379 research outputs found

    One rule does not fit it all: patterns and drivers of stakeholders perspectives of the endangered Iberian wolf

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    Public attitudes are vital for the successful implementation of management strategies and conservation programs. However, contradictory interests among different stakeholders can create important setbacks, creating barriers to achieve conservation goals. The endangered Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus) occupies now only 20 % of its historical distribution area, in Portugal, and its reduction was mostly due to direct human persecution. Here, we assessed locals’ attitudes towards the Iberian wolf in northeast Portugal, in a region where humans and wolves coexist for centuries. A total of 323 questionnaires from three different interest groups (general public, livestock owners and hunters) were analysed. We tested the differences in attitude and fear level patterns between the different groups and assessed what socio-demographic factors could be influencing the detected patterns. We found that general attitude towards this carnivore was neutral to positive, probably owing to the low levels of livestock predation and long coexistence with local populations. However, most drivers differed among stakeholders groups. Education, knowledge, and level of fear were strong predictors explaining attitudes towards this endangered species. We stress the importance of assessing attitudes patterns and identifying the socio-psychological factors as necessary tools to facilitate the development of targeted tolerance-promoting strategies. Among other instruments, increasing locals’ tolerance toward the Iberian wolf can be achieved by target education interventions, where the stakeholders can actively take part in discussions to accommodate their needs and expectation, rather than be listeners of the implemented programs.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Characterization of the multiheme cytochromes involved in the extracellular electron transfer pathway of Thermincola ferriacetica

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    Bioelectrochemical systems (BES) are emerging as a suite of versatile sustainable technologies to produce electricity and added‐value compounds from renewable and carbon‐neutral sources using electroactive organisms. The incomplete knowledge on the molecular processes that allow electroactive organisms to exchange electrons with electrodes has prevented their real‐world implementation. In this manuscript we investigate the extracellular electron transfer processes performed by the thermophilic Gram‐positive bacteria belonging to the Thermincola genus, which were found to produce higher levels of current and tolerate higher temperatures in BES than mesophilic Gram‐negative bacteria. In our study, three multiheme c‐type cytochromes, Tfer_0070, Tfer_0075, and Tfer_1887, proposed to be involved in the extracellular electron transfer pathway of T. ferri-acetica, were cloned and over‐expressed in E. coli. Tfer_0070 (ImdcA) and Tfer_1887 (PdcA) were purified and biochemically characterized. The electrochemical characterization of these proteins supports a pathway of extracellular electron transfer via these two proteins. By contrast, Tfer_0075 (CwcA) could not be stabilized in solution, in agreement with its proposed insertion in the pepti-doglycan wall. However, based on the homology with the outer‐membrane cytochrome OmcS, a structural model for CwcA was developed, providing a molecular perspective into the mechanisms of electron transfer across the peptidoglycan layer in Thermincola.publishersversionpublishe

    Primeros Abordajes Cualitativos respecto de las Concepciones de Docentes Contables sobre Evaluación de los Aprendizajes

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    Nowadays, teachers in high education seem to be demanded not only to know how to transmit specialized knowledge, but also to develop specific pedagogical knowledge and skills to meet the new roles as facilitators, communicators, guiders and servers of the future professional development of students.Faced with this reality, in an institution of higher education with a primarily professionalist training (Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National University of La Plata, FCE-UNLP), it is necessary to promote teaching practices and skills to improve the quality and performance of their work. This involves encouraging discussion and reflection of our own teachers with the aim of promoting in them a shared vision of what, how and when to incorporate knowledge that is related to the teaching-learning process, beyond the specific knowledge that has trained them as economic professionals.Teaching in higher education has often been nurtured by general frameworks from teaching, pedagogy and educational psychology without taking account of the development of conceptual tools to understand the peculiarity of teaching a specific discipline.This work proposes to describe a research into the educational concepts in teaching Economics Sciences. It seeks to contribute to conceptualize a key stage to improve teaching in this particular field and in higher education in general terms: the evaluation of learning.This research is framed in an interdisciplinary project developed by members of the Pedagogical Unit and the Institute of Research and Accounting Studies, accredited and funded by the National University of La Plata2, which focuses on the evaluation, thinking that it is part of the teaching-learning process and is the feedback of the teaching and the learning.In this paper the first approaches of an essentially qualitative research are discussed. It aims to identify the assessment of learning, and the concept that teaching and learning are deeply intertwined. Its purpose is to identify the main teachers´ concepts in the accounting area.In this research the theoretical and conceptual framework is defined because researchers training, their knowledge and experiences guide the work and influence the results. Therefore they should be made explicit.One method to rescue how teachers think and in what knowledge their actions are based that not distort that information is through the narrative of their own experiences. The purpose of including this type of survey is to allow them to make the exercise of discovering the forms of action and their own beliefs underlying in their own story, as well as the discovering for themselves the achievements and accomplishments that often they carry on without recognizing them. Keep in mind that most of the teachers do not have specific pedagogical training.The conceptions of teachers regarding to evaluation, are studied through evidence that is collected by semi-structured interviews, which are then supplemented by surveys, discussion groups that promote reflection on the practices, and the analysis of specific assessment tools used by the accounting chairs.Professors and heads of teaching assistants of the accounting area were selected as key informants because within the organizational structure of the faculty, they are who share their culture, and especially those who define in each accounting chair, the form, content and timing of theoretical an practical evaluations, within the framework of regulations.Interviews allow not only gather information, but simultaneously and in dialogue with the other, joint best practices assessment by an interactive mode between the gathered information and the reflection among the various actors involved in the research. In this paper, the results of the analysis of a sample of 12 interviews with key informants are shared.In the analysis of qualitative data it is not always possible to define an overall strategy or procedure, but it starts during the fieldwork (Rodríguez Gómez, Gil Flores and García Jiménez, 1996). In this case the process was performed with a degree of systematization. It covered the following tasks defined by the aforementioned authors: data reduction, disposal and processing them in a matrix of double entry, and getting results. Thus, their common features and trends are selected in order to identify some core concepts and relevant issues conceptions of evaluation. These results certainly will provide some evidence as a basis for designing surveys.We expect that this research will promote the definition of concepts and new practices that improve the quality of evaluation in accounting subjects, especially make teachers more sensitive to this subject area, allowing them to become aware of the implicit knowledge they have and assess themselves in the practices they use, recognizing whether they are relevant or need to be revised based on that they do focus on real student learning and not just in the accreditation of knowledge taught. Thus teachers will redefine their role and practices in terms of more autonomous form, reflective, creative, etc., that will prepare students to meet and deal with the constant change and complexity and uncertainty of their professional future.--------------------------------------------------2 Evaluation in Economic Sciences: Teacher´s Concepts and Practices. A Model for Best Practices. Accredited to and funded by the National University of La Plata for the period 01.01.2014 to 31.12.2015.    El contexto actual parece demandar a las instituciones educativas que los docentes no sólo sepan transmitir conocimiento especializado, sino que también desarrollen conocimientos pedagógicos y habilidades específicas que les permitan cumplir los nuevos roles de facilitadores, comunicadores, guías y servidores del futuro desarrollo profesional de los alumnos.Frente a esta realidad, y situados en una institución de educación superior con una formación fundamentalmente profesionalista (Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, FCE-UNLP), resulta necesario promover entre los docentes prácticas pedagógicas y habilidades que mejoren la calidad y desempeño de su labor. Esto implica fomentar el debate y reflexión de nuestros propios docentes con el objetivo de promover en ellos una visión compartida de qué, cómo y cuándo incorporar saberes que tienen relación con el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje, más allá del conocimiento específico que los formó como profesionales de las ciencias económicas.La enseñanza en la educación superior frecuentemente se ha nutrido de marcos generales provenientes de la didáctica, la pedagogía y la psicología educacional dejando pendiente el desarrollo de herramientas conceptuales que permitan entender la particularidad de la enseñanza de una disciplina específica.Este trabajo se propone describir una investigación sobre las concepciones docentes en la enseñanza de las ciencias económicas. El mismo busca contribuir a lograr una conceptualización de una faceta clave para la mejora de la enseñanza de este campo en particular y en la educación superior, en general: la evaluación de los aprendizajes.Esta investigación está enmarcada en un proyecto interdisciplinario desarrollado por integrantes de la Unidad Pedagógica y del Instituto de Investigaciones y Estudios Contables, acreditado y financiado por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata1, que se centra en la evaluación, pensando que la misma forma parte del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y es la retroalimentación del enseñar y aprender.En el presente trabajo se comentan los primeros abordajes de una investigación cualitativa cuya finalidad es identificar los principales rasgos y concepciones de los docentes del área contable respecto de la evaluación del aprendizaje, con la concepción que el enseñar y el aprender están profundamente interrelacionados.En ella se define el marco teórico-conceptual desde el que se parte, pues la formación de los investigadores, sus conocimientos y experiencias, orientan y guían el trabajo e influyen en sus resultados. Por ello deben explicitarse. Una  de  las  modalidades  para  rescatar  cómo  piensan  los  docentes  y  qué conocimientos fundamentan sus actuaciones que no distorsione esa información, es a través de la narrativa de las propias experiencias. El propósito de incluir este tipo de relevamiento es que permite además, realizar con los docentes el ejercicio de descubrir en su propio relato las formas de acción y las propias creencias que subyacen, a la vez que descubran por sí mismos los logros y las realizaciones que muchas veces llevan adelante sin reconocerlo. Hay que tener en cuenta que gran parte de los docentes no cuentan con formación pedagógica específica.Las concepciones de los docentes referidas a la evaluación, se estudian a través de evidencias, que son recolectadas a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas, las que luego se complementarán con encuestas, grupos de discusión que promuevan la reflexión sobre las prácticas, así como el análisis de instrumentos concretos de evaluación empleados por las cátedras.Se seleccionaron a profesores titulares y jefes de auxiliares docentes del área contable como informantes claves, porque dentro de la estructura organizativa de la facultad, son las personas que participan de su cultura, y sobre todo las definen en cada cátedra y dentro del marco de la reglamentación vigente, la forma, contenido y momento de las evaluaciones a nivel teórico como a nivel de ejercitación práctica.Las entrevistas permiten no sólo recoger información, sino simultáneamente y en diálogo con el otro, la construcción conjunta de mejores prácticas de evaluación, a partir de una modalidad interactiva entre la información relevada y la reflexión entre los diversos actores participantes de la investigación. En el presente trabajo se comparten los primeros resultados obtenidos del análisis de 12 entrevistas realizadas a informantes claves, sobre un total previsto de 20.En el análisis de datos cualitativos, no siempre es posible definir una estrategia o procedimiento general, pero éste se inicia durante el trabajo de campo (Rodríguez Gómez, Gil Flores & García Jiménez, 1996). En este caso el proceso se realizó con cierto grado de sistematización. Abarcó las siguientes tareas definidas por los autores antes citados: reducción de datos, disposición y transformación de los mismos en una matriz de doble entrada, y obtención de resultados. Así, se seleccionan sus elementos comunes y las tendencias que presentan, con el fin de identificar algunos núcleos y cuestiones relevantes sobre concepciones de la evaluación. Se presentan estos resultados preliminares que seguramente brindarán ciertos indicios que servirán de base para el diseño de las encuestas.Pretendemos que esta investigación promueva la definición de concepciones y de nuevas prácticas que mejoren la calidad de la evaluación en las asignaturas contables, y especialmente sensibilice a los docentes del área con el tema, permitiéndoles tomar conciencia de los saberes implícitos con que cuentan y autoevaluarse en las prácticas que utilizan, reconociendo si son pertinentes o si necesitan ser revisadas en función de que las mismas hagan foco en el real aprendizaje del alumno y no sólo en la acreditación de los conocimientos enseñados. De esta manera los docentes redefinirán su rol y sus prácticas en función de formar alumnos más autónomos, reflexivos, creativos, etc., es decir alumnos preparados para resolver y enfrentar el cambio constante y la complejidad e incertidumbre de su futuro ámbito profesional. --------------------------------------------------1Evaluación en Ciencias Económicas: Prácticas y Concepciones de los Docentes. Un Modelo para las Buenas Prácticas. Acreditado ante y financiado por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata para el período 1-1-2014 al 31-12-2015

    Process simulation and techno-economic assessment for direct production of advanced bioethanol using a genetically modified Synechocystis sp.

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    ABSTRACT: A techno-economic assessment for the direct production of ethanol using a genetically-modified microalgae has been studied. It was considered two main scenarios for process modelling: i) bioenergy-driven microalgae plant, i.e., focused on the production of fuel-grade ethanol and biogas for CHP and, ii) biorefinery-driven microalgae plant, focused on the recovery of added-value bioproducts (zeaxanthin and phycocyanin) along with ethanol and CHP production. These main scenarios and several variants were modelled and optimized for a small-scale demo plant of 1000 Lethanol/day and extrapolated for larger production capacities. Results showed that despite the innovative approach of direct production of ethanol by microalgae, the bioenergy-driven scenario is non-feasible under the studied conditions. Conversely, ethanol production becomes economically feasible as co-product in the biorefinery-driven scenario although having payback periods>10 years. Furthermore, if only bio-based products are produced the NPV and the payback are even more positive, 104.8 M€ and ca. 5 years, respectively.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Experimental evidence for limited in vivo virulence of Mycobacterium africanum

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    Funding Information: The authors thank the excellent support from the i3S scientific platforms, namely Animal Facility and Translational Cytometry. Funding. This work was supported by Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE 2020 ? Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI), Portugal 2020, and by Portuguese funds through Funda??o para a Ci?ncia e a Tecnologia, Minist?rio da Ci?ncia, Tecnologia e Inova??o in the framework of the project ?Institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences? (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274), and by grants FCT ? Aga Khan Development Network (ref 333197025), POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028955 (to MS), PTDC/BIA-MIC/30692/2017, and UID/Multi/04413/2013 (to DM and MV). BC and KF were funded by FCT Ph.D. scholarships SFRH/BD/114403/2016 and SFRH/BD/114405/2016, respectively. The Gulbenkian Foundation is acknowledged for a field work research grant to BC, Bolsas de apoio ? investiga??o para estudantes de doutoramento dos PALOP, Ref. P-146397. DM and MS were supported by FCT through Estimulo Individual ao Emprego Cient?fico. Publisher Copyright: © Copyright © 2019 Cá, Fonseca, Sousa, Maceiras, Machado, Sanca, Rabna, Rodrigues, Viveiros and Saraiva.Tuberculosis remains a public health problem and a main cause of death to humans. Both Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium africanum cause tuberculosis. In contrast to M. tuberculosis, which is geographically spread, M. africanum is restricted to West Africa. Differences have also been found in the growth rate and type of disease caused by M. africanum, globally suggesting an attenuation of this bacteria. In this study, we used the mouse model of infection to follow the dynamics of M. africanum infection in terms of bacterial burdens and tissue pathology, as well as the immune response triggered. Our findings support a lower virulence of M. africanum as compared to M. tuberculosis, including in mice lacking IFN-γ, a major protective cytokine in tuberculosis. Furthermore, the lung immune response triggered by M. africanum infection in wild-type animals was characterized by a discrete influx of leukocytes and a modest transcriptional upregulation of inflammatory mediators. Our findings contribute to elucidate the pathogenesis of M. africanum, supporting the hypothesis that this is an attenuated member of the tuberculosis-causing bacteria. Understanding the biology of M. africanum and how it interacts with the host to establish infection will have implications for our knowledge of TB and for the development of novel and better tools to control this devastating disease.publishersversionpublishe

    Correlations of mutations in katG, oxyR-ahpC and inhA genes and in vitro susceptibility in Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical strains segregated by spoligotype families from tuberculosis prevalent countries in South America

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    Background Mutations associated with resistance to rifampin or streptomycin have been reported for W/Beijing and Latin American Mediterranean (LAM) strain families of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. A few studies with limited sample sizes have separately evaluated mutations in katG, ahpC and inhA genes that are associated with isoniazid (INH) resistance. Increasing prevalence of INH resistance, especially in high tuberculosis (TB) prevalent countries is worsening the burden of TB control programs, since similar transmission rates are noted for INH susceptible and resistant M. tuberculosis strains. Results We, therefore, conducted a comprehensive evaluation of INH resistant M. tuberculosis strains (n = 224) from three South American countries with high burden of drug resistant TB to characterize mutations in katG, ahpC and inhA gene loci and correlate with minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) levels and spoligotype strain family. Mutations in katG were observed in 181 (80.8%) of the isolates of which 178 (98.3%) was contributed by the katG S315T mutation. Additional mutations seen included oxyR-ahpC; inhA regulatory region and inhA structural gene. The S315T katG mutation was significantly more likely to be associated with MIC for INH ≥2 μg/mL. The S315T katG mutation was also more frequent in Haarlem family strains than LAM (n = 81) and T strain families. Conclusion Our data suggests that genetic screening for the S315T katG mutation may provide rapid information for anti-TB regimen selection, epidemiological monitoring of INH resistance and, possibly, to track transmission of INH resistant strains.Fil: Dalla Costa, Elis R. State Foundation for Production and Research in Health (FEPPS); Brasil.Fil: Ribeiro, Marta O. State Foundation for Production and Research in Health (FEPPS); Brasil.Fil: Silva, Márcia S. N. State Foundation for Production and Research in Health (FEPPS); Brasil.Fil: Arnold, Liane S. State Foundation for Production and Research in Health (FEPPS); Brasil.Fil: Rostirolla, Diana C. State Foundation for Production and Research in Health (FEPPS); Brasil.Fil: Cafrune, Patricia I. State Foundation for Production and Research in Health (FEPPS); Brasil.Fil: Espinoza, Roger C. Blufstein Clinic Laboratory; Perú.Fil: Palaci, Moises. Federal University of Espírito Santo; Brasil.Fil: Telles, Maria A. Adolfo Lutz Institute; Brasil.Fil: Ritacco, Viviana. ANLIS Dr.C.G.Malbrán. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Servicio de Micobacterias; Argentina.Fil: Suffys, Philip N. Oswaldo Cruz Institute; Brasil.Fil: Lopes, Maria L. Evandro Chagas Institute; Brasil.Fil: Campelo, Creuza L. LACEN Ceará; BrasilFil: Miranda, Silvana S. Federal University of Minas Gerais; Brasil.Fil: Kremer, Kristin. National Institute for Public Healthand the Environment (RIVM). Mycobacteria Reference Unit (CIb-LIS); Países Bajos.Fil: Almeida da Silva, Pedro E. Federal Foundation of Rio Grande; Brasil.Fil: de Souza Fonseca, Leila. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Tuberculosis Academic Program; Brasil.Fil: Ho, John L. Cornell University; Estados Unidos.Fil: Kritski, Afrânio L. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Tuberculosis Academic Program; Brasil.Fil: Rossetti, María L. R. State Foundation for Production and Research in Health (FEPPS); Brasil

    Induction of human mesenchymal stem cells osteogenesis by bioactive agent-releasing liposomes

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    Stem cell therapy is a rapidly evolving area of research in regenerative medicine. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have received considerable attention by the scientific community because of their potential of expansion and the ability to differentiate into various mesodermal tissues. Liposomes are well-established non-viral carrier systems, presenting significant advantages over other nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems, namely a high load carrying capacity, a relative safety and an ease of large-scale production, as well as a versatile nature in terms of possible formulation and functionalization. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the efficacy of growth differentiation factor-releasing liposomes on the induction of MSCs osteogenesis. For that, dexamethasone (Dex) was encapsulated within the liposome bilayer at different lipid formulations. The obtained liposomes showed a monodisperse distribution of particles size, and an increased ζ- potential for the PEGylated liposomes. Dex encapsulation studies demonstrate that the presence of cholesterol (Chol) decreases the Dex loading capacity of the liposome bilayer. The different stabilizing effect of Chol and Dex on the liposomes is due to differences in their interaction with phospholipid molecules. Highly lipophilic Chol gets incorporated between the acyl chains and reduces chain movement increasing rigidity and stabilization the membrane. Dex, being more hydrophilic, interacts differently with phospholipid acyl chains and head groups and destabilizes the membrane. In vitro release study demonstrated an initial burst release within an initial timeframe of 24 hours. Following the initial release, a slower release was observed until 6 days. Afterwards, Dex continues to be released at a slower but steady rate until day 21. The effect of Dex-loaded liposomes on viability, proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hBMSCs) was assessed. The results of the biological activity showed that the Dex-loaded liposomes do not have any cytotoxic effect and, more importantly, were able to promote an earlier induction of hBMSCs differentiation into the osteogenic lineage, as demonstrated by the expression of osteoblastic markers at the phenotypic and the genotypic levels. Concluding, Dex-loaded liposomes represent a novel biological or nature-inspired nanoparticle strategy for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications

    Atherosclerosis and Bone Loss in Humans–Results From Deceased Donors and From Patients Submitted to Carotid Endarterectomy

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    Funding: We wish to thank all the collaborators (administrative staff, nurses, etc.) of the surgery block, as well as the doctors of the vascular surgery and transplantation departments of the Hospital of Santa Maria for the availability and assistance in the collection of the samples. We also thank Sociedade Portuguesa de Reumatologia for funding with two fellowships: Fundo de Apoio à Investigação 2014 and SPR/MSD 2015. DC-F received funding from a PhD grant from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/80940/2011).Background and Aims: Atherosclerosis and osteoporosis share common risk factors, as well as inflammatory mechanisms. Our aim was to understand how atherosclerotic lesions are related with disturbances in bone. Methods: Gene expression of pro-inflammatory and bone metabolism related proteins (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-17A, TNF, RANKL, OPG, COL1, CTSK, OCL, TRAP, CBFA1, DKK1, SOST, ADIPOQ, and ADIPOR1) were analyzed in arteries and bones from 45 deceased donors and adipose tissue was used as control. Additionally, in 139 patients with advanced atherosclerosis submitted to carotid endarterectomy we compared calcium content (Alizarin red) and plaque inflammatory scores (CD3+, CD68+, and adiponectin) of patients with normal bone mineral density (BMD) with those with low BMD and explored the associations between gene expression in atherosclerotic plaques and BMD. Serum levels of pro-inflammatory and bone related proteins were measured both in donors and patients. Associations were investigated by the Pearson or Spearman correlation tests, and multivariate regression analyzes were performed when justified. Results: Gene expression of bone remodeling and pro-inflammatory proteins correlated positively in bone and aorta, independently of age and sex of donors, but not in adipose tissue. The expression of bone formation genes was significantly higher in atheroma plaques from endarterectomized patients with normal vs. low BMD as well as inflammatory CD68+ scores, regardless of patients' age and sex, but not of body mass index. No relationship was observed between serum levels and gene expression levels of pro-inflammatory or bone remodeling proteins. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the relationship between bones and vessels in the context of atherosclerotic disease and osteoporosis may rely on the intrinsic connection between the tissues involved, independently of disease stage. Serum measurements of pro-inflammatory and bone-remodeling proteins do not accurately translate tissue pathologic processes.publishersversionpublishe

    Raicilla clúster de turismo

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    Es importante mencionar que este proyecto corresponde al seguimiento de los ciclos anteriores, Primavera y Verano 2022. Enunciando el plan de continuidad que se tuvo, se avanzó con la creación de un taller de capacitación para la profesionalización de las experiencias, llevando a la existencia la estructura y contenido que se presentará con el objetivo de que durante la siguiente etapa (Primavera 2023) se pueda llevar a cabo. Durante el actual semestre, se realizaron diversos productos, levantamientos de información y entregas que derivaron en la creación del “Taller de Profesionalización de Experiencias Turísticas para la Ruta de la Raicilla.” Los objetivos de este producto son crear interés entre los raicilleros y taberneros a través de la información y el conocimiento del potencial turístico que tiene la raicilla no solo como un objeto de evento, sino como un producto turístico. Además, se crearon productos para redes sociales que sirvieran como guía para aquellas tabernas que busquen impulsar sus marcas y productos a través de campañas de comunicación en estos medios, el objetivo de estos productos fue unificar la manera en que las marcas de raicilla se comunican con sus potenciales clientes y el público interesado.ITESO, A.C