673 research outputs found

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    Tras señalar que la actual política indígena divide a la sociedad chilena en posiciones antagónicas, el artículo plantea una mirada de superación quienes la ven como una amenaza al orden institucional y a la unidad de la nación chilena, y quienes la consideran meras modificaciones cosméticas al modelo etnocida del Estado chileno. Se señala que los compromisos del Pacto de Nueva Imperial tienen niveles parciales de cumplimiento que dejan a Chile por debajo en estas materias en el concierto latinoamericano, lo que ha llevado a que la relación entre el gobierno y la CONADI con el movimiento indígena está atravesada por contradicciones y conflictos difíciles de solucionar.Après avoir signalé que l’actuelle politique indienne divise la société chilienne en positions opposées, l’article propose une vision visant à surmonter la répartition entre ceux qui la voient telle une menace pour l’ordre institutionnel et pour l’unité de la nation chilienne, et ceux qui ne la considèrent qu’à travers de simples modifications cosmétiques à apporter au modèle ethnocide de l’Etat chilien. Les engagements du Pacte de la Nouvelle Impériale n’ont été que partiellement respectés, plaçant le Chili dans une position très critique en la matière dans le concert latino-américain, ce qui a conduit au fait que la relation entre le gouvernement et la CONADI avec le mouvement indien soit traversée par des contradictions et des conflits difficiles à résoudre.Noting that the current Indian political divide Chilean society opposing positions, the article presents a look of overcoming those who see it as a threat to institutional order and unity of the Chilean nation, and who consider the mere cosmetic changes ethnocidal model of the Chilean State. It is noted that the commitments of the Pact of New Imperial partial levels of compliance are left to Chile under such matters in the Latin American context, which has led to the relationship between the government and the indigenous movement CONADI straddles contradictions and intractable conflicts

    Cardiotrophin-1 Induces Tumor Necrosis Factor α Synthesis in Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells

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    Chronic heart failure (CHF) is associated with elevated concentrations of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) α and cardiotrophin-1 (CT-1) and altered peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) function. Therefore, we tested whether CT-1 induces TNFα in PBMC of healthy volunteers. CT-1 induced in PBMC TNFα protein in the supernatant and TNFα mRNA in a concentration- and time-dependent manner determined by ELISA and real-time PCR, respectively. Maximal TNFα protein was achieved with 100 ng/mL CT-1 after 3–6 hours and maximal TNFα mRNA induction after 1 hour. ELISA data were confirmed using immunofluorescent flow cytometry. Inhibitor studies with actinomycin D and brefeldin A showed that both protein synthesis and intracellular transport are essential for CT-1 induced TNFα expression. CT-1 caused a dose dependent nuclear factor (NF) κB translocation. Parthenolide inhibited both NFκB translocation and TNFα protein expression indicating that NFκB seems to be necessary. We revealed a new mechanism for elevated serum TNFα concentrations and PBMC activation in CHF besides the hypothesis of PBMC activation by bacterial translocation from the gut

    Kritische Edition der Sahidischen Version des Johannesevangeliums: Text und Dokumentation

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    Sahidic is the most important dialect of the Coptic language. Criticial editions of the Sahidic translation of the New Testament are a desideratum since many years. A research project (P29315) funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) made the critical edition of the Sahidic Version of the Gospel of John possible. 172 different, mostly fragmentary manuscripts have been used for this edition.Sahidisch ist der wichtigste Literaturdialekt des Koptischen. Seit langem gelten moderne kritische Editionen der sahidischen Übersetzung des Neuen Testaments als Desiderat der Forschung. Ein Forschungsprojekt (P29315) des Österreichischen Wissenschaftsfonds (FWF) ermöglichte eine kritische Edition des sahidischen Johannesevangeliums. Ihr liegen 172 verschiedene, zu großen Teilen fragmentarisch erhaltene, Handschriften zugrunde

    Kritische Edition der Sahidischen Version des Johannesevangeliums: Text und Dokumentation

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    Sahidic is the most important dialect of the Coptic language. Criticial editions of the Sahidic translation of the New Testament are a desideratum since many years. A research project (P29315) funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) made the critical edition of the Sahidic Version of the Gospel of John possible. 172 different, mostly fragmentary manuscripts have been used for this edition

    an island endemic forest specialist and a widespread habitat generalist

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    Background. The bay cat Catopuma badia is endemic to Borneo, whereas its sister species the Asian golden cat Catopuma temminckii is distributed from the Himalayas and southern China through Indochina, Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra. Based on morphological data, up to five subspecies of the Asian golden cat have been recognized, but a taxonomic assessment, including molecular data and morphological characters, is still lacking. Results. We combined molecular data (whole mitochondrial genomes), morphological data (pelage) and species distribution projections (up to the Late Pleistocene) to infer how environmental changes may have influenced the distribution of these sister species over the past 120 000 years. The molecular analysis was based on sequenced mitogenomes of 3 bay cats and 40 Asian golden cats derived mainly from archival samples. Our molecular data suggested a time of split between the two species approximately 3.16 Ma and revealed very low nucleotide diversity within the Asian golden cat population, which supports recent expansion of the population. Discussion. The low nucleotide diversity suggested a population bottleneck in the Asian golden cat, possibly caused by the eruption of the Toba volcano in Northern Sumatra (approx. 74 kya), followed by a continuous population expansion in the Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene. Species distribution projections, the reconstruction of the demographic history, a genetic isolation-by-distance pattern and a gradual variation of pelage pattern support the hypothesis of a post-Toba population expansion of the Asian golden cat from south China/Indochina to Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra. Our findings reject the current classification of five subspecies for the Asian golden cat, but instead support either a monotypic species or one comprising two subspecies: (i) the Sunda golden cat, distributed south of the Isthmus of Kra: C. t. temminckii and (ii) Indochinese, Indian, Himalayan and Chinese golden cats, occurring north of the Isthmus: C. t. moormensis

    Case Report: A Case of Severe Clinical Deterioration in a Patient With Multiple Sclerosis

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    Tumefactive multiple sclerosis (MS) is a rare variant of MS that may lead to a rapidly progressive clinical deterioration requiring a multidisciplinary diagnostic workup. Our report describes the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of a rare and extremely severe course of MS. A 51-year-old man with an 8-year history of relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) was admitted with a subacute progressive left lower limb weakness and deterioration of walking ability. After extensive investigations including repeated MRI, microbiological, serological, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) studies, and finally brain biopsy, the diagnosis of a tumefactive MS lesion was confirmed. Despite repeated intravenous (IV) steroids as well as plasma exchanges and IV foscarnet and ganciclovir owing to low copy numbers of human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) DNA in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, the patient did not recover. The clinical presentation of tumefactive MS is rare and variable. Brain biopsy for histopathological workup should be considered in immunocompromised patients with rapidly progressive clinical deterioration with brain lesions of uncertain cause

    Direct Measurement of Dust Attenuation in z approx. 1.5 Star-Forming Galaxies from 3D-HST: Implications for Dust Geometry and Star Formation Rates

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    The nature of dust in distant galaxies is not well understood, and until recently few direct dust measurements have been possible. We investigate dust in distant star-forming galaxies using near-infrared grism spectra of the 3D-HST survey combined with archival multi-wavelength photometry. These data allow us to make a direct comparison between dust towards star-forming regions (measured using Balmer decrements) and the integrated dust properties (derived by comparing spectral energy distributions [SEDs] with stellar population and dust models) for a statistically significant sample of distant galaxies. We select a sample of 163 galaxies between 1.36 or = 5 and measure Balmer decrements from stacked spectra. First, we stack spectra in bins of integrated stellar dust attenuation, and find that there is extra dust extinction towards star-forming regions (AV,HII is 1.81 times the integrated AV, star), though slightly lower than found for low-redshift starburst galaxies. Next, we stack spectra in bins of specific star formation rate (log sSFR), star formation rate (log SFR), and stellar mass (logM). We find that on average AV,HII increases with SFR and mass, but decreases with increasing sSFR. The amount of extra extinction also decreases with increasing sSFR and decreasing stellar mass. Our results are consistent with the two-phase dust model - in which galaxies contain both a diffuse and a stellar birth cloud dust component - as the extra extinction will increase once older stars outside the star-forming regions become more dominant. Finally, using our Balmer decrements we derive dust-corrected H(alpha) SFRs, and find evidence that SED fitting produces incorrect SFRs if very rapidly declining SFHs are included in the explored parameter space. Subject headings: dust, extinction- galaxies: evolution- galaxies: high-redshif

    The Radial Distribution of Star Formation in Galaxies at Z approximately 1 from the 3D-HST Survey

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    The assembly of galaxies can be described by the distribution of their star formation as a function of cosmic time. Thanks to the WFC3 grism on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) it is now possible to measure this beyond the local Universe. Here we present the spatial distribution of H emission for a sample of 54 strongly star-forming galaxies at z 1 in the 3D-HST Treasury survey. By stacking the H emission, we find that star formation occurred in approximately exponential distributions at z approximately 1, with a median Sersic index of n = 1.0 +/- 0.2. The stacks are elongated with median axis ratios of b/a = 0.58 +/- 0.09 in H consistent with (possibly thick) disks at random orientation angles. Keck spectra obtained for a subset of eight of the galaxies show clear evidence for rotation, with inclination corrected velocities of 90.330 km s(exp 1-). The most straightforward interpretation of our results is that star formation in strongly star-forming galaxies at z approximately 1 generally occurred in disks. The disks appear to be scaled-up versions of nearby spiral galaxies: they have EW(H alpha) at approximately 100 A out to the solar orbit and they have star formation surface densities above the threshold for driving galactic scale winds
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