151 research outputs found

    Polarization memory in the nonpolar magnetic ground state of multiferroic CuFeO2

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    We investigate polarization memory effects in single-crystal CuFeO2, which has a magnetically-induced ferroelectric phase at low temperatures and applied B fields between 7.5 and 13 T. Following electrical poling of the ferroelectric phase, we find that the nonpolar collinear antiferromagnetic ground state at B = 0 T retains a strong memory of the polarization magnitude and direction, such that upon re-entering the ferroelectric phase a net polarization of comparable magnitude to the initial polarization is recovered in the absence of external bias. This memory effect is very robust: in pulsed-magnetic-field measurements, several pulses into the ferroelectric phase with reverse bias are required to switch the polarization direction, with significant switching only seen after the system is driven out of the ferroelectric phase and ground state either magnetically (by application of B > 13 T) or thermally. The memory effect is also largely insensitive to the magnetoelastic domain composition, since no change in the memory effect is observed for a sample driven into a single-domain state by application of stress in the [1-10] direction. On the basis of Monte Carlo simulations of the ground state spin configurations, we propose that the memory effect is due to the existence of helical domain walls within the nonpolar collinear antiferromagnetic ground state, which would retain the helicity of the polar phase for certain magnetothermal histories.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Distribution and genetic variation of hymenolepidid cestodes in murid rodents on the Canary Islands (Spain)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the Canary Islands there are no previous data about tapeworms (Cestoda) of rodents. In order to identify the hymenolepidid species present in these hosts, a survey of 1,017 murine (349 <it>Rattus rattus</it>, 13 <it>Rattus norvegicus </it>and 655 <it>Mus musculus domesticus</it>) was carried out in the whole Archipelago. Molecular studies based on nuclear <it>ITS1 </it>and mitochondrial <it>COI </it>loci were performed to confirm the identifications and to analyse the levels of genetic variation and differentiation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three species of hymenolepidids were identified: <it>Hymenolepis diminuta</it>, <it>Rodentolepis microstoma </it>and <it>Rodentolepis fraterna</it>. <it>Hymenolepis diminuta </it>(in rats) and <it>R. microstoma </it>(in mice) showed a widespread distribution in the Archipelago, and <it>R. fraterna </it>was the least spread species, appearing only on five of the islands. The hymenolepidids found on Fuerteventura, Lanzarote and La Graciosa were restricted to one area. The <it>COI </it>network of <it>H. diminuta </it>showed that the haplotypes from Lanzarote and Fuerteventura are the most distant with respect to the other islands, but clearly related among them.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Founder effects and biotic and abiotic factors could have played important role in the presence/absence of the hymenolepidid species in determined locations. The haplotypes from the eastern islands (Fuerteventura and Lanzarote) seem to have shared an ancestral haplotype very distant from the most frequent one that was found in the rest of the islands. Two colonization events or a single event with subsequent isolation and reduced gene flow between western-central and eastern islands, have taken place in the Archipelago. The three tapeworms detected are zoonotic species, and their presence among rodents from this Archipelago suggests a potential health risk to human via environmental contamination in high risk areas. However, the relatively low prevalence of infestations detected and the focal distribution of some of these species on certain islands reduce the general transmission risk to human.</p

    Controlling magnetic order and quantum disorder in molecule-based magnets.

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    We investigate the structural and magnetic properties of two molecule-based magnets synthesized from the same starting components. Their different structural motifs promote contrasting exchange pathways and consequently lead to markedly different magnetic ground states. Through examination of their structural and magnetic properties we show that [Cu(pyz)(H 2 O)(gly) 2 ](ClO 4 ) 2 may be considered a quasi-one-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet whereas the related compound [Cu(pyz)(gly)](ClO 4 ) , which is formed from dimers of antiferromagnetically interacting Cu 2+ spins, remains disordered down to at least 0.03 K in zero field but shows a field-temperature phase diagram reminiscent of that seen in materials showing a Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons

    Controlling magnetic order and quantum disorder in molecule-based magnets

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    We investigate the structural and magnetic properties of two molecule-based magnets synthesized from the same starting components. Their different structural motifs promote contrasting exchange pathways and consequently lead to markedly different magnetic ground states. Through examination of their structural and magnetic properties we show that [Cu(pyz)(H2O)(gly)2](ClO4)2 may be considered a quasi-one-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet whereas the related compound [Cu(pyz)(gly)](ClO4), which is formed from dimers of antiferromagnetically interacting Cu2+ spins, remains disordered down to at least 0.03 K in zero field but shows a field-temperature phase diagram reminiscent of that seen in materials showing a Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons

    The implausibility of ‘usual care’ in an open system: sedation and weaning practices in Paediatric Intensive Care Units (PICUs) in the United Kingdom (UK)

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    Background: The power of the randomised controlled trial depends upon its capacity to operate in a closed system whereby the intervention is the only causal force acting upon the experimental group and absent in the control group, permitting a valid assessment of intervention efficacy. Conversely, clinical arenas are open systems where factors relating to context, resources, interpretation and actions of individuals will affect implementation and effectiveness of interventions. Consequently, the comparator (usual care) can be difficult to define and variable in multi-centre trials. Hence outcomes cannot be understood without considering usual care and factors that may affect implementation and impact on the intervention. Methods: Using a fieldwork approach, we describe PICU context, ‘usual’ practice in sedation and weaning from mechanical ventilation, and factors affecting implementation prior to designing a trial involving a sedation and ventilation weaning intervention. We collected data from 23 UK PICUs between June and November 2014 using observation, individual and multi-disciplinary group interviews with staff. Results: Pain and sedation practices were broadly similar in terms of drug usage and assessment tools. Sedation protocols linking assessment to appropriate titration of sedatives and sedation holds were rarely used (9 % and 4 % of PICUs respectively). Ventilator weaning was primarily a medical-led process with 39 % of PICUs engaging senior nurses in the process: weaning protocols were rarely used (9 % of PICUs). Weaning methods were variably based on clinician preference. No formal criteria or use of spontaneous breathing trials were used to test weaning readiness. Seventeen PICUs (74 %) had prior engagement in multi-centre trials, but limited research nurse availability. Barriers to previous trial implementation were intervention complexity, lack of belief in the evidence and inadequate training. Facilitating factors were senior staff buy-in and dedicated research nurse provision. Conclusions: We examined and identified contextual and organisational factors that may impact on the implementation of our intervention. We found usual practice relating to sedation, analgesia and ventilator weaning broadly similar, yet distinctively different from our proposed intervention, providing assurance in our ability to evaluate intervention effects. The data will enable us to develop an implementation plan; considering these factors we can more fully understand their impact on study outcomes

    Eficacia y eficiencia de Leader 11 en Andalucía. Aproximación a un índice-resultado en materia de turismo rural

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    The evaluation has turned into a strategic element of differentiation, into the measurement into that allows to demonstrate his own beneficiaries, that the application of the public or private resources, it is as suitable as possible. To evaluate is necessary a system of indicators, which answer to five big types of which we will centre on two: efficiency (the effort inverted in terms of plysical, human or financial resources and the obtained results) and effectiveness (the impacts or results of the program with regard to his aims). In this article we try to put of manifest as the evaluation of the measurement B.3 (tourist activities) it allows across the analysis of the efficiency (projects) and the effectiveness (investment) in LEADER 11, one approximation in the construction of a proved index.La evaluaci&oacute;n se ha convertido en un elemento estrat&eacute;gico de diferenciaci&oacute;n, en la medida en que permite demostrar a sus propios beneficiarios, que la aplicaci&oacute;n de los recursos p&uacute;blicos o privados, es la m&aacute;s adecuada posible. Para evaluar los programas de desarrollo rural es necesario un sistema de indicadores, que responden a cinco grandes tipos de los que nos centraremos en dos: eficiencia (el esfuerzo invertido en t&eacute;rminos de recursos f&iacute;sicos, humanos o financieros y los resultados obtenidos) y eficacia (los impactos o resultados del programa respecto a sus objetivos). En este articulo tratamos de poner de manifiesto como la evaluaci&oacute;n de la medida B.3 (actividades tur&iacute;sticas) permite, a trav&eacute;s del an&aacute;lisis de la eficacia (proyectos) y la eficiencia (inversi&oacute;n) en LEADER 11, una primera aproximaci&oacute;n en la construcci&oacute;n de un &iacute;ndice resultado

    A study of the distribution of phylogenetically conserved blocks within clusters of mammalian homeobox genes

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    Genome sequencing efforts of the last decade have produced a large amount of data, which has enabled whole-genome comparative analyses in order to locate potentially functional elements and study the overall patterns of phylogenetic conservation. In this paper we present a statistically based method for the characterization of these patterns in mammalian DNA sequences. We have applied this approach to the study of exceptionally well conserved homeobox gene clusters (Hox), based on an alignment of six species, and we have constructed a map of Hox cataloguing the conserved fragments, along with their locations in relation to the genes and other landmarks, sometimes showing unexpected layouts