19 research outputs found

    Innovative calibration method for rotating-coil magnetometers

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    Rotating-coil magnetometers, which rely on induction-coil arrays, are commonly used for magnetic measurements of particle accelerator magnets. In order to characterize magnetic fields with high accuracy using the induced voltages, it is essential to calibrate the geometry of the coils. In this thesis we present an innovative method of calibration of the coil radius of rotation which is necessary for determination of the field gradient. The method, called rotating calibration method, is based on two well-known measurement techniques: single-stretched wire and rotating induction-coils. The flux measured with a rotating induction-coil over the entire length of a reference quadrupole magnet is cross-calibrated with a single-stretched wire measurement. In the experimental validation of the method, the radius of rotation of several coils has been calibrated with an accuracy of 10 µm on a radius of 30 mm. The advantage of this method is that the calibration is performed under the same conditions in which the rotating-coil magnetometers are used for measuring accelerator magnets. In the thesis also a proposal for calibration of other geometric factors of a coil by using higher order multipoles is presented

    La lectura en el pensament de Gregorio Luri i Glenn Doman. Implicacions en Educació Infantil

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Mestre d'Educació Infantil, Facultat d'Educació, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2023-2024, Tutora: María del Pilar Ballesteros[cat] La lectura és un procés que implica comprendre, descodificar paraules i entendre el seu significat. Tanmateix, la lectura requereix atenció, motivació i preparació prèvia. El procés d’aprenentatge de la lectura al qual s’enfronta un nen o una nena no es dona de forma natural i espontània, és per aquest motiu que els mestres i les mestres d’educació infantil han de ser conscients de tot allò que comporta per un infant la lectura, i considerar que la forma en què es desenvolupi aquesta condicionarà la seva ensenyança futura, ja que sense una bona capacitat lectora, l’infant tindrà moltes més dificultats en la seva vida acadèmica. Aquest treball és una revisió bibliogràfica sobre les aportacions de Gregorio Luri i Glenn Doman en la lectura i quines implicacions té el pensament dels dos autors en educació infantil. Per fer-ho s’han comparat les contribucions aportades per part de cadascun dels autors i s’han classificat i discutit les seves idees, arribant a unes conclusions concretes sobre la informació extreta. Amb aquest treball es pretén donar una perspectiva oberta quant a la lectura en el període d’educació infantil i conscienciar a mestres i adults sobre la rellevància d’una preparació prèvia al procés lector.[spa] La lectura es un proceso que implica comprender, descodificar palabras y entender su significado. Asimismo, la lectura requiere atención, motivación y preparación previa. El proceso de aprendizaje de la lectura al cual se enfrenta un niño o una niña no se da de forma natural y espontánea, es por este motivo que los maestros y las maestras de educación infantil tienen que ser conscientes de todo lo que comporta para un niño la lectura, y considerar que la forma en que esta se desarrolle condicionará su enseñanza futura, dado que sin una buena capacidad lectora, el niño tendrá muchas más dificultades en su vida académica. Este trabajo es una revisión bibliográfica sobre las aportaciones de Gregorio Luri y Glenn Doman en la lectura y qué implicaciones tiene el pensamiento de los dos autores en educación infantil. Para hacerlo se han comparado las contribuciones aportadas por parte de cada uno de los autores y se han clasificado y discutido sus ideas, llegando a unas conclusiones concretas sobre la información extraída. Con este trabajado se pretende dar una perspectiva abierta en relación con la lectura en el período de educación infantil y concienciar a maestros y adultos sobre la relevancia de una preparación previa al proceso lector

    Unlocking the European traditional tomato genetic resources

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    The Mediterranean basin countries are considered secondary centres of tomato diversification. However, information on phenotypic and allelic variation of local tomato materials is still limited. To unveil the molecular basis of Southern European tomato phenotypic diversity, we carried out the most comprehensive phenotypic and genomic variability analysis on traditional European tomato by using 1) a collection of 1,499 traditional European tomatoes (TRADITOM collection) and 2) a multipurpose core collection (TCC), comprising 227 European traditional tomato accessions from the original TRADITOM collection, that captured most of genotypic and phenotypic variation and geographical origin present in traditional tomatoPostprint (published version

    American and european tomato history unveiled using haplotype and GBS analyses

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    Not many historical or archeological records remain from the tomato journey from Solanum pimpinellifolium (SP) to the vintage varieties, however, its domestication, migrations and diversification in Europe can be unveiled using genetic analyses. The study of 628 SP, Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme (SLC), and Solanum lycopersicum var. lycopersicum (SLL) revealed: 1) SP evolved into SLC during a migration from Peru and Ecuador, 2) there is a wild SLC Mesoamerican population, 3) there are no wild SLC populations in Ecuador and Peru, 4) Peruvian and Ecuadorian SLC are an admixture of Mesoamerican SLC and SP, 5) SP introgressions in SLC harbor flowering control and light response genes, 6) at least some Mesoamerican SLL derives from domesticated Peruvian and Ecuadorian SLC. A GBS analysis of 1,254 accessions,Postprint (published version

    ALBA II accelerator upgrade project status

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    ALBA is working on the upgrade project that shall transform the actual storage ring, in operation since 2012, into a 4th generation light source, in which the soft X-rays part of the spectrum shall be diffraction limited. The project was launched in 2021 with an R&D budget to build prototypes of the more critical components. The storage ring upgrade is based on a 6BA lattice which has to comply with several constraints imposed by the decision of maintaining the same circumference (269m), the same number of cells (16), the same beam energy (3GeV), and as many of the source points as possible unperturbed. At present, the lattice optimization, iterating with the technical constrains of space and performance, is ongoing. This paper presents the status of the project, with the present proposed lattice, first magnet’s designs, the vacuum chamber initial considerations, the girder concept, the proposed RF system with fundamental and harmonics cavities, and the general context of the upgrade

    European traditional tomatoes galore: a result of farmers’ selection of a few diversity-rich loci

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    A comprehensive collection of 1254 tomato accessions, corresponding to European traditional and modern varieties, early domesticated varieties, and wild relatives, was analyzed by genotyping by sequencing. A continuous genetic gradient between the traditional and modern varieties was observed. European traditional tomatoes displayed very low genetic diversity, with only 298 polymorphic loci (95% threshold) out of 64 943 total variants. European traditional tomatoes could be classified into several genetic groups. Two main clusters consisting of Spanish and Italian accessions showed higher genetic diversity than the remaining varieties, suggesting that these regions might be independent secondary centers of diversity with a different history. Other varieties seem to be the result of a more recent complex pattern of migrations and hybridizations among the European regions. Several polymorphic loci were associated in a genome-wide association study with fruit morphological traits in the European traditional collection. The corresponding alleles were found to contribute to the distinctive phenotypic characteristic of the genetic varietal groups. The few highly polymorphic loci associated with morphological traits in an otherwise a low-diversity population suggests a history of balancing selection, in which tomato farmers likely maintained the morphological variation by inadvertently applying a high selective pressure within different varietal types.This work was supported by the European Commission H2020 research and innovation program through TRADITOM grant agreement no. 634561, G2P-SOL, grant agreement no. 677379, and HARNESSTOM grant agreement no. 101000716. MP is grateful to the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación for a postdoctoral grant (IJC2019-039091-I/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).Postprint (published version

    Atrasentan and renal events in patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease (SONAR): a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial

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    Background: Short-term treatment for people with type 2 diabetes using a low dose of the selective endothelin A receptor antagonist atrasentan reduces albuminuria without causing significant sodium retention. We report the long-term effects of treatment with atrasentan on major renal outcomes. Methods: We did this double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial at 689 sites in 41 countries. We enrolled adults aged 18–85 years with type 2 diabetes, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)25–75 mL/min per 1·73 m 2 of body surface area, and a urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR)of 300–5000 mg/g who had received maximum labelled or tolerated renin–angiotensin system inhibition for at least 4 weeks. Participants were given atrasentan 0·75 mg orally daily during an enrichment period before random group assignment. Those with a UACR decrease of at least 30% with no substantial fluid retention during the enrichment period (responders)were included in the double-blind treatment period. Responders were randomly assigned to receive either atrasentan 0·75 mg orally daily or placebo. All patients and investigators were masked to treatment assignment. The primary endpoint was a composite of doubling of serum creatinine (sustained for ≥30 days)or end-stage kidney disease (eGFR <15 mL/min per 1·73 m 2 sustained for ≥90 days, chronic dialysis for ≥90 days, kidney transplantation, or death from kidney failure)in the intention-to-treat population of all responders. Safety was assessed in all patients who received at least one dose of their assigned study treatment. The study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01858532. Findings: Between May 17, 2013, and July 13, 2017, 11 087 patients were screened; 5117 entered the enrichment period, and 4711 completed the enrichment period. Of these, 2648 patients were responders and were randomly assigned to the atrasentan group (n=1325)or placebo group (n=1323). Median follow-up was 2·2 years (IQR 1·4–2·9). 79 (6·0%)of 1325 patients in the atrasentan group and 105 (7·9%)of 1323 in the placebo group had a primary composite renal endpoint event (hazard ratio [HR]0·65 [95% CI 0·49–0·88]; p=0·0047). Fluid retention and anaemia adverse events, which have been previously attributed to endothelin receptor antagonists, were more frequent in the atrasentan group than in the placebo group. Hospital admission for heart failure occurred in 47 (3·5%)of 1325 patients in the atrasentan group and 34 (2·6%)of 1323 patients in the placebo group (HR 1·33 [95% CI 0·85–2·07]; p=0·208). 58 (4·4%)patients in the atrasentan group and 52 (3·9%)in the placebo group died (HR 1·09 [95% CI 0·75–1·59]; p=0·65). Interpretation: Atrasentan reduced the risk of renal events in patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease who were selected to optimise efficacy and safety. These data support a potential role for selective endothelin receptor antagonists in protecting renal function in patients with type 2 diabetes at high risk of developing end-stage kidney disease. Funding: AbbVie


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    La enfermedad renal crónica es un suceso importante en la vida de las personas que aparece silenciosamente y de forma progresiva. Esta enfermedad afecta directamente en la calidad de vida de las personas produciendo limitaciones importantes en el estado funcional de las personas que la padecen. Esta situación genera necesidades psicosociales que requiere atención social. El proyecto de investigación que se presenta a continuación tiene por objeto conocer la intervención del Trabajador/a Social Sanitario/a ante los cambios biopsicosociales que experimentan los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica que están sometidos a tratamiento dialítico de hemodiálisis tres veces por semanas con una duración de cuatro horas en el centro de diálisis Nephros de Diaverum del barrio de Montbau de Barcelona. Esta investigación ha adoptado un enfoque metodológico cuantitativo para analizar la información biopsicosocial registrada por la Trabajadora Social Sanitaria del centro de diálisis relativa a los pacientes atendidos y a la intervención social realizada durante los tres últimos años. Los resultados obtenidos confirman que las personas con enfermedad renal crónica en tratamiento de hemodiálisis muestran fragilidad y vulnerabilidad social derivada de su estado de salud. Donde sus actividades de la vida diaria se ven limitadas por las consecuencias físicas y psicológicas del tratamiento, requiriendo soporte y ayuda social.Chronic kidney disease is an important event in the life of people that appears silently and progressively. This disease affects people¿s quality of life, causing important functional limitations to people who suffer from it. This situation generates psychosocial needs that require social assistance. The research presented below aims to determine the intervention of the Social Health Worker in relation to the biopsychosocial changes experienced by patients with chronic kidney disease who are undergoing dialysis treatment three times per week with a duration of four hours at the Nephros Diaverum dialysis centre in the Montbau neighbourhood of Barcelona. This research has adopted a quantitative methodological approach to analyse the biopsychosocial information registered by the Social Health Worker at the dialysis clinic regarding the patients attended and the social intervention carried out during the last three years. The results obtained confirm that people with chronic kidney disease on dialysis treatment are fragile and social vulnerability arises due to their health condition. Activities of daily living are limited due to the physical and psychological consequences of the treatment, requiring support and social help. Keywords

    Disseny i construcció d'un sistema de bobines de Helmholtz en tres dimensions per al laboratori de mesures magnètiques del Sincrotró ALBA

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    3D Hall probes designed and produced by ALBA Synchrotron are currently being used at ALBA magnetic measurements laboratory to carry out accurate magnetic characterization of magnets and insertion devices. In order to characterize the magnetic fields with great accuracy, it is essential to have measuring devices calibrated with a high degree of precision. In this thesis we present the design and construction of a system of 3D Helmholtz coils with the objective of generating a magnetic field in any direction in a controlled way. This system will be used to determine with detail the response of the 3D Hall probe when applying magnetic fields with different orientations. The system will generate magnetic fields of up to 50 G with an expected angular precision of 0.2 mrad.En el laboratorio de medidas magnéticas del Sincrotrón ALBA, con el fin de llevar a cabo una detallada caracterización magnética de los imanes y de los dispositivos de inserción, se utilizan sondas Hall 3D diseñadas y producidas en ALBA. Para caracterizar con exactitud los campos magnéticos es imprescindible disponer de dispositivos de medida calibrados con un alto grado de precisión. En este trabajo presentamos el diseño y la construcción de un sistema de bobinas de Helmholtz 3D con el objetivo de generar un campo magnético de manera controlada en cualquier dirección. Este sistema se utilizará para determinar con detalle la respuesta de las sondas Hall 3D al aplicar campos magnéticos con diferentes orientaciones. El sistema generará campos magnéticos de hasta 50 G con una precisión angular de 0.2 mrad.Al laboratori de mesures magnètiques del Sincrotró ALBA, per tal de dur a terme una detallada caracterització magnètica dels imants i dels dispositius d'inserció, s'utilitzen sondes Hall 3D dissenyades i produïdes a l'ALBA. Per caracteritzar amb exactitud els camps magnètics és imprescindible disposar de dispositius de mesura calibrats amb un alt grau de precisió. En aquest treball presentem el disseny i la construcció d'un sistema de bobines de Helmholtz 3D amb l'objectiu de generar un camp magnètic de manera controlada en qualsevol direcció. Aquest sistema s'utilitzarà per determinar amb detall la resposta de les sondes Hall 3D en aplicar camps magnètics amb diferents orientacions. El sistema generarà camps magnètics de fins a 50 G amb una precisió angular de 0.2 mrad