22,229 research outputs found

    Acceleration of convergence of vector sequences

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    A general approach to the construction of accelerated convergence methods for vector sequences is proposed. A simplified version of minimal polynomial extrapolation is emphasized. The convergence of this method is analyzed and it is shown that it is especially suitable for accelerating the convergence of vector sequences that are obtained when one solves linear systems of equations iteratively

    History's Posse

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    Effect of initial correlations on short-time decoherence

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    We study the effect of initial correlations on the short-time decoherence of a particle linearly coupled to a bath of harmonic oscillators. We analytically evaluate the attenuation coefficient of a Schroedinger cat state both for a free and a harmonically bound particle, with and without initial thermal correlations between the particle and the bath. While short-time decoherence appears to be independent of the system in the absence of initial correlations, we find on the contrary that, for initial thermal correlations, decoherence becomes system dependent even for times much shorter than the characteristic time of the system. The temperature behavior of this system dependence is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    On the Oceanography of the Nansen Sound Fiord System

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    Summarizes exploration of the fiord system of northwest Ellesmere and northeast Axel Heiberg Islands, from discovery in 1883 to 1962, and describes in detail results of oceanographic surveys in 1962. Temperature and salinity data are graphed and analyzed. Water warmer than -10C below 100 m is believed to be derived from the Atlantic water intermediate layer in the Arctic Ocean. A persistent inversion at 40 m in the Tanquary and other upper fiords is theorized as being due to trapping of direct solar insolation. Conditions conductive to this are discussed

    Specific targeting of cytosine methylation to DNA sequences in vivo

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    Development of methods that will allow exogenous imposition of inheritable gene-specific methylation patterns has potential application in both therapeutics and in basic research. An ongoing approach is the use of targeted DNA methyltransferases, which consist of a fusion between gene-targeted zinc-finger proteins and prokaryotic DNA cytosine methyltransferases. These enzymes however have so far demonstrated significant and unacceptable levels of non-targeted methylation. We now report the development of second-generation targeted methyltransferase enzymes comprising enhanced zinc-finger arrays coupled to methyltransferase mutants that are functionally dominated by their zinc-finger component. Both in vitro plasmid methylation studies and a novel bacterial assay reveal a high degree of target-specific methylation by these enzymes. Furthermore, we demonstrate for the first time transient expression of targeted cytosine methyltransferase in mammalian cells resulting in the specific methylation of a chromosomal locus. Importantly, the resultant methylation pattern is inherited through successive cell divisions

    The Basics of Federal Black Lung Litigation

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    Use of altered-specificity binding Oct-4 suggests an absence of pluripotent cell-specific cofactor usage

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    Oct-4 is a POU domain transcription factor that is critical for maintaining pluripotency and for stem cell renewal. Previous studies suggest that transcription regulation by Oct-4 at particular enhancers requires the input of a postulated E1A-like cofactor that is specific to pluripotent cells. However, such studies have been limited to the use of enhancer elements that bind other POU-protein family members in addition to Oct-4, thus preventing a ‘clean’ assessment of any Oct-4:cofactor relationships. Other attempts to study Oct-4 functionality in a more ‘stand-alone’ situation target Oct-4 transactivation domains to DNA using heterologous binding domains, a methodology which is known to generate artificial data. To circumvent these issues, an altered-specificity binding Oct-4 (Oct-4RR) and accompanying binding site, which binds Oct-4RR only, were generated. This strategy has previously been shown to maintain Oct-1:cofactor interactions that are highly binding-site and protein/binding conformation specific. This system therefore allows a stand-alone study of Oct-4 function in pluripotent versus differentiated cells, without interference from endogenous POU factors and with minimal deviation from bound wild-type protein characteristics. Subsequently, it was demonstrated that Oct-4RR and the highly transactive regions of its N-terminus determined here, and its C-terminus, have the same transactivation profile in pluripotent and differentiated cells, thus providing strong evidence against the existence of such a pluripotent cell-specific Oct-4 cofactor

    Ideology and disease identity : the politics of rickets, 1929-1982

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    How can we assess the reciprocal impacts of politics and medicine in the contemporary period? Using the example of rickets in twentieth century Britain, I will explore the ways in which a preventable, curable non-infectious disease came to have enormous political significance, first as a symbol of socioeconomic inequality, then as evidence of racial and ethnic health disparities. Between the 1920s and 1980s, clinicians, researchers, health workers, members of Parliament and later Britain's growing South Asian ethnic communities repeatedly confronted the British state with evidence of persistent nutritional deficiency among the British poor and British Asians. Drawing on bitter memories of the ‘Hungry Thirties’, postwar rickets—so often described as a ‘Victorian’ disease—became a high-profile sign of what was variously constructed as a failure of the Welfare State; or of the political parties charged with its protection; or of ethnically Asian migrants and their descendants to adapt to British life and norms. Here I will argue that rickets prompted such consternation not because of its severity, the cost of its treatment, or even its prevalence; but because of the ease with which it was politicised. I will explore the ways in which this condition was envisioned, defined and addressed as Britain moved from the postwar consensus to Thatcherism, and as Britain's diverse South Asian communities developed from migrant enclaves to settled multigenerational ethnic communities