82 research outputs found

    An Exploration of Rhythm Perception in African Penguins (Spheniscus demersus)

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    Rhythmic properties in penguin vocalizations may be unique to individuals. Rhythm perception is a cognitive ability previously thought to be exclusive to vocal-learning species who have the neurological complexities required to mimic conspecific and heterospecific vocalizations. Discovering rhythm perception in penguins would provide insight on penguins’ ability to recognize kin using auditory cues, and discount theories constraining rhythm perception to vocal-learning animals. The goal of this study was to learn if African penguins (Spheniscus demersus) could perceive changes in rhythm using a habituation-dishabituation paradigm. Subjects were 32-38 African penguins housed at the Seneca Park Zoo in Rochester, NY. Penguins were presented with four rhythms at 4 kHz and head turns per bird were counted in 24 sessions. Each session was composed of ten familiarization trials followed by six test trials that alternated between the familiar and novel rhythm. The number of head turns per bird did not significantly increase from the last three familiarization trials to the first novel test trial. Results did not provide evidence for auditory rhythm perception in penguins. This may be because subjects met the habituation criterion in only 9 out of 24 sessions or because of other limitations of the method. It is also possible that a habituation-dishabituation methodology was not ideal for discovering rhythm perception in penguins. More research on auditory rhythm perception in penguins is needed

    Curriculum outcomes, teaching practices and learner competencies in isiXhosa in three Grahamstown schools

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    This study looks at the curriculum outcomes, teaching practices and learner competencies in isiXhosa at three Eastern Cape schools and across three different grades, 7-9. It explores the link between language learning and teaching as well as the teaching strategies used within the classroom. In particular, the study seeks to analyse how isiXhosa is taught at three different levels of instruction, namely at Home Language (HL), First Additional Language (FAL) and Second Additional Language (SAL) levels. Qualitative methods were used, and the study took the form of interpretive case studies within the respective schools. The purpose of using multiple case studies was to investigate the reality within the three sites selected. The three schools had three extreme settings, in the sense that one of the schools is a rich isiXhosa environment and the other two schools are English environments. The tools used for data gathering were interviews, classroom observations, and an analysis of documents from the Department of Basic Education. Data was then presented and analysed in Chapter 4 and 5 against the backdrop of an extensive literature review in Chapter 2 as well as a detailed methodological approach as outlined in Chapter 3. One of the findings of this research indicates that in two of the schools the teaching culture is largely from a western perspective, whereas in one of the schools the learners are primarily isiXhosa speaking and teachers use a different linguistic approach to imparting knowledge. In the private and ex-Model C school it was found that a lack of exposure to isiXhosa is the primary cause of language problems for L2 learners. Secondly the L1 is not appropriately maintained or promoted in the school environment because it is presumed that learners are sufficiently exposed to their L1 at home. The research found therefore that in this particular schooling environment there is an inconsistency between the curricula that is taught in relation to the linguistic abilities of the learners, many of whom are mother tongue speakers of isiXhosa. Furthermore and more generally, it was found that teachers are still not well informed concerning South Africa’s Language-in-Education-Policy and there is a need for more inservice training that will focus on the nature of additional language acquisition in order to address the challenges of teaching these languages. The thesis concludes that extensive work needs to be done in order to reposition the teaching of isiXhosa at all three levels, but particularly at FAL level. This research shows that there is a disjuncture between the proposed curriculum/learning outcomes and the standards or levels achieved by the learners, more especially at FAL and SAL where oral proficiency in isiXhosa remains a challenge. Specific recommendations are contained in the final chapter of the thesis which also makes reference to the draft policy of the Ministry of Basic Education regarding the incremental introduction of the teaching of African languages from 2014 onwards. This thesis also makes takes as a point of departure the importance of multilingualism in a multicultural society such as South Africa where language is suggested as a strong factor in the fostering of social cohesion. It is for this reason that the thesis argues that the expert teaching of African languages, in this case isiXhosa, at both mother tongue and second language levels is of fundamental importance to the future of South African society


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    Mental illnesses are currently considered a public health problem, affecting about 13% of the population, less prevalent only than cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Mental illness, spirituality and Christianity in association are targets of historical conflict, myths and taboos. The stigma of associating mental illness with demonic powers, spiritual forces or moral breakdown is evident for most people, and contributes to social withdrawal, which aggravates the patient's treatment. The association of religion and mental illness is currently considered positive in the treatment of mental illness, as long as there is acceptance and support from the community, especially considering the increase in its incidence, particularly in young people in our current social context. Christian communities must be properly instructed in welcoming this group, and an appropriate hermeneutics of biblical texts can have a positive propositional influence in raising awareness of constructive attitudes. The analysis of biblical narratives makes it possible to identify mental illnesses, such as schizoaffective manifestations (Dn 4,31-31), monopolar reactive depression (1Ks 19,4, Ps 6,6-7), anxiety disorder (Lk 10, 40-42), which are frequent mental illnesses. The identification that mental illness is physical, triggered by external factors, is highlighted in the book of James in the New Testament, addressing the character of the prophet Elijah (James 5,15-18). Even considering the religious essence of the sacred scriptures, we find in biblical traditions basic principles of reception and handling of people with mental illness such as dialogue, acceptance, patience and support (1 Kgs 19,9-19), proposal of restoration for the future (Fl 3,13-14), and self-control (1 Pet 5,7). The correct hermeneutics of biblical texts on this topic considered taboo is essential for welcoming the mentally ill in Christian churches. Combating the stigma of mental illness in the Christian environment is essential with the application of a positive theology of acceptance. The religious community can contribute to the medical and psychological treatment of mental illness with an inclusive theology of the mentally ill in the process of their psychosocial integration.  As doenças mentais são consideradas atualmente um problema de saúde pública, afetando cerca de 13% da população, menos prevalente apenas que as doenças cardiovasculares e câncer. Doenças mentais, espiritualidade e cristianismo em associação são alvos de conflito histórico, mitos e tabus. O estigma da associação de doença mental com poderes demoníacos, forças espirituais ou desagregação moral é patente para a maioria das pessoas, e contribuí para o afastamento social, que agrava o tratamento do enfermo. A associação da religião e doença mental é considerada positiva atualmente no tratamento das doenças mentais, desde que exista aceitação e apoio da comunidade, principalmente em se considerando o aumento da sua incidência, particularmente em jovens no nosso contexto social atual. As comunidades cristãs devem ser adequadamente instruídas no acolhimento deste grupo, e uma hermenêutica apropriada dos textos bíblicos pode ter uma influência propositiva positiva na conscientização de atitudes construtivas. A análise das narrativas bíblicas permite identificar doenças mentais, como por exemplo, manifestações esquizo afetivas (Dn 4,31-31), depressão reativa monopolar (1Rs 19,4, Sl 6,6-7), transtorno de ansiedade (Lc 10,40-42), doenças mentais frequentes. A identificação que a doença mental é física, desencadeada por fatores externos, é ressaltada no livro de Tiago no Novo Testamento, abordando o personagem do profeta Elias (Tg 5,15-18). Mesmo considerando a essência religiosa das escrituras sagradas, encontramos nas tradições bíblicas princípios básicos de acolhimento e manuseio dos portadores de doença mental como diálogo, aceitação, paciência e suporte (1 Rs 19,9-19), proposta de restauração para o futuro (Fl 3,13-14), e o autocontrole (1 Pd 5,7). A correta hermenêutica dos textos bíblicos sobre este tema, considerado tabu, é essencial para o acolhimento do doente mental nas igrejas cristãs. O combate ao estigma da doença mental no ambiente cristão é essencial com a aplicação de uma teologia positiva de aceitação. A comunidade religiosa pode contribuir no tratamento médico e psicológico da doença mental com uma teologia inclusiva do doente mental no processo de sua integração psicossocial

    Language policy and practice at CM Vellem and PJ Olivier primary schools

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    This study looks at language policy and practice at two Eastern Cape schools. It further explores the link between language learning and teaching. Language implementation strategies were the main focus of this study. The Language-in-education policy of the Republic of South Africa (1997) promotes the use of all nine African languages, which have been afforded the status of official languages. This study looks at the language teaching practices at two Grahamstown primary schools, where isiXhosa and Afrikaans have been used as media of instruction. Qualitative methods were used, and the study took the form of interpretive case studies.Thuto e, e ikaelela go tshegetsa patlisiso e e ka ga gore dipuo tsa Selegae tsa Seaforika mo Aforikaborwa di tshwanelwa ke go tsewa ka maemo le mokgwa o o lekanang go ya ka Molaotheo wa Aforikaborwa. Ka jalo, e tlaa utolola,e ribilole ditsela le go batla malepa a puso ya Aforikaborwa e ka fitlhelelang setšhaba se se kwa magaeng, se bokgoni jwa kitso ya Seesimane bo leng kwa tlase mo go bona. Bothata ke gore Aforikaborwa e laolwa bogolo ke tiriso e e kwa godimo ya Seesimane mme puso e tshwanelwa ke gore e tlose dikgoreletsi tse di leng teng ga jaana tsa puo. E bowe gape e thibele go se lekalekaneng ga botshelo ka kakaretso mo loagong go go tlholwang ke go sa lekalekaneng ga kitso ya dipuo mo setšhabeng ka kakaretso. Ditshwanelo mo puong fela jaaka ditshwanelo dingwe le dingwe tsa botho, di tshwanelwa ke go sireletswa, jaaka di akareditswe mo Molaotheo o mošwa wa temokerasi wa Aforikaborwa

    M & L Jaargang 9/1

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    GenierkMarjan Buyle Een hemel vol sterren. De conservering van een 15de-eeuwse gewelfschildering in de Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkathedraal te Antwerpen. [A star-lit sky. The conservation of a 15th century vault-painting in Our Ladys cathedral at Antwerp.]Sporen van een steenkappersloge in een gotische kathedraal?Niets ongewoon, ware het niet de relatieve zeldzaamheid en cryptische betekenis van de gewelfschildering die Marjan Buyle en haar medewerkers met monnikengeduld te voorschijn haalden in de Antwerpse Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekathedraal. Aller verwachtingen gericht op een meer verregaande restauratie van de nog aanwezige polychromieën, volgt alvast een eerste proeve van interpretatie.Karel Verhelst Het interieur van de abtsvleugel van de voormalige abdij van Sint-Truiden. [The interior of the abbots wing of the former abbey of Sint-Truiden.]Vakkundige, historiserende restauraties, gecombineerd met de beperktheid van het menselijk geheugen leiden niet zelden tot een halsstarrig foute lectuur van zelfs de meest bekende monumenten.Hier helpen enkel nog opmerkingsgeest en doorgedreven archivalisch onderzoek. Dat inderdaad niet al goud is wat blinkt, wordt door Karel Verhelst aldus afdoende aangetoond met de abtsvleugel van de Sint-Truidense abdij.Marcel M. Celis Door het oog van de naald: de Art Nouveau-woning van Edouard Hannon. [Through the eye of a needle: the Art Nouveau residence of Edouard Hannon at Brussels.]Soda, wereldreizen en een geoefend oog zouden Edouard Hannon in staat stellen zijn zo begeerde Art Nouveau-woning-op-maat te bouwen. Het spreekwoordelijke après moi le déluge kon helaas nauwelijks een geschikter toepassing vinden dan hier, voor wie de jongste decennia de wraakroepende verkommering van het ooit geroemde schrijn mocht meemaken. Een reddingsoperatie door de gemeente Sint-Gillis laat Marcel M. Celis intussen nochtans toe het verleden af te ronden met een eerste balans.Anne Buyle Méér over de fragmenten van een kacheltegel uit het Hof van Hoostraten te Brussel: het embleem van Isabella van Portugal. [More about fragments of a stovetile from the Hof van Hoogstraten in Brussels: the embleem of Isabella of Portugal.]Het archeologisch onderzoek in het Brusselse huis van Antoine de Lalaing, eerste Graaf van Hoogstraten, waarover eerder in deze bladzijden verslag werd uitgebracht, had bijlange niet alle vraagtekens weten op te lossen. Zo was er ondermeer die mysterieuze kacheltegel...Niets geheimzinnigs aan, weet Anne Buyle na enig speurwerk te vertellen, met de bewijsstukken ter staving.Bart Fobe Over de oudste gesteenten van de Nederlanden. [The eldest rock-formations in the Netherlands.]Kwartsiet, Euriet, Dioriet minder vertrouwde gesteenten waarvan toch wat Brabantse monumenten sporen dragen.Hun meer dan eerbiedwaardige ouderdom is voor Bart Fobe slechts een aanleiding om op zoek te gaan naar die enkele, reeds lang alweer verlaten ontsluitingen.M&L Binnenkran

    Visual Discrimination of Geometric and Complex 2D Shapes in Goldfish (Carassius auratus)

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    Visual object recognition allows fish to locate prey, avoid predators, recognize individuals, choose mates, and navigate. Previous studies have examined shape discrimination in goldfish, but without controlling multiple dimensions of the stimuli to closely examine which features are salient for fish. The goal of this study was to explore features that goldfish (Carassius auratus) may use to discriminate between 2D geometric and complex shapes (e.g., length, width, area, diameter, symmetry). We assessed shape perception in fish using a two-alternative forced choice task. Five stimulus pairs were presented to goldfish: (1) a solid circle and rectangle matched for area; (2) a solid circle and rectangle matched for length; (3) a solid circle and square matched for length and width; (4) an unfilled circle and four-blade fan matched for diameter, area, and symmetry; and (5) two concentric unfilled circles and six-blade fan matched for diameter, area, and symmetry. Fish were tested using the ‘correction method’ in Experiment 1 and the ‘non-correction method’ in Experiment 2. Goldfish visually discriminated between the geometric shapes (stimulus pairs 1-3), but failed to discriminate between complex shapes (stimulus pair 5). Only the fish in Experiment 1 learned to discriminate between the complex shapes in stimulus pair 4. This study provided preliminary evidence for shape discrimination in goldfish when stimulus features are controlled. However, further work is needed to determine whether goldfish use a single feature that changes from stimulus pair to stimulus pair, a combination of features, or holistic processing to discriminate among shape stimuli

    A influência do uso de prótese sobre a evolução da cardiopatia isquêmica em pacientes amputados transfemurais

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    The objective of the work was to bring up, from files at AACD, information that perrnits us to study the evolution of the ischemic cardiopathy on patients engaged to the postamputation rehabilitation programo For that, the 116 patients on the matter, were ranked between prosthetic and non prosthetic and with arm ergometric (AE) and inicial positive AE. Among the 116 patients on the matter, only 40 (26 fitted and 14 non fitted with prosthesis) were submitted to a complete cardiological follow-up (inicial and retest AE); the other 76 patients were subrnitted to only the inicial AE. Out of 40 patients with a complete cardiological follow-up, 15 (32,5%) had inicial positive AE for ischernic cardiopathy and 25 (65,5%) out of 40 patients has negative AE, showing a high incidence of the disease among the amputee. The follow-up of the retest results for the 25 patients with inicial nega tive AE permitted the study for instalation of ischemic cardiopathy. In this group (25 patients), 12 patients (48%) presented positive results for the retest. However, an incidence of positive results for the retest is different (p<0.05) among prosthetic patients (35%) and non prosthetic (100%). Talking into consideration the lirnits of this study, it's conc1uded that it exists a great incidence of ischemic cardiopathy on amputated patients and that, probably, the use of prosthesis can reduce the incidence of ischemic cardiopathy on unilateral and bilateral amputated patients as far as the thigh is concerned.O objetivo desse trabalho foi levantar, nos arquivos da AACD, informações que permitissem o estudo da evolução da cardiopatia isquêmica em pacientes engajados no programa de reabilitação pós-amputação. Para isso, os 116 pacientes estudados foram categorizados em protetizados e não-protetizados e com teste ergométrico de membros superiores (TEMS) inicial negativo TEMS inicial positivo. Dentre os 116 pacientes estudados somente 40 (26 protetizados e 14 não-protetizados) realizaram o acompanhamento cardiológico completo (TEMS inicial e reteste); os outros 76 pacientes realizaram somente o TEMS inicial. Dos 40 pacientes com acompanhamento cardiológico completo, 15 (32,5%) tinham TEMS inicial positivo para cardiopatia isquêmica e 25 (67,5%) tinham TEMS negativo, mostrando a alta incidência desta doença entre os amputados. O acompanhamento dos resultados de reteste dos 25 pacientes com TEMS inicial negativo permitiu o estudo da instalação da cardiopatia isquêmica. No grupo acompanhado (25 pacientes), 12 pacientes (48%) apresentaram resultados positivos no reteste. Entretanto a incidência de resultados positivos no reteste é diferente (p<0,05), entre pacientes protetizados (35%) e não-protetizados (100%). Considerando-se as limitações do estudo, conclui-se que existe uma grande incidência de cardiopatia isquêmica em pacientes amputados e que, provavelmente, o uso da prótese pode diminuir a incidência de cardiopatia isquêmica em pacientes amputados unilaterais e bilaterais no nivel da coxa