102 research outputs found

    L'Aube 1902.Une expérience architecturale et décorative de Gustave Serrurier

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    Étude détaillée et illustrée de la villa, pendant et après sa phase de restauration. Elle témoigne des qualités de précurseur de Gustave Serrurier, tant par son goût pour les lignes simples et les formes géométrisées que par la façon innovante dont il distribue les espaces et les volumes intérieurs

    The influence of semantic prior knowledge on associative memory in healthy aging

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    peer reviewedLa création d’un souvenir épisodique requiert un encodage des différents éléments composant l’événement cible, ainsi que des associations entre ces éléments individuels afin de former un souvenir global et complexe. Cette capacité à lier les éléments entre eux diminue dans le vieillissement normal engendrant un déclin en mémoire épisodique qualifié « d’associatif ». Des études suggèrent que ce déclin peut être atténué lorsque les associations à mémoriser préexistent en mémoire sémantique. Cette revue a pour but de synthétiser les travaux ayant examiné l’influence des connaissances préexistantes en mémoire associative dans le vieillissement normal. À travers une analyse des procédures utilisées dans les études passées, nous suggérons que le paradigme expérimental employé est le principal facteur qui détermine si les participants âgés peuvent utiliser efficacement leurs connaissances préexistantes pour reconnaître des associations. Plus précisément, la manière dont les paires de stimuli sont recombinées entre l’encodage et la récupération semble avoir une forte influence sur les résultats obtenus. Par ailleurs, nous suggérons un rôle du type de relation sémantique impliquée dans la tâche. La nature de la relation sémantique influencerait en effet la mise en place des processus de reconnaissance épisodiques qui évoluent différemment avec l’avancée en âge.The formation of a global and complex episodic memory requires memory for single units of information of the target event but also binding these elements together. This binding capacity diminishes in healthy aging leading to a so-called associative memory deficit. Interestingly, when support is provided during encoding thanks to semantic prior-knowledge (e.g., semantically related word pairs), this associative deficit can be alleviated. The aim of the present review is to summarize the current literature about the influence of prior-knowledge on associative memory performance in healthy aging. Through an analysis of the procedures that have been used in associative memory studies, we suggest two factors that appear to modulate the impact of prior knowledge on older adults’ associative memory. First, the way word pairs are recombined from the encoding to the retrieval phase is the main factor that has to be taken into account. Conditions that promote recall-to-reject discrimination processes lead to similar performance in older compared to younger adults, whereas conditions that require recollection discrimination lead to an age-related decline. Second, the nature of the semantic relations involved in the prior-knowledge support may influence older adults’ performance by modulating the contribution of recollection and familiarity to recognition. Indeed, categorical semantic relations engage both recollection and familiarity-based discrimination, whereas thematic relations allow participants to rely on familiarity-based discrimination only. This latest observation is crucial when one considers recollection as a declining process, in contrast to familiarity, which remains spared in healthy aging. Therefore, future studies should explore the propensity of other semantic relations to alleviate the age-related associative memory decline

    L’apport de l’imagerie à la neuropsychologie

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    Neuroimaging tools (MRI, PET, EEG and MEG) have been widely used within the scientific community for more than four decades. Beyond its medical use, imagery has become a complementary approach to many research areas, as it is the case for neuropsychology. Nowadays, however, whether imagery has been contributing to our understanding of how human\u27s mind generates behaviours and thoughts remains under debate. Notably, it has been argued that neuroimaging (e.g. fMRI) provided insights about the brain localisation of human behavioural processes rather than informing into how these processes were implemented. On December 1st of 2017, the French Language Society of Neuropsychology organised a debate with Bernard Laurent (Saint-Etienne) and Martial Van der Linden (Liege and Geneva) that aimed at shedding light on this controversial topic. The debate was based on a list of items to be discussed. Through an overview of his own researches, each speaker discussed on the relevance of using neuroimaging as a mean to understand origins of our behaviour. Bernard Laurent explained how imagery tools have grown up our theoretical and clinical knowledge of cognition. In contrast, some limitations of the current use of neuroimaging were noted by Martial Van der Linden. This article sums up the points raised in the debate

    Effects of age on goal-dependent modulation of episodic memory retrieval

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    Retrieval gating refers to the ability to modulate the retrieval of features of a single memory episode according to behavioral goals. Recent findings demonstrate that younger adults engage retrieval gating by attenuating the representation of task-irrelevant features of an episode. Here, we examine whether retrieval gating varies with age. Younger and older adults incidentally encoded words superimposed over scenes or scrambled backgrounds that were displayed in one of three spatial locations. Participants subsequently underwent fMRI as they completed two memory tasks: the background task, which tested memory for the word's background, and the location task, testing memory for the word's location. Employing univariate and multivariate approaches, we demonstrated that younger, but not older adults, exhibited attenuated reinstatement of scene information when it was goal-irrelevant (during the location task). Additionally, in younger adults only, the strength of scene reinstatement in the parahippocampal place area during the background task was related to item and source memory performance. Together, these findings point to an age-related decline in the ability to engage retrieval gating

    Gustave Serrurier, architecte et designer d'un art nouveau

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    Présentation de quelques réalisations de Gustave Serrurier (Liège, 1852-1910), dont le mobilier "Silex" et sa villa "L'Aube" (1902

    Maison Berhaut-Streel Marchal

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    Notice sur la maison unifamiliale personnelle des architectes Laurent Berhaut-Streel et Florence Marchal. Construction en 1998 à Liège

    La Caserne Cavalier Fonck

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    Ancien couvent des Écoliers (14e s.) transformé en caserne de cavalerie (19e s.), le site a été réaménagé en 2.000 pour les écoles supérieures Saint-Luc (architecte E. Moureau, groupe AUSE). Le grand manège est reconverti en théâtre par la Communauté française (architecte. D. Dethier

    Fonck. Couvent, caserne,école. Les vieux murs d'une nouvelle faculté d'architecture

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    Présentation des bâtiments de la nouvelle faculté d'architecture de l'ULg sur le site d'Outremeuse, à l'emplacement du Couvent des Écoliers, devenu la caserne de cavalerie du cavalier Fonck, héros malchanceux de la guerre en août 1914. La salle capitulaire, classée, incluse dans des bâtiments du 18e siècle, se rattache à l'architecture gothique du 14e siècle. En 1835, le génie militaire a érigé un grand manège, classé pour sa remarquable charpente. Et c'est dans ces murs que Georges Simenon accomplit une partie de son service militaire
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