523 research outputs found

    Structural uncertainty of time-migrated seismic images

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    AbstractStructural information in seismic images is uncertain. The main cause of this uncertainty is uncertainty in velocity estimation. We adopt the technique of velocity continuation for estimating velocity uncertainties and corresponding structural uncertainties in time-migrated images. Data experiments indicate that structural uncertainties can be significant even when both structure and velocity variations are mild

    A fast butterfly algorithm for the hyperbolic Radon transform

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    We introduce a fast butterfly algorithm for the hyperbolic Radon transform commonly used in seismic data processing. For two-dimensional data, the algorithm runs in complexity O(N[superscript 2] logN), where N is representative of the number of points in either dimension of data space or model space. Using a series of examples, we show that the proposed algorithm is significantly more efficient than conventional integration

    Seismic modeling using the frozen Gaussian approximation

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    We adopt the frozen Gaussian approximation (FGA) for modeling seismic waves. The method belongs to the category of ray-based beam methods. It decomposes seismic wavefield into a set of Gaussian functions and propagates these Gaussian functions along appropriate ray paths. As opposed to the classic Gaussian-beam method, FGA keeps the Gaussians frozen (at a fixed width) during the propagation process and adjusts their amplitudes to produce an accurate approximation after summation. We perform the initial decomposition of seismic data using a fast version of the Fourier-Bros-Iagolnitzer (FBI) transform and propagate the frozen Gaussian beams numerically using ray tracing. A test using a smoothed Marmousi model confirms the validity of FGA for accurate modeling of seismic wavefields.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figure

    Azimuthally Anisotropic 3D Velocity Continuation

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    We extend time-domain velocity continuation to the zero-offset 3D azimuthally anisotropic case. Velocity continuation describes how a seismic image changes given a change in migration velocity. This description turns out to be of a wave propagation process, in which images change along a velocity axis. In the anisotropic case, the velocity model is multiparameter. Therefore, anisotropic image propagation is multidimensional. We use a three-parameter slowness model, which is related to azimuthal variations in velocity, as well as their principal directions. This information is useful for fracture and reservoir characterization from seismic data. We provide synthetic diffraction imaging examples to illustrate the concept and potential applications of azimuthal velocity continuation and to analyze the impulse response of the 3D velocity continuation operator

    Seismic Imaging

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    Modelling the evaporation of thin films of colloidal suspensions using Dynamical Density Functional Theory

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    Recent experiments have shown that various structures may be formed during the evaporative dewetting of thin films of colloidal suspensions. Nano-particle deposits of strongly branched `flower-like', labyrinthine and network structures are observed. They are caused by the different transport processes and the rich phase behaviour of the system. We develop a model for the system, based on a dynamical density functional theory, which reproduces these structures. The model is employed to determine the influences of the solvent evaporation and of the diffusion of the colloidal particles and of the liquid over the surface. Finally, we investigate the conditions needed for `liquid-particle' phase separation to occur and discuss its effect on the self-organised nano-structures