354 research outputs found

    Using internet radio in the classroom

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    As leading methodologists claim nowadays, teaching a language through content is more efficient than teaching the structures of the language out of context. Furthermore, it is well accepted that language is better acquired or learned where the focus is on interesting content, and radio can certainly provide interesting content. In Ukrainian classroom, where authentic materials are scarce and students are rarely exposed to the natural pace of native speakers of English, the radio can be a valuable resource of input and highly relevant to language acquisition

    The development of trends in basic students’ training at universities

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    Рассматривается вопрос совершенствования базовой подготовки студентов в педагогических и профессионально-педагогических вузах. Определяются основные положения непрерывного педагогического образования. Выделяются качества, которые делают будущего педагога в современных экономических условиях конкурентным, а систему обучения, способную обеспечить их формирование, пригодной. Рассматриваются профессионально-педагогические и педагогические высшие учебные заведения России. Предлагаются направления совершенствования базовой подготовки студентов в педагогических и профессионально-педагогических вузахThe issue of improving the basic training of students in pedagogical higher education institutions vocational educational institution is discussed in this article. The basic positions of continuing pedagogical education are presented. Qualities that make the future teacher competitive in the contemporary economic conditions and training system capable of ensuring their development is suitable is discussed. The vocational-pedagogical and pedagogical higher educational institutions of Russia are analyzed in terms of popularity and effectiveness. The directions of the improvement of the basic training of students in pedagogic and vocational pedagogical institutions are suggeste

    A model for the education of a student of a vocational pedagogical educational institution through the gaming simulation

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    The relevance of the problem subject to the research is conditioned by the discrepancy between (a) the orientation of the modern vocational-pedagogical education on the result of the future teacher training that is based on the subject matter and contents, and (b) the need to develop pedagogical skills. The application of the gaming simulation within the process of pedagogical skills development takes such skills to a completely new level. A study of the process of pedagogical skills development at students of a vocational-pedagogical education by way of the gaming simulation is the purpose of the article. Experiment and research activities were carried out during four years. A pedagogical experiment using the specially developed programme allowing discovering the level of pedagogical skills development at the trainees is the leading method for the research of this problem. Research results: The article provides for a model for the education of a student of a vocational-pedagogical educational institution through the gaming simulation; a scheme for this model implementation has been developed. Article contents may be useful for lecturers and students of pedagogical higher education institutions at the monitoring of the education quality. © 2016 Fominykh et al

    Pedagogical interaction during problem modeling

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    Some features of pedagogical interaction in terms of problem modeling are discussed in this article, the concept of problem modeling as an innovative approach in education is givenВ статье раскрыты некоторые особенности педагогического взаимодействия в условиях проблемного моделирования, дано понятие проблемного моделирования как инновационного подхода в образовани


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    В статье представлен анализ понятия мотивации к изучению иностранного языка в контексте инновационной педагогики. Мотивация рассматривается как комплексный процесс с применением инновационных технологий обучения. Определены условия развития мотивации к изучению иностранного языка, приводятся некоторые примеры формирования мотивации на уроках английского языка в школе и университетеAn analysis of the concept of motivation to learn a foreign language in the context of innovative pedagogy is presented in the article. Motivation is considered as a complex process with the use of innovative learning technologies. The conditions for the development of motivation to learn a foreign language are defined, and some examples of the formation of motivation at the English lessons at school and University are give

    The teaching of terminological vocabulary as a condition of formation of professional mobility of graduates of college

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    The article discusses the possibility of practical application of a foreign language in the future career of College graduates. Knowledge of special terminological vocabulary reflects not only knowledge of the language, but also the ability to use it in their professional activities, increases competitiveness, professional mobility and self-realizationВ статье рассматриваются возможности практического применения иностранного языка в будущей карьере выпускников колледжа. Знание специальной терминологической лексики отражает не только знание языка, но и способность использовать его в своей профессиональной деятельности, повышает конкурентоспособность, профессиональную мобильность и самореализаци


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    Purpose: The main aim of the article is to define the approaches to the formation of future engineers’ communicative culture. The main research method used while working on the article is analysis of the domestic and foreign publication space for critical consideration of different ideas on the pedagogical problem of the future engineers’ foreign language communicative culture formation process. Methodology: In this study Content abstraction, generalization and the comparative method was applied. Result: The approaches (cultural, connectivism, technological, axiological, communicative, environmental approach) will help to the formation of the communicative culture of future engineers in the process of foreign language training. Applications: This research can be used for engineers and companies. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of approaches to future engineers' foreign communicative culture formation is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Emperor Nicholas II and Tomsk University

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    The article is dedicated to the heir to the throne Nicholas Alexandrovich (the future Tsar Nicholas II) visiting Tomsk and the Imperial Tomsk University on July 5 and 6, 1891, while he was returning from his trip to the east. On the basis of the available scientific literature, documents, including those being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, and the periodical press, the article reconstructs the history of the Tsar’s visit to Russia’s first higher education institution in Asia. The article is meant for those interested in the history of the Romanov kin as well as the history of higher learning and science in Russia

    Morphological estimation of changes in cancellous raduis bone for forensic age determination

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    Visual researches showed that the cancellous bone of the distal radius has significant morphological changes with the increase of years. Revealed structural changes of cancellous bone allows to differentiate the age of an object and to direct a medical expert towards the proposed age group at the identification study. As a result of photocolorimetric research of involution changes of cancellous bone of the distal radius we found statistically significant increase of light transmission with the increase of years which is associated with an increase of osteoporosis. The correlation coefficient ranged from 0,63 to 0,80. On the basis of these data mathematical models that allow to determine the person's age in the forensic identification researches of the distal radius were developed (standard mean square error in determination of the age was from 6,6 to 8,2 years)

    Jean Pecquet (1622–1674). To the 400th anniversary of the birth

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    The article is dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding French anatomist, physician and philosopher Jean Pecquet (1622–1674). Pecquet’s biography is connected with the city of Dieppe, where the future scientist was born and got his primary education, and with Paris, where he made his main discoveries in anatomy. Throughout his life, Pecquet collaborated with many prominent scientists of that time (Jacques Mentel, Louis Gayant, Jean Riolan (the Younger)), including not only physicians and anatomists, but also physicists such as Blaise Pascal, Edme Mariotte, Marin Mersenne and Evangelista Torricelli. Pecquet’s most famous discovery is the chyle cictern, or cisterna chyli. The structure was named after of the scientist – “Pecquet’s reservoir (cistern)”. But more revolutionary discovery made by Pecquet is revealing and proving the fact that the lymphatic ducts flow into the superior vena cava indirectly through the venous angles and refuting the conventional opinion on the drainage of lymph into the liver. An important help in Pecquet’s anatomical research and experiments was his passion for the physical and mathematical sciences. In collaboration with Edme Marriott, Pecquet studied the structure of the eyeball and turned out to be more foresighted, because, unlike Marriott, he correctly understood the role of the retina in the functioning of the eye as an organ of vision. Pecquet was one of William Harvey’s supporters regarding his concept of blood circulation. He introduced cutting-edge at that moment technologies into the anatomy methodology, including animal experiments in vivo, and made a fateful contribution to the progress of anatomical science