17 research outputs found
Implementing reflective multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) to assess orphan drugs value in the Catalan Health Service (CatSalut)
Catalan healthcare; Decision-making; Multi-criteria decision analysis; Orphan drugsSanitat catalana; Presa de decisions; Anà lisi de decisions multicriteri; Medicaments orfesSanidad catalana; Toma de decisiones; Análisis de decisiones multicriteria; Medicamentos huérfanosBACKGROUND: Orphan medicines show some characteristics that hinder the evaluation of their clinical added value. The often low level of evidence available for orphan drugs, together with a high budget impact and an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio many times higher than drugs used for non-orphan diseases, represent challenges in their appraisal and effective access to clinical use. In order to explore how to handle these hurdles, the Catalan Health Service (CatSalut) began an initiative on a multidimensional assessment of drugs value during the appraisal process. Reflective multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) using analytical methods was chosen, since it may help to standardise and contextualize all the relevant data related with the drug that could contribute to a decision. The aim of the study was to determine whether the implementation of reflective MCDA methodology could support the decision-making process about orphan medicines in the context of CatSalut.
METHODS: The assessment and decision-making process for orphan drugs in the Programa d'HarmonitzaciĂł Farmacoterapeutica (PHF) of CatSalut was prioritized to test the implementation of the reflective MCDA both a qualitative and quantitatively. A staged approach was used with the following main steps: selection and structuration of quantitative criteria (Core Model) and qualitative criteria (Contextual Tool), framework scoring and assessment of three orphan drug case studies. This proof-of-concept would grant a continued refinement of the methodology and, if and when validated, its potential integration to other therapeutic areas of the PHF. RESULTS: The final framework was composed by 10 quantitative criteria (Core Model) and 4 qualitative criteria (Contextual Tool) according to the PHF goals being the most important criteria "disease severity", "unmet need", "comparative effectiveness" and "comparative safety /tolerability". The matrix developed for the case studies served as a guide for the selection of the essential information that the decision-makers were expected to include in a framework. The reflective discussion was considered the most relevant phase of the approach to support inputs for health decision-making processes reflecting both drug value and place in therapy. CONCLUSIONS: The study showed that reflective MCDA methodology could be implemented to complement the decision-making process in CatSalut, as an aid to determine the clinical added value for orphan medicines. MCDA provided transparency and a structured discussion during the committee meetings, thus increasing transparency and predictability of the relevant items supporting the agreements adopted on orphan drugs access
Implementing reflective multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) to assess orphan drugs value in the Catalan Health Service (CatSalut)
Background: orphan medicines show some characteristics that hinder the evaluation of their clinical added value. The often low level of evidence available for orphan drugs, together with a high budget impact and an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio many times higher than drugs used for non-orphan diseases, represent challenges in their appraisal and effective access to clinical use. In order to explore how to handle these hurdles, the Catalan Health Service (CatSalut) began an initiative on a multidimensional assessment of drugs value during the appraisal process. Reflective multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) using analytical methods was chosen, since it may help to standardise and contextualize all the relevant data related with the drug that could contribute to a decision. The aim of the study was to determine whether the implementation of reflective MCDA methodology could support the decision-making process about orphan medicines in the context of CatSalut. Methods: the assessment and decision-making process for orphan drugs in the Programa d'HarmonitzaciĂł Farmacoterapeutica (PHF) of CatSalut was prioritized to test the implementation of the reflective MCDA both a qualitative and quantitatively. A staged approach was used with the following main steps: selection and structuration of quantitative criteria (Core Model) and qualitative criteria (Contextual Tool), framework scoring and assessment of three orphan drug case studies. This proof-of-concept would grant a continued refinement of the methodology and, if and when validated, its potential integration to other therapeutic areas of the PHF. Results: the final framework was composed by 10 quantitative criteria (Core Model) and 4 qualitative criteria (Contextual Tool) according to the PHF goals being the most important criteria "disease severity", "unmet need", "comparative effectiveness" and "comparative safety /tolerability". The matrix developed for the case studies served as a guide for the selection of the essential information that the decision-makers were expected to include in a framework. The reflective discussion was considered the most relevant phase of the approach to support inputs for health decision-making processes reflecting both drug value and place in therapy. Conclusions: the study showed that reflective MCDA methodology could be implemented to complement the decision-making process in CatSalut, as an aid to determine the clinical added value for orphan medicines. MCDA provided transparency and a structured discussion during the committee meetings, thus increasing transparency and predictability of the relevant items supporting the agreements adopted on orphan drugs access
Manual fes-t'ho tu mateix! : l'experiment de la muntanya russa. El principi de la conservaciĂł de l'energia
En aquest document es presenta un manual tipus fes-t’ho tu mateix (en anglès do it yourself, sovint abreujat DIY) per a la construcció d’una maqueta d’una muntanya russa.
Aquesta maqueta serveix per: i) conèixer com es tracta el concepte d’energia en l’à mbit de l’Enginyeria Mecà nica; ii) demostrar mitjançant l’experimentació, el principi de la conservació de l’energia, que és equivalent al teorema de l’energia en l’à mbit de les mà quines i els mecanismes.
La maqueta es basa en una joguina amb un cost d’uns 70 € per facilitar que es pugui repetir l’experiment. S’han muntat dos tipus de sensors de velocitat. El primer model de sensors de velocitat són més cars i s’han utilitzat per establir els valors de referència. El segon model de sensors de velocitat, molt més econòmics es basen en components electrònics basats en la plataforma Arduino que segueix una filosofia de codi obert, per compartir tot el que es desenvolupa de forma senzilla. S’ha optat per prioritzar reduir el cost de desenvolupament de la maqueta i utilitzar processos de fabricació basats en impressió 3D que cada vegada són més utilitzats en centres educatius.
Aquest document s’emmarca dins el projecte ECOMEC, atorgat al grup de recerca Centre de Disseny d’Equips Industrials–Dinà mica de Mà quines (CDEI-DM) en la
convocatòria dels ajuts Joan OrĂł 2022 de la FundaciĂł Catalana per a la Recerca i la InnovaciĂł. Per ampliar l’abast formatiu de la proposta es recomana visualitzar els vĂdeos del projecte ECOMEC penjats a la Zona UPC vĂdeos [1]. Els vĂdeos s’han de buscar filtrant pel tĂtol Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible. Una mirada des de l’Enginyeria MecĂ nica.
En la primera part del document s’explica la construcció de la maqueta de la muntanya russa. En la segona part es fa la descripció de l’experiment per demostrar el principi de la conservació de l’energia. L’Annex 1 conté el llistat de material necessari per a la construcció de la maqueta. L’Annex 2 conté el recull de les taules per recopilar les dades de l’experiment. L’Annex 3 conté les plantilles amb els circuits proposats en l’experiment.2022/202
Under-diagnosis of mental disorder in people with intellectual disabilities: study of prevalence in population with different degrees of intellectual disability
There are a few studies in the literature analyzing the prevalence of mental illness in people with intellectual disabilities (ID). This study explores the prevalence of mental disorders in adults without previous mental disorder and different degrees of ID. We assessed 142 individuals with varying degrees of ID and with unknown previous psychiatric disorder. We applied the diagnostic battery PAS-ADD based on criteria ICD-10 and DSM-IV TR to analyzed the prevalence of mental disorders in people with mild / moderate ID. We applied the Spanish version of the scale DASH-II to analyze the prevalence of mental disorders in people with severe and profound ID. We found a psychiatric disorder previously undiagnosed in 29.57% of our sample. In people with mild/ moderate ID the most common psychiatric disorder was depressive disorder (33.3%), but in people with severe and profound ID was the anxiety disorder. The most prevalent medical comorbidity was epilepsy (22.5% of the total sample and 39.2% in the population with severe / profound intellectual disabilities). Psychiatric disorders seem to be more common in the population with ID than in the general population, increasing their prevalence and medical comorbidity in severe and profound ID.IntroducciĂłn: Existen pocos estudios en la literatura que hayan analizado la prevalencia de enfermedades mentales en las personas con discapacidad intelectual (DI). Se presenta un estudio de identificaciĂłn de enfermedad mental en poblaciĂłn adulta sin trastorno mental previo conocido y con diferentes grados de DI./nMetodologĂa: El presente estudio describe la comorbilidad psiquiátrica y mĂ©dica de una muestra de 142 individuos con diferentes grados de DI. Para el estudio de enfermedad mental en la poblaciĂłn con DI Leve/Moderada se utilizĂł la baterĂa diagnĂłstica PAS-ADD, basada en criterios CIE-10 y DSM-IV TR y en la poblaciĂłn con DI grave/severa la escala DASH-II/nResultados: El 29,57% de los participantes presentaron un trastorno psiquiátrico previamente no diagnosticado. En el grupo DI leve/moderada la patologĂa más prevalente fue el trastorno depresivo mayor, en cambio en el grupo DI grave/profunda fue el trastorno de ansiedad. La comorbilidad mĂ©dica más prevalente fue la epilepsia, con un 22,5% de la muestra global y un 39,2% en la poblaciĂłn con discapacidad intelectual grave o severa./nConclusiĂłn: Los trastornos psiquiátricos parecen ser más frecuentes en la poblaciĂłn con DI que en poblaciĂłn general, aumentando su prevalencia, asĂ como su comorbilidad mĂ©dica, en la DI severa/profunda.
Manual fes-t'ho tu mateix : proposta de dues alternatives d'aixafa llaunes
En aquest document es presenta un manual tipus fes-t’ho tu mateix (en anglès do it yourself, sovint abreujat DIY) per a la construcció de dues alternatives d’aixafa llaunes automatitzades.
La primera alternativa està basada en un mecanisme de pistó-biela-manovella. La segona alternativa està basada en un mecanisme de lleva d’excèntrica amb un palpador de corró de translació.
Per al disseny i la construcciĂł d’ambdues alternatives s’ha optat per prioritzar criteris de sostenibilitat, reduir el cost i utilitzar processos de fabricaciĂł que puguin ser mĂ©s accessibles en centres educatius. AixĂ, s’ha optat per reaprofitar material de rebuig: un motor d’un eixugaparabrises d’un vehicle de desballestament i una font d’alimentaciĂł d’un ordinador obsolet. D’aquesta forma es vol contribuir a assolir i conèixer l’Objectiu de Desenvolupament Sostenible 12 (ODS 12) que tĂ© a veure amb la reparaciĂł, la reutilitzaciĂł i el reciclatge. TambĂ© s’ha optat per fer la major part de les peces en fusta, material amb menor impacte ambiental per assolir i conèixer l’ODS 9 que fomenta uns processos industrials mĂ©s sostenibles. D’altres elements estan fets amb processos de fabricaciĂł basats en la impressiĂł 3D. Es considera que aquest tipus de material educatiu basat en projectes aplicats, contribueix a l’ODS 4, relacionat amb una educaciĂł de qualitat, inclusiva i equitativa. En l’Annex 2 es faciliten els plĂ nols de fabricaciĂł de totes les peces que no s’han fabricat amb una impressora 3D.
Aquest document s’emmarca dins el projecte ECOMEC, atorgat al grup de recerca Centre de Disseny d’Equips Industrials–DinĂ mica de MĂ quines (CDEI-DM) en la convocatòria dels ajuts Joan OrĂł 2022 de la FundaciĂł Catalana per a la Recerca i la InnovaciĂł. Per ampliar l’abast formatiu de la proposta es recomana visualitzar els vĂdeos del projecte ECOMEC penjats a la Zona UPC vĂdeos [1]. Els vĂdeos s’han de buscar filtrant pel tĂtol Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible. Una mirada des de l’Enginyeria MecĂ nica.
L’estructura del document és la següent. Primer, s’expliquen les especificacions generals que s’han fixat en el disseny de l’aixafa llaunes, explicant com s’ha determinat la força necessà ria per aixafar una llauna. Segon, s’explica el muntatge dels elements comuns. Tercer, s’explica el muntatge del mecanisme de pistó-biela-manovella i del mecanisme de lleva d’excèntrica.2022/202
El infradiagnĂłstico del trastorno mental en la poblaciĂłn con discapacidad intelectual: estudio de prevalencia en poblaciĂłn con diferentes grados de discapacidad intelectual
Existen pocos estudios en la literatura que hayan analizado la prevalencia de enfermedades mentales en las personas con discapacidad intelectual (DI). Se presenta un estudio de identificaciĂłn de enfermedad mental en poblaciĂłn adulta sin trastorno mental previo conocido y con diferentes grados de DI. El presente estudio describe la comorbilidad psiquiátrica y mĂ©dica de una muestra de 142 individuos con diferentes grados de DI. Para el estudio de enfermedad mental en la poblaciĂłn con DI leve/moderada se utilizĂł la baterĂa diagnĂłstica PAS-ADD, basada en criterios CIE-10 y DSM-IV TR y en la poblaciĂłn con DI grave/severa la escala DASH-II. El 29,57% de los participantes presentaron un trastorno psiquiátrico previamente no diagnosticado. En el grupo DI leve/moderada la patologĂa más prevalente fue el trastorno depresivo mayor; en cambio, en el grupo DI grave/profunda fue el trastorno de ansiedad. La comorbilidad mĂ©dica más prevalente fue la epilepsia, con un 22,5% de la muestra global y un 39,2% en la poblaciĂłn con discapacidad intelectual grave o severa. Existe un elevado porcentaje de trastornos psiquiátricos no diagnosticados en la poblaciĂłn con DI, aumentando dicho porcentaje, asĂ como su comorbilidad mĂ©dica en la DI severa/profunda
Determinacions del perfil genètic de tumors sòlids de l’adult
Perfil genètic; Tumors sòlids; Adults; PrecisióPerfil genético; Tumores sólidos; Adultos; PrecisiónGenetic profile; Solid tumors; Adults; AccuracyEn aquest estudi s’ha definit la llista de gens per a cada patologia i tots ells han estat seleccionats atenent a; la seva utilitat diagnòstica per definir els subtipus tumorals en localitzacions tumorals molt concretes; la seva utilitat pronòstica i predictiva, sempre que això comporti un canvi d’actitud terapèutica; la seva utilitat terapèutica per a la indicació de l’ús de fà rmacs diana
Determinacions del perfil genètic de tumors sòlids de l’adult
Perfil genètic; Tumors sòlids; Adults; PrecisióPerfil genético; Tumores sólidos; Adultos; PrecisiónGenetic profile; Solid tumors; Adults; AccuracyEn aquest estudi s’ha definit la llista de gens per a cada patologia i tots ells han estat seleccionats atenent a; la seva utilitat diagnòstica per definir els subtipus tumorals en localitzacions tumorals molt concretes; la seva utilitat pronòstica i predictiva, sempre que això comporti un canvi d’actitud terapèutica; la seva utilitat terapèutica per a la indicació de l’ús de fà rmacs diana
Implementing reflective multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) to assess orphan drugs value in the Catalan Health Service (CatSalut)
Altres ajuts: CatSalut funded the development of this study.Background: Orphan medicines show some characteristics that hinder the evaluation of their clinical added value. The often low level of evidence available for orphan drugs, together with a high budget impact and an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio many times higher than drugs used for non-orphan diseases, represent challenges in their appraisal and effective access to clinical use. In order to explore how to handle these hurdles, the Catalan Health Service (CatSalut) began an initiative on a multidimensional assessment of drugs value during the appraisal process. Reflective multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) using analytical methods was chosen, since it may help to standardise and contextualize all the relevant data related with the drug that could contribute to a decision. The aim of the study was to determine whether the implementation of reflective MCDA methodology could support the decision-making process about orphan medicines in the context of CatSalut. Methods: The assessment and decision-making process for orphan drugs in the Programa d'HarmonitzaciĂł Farmacoterapeutica (PHF) of CatSalut was prioritized to test the implementation of the reflective MCDA both a qualitative and quantitatively. A staged approach was used with the following main steps: selection and structuration of quantitative criteria (Core Model) and qualitative criteria (Contextual Tool), framework scoring and assessment of three orphan drug case studies. This proof-of-concept would grant a continued refinement of the methodology and, if and when validated, its potential integration to other therapeutic areas of the PHF. Results: The final framework was composed by 10 quantitative criteria (Core Model) and 4 qualitative criteria (Contextual Tool) according to the PHF goals being the most important criteria "disease severity", "unmet need", "comparative effectiveness" and "comparative safety /tolerability". The matrix developed for the case studies served as a guide for the selection of the essential information that the decision-makers were expected to include in a framework. The reflective discussion was considered the most relevant phase of the approach to support inputs for health decision-making processes reflecting both drug value and place in therapy. Conclusions: The study showed that reflective MCDA methodology could be implemented to complement the decision-making process in CatSalut, as an aid to determine the clinical added value for orphan medicines. MCDA provided transparency and a structured discussion during the committee meetings, thus increasing transparency and predictability of the relevant items supporting the agreements adopted on orphan drugs access
Implementing reflective multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) to assess orphan drugs value in the Catalan Health Service (CatSalut)
Catalan healthcare; Decision-making; Multi-criteria decision analysis; Orphan drugsSanitat catalana; Presa de decisions; Anà lisi de decisions multicriteri; Medicaments orfesSanidad catalana; Toma de decisiones; Análisis de decisiones multicriteria; Medicamentos huérfanosBACKGROUND: Orphan medicines show some characteristics that hinder the evaluation of their clinical added value. The often low level of evidence available for orphan drugs, together with a high budget impact and an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio many times higher than drugs used for non-orphan diseases, represent challenges in their appraisal and effective access to clinical use. In order to explore how to handle these hurdles, the Catalan Health Service (CatSalut) began an initiative on a multidimensional assessment of drugs value during the appraisal process. Reflective multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) using analytical methods was chosen, since it may help to standardise and contextualize all the relevant data related with the drug that could contribute to a decision. The aim of the study was to determine whether the implementation of reflective MCDA methodology could support the decision-making process about orphan medicines in the context of CatSalut.
METHODS: The assessment and decision-making process for orphan drugs in the Programa d'HarmonitzaciĂł Farmacoterapeutica (PHF) of CatSalut was prioritized to test the implementation of the reflective MCDA both a qualitative and quantitatively. A staged approach was used with the following main steps: selection and structuration of quantitative criteria (Core Model) and qualitative criteria (Contextual Tool), framework scoring and assessment of three orphan drug case studies. This proof-of-concept would grant a continued refinement of the methodology and, if and when validated, its potential integration to other therapeutic areas of the PHF. RESULTS: The final framework was composed by 10 quantitative criteria (Core Model) and 4 qualitative criteria (Contextual Tool) according to the PHF goals being the most important criteria "disease severity", "unmet need", "comparative effectiveness" and "comparative safety /tolerability". The matrix developed for the case studies served as a guide for the selection of the essential information that the decision-makers were expected to include in a framework. The reflective discussion was considered the most relevant phase of the approach to support inputs for health decision-making processes reflecting both drug value and place in therapy. CONCLUSIONS: The study showed that reflective MCDA methodology could be implemented to complement the decision-making process in CatSalut, as an aid to determine the clinical added value for orphan medicines. MCDA provided transparency and a structured discussion during the committee meetings, thus increasing transparency and predictability of the relevant items supporting the agreements adopted on orphan drugs access