10 research outputs found

    Crack-cocaine users have less family cohesion than alcohol users

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    Objective: Many studies correlate characteristics of family functioning and the development of drug addiction. This study sought to evaluate and compare the family environment styles of two groups of psychoactive substance users: 1) alcohol-only users and 2) crack-cocaine users. Methods: Three hundred and sixty-four users of alcohol, crack-cocaine, and other drugs, recruited from research centers in four Brazilian capitals participated in this study. Subjects were evaluated through the Family Environment Scale and the Addiction Severity Index, 6th version (ASI-6). ASI-6 t-scores were compared by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post-hoc tests. A final model was obtained using a logistic regression analysis. All analyses were adjusted for partner, age, and psychiatric t-score. Results: We found a significant difference between groups in the cohesion subscale (p = 0.044). The post-hoc test revealed a difference of 1.06 points (95%CI 0.11-2.01) between groups 1 (6.45±0.28) and 2 (5.38±0.20). No significant between-group differences were observed in the other subscales. However, categorical analyses of variables regarding family dynamic showed that crack users more often reported that sometimes people in their family hit each other (30.4% vs. 13.2%, p = 0.007) and that people in their family frequently compared each other regarding work and/or school achievement (57.2% vs. 42.6%, p = 0.041). Conclusion: These results suggest that families of crack-cocaine users are less cohesive than families of alcohol users. This type of family environment may affect treatment outcome, and should thus be adequately approached

    Intra and inter populational genetic variability in Maytenus ilicifolia Mart. ex Reiss. 1861, through RAPD markers

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    Maytenus ilicifolia is a medicinal plant largely used in the South Brazilian folk medicine. The aim of this study was to quantify the intra and inter populational genetic variability in three populations of M. ilicifolia, focusing on the genetic conservation of this species, which has been threatened by anthropic action. RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) markers were used to analyze 30 plants of each of the three populations collected in the Alto Uruguai Gaúcho region. Fourteen selected primers generated a total of 158 bands, 71.5% of which were polymorphic. The comparison of Jaccard’s distances showed that the intra populational variation was higher than the inter populational variability, and cluster analysis allowed the separation of the three populations. Just 7.6% of the bands were specific of at least two populations. Data indicate that the analyzed M. ilicifolia populations represent a single genetic pool, and therefore any of the population thoroughly can represent the overall genetic variability of the species in the sampled region

    Desenvolvimento e avaliação das propriedades psicométricas da versão brasileira do Addiction Severity Index 6 (ASI-6) Light

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    Objetivo Desenvolver e avaliar as propriedades psicométricas de uma versão brasileira reduzida do Addiction Severity Index 6 Light (ASI-6 Light) previamente proposta com base em um estudo de validação dos construtos do instrumento e desenvolver os novos escores de cada área do instrumento baseados na Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI). Métodos Foram entrevistados 200 sujeitos, 100 com uso problemático de álcool e outras drogas e 100 sem uso problemático. Foram calculados os escores dos indivíduos com base na TRI. As propriedades psicométricas foram avaliadas pela correlação entre os escores do ASI-6 Light e do Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST), padrão-ouro do estudo. Foram avaliados os índices de sensibilidade e especificidade. Resultados Foi encontrada alta correlação entre os escores da área “álcool” do ASI-6 Light e os escores do ASSIST em relação ao álcool (r = 0,79), correlações moderadas em relação ao tabaco (r = 0,47) e cocaína/crack (r = 0,44) e baixa (r = 0,39) em relação à maconha. Ao correlacionarem-se os escores do ASSIST e os escores da área “drogas” do ASI-6 Light, obteve-se alta correlação em relação à cocaína/crack (r = 0,85), correlações moderadas em relação ao tabaco (r = 0,57) e maconha (r = 0,68) e baixa (r = 0,29) em relação ao álcool. A área sob a curva ROC da área “álcool” foi de 0,93 e a da área “drogas” foi de 0,88. Conclusão Boas evidências de validade das áreas “álcool” e “drogas” foram apresentadas. Essa nova versão tornou-se um instrumento de fácil manejo e de rápida aplicação, contendo os itens que melhor avaliam a gravidade de problemas