125 research outputs found

    Prosopografía corintia (siglo V a.C.)

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    The aim of this paper is to show the active presence and participation of a conspicuous oligarchic family —through the three generations represented by Adeimantos, Aristeos and Aeneas— in the Corinthian public life and foreign politics during the fifth century B.C

    La actualidad del debate tucidídeo

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    Las causas de la guerra de Corinto: un análisis tucidídeo

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    The anonymous author of the Hellenica Oxyrhynchia applied the Thucydides´ method to the analysis of the causes of the Corinthian War, so the Persian gold distributed by Timocrates the Rhodian (aitia) was only the catalyst of the opposition to the Lacedaimonian imperialism on the part of some Greek states economically exhausted (alethestate prophasis). In this work we show the evolution and effects that the Spartan imperialism had in different ways and stages during the inter war period, anyway the resistance, first passive and then active, they moved

    Ariste politeia: The Spartan Constitution in the Classical and Hellenistic Greek tradition

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    La μικτὴ (o μεμειγμένη) πολιτεία, el ordenamiento constitucional mixto, es aquel que combina de manera sabia y proporcionada elementos de los regímenes políticos puros o simples (monarquía, aristocracia y democracia) como garantía de estabilidad y de paz interna. Esparta, que siempre sedujo a los constructores de ciudades ideales, será el primer ejemplo de una larga lista de estados en la historia del pensamiento occidental de esta suerte de ἀρίστη πολιτεία, de “Constitución” óptima, atemperada, modélica, pero al mismo tiempo ilusoria. En el presente trabajo examinaremos el destacado papel que juega Esparta en la génesis y el desarrollo de esta teoría política en la tradición griega clásica y helenística.The μικτὴ (or μεμειγμένη) πολιτεία, the mixed Constitution, is one that wisely and proportionally combines elements of pure or simple political regimes (monarchy, aristocracy and democracy) as a guarantee of stability and internal peace. Sparta, who always seduced the ideal city builders, will be the first example in a long list of states in the history of Western thought of this sort of ἀρίστη πολιτεία, of optimal, tempered, and exemplary (but at the same time illusory) Constitution. In the present work we will examine the outstanding role that Sparta plays in the genesis and development of this political theory in the Classical and Hellenistic Greek tradition

    Prosopografía corintia (siglo V a.C.)

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    The aim of this paper is to show the active presence and participation of a conspicuous oligarchic family —through the three generations represented by Adeimantos, Aristeos and Aeneas— in the Corinthian public life and foreign politics during the fifth century B.C

    The “Revolutionary” Basileia of Nabis.

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    El rey Nabis de Esparta es caracterizado por las fuentes literarias antiguas como un tirano al haber emprendido una serie de reformas radicales que, particularmente en sus contenidos sociales, atentaban contra el orden establecido y ponían en peligro la supremacía en el Peloponeso de una conservadora liga aquea sostenida en las clases propietarias y respaldada por las imparables legiones romanas. Es el propósito del presente artículo analizar las bases de esa monarquía “revolucionaria” de Nabis, así como el alcance, los objetivos y la fortuna final de sus medidas, que supusieron un intento de acomodarse a la realidad de los estados helenísticos sin renunciar por ello a las señas de identidad y al acervo cultural espartano. La finalidad última era reconquistar parte de su pasado esplendor militar y lograr un lugar digno, si no hegemónico, en el complejo e inestable tablero geopolítico peloponésico, pero la elite aquea no cesó hasta acallar toda reivindicación socioeconómica en la sociedad lacedemonia.In ancient literary sources King Nabis of Sparta is characterized as a tyrant having undertaken a series of radical reforms, which especially in their social content, attacked the established order and threatened the supremacy in the Peloponnese of a conservative Achaean league sustained in the propertied classes and backed by the unstoppable Roman legions. It is the purpose of this article to analyze the basis of this “revolutionary” monarchy of Nabis and the scope, objectives and final fortune of its measures, which represented an attempt to accommodate the reality of the Hellenistic states without relinquishing the Spartan identity and cultural heritage. The ultimate aim was to recover part of its past military splendour and to achieve a worthy, if not hegemonic, place in the complex and unstable Peloponnesian geopolitical chessboard, but the Achaean elite did not cease until it had silenced any socioeconomic claim in Lacedaemonian society