305 research outputs found

    On-demand microwave generator of shaped single photons

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    We demonstrate the full functionality of a circuit that generates single microwave photons on demand, with a wave packet that can be modulated with a near-arbitrary shape. We achieve such a high tunability by coupling a superconducting qubit near the end of a semi-infinite transmission line. A dc superconducting quantum interference device shunts the line to ground and is employed to modify the spatial dependence of the electromagnetic mode structure in the transmission line. This control allows us to couple and decouple the qubit from the line, shaping its emission rate on fast time scales. Our decoupling scheme is applicable to all types of superconducting qubits and other solid-state systems and can be generalized to multiple qubits as well as to resonators.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Published versio

    Two-Frequency Jahn-Teller Systems in Circuit QED

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    We investigate the simulation of Jahn-Teller models with two non-degenerate vibrational modes using a circuit QED architecture. Typical Jahn-Teller systems are anisotropic and require at least a two-frequency description. The proposed simulator consists of two superconducting lumped-element resonators interacting with a common flux qubit in the ultrastrong coupling regime. We translate the circuit QED model of the system to a two-frequency Jahn-Teller Hamiltonian and calculate its energy eigenvalues and the emission spectrum of the cavities. It is shown that the system can be systematically tuned to an effective single mode Hamiltonian from the two-mode model by varying the coupling strength between the resonators. The flexibility in manipulating the parameters of the circuit QED simulator permits isolating the effective single frequency and pure two-frequency effects in the spectral response of Jahn-Teller systems.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, figures revise

    Josephson squelch filter for quantum nanocircuits

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    We fabricated and tested a squelch circuit consisting of a copper powder filter with an embedded Josephson junction connected to ground. For small signals (squelch-ON), the small junction inductance attenuates strongly from DC to at least 1 GHz, while for higher frequencies dissipation in the copper powder increases the attenuation exponentially with frequency. For large signals (squelch-OFF) the circuit behaves as a regular metal powder filter. The measured ON/OFF ratio is larger than 50dB up to 50 MHz. This squelch can be applied in low temperature measurement and control circuitry for quantum nanostructures such as superconducting qubits and quantum dots.Comment: Corrected and completed references 6,7,8. Updated some minor details in figure

    Generating Multimode Entangled Microwaves with a Superconducting Parametric Cavity

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    In this Letter, we demonstrate the generation of multimode entangled states of propagating microwaves. The entangled states are generated by parametrically pumping a multimode superconducting cavity. By combining different pump frequencies, applied simultaneously to the device, we can produce different entanglement structures in a programable fashion. The Gaussian output states are fully characterized by measuring the full covariance matrices of the modes. The covariance matrices are absolutely calibrated using an in situ microwave calibration source, a shot noise tunnel junction. Applying a variety of entanglement measures, we demonstrate both full inseparability and genuine tripartite entanglement of the states. Our method is easily extensible to more modes.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figures, 1 tabl

    Observation of the Bloch-Siegert Shift in a Qubit-Oscillator System in the Ultrastrong Coupling Regime

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    We measure the dispersive energy-level shift of an LCLC resonator magnetically coupled to a superconducting qubit, which clearly shows that our system operates in the ultrastrong coupling regime. The large mutual kinetic inductance provides a coupling energy of 0.82\approx0.82~GHz, requiring the addition of counter-rotating-wave terms in the description of the Jaynes-Cummings model. We find a 50~MHz Bloch-Siegert shift when the qubit is in its symmetry point, fully consistent with our analytical model.Comment: Published version (4 pages, 4 figures), including supplementary material (2 pages, 4 figures

    The coherent interaction between matter and radiation - A tutorial on the Jaynes-Cummings model

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    The Jaynes-Cummings (JC) model is a milestone in the theory of coherent interaction between a two-level system and a single bosonic field mode. This tutorial aims to give a complete description of the model, analyzing the Hamiltonian of the system, its eigenvalues and eigestates, in order to characterize the dynamics of system and subsystems. The Rabi oscillations, together with the collapse and revival effects, are distinguishing features of the JC model and are important for applications in Quantum Information theory. The framework of cavity quantum electrodynamics (cQED) is chosen and two fundamental experiments on the coherent interaction between Rydberg atoms and a single cavity field mode are described.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures. Tutorial. Submitted to a special issue of EPJ - ST devoted to the memory of Federico Casagrand

    High growth potential of long-term starved deep ocean opportunistic heterotrophic bacteria

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    Experiments with bacteria in culture have shown that they often display “feast and famine” strategies that allow them to respond with fast growth upon pulses in resource availability, and enter a growth-arrest state when resources are limiting. Although feast responses have been observed in natural communities upon enrichment, it is unknown whether this blooming ability is maintained after long periods of starvation, particularly in systems that are energy limited like the bathypelagic ocean. Here we combined bulk and single-cell activity measurements with 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing to explore the response of a bathypelagic community, that had been starved for 1.6 years, to a sudden organic carbon supply. We observed a dramatic change in activity within 30 h, with leucine incorporation rates increasing over two orders of magnitude and the number of translationally active cells (mostly Gammaproteobacteria) increasing 4-fold. The feast response was driven by a single operational taxonomic unit (OTU) affiliated with the Marinobacter genus, which had remained rare during 7 months of starvation. Our work suggests that bathypelagic communities harbor a seed bank of highly persistent and resourceful “feast and famine” strategists that might disproportionally contribute to carbon fluxes through fast responses to occasional pulses of organic matter

    Polar flagella glycosylation in Aeromonas: genomic characterization and involvement of a specific glycosyltransferase (Fgi-1) in heterogeneous flagella glycosylation

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    Polar flagella from mesophilic Aeromonas strains have previously been shown to be modified with a range of glycans. Mass spectrometry studies of purified polar flagellins suggested the glycan typically includes a putative pseudaminic acid like derivative; while some strains are modified with this single monosaccharide, others modified with a heterologous glycan. In the current study, we demonstrate that genes involved in polar flagella glycosylation are clustered in highly polymorphic genomic islands flanked by pseudaminic acid biosynthetic genes (pse). Bioinformatic analysis of mesophilic Aeromonas genomes identified three types of polar flagella glycosylation islands (FGIs), denoted Group I, II and III. FGI Groups I and III are small genomic islands present in Aeromonas strains with flagellins modified with a single monosaccharide pseudaminic acid derivative. Group II were large genomic islands, present in strains found to modify polar flagellins with heterogeneous glycan moieties. Group II, in addition to pse genes, contained numerous glycosyltransferases and other biosynthetic enzymes. All Group II strains shared a common glycosyltransferase downstream of luxC that we named flagella glycosylation island 1, fgi-1, in A. piscicola AH-3. We demonstrate that Fgi-1 transfers the first sugar of the heterogeneous glycan to the pseudaminic acid derivative linked to polar flagellins and could be used as marker for polysaccharidic glycosylation of Aeromonas polar flagella

    Surface modification of HVOF thermal sprayed WC–CoCr coatings by laser treatment

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    In this work the affects of laser characteristics on microstructure and microhardness of high velocity oxygen fuel sprayed (HVOF) WC–CoCr coatings were investigated. The coating was deposited with a Sulzer Metco WokaJet™-400 kerosene fuel and the laser surface treatments were applied using CO2 laser with 10.6 μm wavelength. Large variations in surface properties were produced from variation in the laser processing parameters. In total, four levels of peak power (100, 200, 300 and 350 W), four levels of spot diameter (0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 1 mm) and three levels of pulse repetition frequency (PRF) were investigated. An initial set of tests were followed by a more detailed 33 factorial design of experiments. Pulse repetition frequency and duty cycle were set in order to maintain the same overlap in the x and y directions for the raster scanned sample spot impact dimensions. Overlaps of 30% were used in the initial tests and 10% in the more detailed trials. The results have shown that care must be taken to keep the irradiance at a relatively low level compared to uncoated surfaces. High irradiance can in this case result in rough and porous surfaces. Lower levels of irradiance are shown to provide more uniform microstructures, reduced porosity and increased microhardness

    Seasonal dynamics of natural Ostreococcus viral infection at the single cell level using VirusFISH

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    Ostreococcus is a cosmopolitan marine genus of phytoplankton found in mesotrophic and oligotrophic waters, and the smallest free-living eukaryotes known to date, with a cell diameter close to 1 μm. Ostreococcus has been extensively studied as a model system to investigate viral–host dynamics in culture, yet the impact of viruses in naturally occurring populations is largely unknown. Here, we used Virus Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (VirusFISH) to visualize and quantify viral-host dynamics in natural populations of Ostreococcus during a seasonal cycle in the central Cantabrian Sea (Southern Bay of Biscay). Ostreococcus were predominantly found during summer and autumn at surface and 50 m depth, in coastal, mid-shelf and shelf waters, representing up to 21% of the picoeukaryotic communities. Viral infection was only detected in surface waters, and its impact was variable but highest from May to July and November to December, when up to half of the population was infected. Metatranscriptomic data available from the mid-shelf station unveiled that the Ostreococcus population was dominated by the species O. lucimarinus. This work represents a proof of concept that the VirusFISH technique can be used to quantify the impact of viruses on targeted populations of key microbes from complex natural communities.Preprint5,84