8 research outputs found

    Improving dietary and health data for decision making in agriculture and nutrition actions in Africa

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    The report covers activities and conference sessions regarding questions and strategies for implementation of the project which aims to develop and build capacity of an information and communications technology-based (ICT-based) platform. This will collect low-cost, high-frequency, high-resolution dietary and health data, and will combine accuracy and frequency through recording events in near-real time. The workshop focused on the following issues: i) What data should the tool/platform collect? ii) Tool-functionality, and methods for testing it, along with comparison to traditional data collection methods iii) Potential uses and scalability of the tool

    End-of-project report for the period 15 August 2014 - 15 February 2015 / Research Support Project : Research to Feed Africa - High level Policy Dialogue (CIFSRF)

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    The Canadian International Food Security Research Fund (CIFSRF) was designed to contribute to solving global problems of food and nutritional insecurity through applied, collaborative, results-oriented research. To date (2015) 21 large agriculture and nutrition research consortia have been supported in 20 countries. The Research to Feed Africa dialogue and conference (2014) brought together 228 delegates from over 33 countries. This is the end-of-grant project report covering the period 15 August 2014 to 15 February 2015 with a detailed report of progress made in achieving milestones