538 research outputs found

    Muscle fatigue and other factors influencing forearm muscle activity

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    The wrist extensor muscles of the forearm exhibit relatively greater muscle activity than the wrist flexors during most hand/wrist tasks. Since the extensors operate at a greater percentage of maximum to balance wrist joint moments, this could contribute to their higher incidence of overuse injury. However, current knowledge of forearm muscle function comes primarily from isometric research or from studies examining isolated motor tasks. Conclusions derived from this work may not translate to tasks of daily living, which are typically dynamic and performed by multiple muscle actions simultaneously. Additionally, while fatigue develops more rapidly in the extensors than the flexors, the consequences of fatigue between these two muscle groups are presently unclear. The objectives of this thesis were broken into two parts. Part 1: Quantify forearm muscle recruitment during the simultaneous execution of various handgrip and wrist forces (Chapter 3) and during dynamic wrist exertions (Chapter 4). Part 2: Characterize the effects of sustained isometric wrist flexion and wrist extension contractions on hand-tracking accuracy (Chapter 5) and investigate the underlying central mechanisms that may contribute to accuracy impairments (Chapter 6). In Part 1, we identified that the muscle activity of the wrist flexors was highly sensitive to changes in dual-task parameters (grip and wrist exertions), while the activity of the extensors was consistently greater than the flexors during both dual-task and dynamic contractions. In some conditions, the wrist extensors exceeded flexor activity even during pure wrist flexion contractions. In Part 2, it was found that inducing fatigue separately through sustained wrist extension and wrist flexion contractions significantly impaired hand-tracking accuracy. However, there were no differences in hand-tracking accuracy between the two methods of inducing fatigue. This was surprising, given that follow-up work demonstrated both muscle activity and corticospinal differences between the muscle groups following sustained contractions. This thesis provides a robust examination of the factors that can influence forearm muscle recruitment. It is also the first work to document the consequences of fatigue in opposing muscle groups of the forearm. The conclusions drawn from this research are essential in furthering our understanding of overuse injury development in the distal upper-limb

    Sustained Isometric Wrist Flexion and Extension Maximal Voluntary Contractions Similarly Impair Hand-Tracking Accuracy in Young Adults Using a Wrist Robot

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    Due to their stabilizing role, the wrist extensor muscles demonstrate an earlier onset of performance fatigability and may impair movement accuracy more than the wrist flexors. However, minimal fatigue research has been conducted at the wrist. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine how sustained isometric contractions of the wrist extensors/flexors influence hand-tracking accuracy. While gripping the handle of a three-degrees-of-freedom wrist manipulandum, 12 male participants tracked a 2:3 Lissajous curve (±32° wrist flexion/extension; ±18° radial/ulnar deviation). A blue, circular target moved about the trajectory and participants tracked the target with a yellow circle (corresponding to the handle's position). Five baseline tracking trials were performed prior to the fatiguing task. Participants then exerted either maximal wrist extension or flexion force (performed on separate days) against a force transducer until they were unable to maintain 25% of their pre-fatigue maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Participants then performed 7 tracking trials from immediately post-fatigue to 10 min after. Performance fatigability was assessed using various metrics to account for errors in position-tracking, error tendencies, and movement smoothness. While there were no differences in tracking error between flexion/extension sessions, tracking error significantly increased immediately post-fatigue (Baseline: 1.40 ± 0.54°, Post-fatigue: 2.02 ± 0.51°, P < 0.05). However, error rapidly recovered, with no differences in error from baseline after 1-min post-fatigue. These findings demonstrate that sustained isometric extension/flexion contractions similarly impair tracking accuracy of the hand. This work serves as an important step to future research into workplace health and preventing injuries of the distal upper-limb

    Location-specific cutaneous electrical stimulation of the footsole modulates corticospinal excitability to the plantarflexors and dorsiflexors during standing

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    Non-noxious electrical stimulation to distinct locations of the foot sole evokes location-specific cutaneous reflex responses in lower limb muscles. These reflexes occur at latencies that may enable them to be mediated via a transcortical pathway. Corticospinal excitability to the plantarflexors and dorsiflexors was measured in 16 participants using motor evoked potentials (MEPs). Spinal excitability was measured in eight of the original participants using cervicomedullary motor evoked potentials (CMEPs). Measurements were collected with and without preceding cutaneous stimulus to either the heel (HEEL) or metatarsal (MET) locations of the foot sole, and evoked potentials were elicited to coincide with the arrival of the cutaneous volley at either the motor cortex or spinal cord. Plantarflexor MEPs and CMEPs were facilitated with cutaneous stimulation to the HEEL for MEPs (soleus p = 0.04, medial gastrocnemius (MG) p = 0.017) and CMEPs (soleus p = 0.047 and MG p = 0.015), but they were unchanged following MET stimulation for MEPs or CMEPs. Dorsiflexor MEPs were unchanged with cutaneous stimulation at either location, but dorsiflexor CMEPs increased with cutaneous stimulation (p = 0.05). In general, the increase in CMEP amplitudes was larger than the increase in MEP amplitudes, indicating that an increase in spinal excitability likely explains most of the increase in corticospinal excitability. The larger change observed in the CMEP also indicates that excitability from supraspinal sources likely decreased, which could be due to a net change in the excitability of intracortical circuits. This study provides evidence that cutaneous reflexes from foot sole skin are likely influenced by a transcortical pathway

    Investigating the Muscular and Kinematic Responses to Sudden Wrist Perturbations During a Dynamic Tracking Task

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    Sudden disturbances (perturbations) to the hand and wrist are commonplace in daily activities and workplaces when interacting with tools and the environment. It is important to understand how perturbations influence forearm musculature and task performance when identifying injury mechanisms. The purpose of this work was to evaluate changes in forearm muscle activity and co-contraction caused by wrist perturbations during a dynamic wrist tracking task. Surface electromyography was recorded from eight muscles of the upper-limb. Participants performed trials consisting of 17 repetitions of ±40° of wrist flexion/extension using a robotic device. During trials, participants received radial or ulnar perturbations that were delivered during flexion or extension, and with known or unknown timing. Co-contraction ratios for all muscle pairs showed significantly greater extensor activity across all experimental conditions. Of all antagonistic muscle pairs, the flexor carpi radialis (FCR)-extensor carpi radialis (ECR) muscle pair had the greatest change in co-contraction, producing 1602% greater co-contraction during flexion trials than during extensions trials. Expected perturbations produced greater anticipatory (immediately prior to the perturbation) muscle activity than unexpected, resulting in a 30% decrease in wrist displacement. While improving performance, this increase in anticipatory muscle activity may leave muscles susceptible to early-onset fatigue, which could lead to chronic overuse injuries in the workplace.Brock University Library Open Access Publishing Fun

    The Use of Elastic Resistance Bands to Reduce Dynamic Knee Valgus in Squat-Based Movements: A Narrative Review

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    An elastic band wrapped around the distal thighs has recently been proposed as a method for reducing dynamic knee valgus (medial movement of the knee joint in the frontal/coronal plane) while performing squats. The rationale behind this technique is that, by using an external force to pull the knees into further knee valgus, the band both exaggerates the pre-existing movement and provides additional local proprioceptive input, cueing individuals to adjust their knee alignment. If these mechanisms are true, then elastic bands might indeed reduce dynamic knee valgus, which could be promising for use in injury prevention as excessive knee valgus may be associated with a greater risk of sustaining an ACL rupture and/or other knee injuries. Due to this possibility, certain athletic populations have already adopted the use of elastic bands for training and/or rehab, despite a limited number of studies showing beneficial findings. The purpose of this narrative review is to examine current literature that has assessed lower limb muscle activity and/or lower limb kinematics performance on squat-based movements with or without an elastic band(s). Importantly, this paper will also discuss the key limitations that exist in this area, propose suggestions for future research directions, and provide recommendations for training implementations. # Level of Evidence

    Chandra Observation of Abell 2142: Survival of Dense Subcluster Cores in a Merger

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    We use Chandra data to map the gas temperature in the central region of the merging cluster A2142. The cluster is markedly nonisothermal; it appears that the central cooling flow has been disturbed but not destroyed by a merger. The X-ray image exhibits two sharp, bow-shaped, shock-like surface brightness edges or gas density discontinuities. However, temperature and pressure profiles across these edges indicate that these are not shock fronts. The pressure is reasonably continuous across these edges, while the entropy jumps in the opposite sense to that in a shock (i.e. the denser side of the edge has lower temperature, and hence lower entropy). Most plausibly, these edges delineate the dense subcluster cores that have survived a merger and ram pressure stripping by the surrounding shock-heated gas.Comment: Latex, 9 pages, 5 figures (including color), uses emulateapj.sty. Submitted to Ap

    A cosmic ray cocoon along the X-ray jet of M87?

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    Relativistic jets propagating through an ambient medium must produce some observational effects along their side boundaries because of interactions across the large velocity gradient. One possible effect of such an interaction would be a sheared magnetic field structure at the jet boundaries, leading to a characteristic radio polarization pattern. As proposed by Ostrowski, another effect can come from the generation of a high energy cosmic ray component at the boundary, producing dynamic effects on the medium surrounding the jet and forming a cocoon dominated by cosmic rays with a decreased thermal gas emissivity. We selected this process for our first attempt to look for the effects of this type of interaction. We analyzed the Chandra X-ray data for the radio galaxy M87 in order to verify if the expected regions of diminished emissivity may be present near the spectacular X-ray jet in this source. The detailed analysis of the data, merged from 42 separate observations, shows signatures of lower emissivity surrounding the jet. In particular we detect an intensity dip along the part of the jet, which would be approximately 150 pc x 2 kpc in size, if situated along the jet which is inclined toward us. Due to a highly non-uniform X-ray background in the central region we are not able to claim the discovery of a cosmic ray cocoon around the M87 jet: we only have demonstrated that the data show morphological structures which could be accounted for if a cosmic ray cocoon exists.Comment: 8 pages, 8 pictures accepted for publication in MNRA

    Effectiveness of State and Federal Government Agreements with Major Credit Card and Shipping Companies to Block Illegal Internet Cigarette Sales

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    Most Internet vendors offer tax-free cigarettes making them cheaper than those sold at stores. This undermines the impact that higher prices have upon reducing consumption. Most Internet tobacco sales have violated taxation and youth access laws, which led to landmark voluntary agreements in 2005 with the major credit card companies and major private shippers to ban payment transactions and shipments for all Internet cigarette sales

    AGN feedback and iron enrichment in the powerful radio galaxy, 4C+55.16

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    We present a detailed X-ray analysis of 4C+55.16, an unusual and interesting radio galaxy, located at the centre of a cool core cluster of galaxies. 4C+55.16 is X-ray bright (L(cluster)~10^45 erg/s), radio powerful, and shows clear signs of interaction with the surrounding intracluster medium. By combining deep Chandra (100 ks) with 1.4 GHz VLA observations, we find evidence of multiple outbursts from the central AGN, providing enough energy to offset cooling of the ICM (P_bubbles=6.7x10^44 erg/s). Furthermore, 4C+55.16 has an unusual intracluster iron distribution showing a plume-like feature rich in Fe L emission that runs along one of the X-ray cavities. The excess of iron associated with the plume is around 10^7M_sol. The metal abundances are consistent with being Solar-like, indicating that both SNIa and SNII contribute to the enrichment. The plume and southern cavity form a region of cool metal-rich gas, and at the edge of this region, there is a clear discontinuity in temperature (from kT~2.5 keV to kT~5.0 keV), metallicity (from ~0.4 solar to 0.8 solar), and surface brightness distribution, consistent with it being caused by a cold front. However, we also suggest that this discontinuity could be caused by cool metal-rich gas being uplifted from the central AGN along one of its X-ray cavities.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, Accepted to MNRAS (minor revision