249 research outputs found

    Ampliación y Mejora del Laboratorio Virtual de Meteorología y Clima

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    Depto. de Física de la Tierra y AstrofísicaFac. de Ciencias FísicasFALSEsubmitte

    Explosive cyclones in the North Atlantic: NAO influence and multidecadal variability

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    Ponencia presentada en: VIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Salamanca entre el 25 y el 28 de septiembre de 2012.[EN]In this study we have analyzed the variability of explosive cyclones affecting Europe at different timescales. Cyclones have been identified and tracked through an automatic algorithm that has been applied to the MSLP NCEP reanalysis data. Subsequently, explosive cyclones affecting Europe have been selected from the whole climatology of extratropical North Atlantic cyclones (406 total cases from Oct-Mar 1950-2010).[ES]En este estudio se ha analizado la variabilidad en diferentes escalas temporales de las ciclogénesis explosivas que afectan Europa. La identificación y seguimiento de ciclones se ha realizado a través de la utilización de un algoritmo automático aplicado sobre los datos de MSLP del reanálisis de NCEP. En total, 406 casos de ciclogénesis explosivas que han afectado Europa han sido seleccionados (Oct-Mar 1950-2010).This study has been partially supported by the Spanish National projects DE VIAJE (CGL2009-06944), TRACS (CGL2009-10285) and the UCM-BSCH GR58/08 “Micrometeorology and Climate variability” group

    Potential SST drivers for Chlorophyll-a variability in the Alboran Sea: a source for seasonal predictabilty?

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    This study investigates the link between large-scale variability modes of the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and the surface chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration in spring along the northern flank of the Alboran Sea. To this aim, surface satellite-derived products of SST and Chl-a, together with atmospheric satellite variables, are used. Our results indicate that both the tropical North Atlantic and El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) could trigger the development of anomalous distribution patterns of Chl-a in spring in northern Alboran. This anomalous feature of Chl-a is, in turn, associated with the alteration of the usual upwelling taking place along the Spanish coast at that time of the year (Ramírez et al., 2005; Macías et al., 2007; Lazzari et al., 2011). The skill of the related SST signals, over the tropical North Atlantic and the tropical Pacific, as predictors of the aforementioned Chl-a response in Alboran, has been also assessed through a statistical prediction model with leave-one-out crossvalidation. While the skill of the tropical North Atlantic seems to be limited, the results identified confirm the predictive skill of ENSO to realistically estimate the Chl-a response in Alboran. In particular, during El Niño/La Niña years, this Chl-a response can be robustly predicted with 4 months in advance. Furthermore, in those years when the tropical North Atlantic signal precedes ENSO, the Chl-a response can be also reasonably well predicted. This would enhance, for specific years, the predictive horizon to at least 7 months. The results presented here could contribute to develop a future seasonal forecasting tool of upwelling variability and living marine resources in northern Alboran.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    The impact of large-scale circulation patterns on summer crop in Iberian Peninsula

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    Large-scale circulations patterns (ENSO, NAO) have been shown to have a significant impact on seasonal weather, and therefore on crop yield over many parts of the world(Garnett and Khandekar, 1992; Aasa et al., 2004; Rozas and Garcia-Gonzalez, 2012). In this study, we analyze the influence of large-scale circulation patterns and regional climate on the principal components of maize yield variability in Iberian Peninsula (IP) using reanalysis datasets. Additionally, we investigate the modulation of these relationships by multidecadal patterns. This study is performed analyzing long time series of maize yield, only climate dependent, computed with the crop model CERES-maize (Jones and Kiniry, 1986) included in Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT v.4.5)

    Dynamical influences of El Niño on maize yield in Spain

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    Climate variability and changes in the frequency of extremes events have a direct impact on crop damages and yield. In a former work of Capa et al. (2013) the crop yield variability has been studied using different reanalyses datasets with the aim of extending the time series of potential yield. The reliability of these time series have been checked using observational data. The influence of the sea surface temperature on the crop yield variability has been studied, finding a relation with El Niño phenomenon. The highest correlation between El Niño and yield was during 1960-1980. This study aims to analyse the dynamical mechanism of El Niño impacts on maize yield in Spain during 1960-1980 by comparison with atmospheric circulation patterns

    Modes of variability affecting southwestern Europe

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    Special Issue on climate over the Iberian Peninsula: an overview of CLIVAR-Spain coordinated science

    Multidecadal Modulation of ENSO Teleconnection with Europe in Late Winter: Analysis of CMIP5 Models

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    Many studies point to a robust ENSO signature on the North Atlantic–European (NAE) sector associated with a downstream effect of Rossby wave trains. Some of these works also address a nonstationary behavior of the aforementioned link, but only few have explored the possible modulating factors. In this study the internal causes within the ocean–atmosphere coupled system influencing the tropospheric ENSO–Euro-Mediterranean rainfall teleconnection have been analyzed. To this aim, unforced long-term preindustrial control simulations from 18 different CMIP5 models have been used. A nonstationary impact of ENSO on Euro-Mediterranean rainfall, being spatially consistent with the observational one, is found. This variable feature is explained by a changing ENSO-related Rossby wave propagation from the tropical Pacific to the NAE sector, which, in turn, is modulated by multidecadal variability of the climatological jet streams associated with the underlying sea surface temperature (SST). The results, therefore, indicate a modulation of the ENSO–Euro-Mediterranean rainfall teleconnection by the internal (and multidecadal) variability of the ocean–atmosphere coupled system.This study was supported by the European project PREFACE (603521), and the Spanish projects TRACS (CGL2009-10285) and MULCLIVAR (CGL2012- 38923-C02-01).Peer reviewe

    Evaluación de los niveles de consumo de leche de ganado vacuno en el cantón Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo período 2017.

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    Este proyecto investigativo se realizó con el fin de evaluar los niveles de consumo de leche de ganado vacuno en el cantón Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo, así como determinar los factores que influyen en el consumidor a fin de seleccionar la adquisición de este producto en el mercado. El diseño de la investigación es no experimental- transversal, el tipo de estudio es descriptivo, aplicando el método deductivo-inductivo y el método analítico sintético y mediante un estudio socioeconómico y la técnica de la encuesta se determinaron hallazgos dentro de las influencias externa e internas que impactan el consumo de leche, dentro de los cuales se destacan que la población encuestada en un 77% consume leche de vaca, y sus familias usualmente están conformadas por 3 personas; además un 68% de los participantes en la investigación afirman que conocen de las enfermedades que pueden adquirir por falta de calcio. Por otro lado, la toma de decisión del consumidor presenta los siguientes resultados: un 40% expresa con certeza que el consumo de leche de vaca es diario y en la semana el consumo es de 1 a 3 litros, el 64% aseguran que los principales consumidores en su hogar son los niños, así como también el factor que influye para la compra de leche es la calidad y su consumo es por salud, pero un 73% asevera que no consumiría leche por razones de salud. Mediante la tabla de correlación y la entrevista a un experto se concluye que el factor motivante para el consumo de leche con mayor influencia es “por salud”, se recomienda publicitar la prevención de enfermedades por falta de calcio a través de una oportuna ingesta de este nutriente el mismo que permitirá se evite gastos por el padecimiento de los mismos.This research Project was carried out in order to evaluate the levels of consumption of cattle milk in Riobamba canton, Chimborazo province, as well as to determine the factors that influence the consumer in order to select the acquisition of this product on the market. The design of the research is non-experimental-transversal, the type of study is descriptive, applying the deductive-inductive method and the synthetic analytical method and through a socioeconomic study and the survey technique determined finding within of the external and internal influences that impact the consumption of milk, which it is emphasized that the population surveyed in 77% consumes cow`s milk, and their families are usually formed by 3 people, in addition 68% of the participants in the Research they know about the diseases, they can acquire due to lack of calcium. On the other hand, the decision making of the consumer presents the following results: a 40% express with certainty that the consumption of cow`s milk is daily and in the week the consumption is 1 to 3 liters, 64% ensure that the main consumers in their home are the children, as well as the factor that influences the purchase of milk is the quality and its consumption is by health, but a 73% says that it would not consume milk for health reasons. Through the correlation table and the interview to an expert it is concluded that the motivating factor for the consumption of milk with more influence is “by health”, it is recommended to advertise the prevention of diseases due to lack of calcium through a timely intake of this Nutrient the same that will allow to avoid expenses due to the suffering of the same


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    México se encuentra dentro de los primeros diez países con más pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus. Uno de los grupos etarios mayormente afectados es el geriátrico. Este grupo es más vulnerable debido a la perdida de aptitudes físicas propias de la edad y a diversas adaptaciones por las que deben atravesar tales como la jubilación y desempleo, así como aislamiento social. De ahí la importancia de las redes de apoyo en relación al control y seguimiento de sus enfermedades. Las redes de apoyo cobran relevancia en este grupo etario debido a sus limitaciones funcionales, por lo que deben estudiarse para ver su asación con el control metabólico, y evitar así complicaciones propias de la patología, mejorando así la calidad de vida de nuestros pacientes. Evaluar la asociación entre las redes de apoyo y la Hemoglobina glucosilada en pacientes geriátricos de la UMF 220. Estudio observacional, prospectivo, transversal y analítico, en 127 pacientes geriátricos que acudieron a consulta en la UMF 220. Se les aplicó el cuestionario MOS. Para asociación entre redes de apoyo y Hemoglobina glucosilada se usó la prueba de x”. No se encontró asociación estadística entre las redes de apoyo y el control metabólico, con un valor de p= 0.291.UAEM, la autora

    Evaluación de los niveles de consumo de leche de ganado vacuno en el cantón Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo período 2017.

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    Este proyecto investigativo se realizó con el fin de evaluar los niveles de consumo de leche de ganado vacuno en el cantón Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo, así como determinar los factores que influyen en el consumidor a fin de seleccionar la adquisición de este producto en el mercado. El diseño de la investigación es no experimental- transversal, el tipo de estudio es descriptivo, aplicando el método deductivo-inductivo y el método analítico sintético y mediante un estudio socioeconómico y la técnica de la encuesta se determinaron hallazgos dentro de las influencias externa e internas que impactan el consumo de leche, dentro de los cuales se destacan que la población encuestada en un 77% consume leche de vaca, y sus familias usualmente están conformadas por 3 personas; además un 68% de los participantes en la investigación afirman que conocen de las enfermedades que pueden adquirir por falta de calcio. Por otro lado, la toma de decisión del consumidor presenta los siguientes resultados: un 40% expresa con certeza que el consumo de leche de vaca es diario y en la semana el consumo es de 1 a 3 litros, el 64% aseguran que los principales consumidores en su hogar son los niños, así como también el factor que influye para la compra de leche es la calidad y su consumo es por salud, pero un 73% asevera que no consumiría leche por razones de salud. Mediante la tabla de correlación y la entrevista a un experto se concluye que el factor motivante para el consumo de leche con mayor influencia es “por salud”, se recomienda publicitar la prevención de enfermedades por falta de calcio a través de una oportuna ingesta de este nutriente el mismo que permitirá se evite gastos por el padecimiento de los mismos.This research Project was carried out in order to evaluate the levels of consumption of cattle milk in Riobamba canton, Chimborazo province, as well as to determine the factors that influence the consumer in order to select the acquisition of this product on the market. The design of the research is non-experimental-transversal, the type of study is descriptive, applying the deductive-inductive method and the synthetic analytical method and through a socioeconomic study and the survey technique determined finding within of the external and internal influences that impact the consumption of milk, which it is emphasized that the population surveyed in 77% consumes cow`s milk, and their families are usually formed by 3 people, in addition 68% of the participants in the Research they know about the diseases, they can acquire due to lack of calcium. On the other hand, the decision making of the consumer presents the following results: a 40% express with certainty that the consumption of cow`s milk is daily and in the week the consumption is 1 to 3 liters, 64% ensure that the main consumers in their home are the children, as well as the factor that influences the purchase of milk is the quality and its consumption is by health, but a 73% says that it would not consume milk for health reasons. Through the correlation table and the interview to an expert it is concluded that the motivating factor for the consumption of milk with more influence is “by health”, it is recommended to advertise the prevention of diseases due to lack of calcium through a timely intake of this Nutrient the same that will allow to avoid expenses due to the suffering of the same