18 research outputs found

    Modulation of the gastrointestinal tract microbiota by two direct fed microbials and their efficacy as alternatives to antibiotic growth promoter use in calf management operations

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    L’usage des produits microbiens administrĂ©s directement (aussi appelĂ©s probiotiques) gagne de l’intĂ©rĂȘt comme alternative Ă  l’utilisation des antibiotiques comme promoteurs de croissance dans les Ă©levages. Cependant, trĂšs peu d’informations existent quant Ă  l’influence des probiotiques sur la modulation du microbiote gastrointestinal et la rĂ©ponse immunitaire innĂ©e chez le veau laitier. Les objectifs de cette thĂšse visaient Ă  (1) Étudier l’effet de Lactobacillus acidophilus BT 1386 ou de Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii CNCM 1- 1079 sur les constituants sanguins, biochimiques / chimiques du sang. (2) DĂ©terminer les mĂ©canismes potentiels d’une rĂ©ponse immunitaire renforcĂ©e de Lactobacillus acidophilus BT 1386 et de Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii CNCM 1-1079. (3) DĂ©terminer comment Lactobacillus acidophilus BT 1386 ou Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii CNCM 1-1079 modulent la composition de la communautĂ© microbienne GIT de veau par sĂ©quençage de nouvelle gĂ©nĂ©ration de la rĂ©gion V3-V4 du gĂšne ARNr 16S. (4) Comparer l'efficacitĂ© de ces deux DFM avec la tetracycline-nĂ©omycine, un promoteur de croissance antibiotique. Quatre traitements ont Ă©tĂ© distribuĂ©s alĂ©atoirement Ă  48 veaux ĂągĂ©s de 2 Ă  7 jours (n=12). TÉMOIN : lactoremplaceur (LR) suivi d’une moulĂ©e de dĂ©marrage (MD); SCB) TÉMOIN + Saccharomyces cereviseae var. boulardii CNCM I-1079 [7,5 × 108 unitĂ©s formatrices de colonie (CFU)/L de LR + 3 × 109 CFU/kg de MD]; LA) TÉMOIN + Lactobacillus acidophilus BT 1386 (2,5 × 108 CFU/L de LR + 1 × 109 CFU/kg de MD); ATB) TÉMOIN + traitement antibiotique composĂ© de chlortĂ©tracycline (528 mg/L de LR + 55 mg/kg de MD) et de nĂ©omycine (357 mg/L de LR). Les animaux ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©levĂ©s selon les procĂ©dures d’élevage conventionnelles pendant les 96 jours de la pĂ©riode expĂ©rimentale. Des Ă©chantillons de sang ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©s de la veine jugulaire Ă  diffĂ©rents moments pendant les pĂ©riodes de prĂ©-sevrage (jours 1 Ă  42), de sevrage (jours 43 Ă  53) et de post-sevrage (jours 54 Ă  96). Aux jours 33 et 96 dans chacun des groupes, 4 veaux ont Ă©tĂ© euthanasiĂ©s afin de prĂ©lever des Ă©chantillons de tissus et de digesta. Des SCB viables ont Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©es tout au long du tractus gastrointestinal, ainsi que dans les fĂšces des veaux en pĂ©riodes prĂ©- et post-sevrage. Autour du sevrage, les fĂšces du groupe SCB contenaient une population de lactobacilli plus importante que celles du groupe TÉMOIN. Au cours de la pĂ©riode prĂ©-sevrage, la distribution des lactobacilli Ă©voluait graduellement Ă  travers les sections du tube digestif (colon > contenu ilĂ©al > rumen > muqueuse ilĂ©ale). À l’exception du rumen, tous les autres compartiments prĂ©sentaient une population de lactobacilli rĂ©duite en post- vs. en prĂ©-sevrage. Comparativement aux groupes TÉMOIN et LA, la profondeur et la largeur des cryptes du colon des groupes SCB et ATB Ă©taient rĂ©duites. Toujours comparativement aux groupes TÉMOIN et LA, le nombre de cellules caliciformes contenant des mucines neutres tendait Ă  augmenter pour les groupes SCB et ATB, alors que le nombre de mucines acides augmentaient. Globalement, les traitements n’ont pas affectĂ© les performances des animaux. Pendant le sevrage, une amĂ©lioration de la stimulation oxydative et de la phagocytose, ainsi qu’une augmentation des concentrations des protĂ©ines de la phase aiguĂ«, ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es chez les groupes SCB et LA. L’ajout de probiotiques Ă  la diĂšte du veau a eu moins d’impact sur la diversitĂ© bactĂ©rienne mais a tout de mĂȘme modifiĂ© significativement l’abondance des diffĂ©rentes populations microbiennes, et ce plus particuliĂšrement dans l’ilĂ©on. L’ajout de SCB ou de LA a rĂ©duit l’abondance de certains genres bactĂ©riens pathogĂšnes, tels que Streptococcus et Tyzzerella_4, alors que cela a augmentĂ© l’abondance de bactĂ©ries potentiellement bĂ©nĂ©fiques pour l’hĂŽte tel que celles appartenant au genre Fibrobacter. Par ailleurs, d’autres bactĂ©ries bĂ©nĂ©fiques tel que Rumminococcaceae UCG 005 et Olsenella Ă©taient aussi plus abondantes, mais seulement pour le traitement SCB. Les bactĂ©ries pathogĂšnes Peptoclostridium et Ruminococcus_2 Ă©taient respectivement moins abondantes lorsque les traitements SCB et LA Ă©taient ajoutĂ©s Ă  la ration. Les analyses de prĂ©diction fonctionnelle ont montrĂ© qu’en plus des effets observĂ©s sur les voies mĂ©taboliques locales impliquĂ©es dans le cycle cellulaire, la sĂ©crĂ©tion biliaire et les voies de signalisation de l’AMPc et du proteasome, l’ajout des deux formes de probiotiques a Ă©galement affectĂ© d’importantes voies impliquĂ©es au sein d’autres tissus comme la synthĂšse des hormones thyroĂŻdiennes ou le fonctionnement des synapses dopaminergiques. Cette Ă©tude suggĂšre que les probiotiques, et plus particuliĂšrement SCB, devraient ĂȘtre davantage considĂ©rĂ©s comme modulateur de la santĂ© gastro-intestinale du veau laitier. Aussi, la supplĂ©mentation en SCB, en amĂ©liorant la rĂ©ponse immunitaire innĂ©e, permettrait de stimuler le systĂšme immunitaire du veau avant l’infection, le prĂ©parant ainsi Ă  mieux affronter les pĂ©riodes plus sensibles comme celle du sevrage. Le SCB et le LA ont modifiĂ© la composition en bactĂ©ries du GIT. Dans l’ensemble, cette Ă©tude a montrĂ© une dĂ©monstration remarquable de l’importance du DFM sur le microbiote de la TI. Cependant, il faut mieux comprendre les molĂ©cules et les mĂ©canismes qui dĂ©terminent le rĂŽle du microbiote, puis exploiter ces connaissances pour amĂ©liorer la santĂ© et augmenter la production animaleL’usage des produits microbiens administrĂ©s directement (aussi appelĂ©s probiotiques) gagne de l’intĂ©rĂȘt comme alternative Ă  l’utilisation des antibiotiques comme promoteurs de croissance dans les Ă©levages. Cependant, trĂšs peu d’informations existent quant Ă  l’influence des probiotiques sur la modulation du microbiote gastrointestinal et la rĂ©ponse immunitaire innĂ©e chez le veau laitier. Les objectifs de cette thĂšse visaient Ă  (1) Étudier l’effet de Lactobacillus acidophilus BT 1386 ou de Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii CNCM 1- 1079 sur les constituants sanguins, biochimiques / chimiques du sang. (2) DĂ©terminer les mĂ©canismes potentiels d’une rĂ©ponse immunitaire renforcĂ©e de Lactobacillus acidophilus BT 1386 et de Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii CNCM 1-1079. (3) DĂ©terminer comment Lactobacillus acidophilus BT 1386 ou Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii CNCM 1-1079 modulent la composition de la communautĂ© microbienne GIT de veau par sĂ©quençage de nouvelle gĂ©nĂ©ration de la rĂ©gion V3-V4 du gĂšne ARNr 16S. (4) Comparer l'efficacitĂ© de ces deux DFM avec la tetracycline-nĂ©omycine, un promoteur de croissance antibiotique. Quatre traitements ont Ă©tĂ© distribuĂ©s alĂ©atoirement Ă  48 veaux ĂągĂ©s de 2 Ă  7 jours (n=12). TÉMOIN : lactoremplaceur (LR) suivi d’une moulĂ©e de dĂ©marrage (MD); SCB) TÉMOIN + Saccharomyces cereviseae var. boulardii CNCM I-1079 [7,5 × 108 unitĂ©s formatrices de colonie (CFU)/L de LR + 3 × 109 CFU/kg de MD]; LA) TÉMOIN + Lactobacillus acidophilus BT 1386 (2,5 × 108 CFU/L de LR + 1 × 109 CFU/kg de MD); ATB) TÉMOIN + traitement antibiotique composĂ© de chlortĂ©tracycline (528 mg/L de LR + 55 mg/kg de MD) et de nĂ©omycine (357 mg/L de LR). Les animaux ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©levĂ©s selon les procĂ©dures d’élevage conventionnelles pendant les 96 jours de la pĂ©riode expĂ©rimentale. Des Ă©chantillons de sang ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©s de la veine jugulaire Ă  diffĂ©rents moments pendant les pĂ©riodes de prĂ©-sevrage (jours 1 Ă  42), de sevrage (jours 43 Ă  53) et de post-sevrage (jours 54 Ă  96). Aux jours 33 et 96 dans chacun des groupes, 4 veaux ont Ă©tĂ© euthanasiĂ©s afin de prĂ©lever des Ă©chantillons de tissus et de digesta. Des SCB viables ont Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©es tout au long du tractus gastrointestinal, ainsi que dans les fĂšces des veaux en pĂ©riodes prĂ©- et post-sevrage. Autour du sevrage, les fĂšces du groupe SCB contenaient une population de lactobacilli plus importante que celles du groupe TÉMOIN. Au cours de la pĂ©riode prĂ©-sevrage, la distribution des lactobacilli Ă©voluait graduellement Ă  travers les sections du tube digestif (colon > contenu ilĂ©al > rumen > muqueuse ilĂ©ale). À l’exception du rumen, tous les autres compartiments prĂ©sentaient une population de lactobacilli rĂ©duite en post- vs. en prĂ©-sevrage. Comparativement aux groupes TÉMOIN et LA, la profondeur et la largeur des cryptes du colon des groupes SCB et ATB Ă©taient rĂ©duites. Toujours comparativement aux groupes TÉMOIN et LA, le nombre de cellules caliciformes contenant des mucines neutres tendait Ă  augmenter pour les groupes SCB et ATB, alors que le nombre de mucines acides augmentaient. Globalement, les traitements n’ont pas affectĂ© les performances des animaux. Pendant le sevrage, une amĂ©lioration de la stimulation oxydative et de la phagocytose, ainsi qu’une augmentation des concentrations des protĂ©ines de la phase aiguĂ«, ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es chez les groupes SCB et LA. L’ajout de probiotiques Ă  la diĂšte du veau a eu moins d’impact sur la diversitĂ© bactĂ©rienne mais a tout de mĂȘme modifiĂ© significativement l’abondance des diffĂ©rentes populations microbiennes, et ce plus particuliĂšrement dans l’ilĂ©on. L’ajout de SCB ou de LA a rĂ©duit l’abondance de certains genres bactĂ©riens pathogĂšnes, tels que Streptococcus et Tyzzerella_4, alors que cela a augmentĂ© l’abondance de bactĂ©ries potentiellement bĂ©nĂ©fiques pour l’hĂŽte tel que celles appartenant au genre Fibrobacter. Par ailleurs, d’autres bactĂ©ries bĂ©nĂ©fiques tel que Rumminococcaceae UCG 005 et Olsenella Ă©taient aussi plus abondantes, mais seulement pour le traitement SCB. Les bactĂ©ries pathogĂšnes Peptoclostridium et Ruminococcus_2 Ă©taient respectivement moins abondantes lorsque les traitements SCB et LA Ă©taient ajoutĂ©s Ă  la ration. Les analyses de prĂ©diction fonctionnelle ont montrĂ© qu’en plus des effets observĂ©s sur les voies mĂ©taboliques locales impliquĂ©es dans le cycle cellulaire, la sĂ©crĂ©tion biliaire et les voies de signalisation de l’AMPc et du proteasome, l’ajout des deux formes de probiotiques a Ă©galement affectĂ© d’importantes voies impliquĂ©es au sein d’autres tissus comme la synthĂšse des hormones thyroĂŻdiennes ou le fonctionnement des synapses dopaminergiques. Cette Ă©tude suggĂšre que les probiotiques, et plus particuliĂšrement SCB, devraient ĂȘtre davantage considĂ©rĂ©s comme modulateur de la santĂ© gastro-intestinale du veau laitier. Aussi, la supplĂ©mentation en SCB, en amĂ©liorant la rĂ©ponse immunitaire innĂ©e, permettrait de stimuler le systĂšme immunitaire du veau avant l’infection, le prĂ©parant ainsi Ă  mieux affronter les pĂ©riodes plus sensibles comme celle du sevrage. Le SCB et le LA ont modifiĂ© la composition en bactĂ©ries du GIT. Dans l’ensemble, cette Ă©tude a montrĂ© une dĂ©monstration remarquable de l’importance du DFM sur le microbiote de la TI. Cependant, il faut mieux comprendre les molĂ©cules et les mĂ©canismes qui dĂ©terminent le rĂŽle du microbiote, puis exploiter ces connaissances pour amĂ©liorer la santĂ© et augmenter la production animale.There is interest in the use of direct-fed microbials (DFM) as substitutes for antibiotic growth promoters in farm animal production. However, little information exists on the effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus BT 1386 (LA) and Saccharomyces cereviseae boulardii CNCM I-1079 (SCB) on the modulation of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) microbiota and innate immune responses in dairy calves. Therefore, the objectives of this thesis were to (1) investigate the effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus BT 1386 or Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii CNCM 1-1079 on blood cellular and biochemical/chemical constituents; (2) determine the potential mechanisms of enhanced immune response by Lactobacillus acidophilus BT 1386 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii CNCM 1-1079; (3) determine how Lactobacillus acidophilus BT 1386 or Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii CNCM 1-1079 modulate calf GIT microbial community composition by next-generation sequencing of the V3-V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene and (4) compare the efficacy of these two DFM with tetracycline-neomycin, an antibiotic growth promoter. Forty eight calves (2 to 7 days old) were randomly allocated to four treatments: 1) Control (CTRL) fed milk replacer (MR) and starter feed (SF); 2) CTRL supplemented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii CNCMI-1079 (SCB; 7.5 × 108 (CFU)/L MR + 3 × 109 CFU/kg SF); 3) CTRL supplemented with Lactobacillus acidophilus BT1386 (LA; 2.5 × 108 CFU/L MR + 1 × 109 CFU/kg SF); and 4) CTRL supplemented with antibiotics (ATB) chlortetracycline and neomycin (528 and 357 mg/L MR, respectively), and chlortetracycline (55 mg/kg SF). Animals were raised for 96 days following standard management procedures. Growth parameters (body weight and feed intake) of calves were recorded weekly. Four calves per treatment were euthanized on day 33 (pre-weaning) and an additional four calves per treatment on day 96 (post-weaning) to sample rumen and ileum tissues for real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and colon for histomorphology. The ileum, colon and rumen were also analyzed for viability. Furthermore, samples of digesta (colon, ileum and rumen) and mucosa (colon and ileum) for bacterial characterization by sequencing the V3-V4 region of 16S rRNA gene. Weekly feces samples were collected for viability analysis. Blood samples were also collected for isolation of neutrophils and peripheral blood mononuclear cells for oxidative burst and phagocytosis analyses by flow cytometry. Serum measurements of acute phase proteins were done by ELISA. Viable SCB were recovered throughout the GIT and in the feces pre- and post-weaning. The feces of SCB-treated calves showed a greater lactobacilli population compared with CTRL (P ileum content > rumen > ileum mucosa; P < 0.001). The lactobacilli population were significantly reduced in all compartments (P = 0.02) post-weaning compared to pre-weaning, except in the rumen. Crypts depth and width of the colon decreased (P < 0.01) whereas number of goblet cells containing neutral mucins tended to increase (P = 0.058) while acidic mucins increased (P < 0.05) in SCB- and ATB-treated calves compared with CTRL and v LA-treated calves. Overall, growth performances were not affected by treatment. There was improvement of both oxidative burst and phagocytosis by SCB and LA during weaning in calves. Similarly, the concentrations of acute phase proteins (C-reactive proteins and serum amyloid A proteins) were increased by SCB and LA during weaning. The DFM had less impact on the bacteria diversity but had significant impact on the abundance of the bacteria community with most changes associated to treatments occurring in the ileum. SCB and LA reduced some pathogenic bacteria genera such as Streptococcus, Tyzzerella_4 and increased some potential beneficial bacteria such as fibrobacter. Meanwhile, Rumminococcaceae UCG 005 and Olsenella, also beneficial, were increased only by SCB treatment. The potential pathogenic bacterium, Peptoclostridium, was reduced by SCB only while LA reduced Ruminococcus_2. The functional prediction analyses indicated that besides affecting local pathways such as cell cycle, bile secretion, proteasome or cAMP signaling pathway, both DFM might also affect important pathways in other tissues such as thyroid hormone synthesis or Dopaminergic synapse in the brain. Our results suggest that SCB is a modulator of gastrointestinal health and could prime the immune system prior to infection leading to an enhanced innate immune response in calves especially during periods of stress (e.g., weaning). Consequently, SCB might have the potential to strengthen calf immune system in the critical periods of disease susceptibility. Both SCB and LA changed the bacteria composition of the GIT. Overall, this study showed a remarkable demonstration of the importance of DFM on the GIT microbiota. However, what is needed is a complete and better understanding of the molecules and mechanisms driving the roles played by the microbiota and then to exploit this knowledge to improve health and increase animal production

    Prevalence and determinants of hypoglycemia in neonates admitted in the neonatology unit of the bamenda regional hospital

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence and identify risk factors associated with neonatal hypoglycemia at the neonatology unit of the Bamenda regional hospital, Cameroon. Patients and Methods: This was a prospective cross-sectional study carried out from 9th February 2022 to 31st May 2022 at the Neonatology unit of the Bamenda Regional Hospital, in the Northwest Region (NWR) of Cameroon. It involved 204 newborns between 0 – 28 days of life, admitted at the neonatology unit of the Bamenda regional hospital for any reason. Data was collected through interviews with parents, examining the newborns, reviewing follow-up records, and analyzing glucose levels in capillary blood from the fingertips. A structured questionnaire was used to gather information on sociodemographic, maternal, and neonatal factors. Blood glucose levels were measured using a test strip and a glucometer. Hypoglycemia was defined as having a random blood glucose level of less than 45mg/dl. The data collected was entered and analyzed using SPSS version 20. Results: Newborns of 0-3 days (59.8%) were the most represented with a female predominance (sex ratio = 0.7). The most common diagnosis on entry was neonatal infections (47.8%). The mean neonatal blood glucose level was 105.6mg/dl. The prevalence of hypoglycemia was 8.8%. Following multivariate analysis, the risk factor associated with neonatal hypoglycemia was low birth weight (OR=1.681; CI95 (0.994-2.842); p=0.043). Conclusion: The prevalence of neonatal hypoglycemia was 8.8%. The significant factor associated with hypoglycemia was low birth weight. Regardless of why a newborn is admitted to the neonatology unit, it’s important to carefully check for hypoglycemia. Using capillary blood glucose is a good option because it allows for quick management

    Transcriptome Analysis of Non‐Coding RNAs in Livestock Species: Elucidating the Ambiguity

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    The recent remarkable development of transcriptomics technologies, especially next generation sequencing technologies, allows deeper exploration of the hidden landscapes of complex traits and creates great opportunities to improve livestock productivity and welfare. Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), RNA molecules that are not translated into proteins, are key transcriptional regulators of health and production traits, thus, transcriptomics analyses of ncRNAs are important for a better understanding of the regulatory architecture of livestock phenotypes. In this chapter, we present an overview of common frameworks for generating and processing RNA sequence data to obtain ncRNA transcripts. Then, we review common approaches for analyzing ncRNA transcriptome data and present current state of the art methods for identification of ncRNAs and functional inference of identified ncRNAs, with emphasis on tools for livestock species. We also discuss future challenges and perspectives for ncRNA transcriptome data analysis in livestock species

    On Recommenders, Permutations and Rankings

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    We apply polarities, axiallities and the notion of entropy to the task of identifying marketable items and the customers that should be approached in a marketing campaign. An algorithm that computes the criteria for identifying marketable items and the corresponding experimental work is also included. The dynamics of players rankings play an important role in team sports. We use Kendall’s tau and Spearman’s rho distances between rankings to study player scoring ranking dynamics in the NBA over the full 2014 regular season. For each team, we study the distances between sequential games, noting the differences between the two distances. Additionally, we define the consistency of teams based on their ranking dynamics. Team consistency and winning percentage are compared. Finally, we use our findings to produce actionable results for sports managers. Commercial Real Estate development constitutes an important part of the US economy. A small but very valuable percentage of proposed projects, however, are abandoned. Estimating the probability of project completion has significant economic value. In this paper. we generalize an information theory based measure of confidence for the recommendations created by collaborative filtering algorithms. Due to the imbalanced nature of the data, we utilize boosting techniques to improve our prediction. Finally, we used our approach to predict the completion rate of $2.2 trillion worth of commercial real estate projects supporting each result with our new confidence measure

    Strengthening media coverage of development research in Cameroon : report of a Media Training Workshop held in Buea, Cameroon (16 – 18 March, 2010)

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    To raise the profile of development research issues in the media, the IDRC in collaboration with the Cameroon Union of Journalists (CUJ) organized this three-day capacity building workshop. The strategy moved to strengthen the capacity of journalists to systematize media coverage of development research and sharpen the ability of research institutions to write press releases and deal with the media. Outcomes and outputs of the workshop are presented in this report. Regular media briefings by experts and mentors are necessary for providing journalists with first-hand information on new developments

    Integration of miRNA and mRNA Co-Expression Reveals Potential Regulatory Roles of miRNAs in Developmental and Immunological Processes in Calf Ileum during Early Growth

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    This study aimed to investigate the potential regulatory roles of miRNAs in calf ileum developmental transition from the pre- to the post-weaning period. For this purpose, ileum tissues were collected from eight calves at the pre-weaning period and another eight calves at the post-weaning period and miRNA expression characterized by miRNA sequencing, followed by functional analyses. A total of 388 miRNAs, including 81 novel miRNAs, were identified. A total of 220 miRNAs were differentially expressed (DE) between the two periods. The potential functions of DE miRNAs in ileum development were supported by significant enrichment of their target genes in gene ontology terms related to metabolic processes and transcription factor activities or pathways related to metabolism (peroxisomes), vitamin digestion and absorption, lipid and protein metabolism, as well as intracellular signaling. Integration of DE miRNAs and DE mRNAs revealed several DE miRNA-mRNA pairs with crucial roles in ileum development (bta-miR-374a&mdash;FBXO18, bta-miR-374a&mdash;GTPBP3, bta-miR-374a&mdash;GNB2) and immune function (bta-miR-15b&mdash;IKBKB). This is the first integrated miRNA-mRNA analysis exploring the potential roles of miRNAs in calf ileum growth and development during early life

    Integration of lncRNA and mRNA Transcriptome Analyses Reveals Genes and Pathways Potentially Involved in Calf Intestinal Growth and Development during the Early Weeks of Life

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    A better understanding of the factors that regulate growth and immune response of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of calves will promote informed management practices in calf rearing. This study aimed to explore genomics (messenger RNA (mRNA)) and epigenomics (long non-coding RNA (lncRNA)) mechanisms regulating the development of the rumen and ileum in calves. Thirty-two calves (≈5-days-old) were reared for 96 days following standard procedures. Sixteen calves were humanely euthanized on experiment day 33 (D33) (pre-weaning) and another 16 on D96 (post-weaning) for collection of ileum and rumen tissues. RNA from tissues was subjected to next generation sequencing and 3310 and 4217 mRNAs were differentially expressed (DE) between D33 and D96 in ileum and rumen tissues, respectively. Gene ontology and pathways enrichment of DE genes confirmed their roles in developmental processes, immunity and lipid metabolism. A total of 1568 (63 known and 1505 novel) and 4243 (88 known and 4155 novel) lncRNAs were detected in ileum and rumen tissues, respectively. Cis target gene analysis identified BMPR1A, an important gene for a GIT disease (juvenile polyposis syndrome) in humans, as a candidate cis target gene for lncRNAs in both tissues. LncRNA cis target gene enrichment suggested that lncRNAs might regulate growth and development in both tissues as well as posttranscriptional gene silencing by RNA or microRNA processing in rumen, or disease resistance mechanisms in ileum. This study provides a catalog of bovine lncRNAs and set a baseline for exploring their functions in calf GIT development

    Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii CNCM 1-1079 and Lactobacillus acidophilus BT1386 influences innate immune response and serum levels of acute-phase proteins during weaning in Holstein calves

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    The aims of this study were to investigate the effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii CNCM I-1079 (SCB) or Lactobacillus acidophilus BT1386 (LA) on (1) innate immune response, (2) markers of acute-phase reaction, and (3) immune gene expression of rumen and ileum tissues of Holstein calves. Forty eight calves (∌5 d old) were randomly allocated to four treatments as follows: (1) control (CTRL) fed milk replacer followed by starter feed, (2) CTRL supplemented with SCB in milk and feed, (3) CTRL supplemented with LA in milk and feed, and (4) CTRL supplemented with antibiotics (ATB; chlortetracycline and neomycin in milk, and chlortetracycline in feed). Tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) decreased (P < 0.05) on day 66 (post-weaning) for the ATB-treated calves. There were no treatment effects on production of interferon Îł (IFN-Îł) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) proteins and on expression of TLR4, TLR6, TLR9, TLR10, CLDN3, MUC1, and MUC20 genes. Calves fed SCB or LA had a greater (P < 0.05) oxidative burst at weaning (day 53) compared with CTRL. Oxidative burst was also greater (P < 0.05) after weaning (day 59 and day 87) for SCB-fed calves. Calves fed SCB and ATB had higher (P < 0.05) phagocytosis activity during weaning (day 47) compared with CTRL. The concentration of serum amyloid A2 (SAA2) increased (P < 0.05) in SCB- and LA-fed calves (day 53), whereas the concentration of C-reactive protein (CRP) increased (P < 0.05) in SCB-fed calves during weaning as compared with CTRL. Our results suggest that SCB could improve innate immune response (oxidative burst and phagocytosis) and markers of acute-phase reaction (CRP and SAA2), especially during critical periods like weaning.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author