149 research outputs found

    Development of high-copy number plasmids in Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125

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    Abstract: The Antarctic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125 (PhTAC125) is considered an interesting alternative host for the recombinant protein production, that can be explored when the conventional bacterial expression systems fail. Indeed, the manufacture of all the difficult-to-express proteins produced so far in this bacterial platform gave back soluble and active products. Despite these promising results, the low yield of recombinant protein production achieved is hampering the wider and industrial exploitation of this psychrophilic cell factory. All the expression plasmids developed so far in PhTAC125 are based on the origin of replication of the endogenous pMtBL plasmid and are maintained at a very low copy number. In this work, we set up an experimental strategy to select mutated OriR sequences endowed with the ability to establish recombinant plasmids at higher multiplicity per cell. The solution to this major production bottleneck was achieved by the construction of a library of psychrophilic vectors, each containing a randomly mutated version of pMtBL OriR, and its screening by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). The selected clones allowed the identification of mutated OriR sequences effective in enhancing the plasmid copy number of approximately two orders of magnitude, and the production of the recombinant green fluorescent protein was increased up to twenty times approximately. Moreover, the molecular characterization of the different mutant OriR sequences allowed us to suggest some preliminary clues on the pMtBL replication mechanism that deserve to be further investigated in the future. Key points: • Setup of an electroporation procedure for Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125. • Two order of magnitude improvement of OriR-derived psychrophilic expression systems. • Almost twenty times enhancement in Green fluorescent protein production

    Metabolic modelling reveals the specialization of secondary replicons for niche adaptation in Sinorhizobium meliloti

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    The genome of about 10% of bacterial species is divided among two or more large chromosome-sized replicons. The contribution of each replicon to the microbial life cycle (for example, environmental adaptations and/or niche switching) remains unclear. Here we report a genome-scale metabolic model of the legume symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti that is integrated with carbon utilization data for 1,500 genes with 192 carbon substrates. Growth of S. meliloti is modelled in three ecological niches (bulk soil, rhizosphere and nodule) with a focus on the role of each of its three replicons. We observe clear metabolic differences during growth in the tested ecological niches and an overall reprogramming following niche switching. In silico examination of the inferred fitness of gene deletion mutants suggests that secondary replicons evolved to fulfil a specialized function, particularly host-associated niche adaptation. Thus, genes on secondary replicons might potentially be manipulated to promote or suppress host interactions for biotechnological purposes

    Metabolic modelling reveals the specialization of secondary replicons for niche adaptation in Sinorhizobium meliloti

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    The genome of about 10% of bacterial species is divided among two or more large chromosome-sized replicons. The contribution of each replicon to the microbial life cycle (for example, environmental adaptations and/or niche switching) remains unclear. Here we report a genome-scale metabolic model of the legume symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti that is integrated with carbon utilization data for 1,500 genes with 192 carbon substrates. Growth of S. meliloti is modelled in three ecological niches (bulk soil, rhizosphere and nodule) with a focus on the role of each of its three replicons. We observe clear metabolic differences during growth in the tested ecological niches and an overall reprogramming following niche switching. In silico examination of the inferred fitness of gene deletion mutants suggests that secondary replicons evolved to fulfil a specialized function, particularly host-associated niche adaptation. Thus, genes on secondary replicons might potentially be manipulated to promote or suppress host interactions for biotechnological purposes

    Diauxie and co-utilization of carbon sources can coexist during bacterial growth in nutritionally complex environments

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    It is commonly thought that when multiple carbon sources are available, bacteria metabolize them either sequentially (diauxic growth) or simultaneously (co-utilization). However, this view is mainly based on analyses in relatively simple laboratory settings. Here we show that a heterotrophic marine bacterium, Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis, can use both strategies simultaneously when multiple possible nutrients are provided in the same growth experiment. The order of nutrient uptake is partially determined by the biomass yield that can be achieved when the same compounds are provided as single carbon sources. Using transcriptomics and time-resolved intracellular 1H-13C NMR, we reveal specific pathways for utilization of various amino acids. Finally, theoretical modelling indicates that this metabolic phenotype, combining diauxie and co-utilization of substrates, is compatible with a tight regulation that allows the modulation of assimilatory pathways

    Modelling hCDKL5 heterologous expression in bacteria

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    hCDKL5 refers to the human cyclin-dependent kinase like 5 that is primarily expressed in the brain. Mutations in its coding sequence are often causative of hCDKL5 deficiency disorder, a devastating neurodevelopmental disorder currently lacking a cure. The large-scale recombinant production of hCDKL5 is desirable to boost the translation of preclinical therapeutic approaches into the clinic. However, this is hampered by the intrinsically disordered nature of almost two-thirds of the hCDKL5 sequence, making this region more susceptible to proteolytic attack, and the observed toxicity when the enzyme is accumulated in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic host cells. The bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125 (PhTAC125) is the only prokaryotic host in which the full-length production of hCDKL5 has been demonstrated. To date, a system-level understanding of the metabolic burden imposed by hCDKL5 production is missing, although it would be crucial for upscaling of the production process. Here, we combined experimental data on protein production and nutrients assimilation with metabolic modelling to infer the global consequences of hCDKL5 production in PhTAC125 and to identify potential overproduction targets. Our analyses showed a remarkable accuracy of the model in simulating the recombinant strain phenotype and also identified priority targets for optimised protein production
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