112 research outputs found

    Appendicular mucocele. Clinical case

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    Scopul lucrării. Mucocelul apendicular este o entitate patologică caracterizată prin dilatarea chistică a apendicelui, datorită secreției anormale de mucinos apendicular. Prezintă incidența scăzută, secundar afecțiunilor benigne (hiperplazie mucinoasă și chistadenom) sau maligne (chistadenocarcinom). Materiale și metode. Am analizat cinci pacienți tratați pentru mucocel apendicular în perioada 2012-2023 în Clinica Chirurgie nr.2, USMF ,,N.Testemițanu,, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 24-92 de ani și evaluată modalitatea de diagnostic și tratament chirurgical. Rezultate. Manifestările clinice au fost variate, nespecifice, frecvent au simulat alte afecțiuni chirurgicale abdominale. Examenul preoperator imagistic, ecografic de rutină şi tomografia computerizată în 3 cazuri au confirmat mucocelul apendicular. Diagnosticul a fost confirmat intraoperator, volumul intervenției chirurgicale fiind rezolvat individual. Studiul anatomopatologic a pieselor operatorii a stabilit diagnosticul etiologic și histopatologic. Explorarea intraoperatorie a organelor cavității peritoneale și a bazinului mic a fost obligatorie în diagnosticul diferențial cu formațiunile chistice ale anexelor uterine și ale organelor cavității abdominale. Concluzii. Mucocelul apendicular se referă la bolile chirurgicale rare, manifestând un tablou clinic nespecific. Explorarea clinicimagistică, histopatologică minuțioasă a fiecărui pacient, determină corect strategiile chirurgicale.Aim of study. Appendicular mucocele is a pathology characterized by cystic dilatation of the appendix, due to abnormal secretion of appendicular mucinous. It has low incidence, secondary to benign (mucinous hyperplasia and cystadenoma) or malignant (cystadenocarcinoma) conditions. Materials and methods. We analyzed five patients treated for appendicular mucocele in the period 2011-2023 in Surgery Clinic no.2, USMF,, N. Testemitanu,, aged between 24-92 years and evaluated the method of diagnosis and surgical treatment. Results. Clinical manifestations were varied, nonspecific, and frequently simulated other abdominal surgical conditions. Preoperative imaging, routine ultrasound examination and computed tomography in 3 cases confirmed the appendicular mucocele. The diagnosis was confirmed intraoperatively, the volume of surgical intervention being solved individually. Anatomopathological examination of the operative parts established the etiological and histopathological diagnosis. Intraoperative exploration of the organs of the peritoneal cavity and small pelvis was mandatory in differential diagnosis with cystic formations of the uterine appendages and organs of the abdominal cavity. Conclusions. Appendicular mucocele refers to rare surgical diseases, manifested by a nonspecific clinical picture. The thorough clinical – imaging, histopathological exploration of each patient correctly determines surgical strategies

    Encapsulated peritoneal sclerosis. Clinical observations

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    Scopul lucrării. Scleroza peritoneală încapsulată este o boală fibro-inflamatoare cronică a peritoneului, având ca rezultat formarea unei membrane fibroase groase, care înglobează parțial sau total organele abdominale. Scopul studiului este prezentarea 2 cazuri de scleroza peritoneală încapsulată. Caz clinic. Caz clinic nr.1: Pacienta V., 76 ani s-a prezentat la departamentul de urgență cu simptome clinice de ocluzie intestinală, caracterizate prin crize recurente de obstrucție intestinală acută și subacută.A suportat 8 luni echinococectomie hepatica pentru chist hidatic hepatic, erupt în cavitatea abdominala. Rezultatele examenului fizic, ecografia și radiografic abdominal au fost în concordanță cu obstrucția intestinală. Laparotomia a evidențiat o capsulă unica fibroasă, care acoperă ansele intestinale, ficatul, splina, cloazonari lichidiene peritoneale. Tratamentul chirurgical prin decapsulare completă atestă absenţa planului de delimitare netă între sacul fibros şi seroasa viscerală si altor leziuni stenozante intestinale. Perioada postoperatorie trenanta. Externată pentru tratament ambulator. Caz clinic nr. 2: Pacienta N., 17 ani, cu anamneza ginecologică agravată, se intervine chirurgical pentru tumora abdominală, sindrom ocluziv. Intraoperator se constată formațiune de volum ce include porțiunea terminală a ileonului (80 cm) închistată într-o membrană unică. S-a practicat decapsularea. Perioada postoperatorie simplă. Concluzii. Scleroza peritoneală incapsulată reprezintă o entitate clinico-morfologică ce pune reale probleme de diagnostic și tratament, fiind adesea o descoperire operatorie. Managementul include necesitatea biopsiei peritoneale. Prognosticul rămâne rezervat cu o mortalitate semnificativă.Aim of study. Encapsulated peritoneal sclerosis is a chronic fibro-inflammatory disease of the peritoneum, resulting in the formation of a thick fibrous membrane that partially or totally encloses the abdominal organs. The aim is presentation of 2 cases of encapsulated peritoneal sclerosis. Clinical case. Clinical case nr. 1: Patient V., 76 years old, presented to the emergency department with clinical symptoms of intestinal occlusion, characterized by recurrent bouts of acute and subacute intestinal obstruction. She underwent 8-month hepatic echinococcectomy for a hepatic hydatid cyst, which erupted in the abdominal cavity. The results of physical examination, ultrasound and abdominal radiography were consistent with intestinal obstruction. Laparotomy revealed a single fibrous capsule, covering the intestinal loops, liver, spleen, peritoneal fluid cloazonaries. Surgical treatment by complete decapsulation attests to the absence of a clear demarcation plane between the fibrous sac and the visceral serosa and other intestinal stenosing lesions. Terrible postoperative period. Discharged for outpatient treatment. Clinical case nr. 2: Patient N., 17 years old, with aggravated gynecological anamnesis, surgical intervention for abdominal tumor, occlusive syndrome. Intraoperatively, a volume formation is found that includes the terminal portion of the ileum (80 cm) enclosed in a single membrane. Decapsulation was practiced. Simple postoperative period. Conclusions. Encapsulated peritoneal sclerosis represents a clinical-morphological entity that poses real diagnostic and treatment problems, being often an operative discovery. Management includes the need for peritoneal biopsy. The prognosis remains reserved with significant mortality

    Model Guided Application for Investigating Particle Number (PN) Emissions in GDI Spark Ignition Engines

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    &lt;div class="section abstract"&gt;&lt;div class="htmlview paragraph"&gt;Model guided application (MGA) combining physico-chemical internal combustion engine simulation with advanced analytics offers a robust framework to develop and test particle number (PN) emissions reduction strategies. The digital engineering workflow presented in this paper integrates the &lt;i&gt;k&lt;/i&gt;inetics &amp;amp; SRM Engine Suite with parameter estimation techniques applicable to the simulation of particle formation and dynamics in gasoline direct injection (GDI) spark ignition (SI) engines. The evolution of the particle population characteristics at engine-out and through the sampling system is investigated. The particle population balance model is extended beyond soot to include sulphates and soluble organic fractions (SOF). This particle model is coupled with the gas phase chemistry precursors and is solved using a sectional method. The combustion chamber is divided into a wall zone and a bulk zone and the fuel impingement on the cylinder wall is simulated. The wall zone is responsible for resolving the distribution of equivalence ratios near the wall, a factor that is essential to account for the formation of soot in GDI SI engines. In this work, a stochastic reactor model (SRM) is calibrated to a single-cylinder test engine operated at 12 steady state load-speed operating points. First, the flame propagation model is calibrated using the experimental in-cylinder pressure profiles. Then, the population balance model parameters are calibrated based on the experimental data for particle size distributions from the same operating conditions. Good agreement was obtained for the in-cylinder pressure profiles and gas phase emissions such as NO&lt;sub&gt;x&lt;/sub&gt;. The MGA also employs a reactor network approach to align with the particle sampling measurements procedure, and the influence of dilution ratios and temperature on the PN measurement is investigated. Lastly, the MGA and the measurements procedure are applied to size-resolved chemical characterisation of the emitted particles.&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</jats:p

    Broadband velocity modulation spectroscopy of HfF^+: towards a measurement of the electron electric dipole moment

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    Precision spectroscopy of trapped HfF^+ will be used in a search for the permanent electric dipole moment of the electron (eEDM). While this dipole moment has yet to be observed, various extensions to the standard model of particle physics (such as supersymmetry) predict values that are close to the current limit. We present extensive survey spectroscopy of 19 bands covering nearly 5000 cm^(-1) using both frequency-comb and single-frequency laser velocity-modulation spectroscopy. We obtain high-precision rovibrational constants for eight electronic states including those that will be necessary for state preparation and readout in an actual eEDM experiment.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 3 table