773 research outputs found

    A (Very Thin) Market for Sovereign Control

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    I denna rapport redovisas projektet Genus som innehĂ„ll och form i Programmet för personal- och arbetsvetenskap (PA-programmet). Projektet beviljades medel i december 2003 och har bedrivits under lĂ€sĂ„ret 2004/05, med fortsĂ€ttning Ă€ven under höstterminen 2005. Syftet med projektet var att utveckla, implementera och utvĂ€rdera metoder för att integrera ett genusperspektiv i PA-programmet. Genom- förandet av projektet planerades ske i olika faser: kartlĂ€ggning, workshops, ut- vecklande och genomförande av en pilotkurs samt utarbetande av en implemente- ringsmodell/metod för genusintegrering av grundutbildning. Avsikten var att i för- lĂ€ngningen  fortsĂ€tta  att  utveckla  och  integrera  genusperspektivet  pÄ  PA-pro- grammet i dess helhet. En utgĂ„ngspunkt i projektet var att sĂ€tta fokus pĂ„ ’genus som innehĂ„ll och form’. Med det avses att utbildningens innehĂ„ll samt undervisningsmetoder ska vara könssensitiva och beakta sĂ„vĂ€l kvinnors som mĂ€ns villkor. Med könssensitivitet menas ocksĂ„ att man aktivt mĂ„ste ta hĂ€nsyn till att högskolan av tradition gynnat mĂ€n och missgynnat kvinnor. Det rĂ€cker inte med könsneutralitet, dvs. att ge samma erbjudande till mĂ€n och kvinnor.   Kön Ă€r en aspekt som bidrar till att mĂ€nniskor har olika möjligheter att anvĂ€nda sig av vad högskolan kan erbjuda. Utbildningsfilosofen Jane Martin (1994) menar att högskoleutbildning haft mĂ€ns och pojkars hĂ„llning som norm för studie-, arbets- och yrkesliv och dĂ€rigenom har mĂ€ns intressen och prefererade arbetsformer av tradition gynnats. I lĂ€romedel Ă€r det vanligt att mĂ€ns vĂ€rldar och mĂ€ns erfarenheter beskrivs och det Ă€r utifrĂ„n en sĂ„dan verklighet undervisningen tar sin utgĂ„ngspunkt (Engström m. fl., 2003). Klassiska grundstenar i utbildning har varit de tre R:n (engelska) "Reading, Wri- ting, `Rithmetic" som kan sĂ€gas stĂ„ för traditionella och rationalistiska kunskaps- innehĂ„ll medan andra delar som "Care, Concern and Connection" saknats.  Ge- nom att vĂ€va in alla dessa delar i undervisningen bĂ„de med tanke pĂ„ innehĂ„ll och pĂ„ form menar vi att alla studenter gynnas – oavsett kön. InnehĂ„llsmĂ€ssigt handlar det om att problematisera olika typer av sĂ€tt att kategorisera och beskriva mĂ€nni- skor, att i förelĂ€sningar fokusera genus, manligt/kvinnligt, kvinnor/mĂ€n, att ta upp genus som ett vetenskapligt perspektiv bland andra i förelĂ€sningar om olika te- man, att genus fokuseras som tema i förelĂ€snings- och seminariesammanhang, att det genomgĂ„ende finns genusprofileringsmöjligheter i kurs- och projektuppgifter. FormmĂ€ssigt handlar det om att anvĂ€nda sig av genomtĂ€nkta och medvetna un- dervisnings- och examinationsformer och ocksÄ  utveckla studenternas förhĂ„ll- ningssĂ€tt till lĂ€rande. PĂ„ en övergripande nivĂ„ handlar det om att anvĂ€nda under- visningsmetoder som  utvecklar sĂ„vĂ€l  studenternas förmĂ„ga för  analys,  kritisk granskning, abstraktion och teoretisering som deras förstĂ„else, inlevelse, empati och förmĂ„ga att vara nĂ€ra – förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt som kan benĂ€mnas distans- respektive relationsorienterade förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt till lĂ€rande. Mot bakgrund av könsteoretisk forskning antas att effekterna av en genusmedveten pedagogik gynnar studenter- nas lĂ€rande i positiv riktning. Rapportens fortsatta disposition kommer att följa projektets kronologiska genom- förande, frĂ„n kartlĂ€ggning av programmet, genomförande av workshops och stu- dentmöten (referensgruppsmöten) till kursplanering. Rapporten avslutas med en utvĂ€rderande diskussion dĂ€r erfarenheterna i projektet diskuteras och rekommen- dationer för integrering av genus som innehĂ„ll och form i utbildning presenteras. Slutrapportering av GrundSipa-projektetGenus som innehĂ„ll och form i Programmet för personal- och arbetsvetenskap vid Linköpings universitet</p

    Navigation and Autonomous Control of a Hexacopter in Indoor Environments

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    This thesis presents methods for estimation and autonomous control of a hexacopter which is an unmanned aerial vehicle with six rotors. The hexacopter used is a ArduCopter 3DR Hexa B and the work follows a model-based approach using Matlab Simulink, running the model on a PandaBoard ES after automatic code generation. The main challenge will be to investigate how data from an Internal Measurement Unit can be used to aid an already implemented computer vision algorithm in a GPS-denied environment. First a physical representation is created by Newton-Euler formalism to be used as a base when developing algorithms for estimation and control. To estimate the position and velocity of the hexacopter, an unscented Kalman filter is implemented for sensor fusion. Sensor fusion is the combining of data from different sensors to receive better results than if the sensors would have been used individually. Control strategies for vertical and horizontal movement are developed using cascaded PID control. These high level controllers feed the ArduCopter with setpoints for low level control of angular orientation and throttle. To test the algorithms in a safe way a simulation model is used where the real system is replaced by blocks containing a mix of differential equations and transfer functions from system identification. When a satisfying behavior in simulation is achieved, tests on the real system are performed. The result of the improvements made on estimation and control is a more stable flight performance with less drift in both simulation and on the real system. The hexacopter can now hold position for over a minute with low drift. Air turbulence, sensor and computer vision imperfections as well as the absence of a hard realtime system degrades the position estimation and causes drift if movement speed is anything but very slow

    Distributed Model Predictive Control of Load Frequency for Power Networks

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    In recent years, there has been an increase of interest in smart grid concept, to adapt the power grid to improve the reliability, efficiency and economics of the electricity production and distribution. One of the generator side problem in this is to meet the power requirement while not wasting unnecessary power, thus keeping the cost down, which must be done while the frequency is kept in a suitable range that will not damage any equipment connected to the power grid. It would theoretically be most logical to have a centralized controller that gathers the full networks data, calculates the control signals and adjusts the generators. However in practice this is not practical, mostly due to distance. The transmission of sensor data to the controller and the transmission of control signals to the generators would have to travel far, thus taking up to much time before the generators could act. This paper presents a distributed model predictive control based method to control the frequency of the power network. First, an augmented matrix model predictive controller is introduced and implemented on a two homogeneous subsystems network. Later the control method is changed to a state space model predictive controller and is then utilized on a four heterogeneous subsystems network. This controller implementation also includes state observers by Kalman filtering, constraints handler utilizing quadratic programming, and different connection topology setups to observe how the connectivity affects the outcome of the system. The effectiveness of the proposed distributed control method was compared against the corresponding centralized and decentralized controller implementation results. It is also compared to other control algorithms, specifically, an iterative gradient method, and a model predictive controller generated by the MATLAB MPC Toolbox. The results show that the usage of a distributed setup improves the outcome compared to the decentralized case, whilst keeping a more convenient setup than the centralized case. It it also shown that the level of connectivity for a chosen network topology matters for the outcome of the system, the results are improved when more connections exists

    Swedish Glassworkers as Emigrants

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    External Review of the CGIAR Gender & Diversity Program 1999 - 2003

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    The CGIAR created a Gender and Diversity (G&D) Program in 1998, to succeed and replace the CGIAR Gender Staffing Program. The CGIAR Gender Staffing Program was never reviewed during its existence. The Center Directors Committee (CDC) and the Committee of Board Chairs (CBC) therefore decided to launch an external review of the G&D program, as it approached its fifth year run. The CGIAR Secretariat was also engaged in planning this exercise.The task of the external review was to assess the outputs, outcomes, impact of the program, its strategy and priorities, and its program structure and governance. In addition, it had to determine any changes and new dimensions required by the Program to ensure its effectiveness in the future.These suggestions and recommendations reflect the belief that the Gender and Diversity Program clearly merits continuation into a second phase. It is the hope of the Review Team that the following observations help strengthens the Program in its new phase. These recommendations for future action are summarized in the third section of the report, on page 7.The G&D Program has made rapid and excellent progress towards accomplishing its goals and purposes. In its report, the Review Panel identifies a number of areas and accomplishments of the program making it one of the most innovative system-wide activities within the CGIAR

    The Reach

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    Rot-GrĂŒn setzt auf deutsche Vorreiterrolle bei den schnellen Interventionstruppen von NATO und EU

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    The aim is to investigate female and male managers’ learning environments with particular focus on their opportunities for and barriers to learning and career development in the managerial work of a male-dominated industrial company. In the case study 42 managers, 15 women and 27 men in the company were interviewed. The findings demonstrate that the male managers were provided with significantly richer opportunities to participate in activities conducive to learning and career development than were female managers. The opportunities and barriers in terms of horizontal and vertical manager mobility, senior managers’ support, strategic networks, career system, freedom of action and gender stereotypes operated simultaneously as opportunities and barriers to learning and career development for the female and male managers, respectively. The conclusion is that the expansive-restrictive continuum developed by Fuller and Unwin (2004) does not cover the extent to which gender operates as a condition for learning and career development, nor the extent to which the gender order influences the learning environment. Therefore we suggest that the expansive-restrictive model of learning environments would benefit from incorporating or, at least considering, gender dimensions in order to form a gender-sensitive model to analyse learning environments in workplaces.Original Publication:Maria Gustavsson and Anna Fogelberg Eriksson, Gendered learning environments in managerial work, 2010, Studies in the Education of Adults, (42), 2, 141-155. Copyright: NIAC

    Financing Strategies of the R & D Firm

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    This paper investigates the financing strategies of the R&D firm. Our hypotheses are based on Cho\u27s (1992) game theory model where the firm develops a product but needs additional financing to bring it to market. The model generates a particularly rich set of hypotheses: 1) to fund the completion of its project and bring its product to market, the firm initiates negotiations with an established firm; 2) the majority of the acquisitions will be partial cash acquisitions through private secondary offerings. Confirming the model\u27s hypotheses, we find that the majority of the acquisitions are partial cash acquisitions by significantly larger established R&D firms

    On the difference between proton and neutron spin-orbit splittings in nuclei

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    The latest experimental data on nuclei at 132^{132}Sn permit us for the first time to determine the spin-orbit splittings of neutrons and protons in identical orbits in this neutron-rich doubly-magic region and compare the case to that of 208^{208}Pb. Using the new results, which are now consistent for the two neutron-rich doubly magic regions, a theoretical analysis defines the isotopic dependence of the mean field spin-orbit potential and leads to a simple explicit expression for the difference between the spin-orbit splittings of neutrons and protons. The isotopic dependence is explained in the framework of different theoretical approaches.Comment: 8 pages, revte
