320 research outputs found

    Is Microsporidial keratitis an emerging cause of stromal keratitis? – a case series study

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    BACKGROUND: Microsporidial keratitis is a rare cause of stromal keratitis. We present a series of five cases of microsporidial keratitis from a single centre in southern India with microbiologic and histopathologic features. CASE PRESENTATION: Patient charts of five cases of microsporidial stromal keratitis diagnosed between January 2002 and June 2004 were reviewed retrospectively for clinical data, microbiologic and histopathologic data. The presence of microsporidia was confirmed by special stains on corneal scrapings and/or corneal tissues, and electron microscopy. All patients were immunocompetent with a preceding history of trauma in three. Four patients presented with unilateral, small, persisting deep stromal infiltrates, of uncertain etiology, in the cornea, which were not responding to conventional antimicrobial treatment and required penetrating keratoplasty in three. Fifth case was unsuspected and underwent keratoplasty for post-traumatic scar. Three of five cases were diagnosed on corneal scrapings, prior to keratoplasty, while two were diagnosed only on histology. The microsporidia appeared as oval well defined bodies with dense staining at one pole. None of the patients showed recurrence following keratoplasty. CONCLUSION: Microsporidia, though rare, should be suspected in chronic culture-negative stromal keratitis. Organisms could lie dormant without associated inflammation

    Lateral rectus metastasis from an occult systemic malignancy masquerading as abducens palsy: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Abduction deficit in the elderly is commonly caused by sixth cranial nerve palsy due to microvasculopathy. However, not all such cases are of neurogenic origin, as our case report shows.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We present the case of a 75-year-old woman who was generally unwell, developed acute diplopia and was found to have a right abduction deficit in a quiet eye with no gross orbital signs and symptoms. A computed tomography scan of the head and orbits revealed a metastatic mass in the right lateral rectus muscle. Systemic evaluation confirmed widespread thoracic and abdominal metastases from an occult systemic malignancy. Lateral rectus metastasis from an occult systemic malignancy was masquerading as abducens palsy.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Orbital metastasis involving extraocular muscles can present as isolated diplopia with minimal local signs and the absence of a history of systemic malignancy. A detailed history and systemic examination can identify suspicious cases, which should be investigated further. The clinician should avoid presuming that such an abduction deficit in the elderly is a benign neurogenic palsy.</p

    Pleomorphic adenocarcinoma of the lacrimal gland with multiple intracranial and spinal metastases

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    BACKGROUND: Pleomorphic adenoma of the lacrimal gland is known to undergo malignant transformation when incompletely excised. Even if such a malignant change occurs, intracranial direct invasion and leptomeningeal seeding are seldom encountered. CASE PRESENTATION: A 50-year-old woman presented with malignant transformation associated with both intracranial invasion and multiple intracranial and spinal disseminations in the third recurrence of pleomorphic adenoma of the lacrimal gland, 6 years after initial treatment. MRI demonstrated increased extent of orbital mass, extending to the cavernous sinus. The patient underwent intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) and Gamma Knife radiosurgery. Follow-up MRI showed multiple leptomeningeal disseminations to the intracranium and spine. CONCLUSION: It is important to recognize that leptomeningeal intracranial and spinal disseminations of pleomorphic adenocarcinoma can occur, although it is extremely rare. To our knowledge, we report the first case of pleomorphic adenocarcinoma of the lacrimal gland presumably metastasizing to the intracranium and spine

    DWSB in heterotic flux compactifications

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    We address the construction of non-supersymmetric vacua in heterotic compactifications with intrinsic torsion and background fluxes. In particular, we implement the approach of domain-wall supersymmetry breaking (DWSB) previously developed in the context of type II flux compactifications. This approach is based on considering backgrounds where probe NS5-branes wrapping internal three-cycles and showing up as four-dimensional domain-walls do not develop a BPS bound, while all the other BPS bounds characterizing the N=1 supersymmetric compactifications are preserved at tree-level. Via a scalar potential analysis we provide the conditions for these backgrounds to solve the ten-dimensional equations of motion including order \alpha' corrections. We also consider backgrounds where some of the NS5-domain-walls develop a BPS bound, show their relation to no-scale SUSY-breaking vacua and construct explicit examples via elliptic fibrations. Finally, we consider backgrounds with a non-trivial gaugino condensate and discuss their relation to supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric vacua in the present context.Comment: 56 pages, 1 figur

    Atypical clinical presentation and long-term survival in a patient with optic nerve medulloepithelioma: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Medulloepithelioma is a rare congenital tumor of the primitive medullary neuroepithelium. A significant proportion of patients with medulloepithelioma arising from the optic nerve die from intracranial spread or cerebral metastasis. Because it has no known distinct clinical features and because of its low frequency, this tumor presents within the first two to six years of life and is usually misdiagnosed clinically as a different type of optic nerve tumor. Here, we describe a new and atypical case of medulloepithelioma of the optic nerve in a 12-year-old boy. To the best of our knowledge, he is the oldest reported patient to present with this disease and, now as an adult, has the longest documented period of disease-free survival.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 12-year-old Caucasian boy with headache and unilateral amaurosis was referred for a presumed optic nerve glioma to our hospital. A computed tomography scan showed optic nerve enlargement, and fundoscopy showed a whitish mass at the optic disc. Our patient had been followed at his local hospital for four years for an 'optic disc cyst' with no change or progression. He experienced mild progressive visual impairment during that period. He was admitted for resection, and a histopathological analysis revealed a medulloepithelioma of the optic nerve. Supplemental orbital radiotherapy was performed. He remained disease-free for 25 years.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Medulloepithelioma of the optic nerve can clinically mimic more common pediatric tumors, such as optic glioma, meningioma, or retinoblastoma. Thus, medulloepithelioma should be included in the differential diagnoses of pediatric optic nerve lesions. Fundoscopy in these patients may provide relevant information for diagnosis. Anterior optic nerve medulloepitheliomas may behave differently from and have a better prognosis than medulloepitheliomas that have a more posterior location. Our case report illustrates that long-term survival can be achieved in patients with this malignant tumor.</p

    What’s in the Pool? A Comprehensive Identification of Disinfection By-products and Assessment of Mutagenicity of Chlorinated and Brominated Swimming Pool Water

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    38 páginas, 2 figuras, 4 tablas.-- PDF con material suplementario.[BACKGROUND]: Swimming pool disinfectants and disinfection by-products (DBPs) have been linked to human health effects, including asthma and bladder cancer, but no studies have provided a comprehensive identification of DBPs in the water and related that to mutagenicity.[OBJECTIVES]: We performed a comprehensive identification of DBPs and disinfectant species in waters from public swimming pools in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, that disinfect with either chlorine or bromine, and we determined the mutagenicity of the waters to compare to the analytical results.[METHODS]: We used gas chromatography (GC)/mass spectrometry (MS) to measure THMs in water and GC with electron capture detection (ECD) for air, low and high resolution GC/MS to comprehensively identify DBPs, photometry to measure disinfectant species (free chlorine, monochloroamine, dichloramine, and trichloramine) in the waters, and an ion chromatography method to measure trichloramine in air. We assessed mutagenicity in the Salmonella mutagenicity assay.[RESULTS]: We identified more than 100 DBPs, including many nitrogen-containing DBPs that were likely formed from nitrogen-containing precursors from human inputs, such as urine, sweat, and skin cells. Many DBPs were new and have not been reported previously in either swimming pool or drinking waters. Bromoform levels were greater in the brominated vs. chlorinated pool waters, but many brominated DBPs were also identified in the chlorinated waters. The pool waters were mutagenic at levels similar to that of drinking water (~1200 revertants/L-eq in strain TA100 –S9 mix).[CONCLUSIONS]: This study identified many new DBPs not identified previously in swimming pool or drinking water and found that swimming pool waters are as mutagenic as typical drinking waters.This research was supported by EPA’s intramural research program and the Spanish grants SAF2005-07643-C03-01 (Plan Nacional) and CP06/00341 (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria). CMV and LFR have, respectively, a contract and a predoctoral fellowship by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CP06/00341, FI06/00651). CL acknowledges a grant from the Agreement between Santander-Central Hispano and CSIC.Peer reviewe

    R-parity Conservation via the Stueckelberg Mechanism: LHC and Dark Matter Signals

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    We investigate the connection between the conservation of R-parity in supersymmetry and the Stueckelberg mechanism for the mass generation of the B-L vector gauge boson. It is shown that with universal boundary conditions for soft terms of sfermions in each family at the high scale and with the Stueckelberg mechanism for generating mass for the B-L gauge boson present in the theory, electric charge conservation guarantees the conservation of R-parity in the minimal B-L extended supersymmetric standard model. We also discuss non-minimal extensions. This includes extensions where the gauge symmetries arise with an additional U(1)_{B-L} x U(1)_X, where U(1)_X is a hidden sector gauge group. In this case the presence of the additional U(1)_X allows for a Z' gauge boson mass with B-L interactions to lie in the sub-TeV region overcoming the multi-TeV LEP constraints. The possible tests of the models at colliders and in dark matter experiments are analyzed including signals of a low mass Z' resonance and the production of spin zero bosons and their decays into two photons. In this model two types of dark matter candidates emerge which are Majorana and Dirac particles. Predictions are made for a possible simultaneous observation of new physics events in dark matter experiments and at the LHC.Comment: 38 pages, 7 fig

    Measurement properties of instruments to assess pain in children and adolescents with cancer: A systematic review protocol

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    © 2019 The Author(s). Background: Pain in children and adolescents with cancer has been identified as an area where many healthcare professionals seek guidance. This protocol details a systematic review whose aim is to explore current knowledge regarding measurement instruments to assess pain (and pain-related distress) in children and adolescents with cancer. After completion of the review, the information will be used in the development of a clinical practice guideline. Methods: We will search four electronic databases (MEDLINE via PubMed, CINAHL, PsycINFO and HaPI). Additional relevant studies will be identified by reference checking and expert consultation. All citations will be screened independently by two reviewers in a three-step approach: first selection based on title, second selection based on abstract, third selection based on full-text. Studies in children and adolescents with cancer that aimed to evaluate the clinimetric properties of an existing pain measurement instrument or to develop a new pain measurement instrument and that include at least one relevant outcome (reliability, validity, responsiveness, interpretability, clinical utility) are eligible for inclusion. For all steps of evidence selection, a detailed list with eligibility criteria will be determined a priori. Data extraction and quality assessment of included studies (according to the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments, COSMIN criteria) will be conducted independently by two authors. Discussion: This systematic review will provide an overview of the current literature regarding measurement instruments to assess pain in children and adolescents with cancer. This knowledge synthesis will be used to formulate recommendations for clinical practice. Also, by synthesizing existing evidence, knowledge gaps will be identified. Systematic review registration: PROSPERO CRD4201707287