742 research outputs found

    Through Hamlet, with Hamlet, against Hamlet: Giovanni Testori's Translation of the Ultimate Character

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    Giovanni Testori (1923-1993) is an atypical figure in the Italian cultural panorama of the second half of the twentieth century, especially because of his multidimensional artistic output and an overt obsession with Hamlet. Tracing Testori’s life-long relationship with Shakespeare's Hamlet, and focusing on his intense dramatic and poetic production in the early 1970s, this article reflects on the evolution of Testori's Hamlet into an ultimate character endowed with mythological and anthropological dimensions. Deconstructing Testori's encounters with Hamlet's haunting presence involves more than one text and different genres and forms. In this way, it involves translation, if translation is conceived as an interlingual relationship between texts or between semiotic codes. This article argues that Testori’s never-ending dialogue with Hamlet is the result of a translational experience, which is so rich and fertile that translation as re-writing evolves into translation as writing. Through the Italian poet’s approach, Hamlet lives on the borderlines and incarnates hybridity, his journey from the source text turning into a continuous process of displacement as well as evolution

    HTLV Tax, HBZ and APH-2 regulatory protein interaction with host cell factors: implications for NF-\u3baB pathway deregulation and tumorigenesis.

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    Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is a retrovirus that infects approximately 20 million people worldwide and 5% of them develop adult T-cell leukemia (ATL), a fatal T-cell malignancy with a poor prognosis. The HTLV-1 genome encodes two proteins that play a pivotal role in the oncogenic process, the regulatory protein Tax and the accessory protein HBZ. The expression of HTLV-1 oncoprotein Tax plays a key role in CD4+ T-cell transformation, interacting with host factors and deregulating several cell pathways implicated in the regulation of cell cycle and cell survival. Among them, Tax activates contitutively the NF-\u3baB pathway, which play a primary role in inflammation, immunity, cell proliferation, apoptosis and cancer. HTLV-1 basic zipper protein (HBZ), encoded by the antisense viral genome strand, is essential for viral persistence and promotion of T-cell proliferation, acting in concert with Tax and contributing to ATL development. The purpose of my PhD research is to expand the knowledge of the molecular mechanism of NF-\u3baB pathway deregulation mediated by the interactions of Tax and HBZ regulatory proteins with selected host factors. We studied the effect of Tax-1 and HBZ on NF-\u3baB promoter activation by comparative analyses with the homologous regulatory proteins expressed by the genetically related HTLV type 2, which is not associated with ATL disease. We focused the experimental analyses on two relevant aspects of the NF-\u3baB deregulation: the interactions of Tax and the antisense proteins with key factors of the NF-\u3baB pathway mediating p65 activation, and their role on the alternative NF-\u3baB pathway modulation. Our data demonstrated for the first time that HBZ and APH-2 differ in the inhibitory mechanism of Tax-dependent NF-\u3baB activation. By confocal microscopy, we observed that APH-2, unlike HBZ, was recruited in Tax-2-cytoplasmic structures containing the NF-\u3baB factors that are essential for the activation of the pathway, the adaptor protein TAB2 and the NF-\u3baB modulator NEMO. The formation of these complexes results in the impairment of p65 transcription factor translocation into the nucleus. The analyses of these complexes showed that TRAF3, a key factor of the alternative NF-\u3baB pathway, interacts with Tax and APH-2. Applying the CRISPR/Cas9 system, we generated a cell model that allowed us to define the contribution of TRAF3 in the inhibition of NF-\u3baB. The results obtained revealed for the first time that the absence of TRAF3 dramatically reduced the Tax-1 transactivating activity of NF-\u3baB. In conclusion, the results of my PhD thesis identify a new cellular factor essential for the action of HTLV Tax protein in the deregulation of cellular pathways and support the hypothesis that the different molecular mechanism of HBZ and APH-2 in the NF-\u3baB inhibition may reflect divergent effects on HTLV-infected cells survival and probably on leukemogenesis induced by HTLV

    General Solutions of Two Quadratic Functional Equations of Pexider Type on Orthogonal Vectors

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    Based on the studies on the Hyers-Ulam stability and the orthogonal stability of some Pexider-quadratic functional equations, in this paper we find the general solutions of two quadratic functional equations of Pexider type. Both equations are studied in restricted domains: the first equation is studied on the restricted domain of the orthogonal vectors in the sense of Rätz, and the second equation is considered on the orthogonal vectors in the inner product spaces with the usual orthogonality

    Italy – 2018

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    Translation as theory and practice: A multilingual approach to translation challenges and tensions

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    Translation always implies establishing a contact between cultures, and thus it inevitably leads to an 'experience of the other', with the possibility of developing a range of different types of 'encounters'. Therefore, translation is no neutral act of communication, having important consequences on the delicate dialogue between cultures, especially in the case of unbalanced contacts between a 'strong' and a 'weak' culture, which also justifies the central role that translation has always played for countries like those in Latin America. To study translation from a cross-cultural perspective first of all implies to acknowledge its role in society, and to stop regarding it only as a specialized and 'detached' field. It is a stimulating position for translation studies, which inevitably leads to a more open approach, extending the discourse about translation, and translation criticism in particular, outside their traditional borders. This confirms the opinion that it is too limiting to conceive the study of translation only on an 'interlinguistic' level, thinking that similar processes of text transfer can be activated in both 'interlinguistic' and 'intersemiotic' translation, and thus this research aims to prove that it is possible for translation criticism to combine a cross-cultural perspective with a more comprehensive approach to translation, inclusive of interlinguistic and intersemiotic forms. In other words, the hope is to show how the tensions and dynamics created by the transposition of a written text, a novel, into a foreign language and culture can be better detected and understood by applying a fundamentally similar approach to the study of more than one transformational form of the same source text (ST), including therefore both written and filmic target texts (TTs). Trying to put such a hypothesis to the proof, and verifying if and how it is relevant to translation criticism, the research identifies two almost contemporary, yet very different Latin American novels (Antonio Skarmeta's Ardiente paciencia, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Cronica de una muerte anunciadd) as case studies, and focuses on their encounters with our Western culture, through both their interlinguistic and intersemiotic translations. This way the study deals with different semiotic languages, which means therefore that it is particularly important to identify an adequate tool for analysis, and from this point of view a promising support has been found in Peeter Torop's table for "Translatability of Culture". Although mainly developed for interlinguistic translation, the table proves to be applicable also to intersemiotic translation, and in both case studies it actually contributes to highlight tensions and dynamics which are more or less overtly present in both written and cinematic TTs. If in the first case study, the analysis reveals a clear process of 'deterritorialization' and assimilation in the long 'journey from the margins', the second case study, instead, offers interesting examples of culturally aware and committed translators. There are relevant implications for translation criticism, as it stops being an aloof and academic arena, only aiming at detecting and scientifically describing translation methods and norms. The research shows that the identification of a translation method almost inevitably leads the observer to reflect on the way the translator's choices influence the readers' perception of the ST within the framework of the receiving culture, and the ultimate focus of translation criticism becomes the practical consequences of translation on the 'meeting' of two different cultures

    Aplicação foliar de enxofre elementar em diferentes estádios fenológicos da cultivar de soja BMX Zeus

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    Orientador: Prof. Bruno Portela BrasileiroDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia. Defesa : Curitiba, 17/11/2022Inclui referências: p. 30-33Área de concentração: Produção VegetalResumo: A crescente produtividade dos cultivos agrícolas, especialmente da soja (Glycine max), vem exigindo maior extração e exportação de nutrientes. A aplicação foliar de enxofre (S) pode ser uma eficiente forma de complementar o suprimento da necessidade da planta ao nutriente, devido às dificuldades em elevar os níveis de enxofre disponível no solo. O enxofre é um dos nutrientes essenciais exigidos em maior quantidade na cultura, sendo essencial para a formação de proteínas e aminoácidos, além de sua importância no processo de fotossíntese. Para atender esta demanda é possível realizar a aplicação foliar de enxofre elementar, através de fertilizantes fluídos. Para que esta operação seja efetiva deve-se conhecer o momento correto de realizá-la, observando o estádio da soja e o tempo necessário para assimilação do nutriente para que o mesmo cumpra seu papel na composição da produção do cultivo. Portanto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da aplicação foliar de enxofre na cultura da soja via fertilizante fluído em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento da cultura. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no município de Charrua-RS, em duas safras, sendo Safra 1 - 2019/2020 e Safra 2 - 2020/2021, utilizando-se a cultivar Zeus. Foi realizada a aplicação de enxofre elementar 45%, na dose de 1,5 L/ha de produto comercial, totalizando 675 g/ha de enxofre em três estádios de desenvolvimento da soja (V4, R3 e R5) e mantido uma testemunha sem aplicação. O delineamento adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso com cinco repetições. Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: número de vagens por planta (VP), número de grãos por vagem (GV), número de grãos por planta (GP) e massa dos grãos (PMG). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância seguido do teste de Student-Newman-Keuls a 5% de probabilidade. De acordo com a análise de variância, houve interação significativa (p<0,05) entre o estádio de aplicação de enxofre e safra para as variáveis grãos por vagem (GV) e peso de mil grãos (PMG). Para GV e PMG houve diferença significativa entre os estádios de aplicação nas duas safras e para grãos por planta (GP) e vagens por planta (VP), houve diferença significativa (p<0,05) entre os estádios de aplicação e entre as safras. Conclui-se que a aplicação foliar de enxofre elementar tem resposta positiva para a cultivar de soja BMX Zeus na região de Charrua- RS, sendo o estádio reprodutivo R3 (canivete) como o melhor momento de aplicação desse elemento, pois proporcionou aumento no número de vagens por planta, grãos por vagem, vagens por planta e no peso de mil grãos.Abstract: The increasing productivity of agricultural crops, especially soybean (Glycine max), has been demanding greater extraction and export of nutrients. Foliar application of sulfur (S) can be an efficient way to supplement the plant's need for the nutrient, due to the difficulties in raising the levels of available sulfur in the soil. Sulfur is one of the essential nutrients required in greater amounts in culture, being essential for the formation of proteins and amino acids, in addition to its importance in the process of photosynthesis. To meet this demand, it is possible to carry out the foliar application of elemental sulfur, through fluid fertilizers. For this operation to be effective, it is necessary to know the correct moment to perform it, observing the soybean stage and the time necessary for the nutrient assimilation so that it fulfills its role in the composition of the crop production. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the effect of foliar application of sulfur on soybeans via fluid fertilizer at different stages of crop development. The work was carried out in the municipality of Charrua-RS, in two harvests, being Safra 1 - 2019/2020 and Safra 2 - 2020/2021, using the cultivar Zeus. Elemental sulfur 45% was applied at a dose of 1.5 L/ha of commercial product, totaling 675 g/ha of sulfur in three soybean development stages (V4, R3 and R5) and a control without application was maintained. The design adopted was randomized blocks with five replications. The following variables were evaluated: number of pods per plant, number of grains per pod, number of grains per plant and weight of grains. Data were submitted to analysis of variance followed by Student-Newman-Keuls test at 5% probability. According to the analysis of variance, there was a significant interaction (p<0.05) between the stage of sulfur application and harvest for the variables grains per pod (GV) and thousand grain weight (PMG). For GV and PMG there was a significant difference between the application stages in the two crops and for grains per plant (GP) and pods per plant (VP), there was a significant difference (p<0.05) between the application stages and between the crops. It is concluded that the foliar application of elemental sulfur has a positive response for the soybean cultivar BMX Zeus in the region of Charrua-RS, with the reproductive stage R3 (knife) as the best moment of application of this element, as it provided an increase in the number of pods per plant, grains per pod, pods per plant and in the weight of a thousand grains

    Analisi di stabilita' degli argini del fiume Serchio nella provincia di Pisa

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    La mattina del 25 Dicembre 2009 l'eccessivo flusso idrico nell’alveo del fiume Serchio ha provocato il cedimento dell’argine destro del fiume nelle frazioni di Santa Maria a Colle (comune di Lucca) e di Nodica (comune di Vecchiano, PI) causando una grave alluvione nei territori circostanti. A seguito di tale evento sono state programmate delle indagini conoscitive sullo stato di fatto degli argini e del loro terreno di sedime, al fine di operare delle analisi di stabilità degli stessi e individuare eventuali aree d’intervento. Oggetto di queste indagini è la zona che va da San Quirico di Moriano (nella provincia di Lucca), sino alla foce nel parco di San Rossore. La presente tesi si prefigge l’obiettivo di creare un modello geotecnico dei rilevati arginali del fiume Serchio e di eseguirne le analisi di stabilità, nel tratto compreso entro i confini della Provincia di Pisa

    A relação entre adultos e crianças na educação infantil: reflexões emergentes no observatório da cultura infantil – OBECI

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    Este artigo aborda a relação entre adultos e crianças na Educação Infantil a partir de reflexões emergentes em um contexto de investigação em uma comunidade de apoio ao desenvolvimento profissional nomeada como Observatório da Cultura Infantil – OBECI. A partir da herança teórica proveniente das pedagogias participativas, neste texto, são discutidos alguns aspectos que podem orientar os profissionais desta etapa da Educação Básica a constituírem sua profissionalidade. O debate emergente é sustentado nessa comunidade a partir dos pressupostos da Documentação Pedagógica que, neste caso, serve para a construção do conhecimento praxiológico. A investigação de origem deste artigo se vale da investigação praxiológica como metodologia interessada nos estudos da transformação. Assim, a nível de conclusão, no artigo são apresentadas três categorias para orientar a relação entre adultos e crianças: o acolhimento ao universo da criança, não criar dependência e não criar abandono e as relações como coração da Pedagogia.

    Dental impaction of permanents canines - consequences and relation with funtional orthopedics of the maxillary

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    O conhecimento e a experiência clínica do crescimento e desenvolvimento normal de uma criança, assim como uma investigação radiográfica do progresso da erupção dentária, são importantes na supervisão da erupção do canino superior permanente. A observação de alguns sinais e sintomas, como por exemplo, a palpação do "vulto" do canino permanente acima do ápice da raiz do canino decíduo, aproximadamente aos 9 anos de idade, é muito importante para o diagnóstico de uma erupção ectópica. Na possibilidade de diagnosticar precocemente, o profissional se vê diante de maiores recursos de tratamento, na tentativa de evitar complicações que, embora raras, podem acontecer, como a necessidade de um tracionamento e a reabsorção radicular de dentes adjacentes.Clinical experience and knowledge of normal growth and development of children, as well as radiographic studies of the dental eruption evolution, are important to supervise the maxillary permanent canine eruption. Clinical observations of signs and symptons such as digital palpation of the permanent canine bulges above the primary canine apex, on children of about nine years old, is a very important Step for the diagnosis of ectopic eruption. Dentist may find more help with the early diagnosis, to avoid complications that are not so frequent to happen, but are still a burden such as traction and adjacent root tooth resorption