68 research outputs found

    Comparison Between Supervised and Unsupervised Classifications of Neuronal Cell Types: A Case Study

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    In the study of neural circuits, it becomes essential to discern the different neuronal cell types that build the circuit. Traditionally, neuronal cell types have been classified using qualitative descriptors. More recently, several attempts have been made to classify neurons quantitatively, using unsupervised clustering methods. While useful, these algorithms do not take advantage of previous information known to the investigator, which could improve the classification task. For neocortical GABAergic interneurons, the problem to discern among different cell types is particularly difficult and better methods are needed to perform objective classifications. Here we explore the use of supervised classification algorithms to classify neurons based on their morphological features, using a database of 128 pyramidal cells and 199 interneurons from mouse neocortex. To evaluate the performance of different algorithms we used, as a “benchmark,” the test to automatically distinguish between pyramidal cells and interneurons, defining “ground truth” by the presence or absence of an apical dendrite. We compared hierarchical clustering with a battery of different supervised classification algorithms, finding that supervised classifications outperformed hierarchical clustering. In addition, the selection of subsets of distinguishing features enhanced the classification accuracy for both sets of algorithms. The analysis of selected variables indicates that dendritic features were most useful to distinguish pyramidal cells from interneurons when compared with somatic and axonal morphological variables. We conclude that supervised classification algorithms are better matched to the general problem of distinguishing neuronal cell types when some information on these cell groups, in our case being pyramidal or interneuron, is known a priori. As a spin-off of this methodological study, we provide several methods to automatically distinguish neocortical pyramidal cells from interneurons, based on their morphologies

    ¿Porqué PERT & GANTT no funciona en proyectos de edificación?

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    Process engineering applied to building projects has not developed its own methodology for project management, so it has been using generic project management tools, based on PERT and GANTT, under the paradigms Critical Path Method or Critical Chain. Both PERT and GANTT do not consider some variables that are relevant in the specific environment of a construction site, such as: location, repetitive activities, productivity, continuity of work for external crews, material transformation, space clashes, etc. This article analyzes: 1) The theoretical foundations of generic project management tools based on activities management, 2) The significant variables in both production and project management paradigms, 3) The new paradigm and conceptual tools developed over the last 20 years in the Lean Construction community of knowledge. The findings of this research will help construction managers and superintendents, explaining why the standard tools they are using are not enough to manage their regular work, and proposing a more adequate set of tools and systems to plan and control production activities on site.Postprint (published version

    Estudio experimental y cinético de la interacción del Printex-U con NO

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    El presente Proyecto Fin De Carrera tiene como objetivo general contribuir a obtener un mayor conocimiento de la interacción de un hollín comercial denominado Printex-U, según la bibliografía un material representativo del hollín de diésel, con NO, como método de reducción in situ de ambos contaminantes en motores diésel. En primer lugar, se ha realizado un estudio bibliográfico acerca de la interacción del hollín y de otros materiales carbonosos con el NO, así como de distintas técnicas, las más utilizadas, para la caracterización de materiales carbonosos. En el laboratorio se ha llevado a cabo un estudio experimental de la reactividad del hollín con NO, analizando la influencia de la temperatura y concentración de NO. Se ha obtenido que cuanto mayor es la temperatura de reacción y la concentración de NO menor es el tiempo de conversión completa del carbono, lo que indica una mayor reactividad del material carbonoso hacia NO. Por otro lado, se ha observado que el aumento de temperatura conlleva una mayor conversión (reducción) de NO, mientras que cuanto mayor es la concentración de NO menor es la conversión de NO. En el estudio cinético, se ha utilizado el Modelo de reacción de Núcleo Decreciente para analizar la reacción sólido-gas considerada y ajustar los datos experimentales, determinando la etapa controlante de la reacción en las condiciones de operación utilizadas y, posteriormente, los parámetros cinéticos (orden de reacción respecto al NO y energía de activación). La etapa controlante es la de la reacción química, obteniendo un orden de reacción de 0,42, una energía de activación de 110 kJ/mol y un valor de la constante cinética a 1000 ºC de 1,33x10-9 mol0,58•m-0,74 •s-1. Adicionalmente, varias muestras de hollín han sido sometidas a tratamiento térmico a temperaturas de 1000 y 1100 ºC para conocer la variación de sus propiedades estructurales con la temperatura en comparación con el material original. Las técnicas de caracterización aplicadas han sido: análisis elemental, TEM, SEM, XRD, XPS, espectroscopia Raman y análisis de superficie específica BET y DR

    Sexualidad en adolescentes aragoneses con TCA

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    Objetivo: Objetivar el papel de la orientación sexual, así como la identidad de género en una muestra de pacientes de entre 12 y 18 años, en seguimiento en la UTCA del HCU de Zaragoza (España). Además de ello, analizar la insatisfacción corporal y la autoimagen de los sujetos a estudio. Observar las prevalencias de los TCA de cada grupo a estudio. Método: Se trabajó con una muestra de 49 sujetos: 10 hombres (20,41%) y 39 mujeres (79,59%). Todos ellos firmaron el CI y cumplimentaron una encuesta, los datos se ordenaron en excel y se analizaron con la base de datos PEDro. Resultados: Mujeres heterosexuales y bisexuales tienen mayor prevalencia de TCA que las homosexuales. Las mujeres homosexuales no padecen más obesidad. La insatisfacción corporal es más frecuente en mujeres heterosexuales. Discusión: La sintomatología alimentaria parece estar relacionada con la orientación sexual. En nuestro estudio no se encontraron diferencias significativas a favor de una mayor prevalencia de TCA en varones homosexuales frente a los bisexuales y heterosexuales. Conclusiones: El estudio de la orientación sexual puede resultar beneficioso para el manejo clínico diario de estos pacientes. Palabras clave: alimentación desordenada; imagen corporal; orientación sexual; insatisfacción corporal. ABSTRACT: Objective: Objectify the role of sexual orientation, as well as gender identity in a sample of patients between 12 and 18 years of age, followed up at UTCA of the HCU in Zaragoza (Spain). In addition, analyze the body dissatisfaction and self-image of the subjects under study. Observe the prevalences of ED of each group under study. Method: We worked with a sample of 49 subjects: 10 men (20.41%) and 39 women (79.59%). All of them signed the IC and completed a survey, the data was sorted in excel and analyzed with the PEDro database. Results: Heterosexual and bisexual women have higher prevalence of ED than homosexuals. Homosexual women do not suffer from obesity. Body dissatisfaction is more frequent in heterosexual women. Discussion: The alimentary symptomatology seems to be related to the sexual orientation. In our study, no significant differences were found in favor of a higher prevalence of eating disorders in homosexual men versus bisexual and heterosexual men. Conclusions: The study of sexual orientation can be beneficial for the daily clinical management of these patients. Keywords: eating disorder; body image; sexual orientation; body dissatisfaction<br /

    Optimizing Logistic Regression Coefficients for Discrimination and Calibration Using Estimation of Distribution Algorithms.

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    Logistic regression is a simple and efficient supervised learning algorithm for estimating the probability of an outcome or class variable. In spite of its simplicity, logistic regression has shown very good performance in a range of fields. It is widely accepted in a range of fields because its results are easy to interpret. Fitting the logistic regression model usually involves using the principle of maximum likelihood. The Newton–Raphson algorithm is the most common numerical approach for obtaining the coefficients maximizing the likelihood of the data. This work presents a novel approach for fitting the logistic regression model based on estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs), a tool for evolutionary computation. EDAs are suitable not only for maximizing the likelihood, but also for maximizing the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). Thus, we tackle the logistic regression problem from a double perspective: likelihood-based to calibrate the model and AUC-based to discriminate between the different classes. Under these two objectives of calibration and discrimination, the Pareto front can be obtained in our EDA framework. These fronts are compared with those yielded by a multiobjective EDA recently introduced in the literature

    Analysis of thermal comfort in nursing homes in the Atlantic climate

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    A esperança média de vida da população mundial tem vindo a aumentar, incrementando a faixa etária acima dos 65 anos. Nesse sentido, determinados ser viços experimentam maior demanda em resposta às necessidades crescentes desta população, como é o caso dos ser viços de cuidados a longo prazo, nomeadamente, centros de dia (CD) e estruturas residenciais para idosos (ERPI). Neste âmbito de ser viços para a comunidade idosa, os parâmetros de qualidade e confor to são apresentados como fatores cruciais para o bem-estar dos utentes/residentes, sendo que o confor to térmico (CT) é um fator determinante na monitorização do bem-estar desta população. Para que os valores ótimos de CT sejam alcançados e mantidos nos edificados com esta tipologia de ser viços, elevados gastos energéticos são despendidos para retificar as condições estruturais dos edifícios. A fim de estruturar um modelo matemático viável que permita definir as características estruturais otimizadas na fase de construção e reabilitação dos edifícios para CD ou ERPI, torna-se necessário analisar o CT dos utentes e prever quais as condições térmicas aceitáveis ou preferenciais para esta população. Este estudo, ainda em curso e integrante do programa ConTerMa, analisa as variáveis de CT na zona climática continental atlântica, monitorizando 8 ERPI e CD situados em 5 concelhos da área metropolitana do Por to, e 5 ERPI e CD na área metropolitana de Barcelona, representativas do clima mediterrânico.In recent years, the average life expectancy of the world's population has been rising, resulting in a steady increase in the elderly population. With the older age group increasing, certain ser vices are in greater demand in response to the growing needs of this population, such as the case of long-term care ser vices, i.e. Day Centres (DC) and Nursing Homes (NH). In this ser vice area, quality and comfort parameters are presented as crucial factors for the well-being of the users, with thermal comfort being one of the most important quality parameters of well-being of this population. It takes high energy costs in order for optimum values of thermal comfort (TC) to be achieved and maintained in buildings built for this type of ser vice, since structural conditions of buildings are often degraded. In order to structure a viable mathematical model that allows to define the optimized structural characteristics in the construction phase of the buildings for permanent or temporary geriatric residences, it is necessary to analyse, in an initial phase, the TC of the users of this type of ser vice and to predict which are the acceptable or preferred thermal conditions for this population. The TC analyses, in this study, will focus on an area of continental Mediterranean climate, addressing 8 NH and DC in the metropolitan area of Porto, representative of the Atlantic climate zone in Portugal, and 5 NH and DC in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, exemplifying of the Mediterranean climate.Projeto financiado ao abrigo do Anúncio de Seleção de Trabalhos de Investigação Multidisciplinar sobre o Envelhecimento ‘Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional en el marco del Programa de Cooperación Interreg V-A España – Portugal, (POCTEP) 2014-2020, Expediente: 6/2018_CIE_6’, no âmbito do Programa Coordenado ‘ConTerMa- Análisis del confort térmico en residencias de ancianos en el espacio de cooperación transfronterizo de España-Portugal’.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Three-dimensional spatial distribution of synapses in the neocortex: A dual-beam electron microscopy study

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    In the cerebral cortex, most synapses are found in the neuropil, but relatively little is known about their 3-dimensional organization. Using an automated dual-beam electron microscope that combines focused ion beam milling and scanning electron microscopy, we have been able to obtain 10 three-dimensional samples with an average volume of 180 µm(3) from the neuropil of layer III of the young rat somatosensory cortex (hindlimb representation). We have used specific software tools to fully reconstruct 1695 synaptic junctions present in these samples and to accurately quantify the number of synapses per unit volume. These tools also allowed us to determine synapse position and to analyze their spatial distribution using spatial statistical methods. Our results indicate that the distribution of synaptic junctions in the neuropil is nearly random, only constrained by the fact that synapses cannot overlap in space. A theoretical model based on random sequential absorption, which closely reproduces the actual distribution of synapses, is also presented

    Blood pressure control is not enough to normalize endothelial repair by progenitor cells

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    Patients presenting with classical cardiovascular risk factors within acceptable or average value ranges often develop cardiovascular disease, suggesting that other risk factors need to be considered. Considering that endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) contribute to endothelial repair, we investigated whether EPCs might be such a factor. We compared the ability of peripheral blood EPCs to attach to extracellular matrix proteins and to grow and function in culture, between controlled hypertensive patients exhibiting a Framingham score (FS) of < 10% while showing severe vascular impairment (intima-media thickness/diameter, carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity, brachial artery flow-mediated dilation, carotid and femoral atherosclerotic plaque presence; vulnerable group, N = 30) and those with an FS of ≥ 10% and scarce vascular changes (protected group, N = 30). When compared with vulnerable patients, protected patients had significantly higher early and late-EPC and early and latetunneling nanotube (TNT) numbers. Significant negative associations were found between vascular damage severity and early EPC, lateEPC, or late-TNT numbers, whereas EPC or TNT numbers and patient characteristics or cardiovascular risk factors were not associated. Except for protected patients, in all controlled hypertensive patients, early and late-EPC and early and late-TNT counts were significantly lower than those in the normotensive subjects studied (N = 30). We found that the disparity in vascular status between patients presenting with both an FS of ≥10% and scarce vascular changes and those presenting with both an FS of < 10% and severe vascular impairment is related to differences in peripheral blood EPC and TNT numbers. These observations support the role of EPCs as contributors to vascular injury repair and suggest that EPC numbers may be a potential cardiovascular risk factor to be included in the FS calculation. New & Noteworthy: As individuals who present with risk factors within acceptable or average value ranges often develop cardiovascular (CV) disease, it has been suggested that other CV risk factors need to be considered in addition to those that are commonly combined in the Framingham score (FS) to estimate the risk of general CV disease. We investigated whether peripheral endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) and tunneling nanotubes (TNTs) deserve to be considered. Here we report that EPCs and TNTs are significantly lower in controlled hypertensive patients versus normotensive subjects and that the disparity in vascular status between patients presenting with an FS of ≥ 10% with scarce vascular changes and those presenting with an FS of < 10% with severe vascular impairment is related to differences in EPC and TNT numbers. These data point to EPC and TNT numbers as potential CV risk factors to be included in the FS calculation.Fil: De Cavanagh, Elena M. V.. No especifíca;Fil: González, Sergio Alejandro. Universidad Austral. Hospital Universitario Austral; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Inserra, Felipe. Universidad Maimónides; ArgentinaFil: Forcada, Pedro. No especifíca;Fil: Castellaro, Carlos. Universidad Austral; Argentina. Centro de Educación Medica E Invest.clinicas; ArgentinaFil: Chiabaut Svane, Jorge. Universidad Austral. Hospital Universitario Austral; ArgentinaFil: Obregón, Sebastián. Universidad Austral. Hospital Universitario Austral; ArgentinaFil: Casarini, María Jesús. No especifíca;Fil: Kempny, Pablo. Universidad Austral. Hospital Universitario Austral; ArgentinaFil: Kotliar, Carol Virginia. Universidad Austral. Hospital Universitario Austral; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Ground-based detection of an extended helium atmosphere in the Saturn-mass exoplanet WASP-69b

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    Hot gas giant exoplanets can lose part of their atmosphere due to strong stellar irradiation, affecting their physical and chemical evolution. Studies of atmospheric escape from exoplanets have mostly relied on space-based observations of the hydrogen Lyman-{\alpha} line in the far ultraviolet which is strongly affected by interstellar absorption. Using ground-based high-resolution spectroscopy we detect excess absorption in the helium triplet at 1083 nm during the transit of the Saturn-mass exoplanet WASP-69b, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 18. We measure line blue shifts of several km/s and post transit absorption, which we interpret as the escape of part of the atmosphere trailing behind the planet in comet-like form. [Additional notes by authors: Furthermore, we provide upper limits for helium signals in the atmospheres of the exoplanets HD 209458b, KELT-9b, and GJ 436b. We investigate the host stars of all planets with detected helium signals and those of the three planets we derive upper limits for. In each case we calculate the X-ray and extreme ultraviolet flux received by these planets. We find that helium is detected in the atmospheres of planets (orbiting the more active stars and) receiving the larger amount of irradiation from their host stars.]Comment: Submitted to Science on 14 March 2018; Accepted by Science on 16 November 2018; Published by Science on 6 December 2018. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of the AAAS for personal use. The definitive version was published in Science, on 6 December 2018 - Report: pages 21 (preprint), 4 figures - Supplementary materials: 22 pages, 10 figures, 3 table

    El sistema de traducción automática castellano-catalán interNOSTRUM

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    Este artículo describe interNOSTRUM, un sistema de traducción automática (TA) castellano-catalán actualmente en desarrollo que alcanza una gran velocidad mediante el uso de tecnología de estados finitos (lo que permite su integracion en navegadores de internet) y obtiene una precisión razonable utilizando una estrategia de transferencia morfológica avanzada (lo que permite producir rápidamente borradores de traducciones listos para una postedición ligera).Este trabajo ha sido financiado por la Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo y por el Vicerrectorado de Nuevas Tecnologías de la Universitat d'Alacant, y más recientemente por la Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología a través del proyecto TIC2000-1599-C02-02