395 research outputs found

    The Impact of Monetary Policy on Financial Market in South Africa: A VAR Analysis

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    Like in many other countries, the South African financial market facilitates the process of raising capital by channelling funds to more productive economic activity, thereby building the nation's economy while enhancing job opportunities and wealth creation. The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of monetary policy on financial market in South Africa. It is important to constantly look into this interaction since policy decisions have a direct influence on financial market. A negative response from the market side may jeopardise economic stability. The study uses the vector autoregressive (VAR) model to evaluate the impact of monetary policy on financial market in South Africa. The model consists of five policy instruments as variables; namely: money supply (M3), real exchange rate(ER), discount Rate (R), consumer price index (CPI), gross domestic product (GDP) and the two market related variables: Stock market turnover (S) and Bond market turnover (B). Data is obtained from SARB and OECD databases for a period of 53 quarters from 2000:Q1 to 2013:Q1. By the use of impulse response function (IRF), the study found that given current economic situation in South Africa, stock market turnover reacts positively to money supply; discount rate; real exchange and GDP shocks. On the other hand stock market turnover reacts negatively to CPI economic shocks. To correct CPI negative impact on markets, we suggest that the policymakers could envisage a contractionary monetary policy translated by a proportional cut in money supply through the sales of government securities

    Effect of substrates on germination and seedling emergence of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) at the Yongka Western Highlands Research/Garden Park, Bamenda-Cameroon

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    A study was carried out at the Yongka Western Highlands Research Garden Park, Nkwen­Bamenda in Cameroon to evaluate the effect of substrates on the germination and seedling emergence of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Seeds of African Giant variety were used with six substrate media (sawdust, sand, soil, sawdust­sand, sawdust­soil and sand­soil). The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design in three replications. Germinated seeds were counted daily for a 15 days period. To estimate seedling emergence from two Weeks After Sowing (WAS) up to four WAS, data on seedling height and number of leaves were recorded. The results showed that germination started 8 days after sowing for all substrates. Germination rate was significantly affected by the substrates but the rates were less than 80%. The highest germination rate was recorded on the soil substrate (75%) while the lowest rate (25%) was recorded on the sawdust substrate. Seedlings on the sawdust substrate were also less vigorous and had less leaves (12.67 cm height and 4.7 leaves) than those on other substrates at four WAS (50–63 cm and 12.6–15.3 leaves). Based on the results, it is recommendable to use the soil substrate to nurse African Giant seeds

    De l’idĂ©al dĂ©mocratique de l’équilibre Ă  la rĂ©alitĂ© politique du dĂ©sĂ©quilibre des pouvoirs

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    L’équilibre des pouvoirs n’est qu’un idĂ©altype. Il recĂšle dĂšs lors une dimension hypothĂ©tique et utopique en ce qu’il ne peut jamais se rĂ©aliser pleinement mĂȘme dans le contexte des dĂ©mocraties dites Ă©voluĂ©es. Cet idĂ©al inaccessible d’équilibre contraste avec la rĂ©alitĂ© empirique d’un dĂ©sĂ©quilibre contextuel des pouvoirs en faveur soit de l’exĂ©cutif selon que l’on se trouve dans un rĂ©gime de type prĂ©sidentiel, soit du lĂ©gislatif, dans un rĂ©gime de type parlementaire et soit plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement du judiciaire dans toute dĂ©mocratie libĂ©rale ou État de droit oĂč l’on observe une rĂ©gulation, voire un contrĂŽle, soit-il symbolique, en dernier ressort des autres pouvoirs par le pouvoir judiciaire incarnĂ© par la juridiction constitutionnelle.The balance of powers is only an ideal type. Therefore, it contains a hypothetical and utopian dimension so that it can never be fully realized even in the context of the advanced democracies. This inaccessible ideal of balance contrasts with the empirical reality of a contextual imbalance of powers in favor of the executive in a presidential regime, the legislative in a parliamentarian regime and generally, the judicial power in any liberal democracy or the rule of law where there is ultimately a regulation or a symbolic control of the other powers by the judicial one embodied by the constitutional court

    Mise en texte d’une ville hybride dans Walaande de Djaïli Amadou Amal: vers une sociocritique de l’espace urbain

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    La colonizaciĂłn africana sigue teniendo una importancia fundamental en los estudios literarios. Este artĂ­culo nace en un contexto de progresiva expansiĂłn de la dualidad discursiva colonial/poscolonial, Europa/África. En su novela Walaande (2010), DjaĂŻli Amadou Amal describe la ciudad de Marua caracterizada por una fusiĂłn entre la «Modernidad» occidental y la tradiciĂłn africana (peule), a efectos de dar un tono hĂ­brido y mĂĄs atractivo a la ciudad del futuro de modo global. AsĂ­, mediante una sociocrĂ­tica del espacio literario, resaltamos la influencia positiva de la «Modernidad» en la implementaciĂłn de las polĂ­ticas urbanas del futuro.Le fait colonial africain continue Ă  faire couler beaucoup d’encre. Dans un contexte de progressive expansion de la dualitĂ© discursive colonial/postcolonial, Europe/Afrique, s’inscrit cet article. Dans son roman Walaande (2010), DjaĂŻli Amadou Amal peint la ville de Maroua dans l’entre-deux, en ballottage entre la « ModernitĂ© » occidentale et la « tradition » africaine (peule), et le fait dans la visĂ©e de donner une tonalitĂ© hybride et plus attractive Ă  la ville de demain en gĂ©nĂ©ral. Ainsi, moyennant une sociocritique de l’espace littĂ©raire, nous mettons en surbrillance l’influence positive de la « ModernitĂ©The colonial event continues to have an important role in literary studies. Thus, this article is part of a context of progressive expansion of the discursive duality colonial/post-colonial, Europe/Africa. In her novel Walaande (2010), DjaĂŻli Amadou Amal paints a city of Maroua in the in-between, in the crossing of the European “Modernity” and of the African (peule) “tradition”, with the aim to give a hybrid and more attractive tone to the city of the future in general. Thus, through a sociocriticism of the literary space, we highlight the positive influence of “Modernity” in the implementation of future urban policies

    Evaluation nutritionnelle de quelques ingrĂ©dients entrant dans la formulation alimentaire des poules pondeuses et porcs d’une ferme d’élevage au Nord- Ouest Cameroun

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    Les provendes constituent la principale composante de dĂ©pense en aviculture et en Ă©levage porcin. On constate sur le marchĂ© une diffĂ©rence de prix pour un mĂȘme ingrĂ©dient donnĂ©, livrĂ© par des fournisseurs. Ainsi, dans l’optique d’orienter les fermiers pour le choix des ingrĂ©dients de hautes valeurs nutritionnelles et de moindre coĂ»t, le prĂ©sent travail a pour objectif d’établir une base de donnĂ©es des valeurs nutritionnelles de quelques ingrĂ©dients (tourteaux de soja, farine de poisson, balles de riz, tourteau d’arachide et aliment ponte) entrant dans la formulation alimentaire des poules pondeuses et porcs. Ainsi, les diffĂ©rents Ă©chantillons ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©s auprĂšs des fournisseurs et les aliquotes ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©s pour les analyses au laboratoire. Les teneurs en eau, cendres, protĂ©ines et lipides ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©es selon les mĂ©thodes AOAC. La teneur en glucide a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©e par diffĂ©rence. A l’issue de ces analyses, il ressort que les teneurs exprimĂ©es en g/100g se trouvent dans les fourchettes suivantes : eau 8,86-16,65; cendres 3,93-18,98 ; protĂ©ines 5,51-63,73 ; lipides 8,53-26,96 ; glucide, 0,0-61,18 et Ă©nergie 341,23-465,54 kcal/100g. Ces donnĂ©es pourraient orienter les fermiers pour le choix des ingrĂ©dients de hautes valeurs nutritionnelles et de moindre coĂ»t.Mots clĂ©s : Valeur nutritionnelle, ingrĂ©dients, poules pondeuse, porcs

    Production et utilisation des informations comptables dans les entreprises familiales au Cameroun

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    L’importance accordĂ©e par la littĂ©rature aux informations comptables n’est pas la mĂȘme lorsqu’on fait une observation empirique. Ce constat nous a amenĂ© Ă  rĂ©flĂ©chir sur cette contradiction, l’objectif Ă©tant de voir l’importance accordĂ©e aux informations comptables dans les entreprises familiales camerounaises. Une enquĂȘte auprĂšs de 61 entreprises familiales camerounaises nous a permis d’avoir, grĂące au tri Ă  plat, les rĂ©sultats selon lesquels les entreprises familiales camerounaises respectent les normes et principes comptables en vigueur, et puis qu’elles produisent les informations comptables principalement pour satisfaire l’autoritĂ© fiscale. Nous avons Ă©galement, grĂące Ă  la rĂ©gression logistique, obtenu le rĂ©sultat selon lequel, les caractĂ©ristiques propres aux dirigeants et Ă  l’entreprise influent sur la production et l’utilisation des informations comptables

    Between dogma and resistance: verbal weapon and rehabilitation of woman’s consciousness in contemporary erography

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    La presente reflexiĂłn enfoca el tema de la revoluciĂłn feminista desde el ĂĄrea lingĂŒĂ­stica. Pretendemos mostrar cĂłmo la mujer narradora instrumentaliza el verbo y la expresividad para cuestionar y romper la sistĂ©mica desarrollada en torno al falo. Este trabajo investiga, pues, la instrumentalizaciĂłn del signo lingĂŒĂ­stico desde una mirada subversiva del discurso machista excluyente. Tomando como base el feminismo decolonial –a tenor de que la matriz colonial es la hija pequeña del «dogma» patriarcal–, procuramos arrojar luz sobre cĂłmo las novelistas se valen de la expresividad erogrĂĄfica para poner en tela de juicio la autoproclamada soberanĂ­a del varĂłn sobre el logos, y al mismo tiempo romper los valores que se han venido atribuyendo al machismo tradicionalmente. AsĂ­, este estudio contempla el logos femenino des-censurado de sus coartadas sexistas como un arma de resistencia y de transgresiĂłn contra la ideologĂ­a sustentada por la falocracia a lo largo del tiempo.This present reflection focuses on the theme of the feminist revolution from the linguistic area. We intend to highlight how the female narrator instrumentalizes the verb and expres- siveness in the search of effects that are usually disruptive of the systemic developed around the phallus. This work investigates, then, the instrumentalization of the linguistic sign from a subversive perspective of the exclusive sexist discourse. Relying on decolonial feminism –given that the colonial matrix is the small daughter of the patriarchal dogma–, we try to shed light on how novelists use erographic expressiveness to question the self-proclaimed sovereignty of men over the logos, and also to break the values that have been traditionally attributed to sexism. Thus, this study contemplates the feminine logos de-censored from its sexist obstacles as a weapon of resistance and transgression against the ideology sustained for a long time by the phalocracy

    Esquisse phonologique et principes orthographiques du Wumboko

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    PL8021.C35, ISO 639-3 : bqm, Cameroon --Language
