398 research outputs found

    Electro-optical spin measurement system

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    An electro-optical spin measurement system for a spin model in a spin tunnel includes a radio controlled receiver/transmitter, targets located on the spin model, optical receivers mounted around the perimeter of the spin tunnel and the base of the spin tunnel for receiving data from the targets, and a control system for accumulating data from the radio controlled receiver and receivers. Six targets are employed. The spin model includes a fuselage, wings, nose, and tail. Two targets are located under the fuselage of the spin model at the nose tip and tail. Two targets are located on the side of the fuselage at the nose tip and tail, and a target is located under each wing tip. The targets under the fuselage at the nose tip and tail measure spin rate of the spin model, targets on the side of the fuselage at the nose tip and tail measure angle of attack of the spin model, and the targets under the wing tips measure roll angle of the spin model. Optical receivers are mounted at 90 degree increments around the periphery of the spin tunnel to determine angle of attack and roll angle measurements of the spin model. Optical receivers are also mounted at the base of the spin tunnel to define quadrant and position of the spin model and to determine the spin rate of the spin model

    Miniaturization of flight deflection measurement system

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    A flight deflection measurement system is disclosed including a hybrid microchip of a receiver/decoder. The hybrid microchip decoder is mounted piggy back on the miniaturized receiver and forms an integral unit therewith. The flight deflection measurement system employing the miniaturized receiver/decoder can be used in a wind tunnel. In particular, the miniaturized receiver/decoder can be employed in a spin measurement system due to its small size and can retain already established control surface actuation functions


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    I pesticidi organofosforici sono utilizzati per migliorare la produzione agricola e per il controllo dei parassiti. Nonostante i benefici effetti sull\u2019agricoltura, i pesticidi danneggiano gli organismi viventi in quanto interferiscono con i processi metabolici e si diffondono nelle matrici ambientali, tra le quali il suolo, che rappresenta un\u2019importante risorsa. Lo scopo del presente lavoro \ue8 stato quello di studiare la biodiversit\ue0 di batteri degradatori di organofosforici, in suoli mediterranei, differenti per il tipo di coltura e le pratiche agronomiche. I batteri rappresentano infatti, un\u2019utile strumento nella bonifica di aree contaminate. Dai suoli, sono stati isolati 47 ceppi, capaci di crescere in presenza di parathion, quale esclusiva fonte di carbonio. I batteri isolati sono stati raggruppati in 20 Unit\ue0 Tassonomiche Operative, mediante analisi dello Spaziatore Intergenico Ribosomale. La biodiversit\ue0 batterica \ue8 stata quindi correlata alle propriet\ue0 chimico-fisiche dei suoli considerati. In particolare si \ue8 evidenziata una correlazione positiva tra la biodiversit\ue0, il contenuto di argilla e di carbonio. Isolati rappresentativi, per ogni Unit\ue0 Tassonomica Operativa, sono stati scelti casualmente, per il sequenziamento parziale del gene 16S rRNA. Alcuni ceppi sono stati affiliati a Pseudoxanthomonas, Streptomyces iakyrus, Microbacterium takaoensis e Isoptericola dokdonensi, mai citati in bibliografia tra i degradatori di organofosforici. Per alcuni dei ceppi identificati, \ue8 stata studiata la capacit\ue0 di degradare gli organofosforici, in mezzo liquido ed in tre suoli standard. A tal fine, sono state utilizzate la microestrazione in fase solida e l\u2019estrazione con solvente, unitamente alla gascromatografia e alla spettrometria di massa. Alcuni dei batteri esaminati, hanno mostrato una buona abilit\ue0 degradativa.Organophosphorus pesticides are used for crop production and pest control. Although they are useful in agricultural management, they damage the living organisms because interfere with metabolic processes, furthermore the organophosphorus spread in environmental matrices such as the soil that is an important resource. The aim of this research was to study the biodiversity of organophosphorus degrader bacteria in mediterranean agricultural soils because the bacteria represent an useful source in the bioremediation of contaminated area. The bacteria were isolated from soils under different management systems, 47 strains were able to grow on parathion as carbon source. They were grouped into 20 Operational Taxonomic Units by analysing the Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer. This biodiversity was correlated to such physico-chemical properties of the mediterranean soils. In particular, a positive correlation was found between biodiversity, soil clay and carbon content. Representative isolates for each Operational Taxonomic Unit were randomly chosen for the partial sequencing of 16S rRNA gene. Strains phylogenetically related to Sinorhizobium, Pseudoxanthomonas, Streptomyces iakyrus, Microbacterium takaoensis and Isoptericola dokdonensis have never mentioned as organophosphorus degraders. The pesticide biodegradation ability was tested on identified strains. It was evaluated in liquid medium and in three standard soils. Solid Phase Micro- Extraction and solid liquid extraction methods were coupled with gaschromatography and mass-spectrometry for the analysis of resulting organophosphorus compounds. Some of the analyzed strains showed a good ability in organophosphorus degradation

    Adaptación del inventario "Myers Briggs Type Indicator" en un grupo de estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Lima

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    En el Perú, a nivel de investigación, es necesario contar con instrumentos que permitan recoger datos e información útil para análisis, que a la postre lleve a realizar acciones concretas e intervenir sobre ciertos problemas. Por esta razón, la presente adaptación se une a la iniciativa de desarrollar estudios psicométricos en el campo de la personalidad. Este trabajo permitirá tener una medida objetiva y estandarizada que sea de utilidad a investigadores, y a la vez será generadora de más investigaciones sobre el tema.Tesi

    Successful Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery Using Remifentanil Sedation in a Noncompliant Patient With Holmes Tremor

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    Holmes tremor is characterized by irregular resting, postural and intention tremors. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an effective treatment. A 34-year-old man with Holmes tremor, secondary to head trauma, became agitated during DBS performed under local anesthesia. Remifentanil 0.03 µg/kg/min provided effective sedation and DBS was safety and successful performed. J Curr Surg. 2015;5(4):207-208 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.14740/jcs288

    El concepto proyección en el marco de la colaboración entre Freud y Jung

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    El presente trabajo explora el desarrollo del concepto freudiano “proyección” en el marco de la mutua colaboración entre Sigmund Freud y Carl Jung. La investigación se inscribe en la línea conceptual histórica y de determinantes inconscientes en el desarrollo de conceptos. En ella, se pretende dar cuenta de diferencias teóricas y metodológicas entre Freud y Jung desde sus inicios que puedan ayudar a dar sentido a la colaboración mutua en el desarrollo del concepto proyección. Para este fin, se revisó críticamente la correspondencia entre ambos, así como las obras de cada uno en las que se pueda evidenciar el trabajo con el conceptoThe following work explores the development of the freudian concept “projection” in the framework of the mutual collaboration between Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. This research is framed in the line of historical-conceptual research and unconscious determinants in the concept’s development. We intend to explain, the theoretical and methodological differences between Freud and Jung from the beginning that make sense on the mutual collaboration in the development of that concept. With this purpose, we reviewed critically the correspondence between both authors, as well as each one’s works referred to the conceptTesi