental scale need to "fit together" to eventually provide a harmonized, clear and shared typology at national scale. A generic methodology was developed and tested in 2 territories, Center-West and Alsace. The application of the method defined 30 to 50 agronomic soil types per department by aggregation of 140 to 380 initial soil types in the RRP. Each agronomic soil type is described by 36 variables. These are operational as input for a variety of decision support tools.La cartographie des sols au 1/250 000 formalisée dans les Référentiels Pédologiques Régionaux (RRP) est en cours de finalisation sur l’ensemble du territoire métropolitain au travers du programme IGCS (Inventaire, Gestion et Conservation des Sols). Ce programme, conduit par le Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique Sol (GIS Sol), constitue aujourd’hui une référence sur les territoires déjà couverts. Antérieurement et depuis de nombreuses années, les utilisateurs des données Sol pour l’agriculture ont construit des typologies agronomiques fonctionnelles des sols, à partir des données pédologiques disponibles et de leur expertise. Aujourd’hui l’objectif commun des producteurs des RRP est de valoriser les données acquises en produisant des typologies agronomiques améliorées en termes de représentativité, de précision et d’interopérabilité entre territoires. Ainsi, le projet TypTerres vise à construire à partir des RRP des typologies agronomiques des sols partagées, à des fins de diagnostic, d’évaluation, de conseil et d’action agronomiques et agro-environnementaux. Ces typologies constituées à l’échelle régionale ou départementale doivent conduire à terme à une typologie co-construite, harmonisée et partagée à l’échelle nationale. Une méthodologie générique pour construire ces typologies a été développée et testée sur 2 territoires ateliers, Centre-Ouest et Alsace, constitués respectivement par 4 et 2 départements. L’application de la méthode a défini 30 à 50 types agronomiques par département par agrégation de 140 à 380 types de sol initiaux dans les RRP. Chaque type agronomique est décrit par 36 variables. Ces dernières sont opérationnelles comme données d’entrée pour une diversité d’outils d’aide à la décision

    A Brief and Informationally Rich Naming System for Oligosaccharide Motifs of Heteroxylans Found in Plant Cell Walls

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    The one-letter code system proposed here is a simple method to accurately describe structurally diverse oligosaccharides derived from heteroxylans. Substitutions or `molecular decoration(s)' of main-chain D-xylosyl moieties are designated by unique letters. Hence, an oligosaccharide is described by a series of single letters, beginning with the non- reducing D-xylosyl unit. Superscripted numbers are used to indicate the linkage position(s) of main-chain substitution(s) and, where necessary, superscripted lowercase letter(s) indicate the nature of non- glycosidic groups (e. g., methyl, acetyl, or phenolic derivative moieties) that can be present on the substituents. Although relatively simple and practical to use, this abbreviated system lends itself to the naming of a large number of different combinations of structural building blocks and substituents. In its present state, this system is, therefore, adequate to name and differentiate all currently known complex oligosaccharides derived from heteroxylans and is sufficiently flexible to accommodate new structures as they become available.status: publishe