21 research outputs found

    Aspects of holographic entanglement entropy: shape dependence and hyperscaling violating backgrounds

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    This thesis collects three works about holographic computations of entanglement entropy. In the first one it is shown how to compute numerically, following the Ryu-Takayanagi prescription, the entanglement entropy for arbitrarily shaped entangling regions in three dimensional conformal field theories. The other two focus on holographic theories with hyperscaling violating exponents: the time dependence after a holographic quench is analyzed and the arising of new universal terms due to the presence of non smooth boundaries is shown

    On the Shape of Things: From holography to elastica

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    We explore the question of which shape a manifold is compelled to take when immersed in another one, provided it must be the extremum of some functional. We consider a family of functionals which depend quadratically on the extrinsic curvatures and on projections of the ambient curvatures. These functionals capture a number of physical setups ranging from holography to the study of membranes and elastica. We present a detailed derivation of the equations of motion, known as the shape equations, placing particular emphasis on the issue of gauge freedom in the choice of normal frame. We apply these equations to the particular case of holographic entanglement entropy for higher curvature three dimensional gravity and find new classes of entangling curves. In particular, we discuss the case of New Massive Gravity where we show that non-geodesic entangling curves have always a smaller on-shell value of the entropy functional. Then we apply this formalism to the computation of the entanglement entropy for dual logarithmic CFTs. Nevertheless, the correct value for the entanglement entropy is provided by geodesics. Then, we discuss the importance of these equations in the context of classical elastica and comment on terms that break gauge invariance.Comment: 54 pages, 8 figures. Significantly improved version, accepted for publication in Annals of Physics. New section on logarithmic CFTs. Detailed derivation of the shape equations added in appendix B. Typos corrected, clarifications adde

    Spinning probes and helices in AdS3_3

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    We study extremal curves associated with a functional which is linear in the curve's torsion. The functional in question is known to capture the properties of entanglement entropy for two-dimensional conformal field theories with chiral anomalies and has potential applications in elucidating the equilibrium shape of elastic linear structures. We derive the equations that determine the shape of its extremal curves in general ambient spaces in terms of geometric quantities. We show that the solutions to these shape equations correspond to a three-dimensional version of Mathisson's helical motions for the centers of mass of spinning probes. Thereafter, we focus on the case of maximally symmetric spaces, where solutions correspond to cylindrical helices and find that the Lancret ratio of these equals the relative speed between the Mathisson-Pirani and the Tulczyjew-Dixon observers. Finally, we construct all possible helical motions in three-dimensional manifolds with constant negative curvature. In particular, we discover a rich space of helices in AdS3_3 which we explore in detail.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figure

    Entanglement Entropy for Singular Surfaces in Hyperscaling violating Theories

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    We study the holographic entanglement entropy for singular surfaces in theories described holographically by hyperscaling violating backgrounds. We consider singular surfaces consisting of cones or creases in diverse dimensions. The structure of UV divergences of entanglement entropy exhibits new logarithmic terms whose coefficients, being cut-off independent, could be used to define new central charges in the nearly smooth limit. We also show that there is a relation between these central charges and the one appearing in the two-point function of the energy-momentum tensor. Finally we examine how this relation is affected by considering higher-curvature terms in the gravitational action.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, v2: typos corrected, references adde

    Dislocation screening in crystals with spherical topology

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    Whereas disclination defects are energetically prohibitive in two-dimensional flat crystals, their existence is necessary in crystals with spherical topology, such as viral capsids, colloidosomes or fullerenes. Such a geometrical frustration gives rise to large elastic stresses, which render the crystal unstable when its size is significantly larger than the typical lattice spacing. Depending on the compliance of the crystal with respect to stretching and bending deformations, these stresses are alleviated by either a local increase of the intrinsic curvature in proximity of the disclinations or by the proliferation of excess dislocations, often organized in the form of one-dimensional chains known as "scars". The associated strain field of the scars is such to counterbalance the one resulting from the isolated disclinations. Here, we develop a continuum theory of dislocation screening in two-dimensional closed crystals with genus one. Upon modeling the flux of scars emanating from a given disclination as an independent scalar field, we demonstrate that the elastic energy of closed two-dimensional crystals with various degrees of asphericity can be expressed as a simple quadratic function of the screened topological charge of the disclinations, both at zero and finite temperature. This allows us to predict the optimal density of the excess dislocations as well as the minimal stretching energy attained by the crystal

    Measuring Gaussian rigidity using curved substrates

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    The Gaussian (saddle splay) rigidity of fluid membranes controls their equilibrium topology but is notoriously difficult to measure. In lipid mixtures, typical of living cells, linear interfaces separate liquid ordered (LO) from liquid disordered (LD) bilayer phases at subcritical temperatures. Here we consider such membranes supported by curved supports that thereby control the membrane curvatures. We show how spectral analysis of the fluctuations of the LO-LD interface provides a novel way of measuring the difference in Gaussian rigidity between the two phases. We provide a number of conditions for such interface fluctuations to be both experimentally measurable and sufficiently sensitive to the value of the Gaussian rigidity, whilst remaining in the perturbative regime of our analysis.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. v2: version accepted for publicatio

    Interface geometry of binary mixtures on curved substrates

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    Motivated by recent experimental work on multicomponent lipid membranes supported by colloidal scaffolds, we report an exhaustive theoretical investigation of the equilibrium configurations of binary mixtures on curved substrates. Starting from the J\"ulicher-Lipowsky generalization of the Canham-Helfrich free energy to multicomponent membranes, we derive a number of exact relations governing the structure of an interface separating two lipid phases on arbitrarily shaped substrates and its stability. We then restrict our analysis to four classes of surfaces of both applied and conceptual interest: the sphere, axisymmetric surfaces, minimal surfaces and developable surfaces. For each class we investigate how the structure of the geometry and topology of the interface is affected by the shape of the substrate and we make various testable predictions. Our work sheds light on the subtle interaction mechanism between membrane shape and its chemical composition and provides a solid framework for interpreting results from experiments on supported lipid bilayers.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Thermodynamic equilibrium of binary mixtures on curved surfaces

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    We study the global influence of curvature on the free energy landscape of two-dimensional binary mixtures confined on closed surfaces. Starting from a generic effective free energy, constructed on the basis of symmetry considerations and conservation laws, we identify several model-independent phenomena, such as a curvature-dependent line tension and local shifts in the binodal concentrations. To shed light on the origin of the phenomenological parameters appearing in the effective free energy, we further construct a lattice-gas model of binary mixtures on non-trivial substrates, based on the curved-space generalization of the two-dimensional Ising model. This allows us to decompose the interaction between the local concentration of the mixture and the substrate curvature into four distinct contributions, as a result of which the phase diagram splits into critical sub-diagrams. The resulting free energy landscape can admit, as stable equilibria, strongly inhomogeneous mixed phases, which we refer to as antimixed states below the critical temperature. We corroborate our semi-analytical findings with phase-field numerical simulations on realistic curved lattices. Despite this work being primarily motivated by recent experimental observations of multi-component lipid vesicles supported by colloidal scaffolds, our results are applicable to any binary mixture confined on closed surfaces of arbitrary geometry.Comment: 20 Pages, 7 Figures; comments and references added, typos correcte