278 research outputs found

    Exploring the potential of NIR hyperspectral imaging for automated quantification of rind amount in grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese

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    Parmigiano Reggiano (P-R) is one of the most important Italian food products labelled with Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). The PDO denomination is applied also to grated P-R cheese products meeting the requirements regulated by the Specifications of Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese. Different quality parameters are monitored, including the percentage of rind, which is edible and should not exceed the limit of 18% (w/w). The present study aims at evaluating the possibility of using near infrared hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HSI) to quantify the rind percentage in grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese samples in a fast and non-destructive manner. Indeed, NIR-HSI allows the simultaneous acquisition of both spatial and spectral information from a sample, which is more suitable than classical single-point spectroscopy for the analysis of heterogeneous samples like grated cheese. Hyperspectral images of grated P-R cheese samples containing increasing levels of rind were acquired in the 900–1700 nm spectral range. Each hyperspectral image was firstly converted into a one-dimensional signal, named hyperspectrogram, which codifies the relevant information contained in the image. Then, the matrix of hyperspectrograms was used to calculate a calibration model for the prediction of the rind percentage using Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression. The calibration model was validated considering two external test sets of samples, confirming the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Evaluation of the effect of factors related to preparation and composition of grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese using NIR hyperspectral imaging

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    The present study is focused on the evaluation of the effect of grater type and fat content of the pulp on the spectral response obtained by near infrared hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HSI), when this technique is used to determine the rind percentage in Parmigiano Reggiano (P-R) cheese. To this aim, grated P-R cheese samples were prepared considering all the possible combinations between three levels of rind amount (8%, 18% and 28%), two levels of fat content of the pulp and two different grater types, and the corresponding hyperspectral images were acquired in the 900–1700 nm spectral range. In a first step, the average spectrum (AS) was calculated from each hyperspectral image, and the corresponding dataset was analysed by means of Analysis of Variance Simultaneous Component Analysis (ASCA) to assess the effect of the three considered factors and their two-way interactions on the spectral response. Then, the hyperspectral images were converted into Common Space Hyperspectrograms (CSH), which are signals obtained by merging in sequence the frequency distribution curves of quantities calculated from a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) model common to the whole hyperspectral image dataset. ASCA was also applied to the CSH dataset, in order to evaluate the effect of the considered factors on this kind of signals. Generally, all the three factors resulted to have a significant effect, but with a different extent according to the method used to analyse the hyperspectral images. Indeed, while fat content of the pulp and rind percentage showed a comparable effect on the spectral response of AS dataset, in the case of CSH signals rind percentage had a greater effect compared to the other main factors. However, CSH were also more sensitive to differences ascribable to the natural variability between diverse Parmigiano Reggiano cheese samples

    Potential of wickerhamomyces anomalus in glycerol valorization

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    Five-carbons polyalcohols, such as xylitol and arabitol, and microbial oils are important targets for biotechnological industries. Polyalcohols can find application as low-calories sweeteners and as building block in the synthesis of valuable compounds, while lipids are interesting for both biofuel and food industry. The osmophilic yeast Wickerhamomyces anomalus WC 1501 was preliminary known to produce arabitol from glycerol. Production kinetics were investigated in this study. Production was not growth-associated and occurred during a nitrogen-limited stationary phase, in presence of an excess of carbon source. Typical bioreactor batch cultures, carried out with 160 g/L glycerol, yielded 16.0 g/L arabitol in 160 h. A fed-batch process was developed, in which growth is carried out batchwise in a balanced medium containing 20 g/L glycerol, and arabitol production is induced at the entrance into the stationary phase with a pulse of concentrated glycerol to provide the remaining 140 g/L carbon source. At the end of the process 18.0 g/L arabitol were generated. Under these conditions, the yeast also accumulated intracellular triacylglycerols, with fatty acids of 16-18 carbons bearing 0 to 2 unsaturations, reaching up the 23% of biomass dry weight. Therefore, W. anomalus WC 1501 is a good candidate for the development of a fermentative process yielding arabitol and has potential also as oleaginous yeast for producing lipids, further improving the interest in this strain for glycerol biorefinery. The utilization of a fed-batch process allows to carry out distinct growth and production phases and thus allows the optimization of both phases separately, in order to achieve the highest concentration of catalytic biomass during growth and the maximum efficiency during production. This strain deserves further investigation to better exploit its biotechnological potential in the valorization of glycerol

    An alarm signal for the medical world addressed from the pathological anatomy service in the Republic of Moldova

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    Department of Morphopathology, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova, Department of Microscopic Morphology/Histology, Angiogenesis Research Center, Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara, RomaniaBackground: Maintaining the quality and safety of pathology services is crucial for the efficient delivery of health care. However, pathology is, perhaps, the least understood of the medical specialties. In particular, the scope of pathology and the integral role it plays in all areas of medicine are not well recognized even by some of those working in health care environments. Strategic partnerships have as the main goal the enlargement of collaborative research and partnership on national and international level, mainly, but not exclusively in European Research Area. There is a perceived need for improved management practices, use of new technologies, and increased use of some categories of the personnel. Issues with the employment program were mentioned, including tracking, matching people to jobs, training, and finding more opportunities. There was a call for greater visibility in the community (both medical and scientific). The problems facing pathology teaching and pathology teachers mirror those of most other medical disciplines, namely a lack of time and money, and competing pressures from many other sources. Conclusion: There is the danger of producing doctors who cannot explain disease to their patients, who abuse laboratories and who have no interest in pursuing pathology as a career, leading to a slow and possibly irreversible decline in pathology as a medical profession

    Прогностические показатели развития ювенильного идиопатического артрита

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    Department of Pediatrics, Nicolae Testemitanu State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Congresul III al Medicilor de Familie din Republica Moldova, 17–18 mai, 2012, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Conferinţa Naţională „Maladii bronhoobstructive la copii”, consacrată profesorului universitar, doctor habilitat Victor Gheţeul, 27 aprilie, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaJuvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a highly disabling disease that leads to functional and physical compromise by osteo-articulars lesions and premature mortality in systemic diseases, impacting medical, social and economic well-being. To determine the prognosis of development indices JIA, discriminant function (F) was used and clinical examination was performed which included studying the patient’s age at disease onset, disease duration, number of joints and laboratory tests included studying the radiological stage after Steinbrocker. The discriminant function was performed in a group of 51 patients diagnosed with JIA. Factors that influenced the favorable evolution of JIA were high patient age at the onset of disease, low disease duration, a low number of joints and radiological stages I-II after Steinbrocker. The presence of these factors allowed us to predict 72.4% of cases with a favorable outcome. On the other hand, young age at onset, long disease duration, a high number of joints and radiological stages III-IV after Steinbrocker were unfavorable prognostic factors. The presence of these indices allowed the estimation of adverse developments in 77.3% of cases.Ювенильный идиопатический артрит (ЮИА) является хроническим заболеванием, которое приводит к функциональной и физической недостаточности, костно-суставным повреждениям преждевременной смертности (при системном варианте), имеет медицинское, социальное и экономическое значение. Для определения прогнозирующих факторов развития ЮИА была использована математическая дискриминантная функция (F) с проведением клинического обследования, которое включало изучение возраста пациента в начале заболевания, длительность заболевания, количество болезненных суставов, а лабораторные исследования включали изучение радиологических стадий по Штейнброкеру. Дискриминантная функция была определена у 51 пациентов с ЮИА. Таким образом, факторы, влияющие на благоприятную эволюцию ЮИА, были: возраст старше 10 лет в начале заболевания, короткая длительность заболевания, малое число болезненных суставов и радиологические стадии I-II по Штейнброкеру. Наличие этих факторов позволило в 72,4% случаев прогнозировать благоприятный исход ЮИА. С другой стороны, малый возраст пациента в начале заболевания, большая длительность заболевания, большое количество болезненных суставов и радиологические стадии III-IV по Штейнброкеру были неблагоприятными прогностическими факторами. Присутствие этих показателей позволило прогнозировать неблагоприятный исход в 77,3% случаев

    Hospital discharges-based search of acute flaccid paralysis cases 2007-2016 in Italy and comparison with the National Surveillance System for monitoring the risk of polio reintroduction

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    Background: Acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance has been adopted globally as a key strategy for monitoring the progress of the polio eradication initiative. Hereby, to evaluate the completeness of the ascertainment of AFP cases in Italy, a hospital-discharges based search was carried out. Methods: AFP cases occurring between 2007 and 2016 among children under 15 years of age were searched in the Italian Hospital Discharge Records (HDR) database using specific ICD-9-CM diagnostic codes. AFP cases identified between 2015 and 2016 were then compared with those notified to the National Surveillance System (NSS). Results: Over a 10-year period, 4163 hospital discharges with diagnosis of AFP were reported in Italy. Among these, 956 (23.0%) were acute infective polyneuritis, 1803 (43.3%) myopathy, and 1408 (33.8%) encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis. During the study period, a decreasing trend was observed for all diagnoses and overall the annual incidence rate (IR) declined from 5.5 to 4.5 per 100,000 children. Comparing NSS with HDR data in 2015-2016, we found a remarkable underreporting, being AFP cases from NSS only 14% of those recorded in HDR. In particular, the acute infective polyneuritis cases reported to NSS accounted for 42.6% of those detected in HDR, while only 0.9% of myopathy cases and 13.1% of encephalitis/myelitis/encephalomyelitis cases have been notified to NSS. The highest AFP IRs per 100,000 children calculated on HDR data were identified in Liguria (17.4), Sicily (5.7), and Veneto (5.1) Regions; regarding the AFP notified to the NSS, 11 out of 21 Regions failed to reach the number of expected cases (based on 1/100,000 rate), and the highest discrepancies were observed in the Northern Regions. Overall, the national AFP rate was equal to 0.6, therefore did not reach the target value. Conclusions: AFP surveillance data are the final measure of a country's progress towards polio eradication. The historical data obtained by the HDR have been useful to assess the completeness of the notification data and to identify the Regions with a low AFP ascertainment rate in order to improve the national surveillance system

    CDKN1A upregulation and cisplatin-pemetrexed resistance in non-small cell lung cancer cells

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    Cisplatin-pemetrexed is a frequently adopted first-line treatment for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) ineligible for biological therapy, notwithstanding its limited efficacy. In the present study, the RAL cell line, an epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-wild-type, p53- and KRAS-mutated model of NSCLC, was used to investigate novel biomarkers of resistance to this treatment. Cells were analyzed 96 h (96 h-post wo) and 21 days (21 days-post wo) after the combined treatment washout. Following an initial moderate sensitivity to the treatment, the cell growth proliferative capability had fully recovered. Gene expression analysis of the resistant surviving cells revealed a significant upregulation of CDKN1A expression in the cells at 96-h post-wo and, although to a lesser extent, in the cells at 21 days-post wo, accompanied by an enrichment of acetylated histone H3 in its promoter region. CDKN1A was also upregulated at the protein level, being mainly detected in the cytoplasm of the cells at 96 h-post wo. A marked increase in the number of apoptotic cells, together with a significant G1 phase block, were observed at 96-h post wo in the cells in which CDKN1A was knocked down, suggesting its involvement in the modulation of the response of RAL cells to the drug combination. On the whole, these data suggest that CDKN1A plays a role in the response to the cisplatin-pemetrexed combination in advanced KRAS-mutated NSCLC, thus suggesting that it may be used as a promising predictive marker

    Randomised phase II trial of CAPTEM or FOLFIRI as SEcond-line therapy in NEuroendocrine CArcinomas and exploratory analysis of predictive role of PET/CT imaging and biological markers (SENECA trial): A study protocol

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    Introduction Patients with metastatic or locally advanced, non-resectable, grade 3 poorly differentiated gastroenteropancreatic (GEP) and lung neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs) are usually treated with in first-line platinum compounds. There is no standard second-line treatment on progression. Accurate biomarkers are needed to facilitate diagnosis and prognostic assessment of patients with NEC. Methods and analysis The SEcond-line therapy in NEuroendocrine CArcinomas (SENECA) study is a randomised, non-comparative, multicentre phase II trial designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of folinic acid, 5-fluorouracil and irinotecan (FOLFIRI) or capecitabine plus temozolomide (CAPTEM) regimens after failure of first-line chemotherapy in patients with lung NEC and GEP-NEC. Secondary aims are to correlate the serum miRNA profile and primary mutational status of MEN1, DAXX, ATRX and RB-1 with prognosis and outcome and to investigate the prognostic and predictive role of the Ki-67 score and 18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (18 F-FDG PET/CT) or 68 Ga-PET/CT. The main eligibility criteria are age ≥18 years; metastatic or locally advanced, non-resectable, grade 3 lung or GEP-NECs; progression to first-line platinum-based chemotherapy. A Bryant and Day design taking into account treatment activity and toxicity was used to estimate the sample size. All analyses will be performed separately for each treatment group in the intention-to-treat population. A total of 112 patients (56/arm) will be randomly assigned (1:1) to receive FOLFIRI every 14 days or CAPTEM every 28 days until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity or for a maximum of 6 months. Patients undergo testing for specific biomarkers in primary tumour tissue and for miRNA in blood samples. MiRNA profiling will be performed in the first 20 patients who agree to participate in the biological substudy. Ethics and dissemination The SENECA trial, supported by Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori (IRST), was authorised by the locals Ethics Committee and the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA). Results will be widely disseminated via peer-reviewed manuscripts, conference presentations and reports to relevant authorities. The study is currently open in Italy. Trail registration number NCT03387592; Pre-results. EudraCT-2016-000767-17. Protocol version Clinical Study Protocol Version 1, 7 November 2016