305 research outputs found

    Role of In-plane Pores and Graphitic Domains in Mass Transport through Graphene Oxide Membranes

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    2-dimensional (2D) materials are the thinnest possible solids with a thickness of one layer of atoms. This leads to unique properties and astonishing interactions with other substances. Here, the mass transport of liquids via graphene oxide (GO) membranes, a stack of 2D oxidized carbon sheets is closely investigated. Mass transport through defective or along pristine graphene is understood to the atomistic level. However, there are open questions concerning the mass transport in GO membranes. Is the transport through in-plane pores and defective graphene sheets similar? How do functional groups influence the in-plane pore transport? Does the frictionless transport along pristine graphene explain the mass transport through GO membranes? The aim of this thesis is to answers these questions and investigate its potential for applications. Here, two sets of experiments were conceived to answer these questions. In the first set, the influence of graphitic domain size on the mass transport via GO membranes was investigated. For that, the theoretically predicted phenomenon of rearranging functional groups on the GO basal plane was experimentally confirmed and utilized. Surprisingly, the water transport in GO with enlarged graphitic domains is reduced compared to original GO. Well distributed functional groups in original GO allow water molecules to enter and increase the available space for transport. This is more important for fast water transport compared to frictionless flow along large graphitic domains. Further, the interplay of catalytic activity and water transport in GO laminates was investigated by this rearrangement of functional groups. In the second set of experiments, the in-plane pore transport in GO membranes was examined by controlling the density of in-plane pores. Low densities increase the water flux and counter to expectations, high pore densities stop the water transport while allowing mixtures of water and ethanol to permeate readily. This uncovered the different transport mechanisms via defective graphene sheets and in-plane pores in GO membranes. Here, the angstrom confined hydrogen network of water plays a crucial role, further allowing to engineer the transport by disturbing the hydrogen network through the introduction of ethanol or functional groups. This thesis contributes to the understanding of mass transport through GO membranes and offers new experimental as well as application relevant methods to tailor GO membranes

    Pengaruh Campuran Media Tanam Gambut Dengan Podsolik Merah Kuning Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq) Di Pembibitan Utama

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    This study aimed to determine the influence of growing media mixture of peat and Red Yellow Podzolic (RYP) and to get best growing media to palm oil growth seedlings (Elaeis guinensis Jacq) in the main nursery. This research conducted on March to July 2016. This study was an experiment using of completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of 7 treatments with 4 replications. The treatments were growing media comparison of peat and red yellow podzolic such as 1: 0 (T1), 0:1 (T2), 1:1 (T3), 2:1 (T4), 1:2 (T5), 1:3 (T6), 3:1 (T7), Parameters measured were increase of height plant, the number of leaves, diameter of hump, and broad leaves. Observation of data were analized statistically with ANOVA and Duncan\u27s multiple range test level of 5%. The results showed that growing media mixture of peat and red-yellow podzolic influence to palm oil growth in main nursery. Growing media mixture of peat and red yellow podzolic 3:1 (T7) significantly increase of hump diameter and broad leaves of palm oil seedling

    Risk stratification and treatment algorithm of metastatic renal cell carcinoma

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    Systemic therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma has continuously evolved over the last two decades. Significant improvements in overall survival and quality of life of patients with advanced disease have been observed. With the approval of combination therapies with PD(L)-1 immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) as first-line therapy in 2019, the previous standard VEGFR-TKI monotherapy has been replaced as the primary treatment option. In addition to immunotherapy with nivolumab and ipilimumab, three VEGFR-TKI/ICI combinations are now approved. Therapy selection should be preceded by risk stratification using defined criteria from the International Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Database Consortium (IMDC). Clinical parameters, as well as detailed patient counseling on differences in the efficacy profile (response rate, long-term progression-free survival), potential side effects, and impact on quality of life, are of key importance in the individual treatment decision

    Martin Luther on miracles, healing, prophecy and tongues

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    Peer reviewedAlthough Martin Luther does not evolve a theology of charismata or church development along the lines of Corinthians 12-14 and in spite of the historical difference of the questions and the awareness of life, we individualistic post-moderns may learn from his approach and, looking at his way of arguing from the centre of Reformation theology, sharpen our instruments of discernment. Martin Luther has more to say in detail on the matter of extraordinary phenomena and present-day charismatic-pentecostal piety than many of us would think. In reading how he evaluates the specific matter of charismata, we note that a theological framework is unfolded which, in the diffusion of today, may serve to strengthen protestant identity. The historical findings question current positions of both strict negations of the miraculous and overemphasis of extraordinary things. At the same time they also reveal that all human knowledge is ‘in part’.Church History Society of Southern Afric

    Molekulare Mechanismen der Lebensveränderung durch Nahrungsinhaltsstoffe bei Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Die Analyse und die Identifikation von Nahrungsinhaltsstoffen, die das Altern hinauszögern und die Lebensspannen erhöhen, ist ein wichtiges Thema in der Altersforschung. Ein bedeutender Modelorganismus namens C. elegans ist eine kleine frei im Boden lebende Nematode. Dessen kostengünstige und einfache Kultivierung von synchronisierten Kulturen auf festem sowie flüssigem Nährmedium macht ihn zu einem geeigneten Organismus zur Erforschung der Effekte einzelner Nahrungsinhaltsstoffe. Dieses Review setzt sich kritisch mit Studien, bei denen die Wirkung von Nahrungsinhaltsstoffen auf C. elegans getestet wird, auseinander. Es gibt viele verschiedene molekulare Effekte durch die Zugabe von Nahrungsinhaltsstoffen zu den Nematoden, wovon die wichtigsten in dieser Arbeit, geordnet nach deren chemischer Zugehörigkeit, zusammengefasst sind. Die Beschreibung der bedeutendsten molekularen Pfade, welche in die Wirkungsweise dieser Nahrungsinhaltsstoffe auf C. elegans involviert sind, stellt einen weiteren großen Teilbereich dieser Arbeit dar. Zusätzlich wurden über die Zeit verschiedene Theorien des Alterns aufgestellt. Diese Theorien können dabei behilflich sein die lebensverändernden Effekte der Nahrungsinhaltsstoffe auf C. elegans zu klassifizieren und daraus bestimmte Kategorien zu bilden. Außerdem sind für das Experimentieren mit C. elegans einige wichtige Kriterien zu beachten. Diese Arbeit fasst unter anderem die wichtigsten Faktoren, die berücksichtigt werden müssen, zusammen

    Studying Z-DNA and B-to Z-DNA transitions using a cytosine analogue FRET-pair

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    Herein, we report on the use of a tricyclic cytosine FRET pair, incorporated into DNA with different base pair separations, to study Z-DNA and B-Z DNA junctions. With its position inside the DNA structure, the FRET pair responds to a B- to Z-DNA transition with a distinct change in FRET efficiency for each donor/acceptor configuration allowing reliable structural probing. Moreover, we show how fluorescence spectroscopy and our cytosine analogues can be used to determine rate constants for the B- to Z-DNA transition mechanism. The modified cytosines have little influence on the transition and the FRET pair is thus an easily implemented and virtually non-perturbing fluorescence tool to study Z-DNA. This nucleobase analogue FRET pair represents a valuable addition to the limited number of fluorescence methods available to study Z-DNA and we suggest it will facilitate, for example, deciphering the B- to Z-DNA transition mechanism and investigating the interaction of DNA with Z-DNA binding proteins

    Donaustadtbrücke Bridge in Vienna

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    Zbog izgradnje hidroelektrane Freudenau u Beču trebalo je podići nekoliko mostova preko Dunava. Za održanje prometa tijekom podizanja mosta Praterbrücke (A23) bila je neophodna izgradnja mosta Donaustadtbrücke. Za ovješeni most su za vrijeme njegovog trajanja predviđene sasvim različite vrste korištenja. Najprije je korišten kao dvotračni cestovni most, a od 2006. pregrađuje se u most za metro. Udvostručenjem kosih zatega most se osposobljava za prihvat većih opterećenja.Several bridges had to be built across the Danube River in Vienna to enable construction of the Freudenau Hydropower Plant. The Donaustadtbrücke Bridge had to be built so that the traffic can be maintained during erection of the Praterbrücke Bridge (A23). The cable-stayed bridge was designed in such a way that it can be put to different uses during its design life. First it was used as a two-lane road bridge, but is being converted since 2006 to accommodate the metro traffic. Once the quantity of cables is doubled, the bridge will be able to withstand higher loads

    Analyse af rejsetidsvariabilitet på danske motorveje

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    Variabilitet i rejsetider, som betyder at det er vanskeligt at forudsige hvor lang tid en tur tager, er en negativ konsekvens af bl.a. trængsel og hændelser på vejene. I samfundsøkonomiske analyser håndteres det i dag ved, at tidsværdien af forsinkelser er højere end tidsværdien for almindelige rejsetid. Denne metode er dog ikke altid tilfredsstillende, og grundlaget er forholdsvis svagt dokumenteret. Transport DTU og Vejdirektoratet har forsøgt at anvende GPS-data til at kortlægge sammenhængen mellem forsinkelse og variabilitet, for at undersøge om det er muligt at forudsige rejsetidsvariabilitet ud fra forsinkelser. Hvis det er muligt, vil man kunne forudsige ændringer i rejsetidsvariabilitet ud fra output fra trafikmodeller, og variabilitet vil dermed kunne værdisættes mere direkte i den samfundsøkonomiske analyse. Resultaterne af denne analyse viser en tydelig sammenhæng mellem forsinkelse og variabilitet, hvilket betyder, at det måske er muligt at opstille en simpel efterberegningsmodel til LTM, der beregner ændringer i rejsetidsvariabilitet som følge af transport- og infrastrukturprojekter. I forbindelse med analysen er det dog tydeligt, at der er behov for videreudvikling af metoden, før den implementeres i den samfundsøkonomiske analyse

    Aspects of Spirituality in Adolescents

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    This paper analyses which aspects of spirituality are valued by adolescents, and how they are interconnected with youths' life satisfaction and 'self-centeredness'. The participants were 254 adolescents (11th grade) of four different high schools from west Germany. After re-validation of the 6-factorial student's version of the ASP questionnaire (ASP-S, Cronbach's alpha = .90), we found that they appreciated most Conscious interactions, Compassion / Generosity and Aspiring for Beauty / Wisdom, while particularly Religious orientation / Prayer (Trust in God), esoteric Transcendence conviction, or Quest orientation were of lower relevance. The importance of these aspects of spirituality is known to increase with higher age. The correlation pattern between aspects of spirituality and life satisfaction dimensions differed remarkably between female and male adolescents. In particular Conscious interactions correlated with future prospects in females, while in males it correlated much better with family life and school situation. It became obvious that the non-formal aspects of spirituality in terms of relational consciousness are still vital, particularly secular humanism (i.e. Conscious interactions, Compassion / Generosity). These findings may have implications for religious educational programmes

    New first line treatment options of clear cell renal cell cancer patients with PD-1 or PD-L1 immune-checkpoint inhibitor-based combination therapies

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    In metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) the PD-1 immune-checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) Nivolumab became a standard second line treatment option in 2015 based on a significant improvement of overall survival compared to Everolimus. Current pivotal phase 3 studies showed that PD-1 ICI-based combinations were more efficacious than the VEGFR-TKI Sunitinib, a previous standard of care, leading to approval of three new regimens as guideline-recommended first-line treatment. Nivolumab plus Ipilimumab is characterized by a survival advantage, a high rate of complete response and durable remissions in intermediate and poor prognosis patients. Despite frequent immune-mediated side effects, fewer symptoms and a better quality of life were observed compared to Sunitinib. Pembrolizumab or Avelumab plus Axitinib were characterized by an improved progression-free-survival and a high response rate with a low rate of intrinsic resistance. In addition, Pembrolizumab plus Axitinib reached a significant survival benefit. The side effect profile is driven by the chronic toxicity of Axitinib, but there is additional risk of immune-mediated side effects of the PD-1/PD-L1 ICIs. The quality of life data published so far do not suggest any improvement regarding patient-reported outcomes compared to the previous standard Sunitinib. The PD-1/PD-L1 ICIs thus form the backbone of the first-line therapy of mRCC