49 research outputs found

    Study of the kink instability and twist distribution of heliospheric magnetic flux ropes

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    Les cordes de flux magnètic (MFRs) són estructures fonamentals del plasma en què les línies de camp magnètic es troben retorçades al voltant d’un eix. Apareixen en molts fenòmens de l’heliosfera, incloent un dels principals causants de condicions adverses en la meteorologia espacial: les ejeccions de massa coronal. Entendre la seva estructura interna és essencial per preveure i mitigar les conseqüències potencialment perilloses que poden tenir a la nostra tecnologia. Aquest treball estudia diferents models de MFRs en base a la seva inestabilitat al “kink” i la seva configuració magnètica.Las cuerdas de flujo magnético (MFRs) son estructuras fundamentales del plasma en las que las líneas de campo magnético se retuercen alrededor de un eje. Aparecen en muchos fenómenos heliosféricos, incluyendo uno de los principales causantes de condiciones adversas en la meteorología espacial: las eyecciones de masa coronal. Entender su estructura interna es esencial para predecir y mitigar las consecuencias potencialmente peligrosas que pueden tener en nuestra tecnología. Este trabajo estudia distintos modelos de MFRs en base a su inestabilidad al “kink” y su configuración magnética.Magnetic flux ropes (MFRs) are fundamental plasma structures consisting of magnetic field lines twisted around an axis. They appear in many heliospheric phenomena, including one of the main drivers of adverse space weather: coronal mass ejections. Understanding their internal magnetic structure and dynamics is therefore essential to foretell and mitigate their potentially damaging consequences in technological systems. This work studies different MFR models in terms of their kink stability and magnetic configuration.Outgoin

    Agent-Based Models to study tuberculosis in Nigeria

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    Estudios previos y anteproyecto de una fábrica de conservas vegetales

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    A través de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) se pretende realizar el anteproyecto de una fábrica de conservas vegetales. Para ello, será necesario realizar unos estudios previos de los productos y los procesos, estudios basados en distintos informes y libros que se encontrarán en la bibliografía al final del presente documento. El trabajo se hará siguiendo la norma UNE 157001:2014, que establece los "Criterios generales para la elaboración formal de los documentos que constituyen un proyecto técnico". Al tratarse de un anteproyecto o proyecto básico, se definirán las características generales del producto, se detallará la tecnología necesaria para el proceso de elaboración, los costes totales y la rentabilidad económica de la realización del mismo, sin entrar en detalles específicos de diseño de las instalaciones y planos. El anteproyecto se dividirá en tres partes fundamentales: la viabilidad técnica, la viabilidad legal y la viabilidad económica, con el fin de concluir si resultará o no factible invertir.Through this project, we intend to carry out a preliminary project for a vegetable canning factory. To do so, it will be necessary to carry out some previous studies of the products and processes, studies based on different reports and books that will be found in the bibliography at the end of this document. The work will be done following the UNE 157001:2014 standard, which establishes the "General criteria for the formal elaboration of the documents that constitute a technical project". As it is a preliminary or basic project, the general characteristics of the product will be defined, the technology required for the elaboration process will be detailed, as well as the total costs and the economic profitability of its execution, without going into specific details of the design of the installations and plans. The preliminary project will be divided into three fundamental parts: technical feasibility, legal feasibility and economic viability, in order to finally conclude whether it will be feasible to invest or not.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de las Tecnologías Industriale

    Utilización del Tobii EyeX controller en la interactividad de un videojuego

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    El proyecto consiste en saber manejar un dispositivo llamado Tobii Eye X para poder implementarlo en un videojuego tipo aventura gráfica en 3D. Usando de referencia un guión literario, se ha realizado un game design, destacando las mecánicas, y se ha programado en Unity. Además de investigar cómo implementar el Tracker, se ha investigado en paralelo como hacer cinemáticas y diálogos ramificados en Unity. Por lo tanto, se han investigado e integrado diferentes plug-ins, incluyendo el plug-in para conectar el Tracker con el Unity. También se ha añadido un apartado donde se explica una breve introducción del Tracker, las diferentes funcionalidades que tiene y cómo se implementan. La idea principal de este proyecto era realizar la parte técnica y por otra parte un compañero que realizase en su TFG la parte gráfica. Finalmente el otro TFG no se ha llegado a implementar, por lo tanto, al no tener diseño se ha generado unos personajes provisionales y unos escenarios realizados 3d max para poder testearlo con facilidad, además se ha añadido una iluminación determinada según el guión obtenido y se ha integrado diferentes audios como música y efectos especiales

    Comparing sessile benthos on shallow artificial versus natural hard substrates in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea

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    Artificial structures cover a considerable part of the Mediterranean coasts. In the Aegean Sea, most studies related to artificial structures have focused in vagile fauna on harbors and marinas but little attention has been given to the sessile biota on coastal defense structures. The aim of this work was to describe for the first time the shallow sublittoral sessile benthos on coastal defense structures in Crete (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) in order to identify potential differences in comparison to natural rocky substrates, adopting both a taxonomic and functional (i.e. macroalgal structural complexity) approach. Three shallow (1-3 m) localities were studied in the north coast and three in the south coast of the island (six localities in total). At each locality, two types of hard substrate were selected: an artificial coastal defense structure (rip-rap) and the nearest natural rocky substrates. The percent cover of sessile taxa was calculated using random points counts over photoquadrats (20 x 20 cm). The structure of the assemblage differed between artificial and natural habitats. Values of Shannon-Wiener’s diversity index and number of taxa were higher in natural substrates. In addition, cover of arborescent macroalgae was lower on artificial substrates. In conclusion, rip-raps do not function as surrogates of natural hard substrates in the study area since their shallow subtidal assemblages differ in terms of community structure, diversity and functionality. The deficient performance of such artificial structures could be attributed to the combined effects of abiotic factors and biotic processes, including substrate nature and roughness as well as differential grazing pressure

    Etnografiando las memorias del mar: una mirada compleja al patrimonio marítimo-pesquero andaluz

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    A partir de un rastreo etnográfico de las iniciativas patrimonialistas de la cultura pesquera y marítima en los entornos portuarios andaluces, pretendemos hacer visible la complejidad de las patrimonializaciones gubernamentales y empresariales. Así mismo también exploramos iniciativas llevadas a término por personas y colectivos locales que cuestionan y desbordan las conceptualizaciones y prácticas hegemónicas del patrimonio.Through an ethnographic description of heritage initiatives related to the fishing and maritime culture within Andalusian ports and their contexts, we intend to make visible the complexity of the initiatives of “heritagisation”, both public and private ones. At the same time we explore initiatives carried out by individuals and local groups that discuss and overwhelm the hegemonic conceptualizations and practices of heritage

    La influencia de la propiedad y la generación familiar en la educación financiera de la empresa

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    [ENG] The purpose of this article is to study the effect of family ownership and family generation on financial literacy. To do that, we have analysed a sample of 195 Spanish family businesses, reaching the conclusion that the level of family ownership exerts a negative influence on financial literacy. On the other hand, as family generations advance, financial literacy is favoured. This study benefits professionals and entrepreneur s, since they could, through a series of guidelines, improve financial literacy and, with it, the viability of their respective e firms.[SPA] El propósito de este artículo es estudiar el efecto que surte la propiedad y la generación familiar en la educación financiera de una empresa. Para ello, hemos analizado una muestra de 195 empresas familiares españolas, llegando a la conclusión de que el grado de propiedad familiar ejerce una influencia negativa en la educación financiera dentro de la empresa familiar. Por otro lado, a medida que avanzan las generaciones dentro de la empresa familiar, la educación financiera se ve incrementada. Este estudio es beneficioso para profesionales y empresarios, ya que podrían, a través de una serie de pautas, mejorar la educación financiera de sus miembros y, con ello, la viabilidad de sus respectivas empresas.Cátedra de Viabilidad Empresarial (Universidad de Málaga). Departamento de Finanzas y Contabilidad (Universidad de Málaga)

    Glucocorticoid-based pharmacotherapies preventing PTSD

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    Altres ajuts: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) [NCCR Synapsy grant: 51NF40-158776 and − 185897]Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a highly disabling psychiatric condition that may arise after exposure to acute and severe trauma. It is a highly prevalent mental disorder worldwide, and the current treatment options for these patients remain limited due to low effectiveness. The time window right after traumatic events provides clinicians with a unique opportunity for preventive interventions against potential deleterious alterations in brain function that lead to PTSD. Some studies pointed out that PTSD patients present an abnormal function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis that may contribute to a vulnerability toward PTSD. Moreover, glucocorticoids have arisen as a promising option for preventing the disorder's development when administered in the aftermath of trauma. The present work compiles the recent findings of glucocorticoid administration for the prevention of a PTSD phenotype, from human studies to animal models of PTSD. Overall, glucocorticoid-based therapies for preventing PTSD demonstrated moderate evidence in terms of efficacy in both clinical and preclinical studies. Although clinical studies point out that glucocorticoids may not be effective for all patients' subpopulations, those with adequate traits might greatly benefit from them. Preclinical studies provide precise insight into the mechanisms mediating this preventive effect, showing glucocorticoid-based prevention to reduce long-lasting behavioral and neurobiological abnormalities caused by traumatic stress. However, further research is needed to delineate the precise mechanisms and the extent to which these interventions can translate into lower PTSD rates and morbidity

    Early Succession Patterns of Benthic Assemblages on Artificial Reefs in the Oligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean Basin

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    The colonization of artificial structures by benthic organisms in the marine realm is known to be affected by the general trophic patterns of the biogeographical zone and the prevailing environmental traits at the local scale. The present work aims to present quantitative data on the early settlement progress of macrofaunal benthic assemblages developing on artificial reefs (ARs) deployed at the Underwater Biotechnological Park of Crete (UBPC) in the oligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean. Visual census and subsequent image analysis combined with scraped quadrats were used to describe the establishment of the communities and their development over three consecutive campaigns, span-ning 5 years post-deployment. Macroalgae consistently dominated in terms of coverage, while sessile invertebrates displayed different patterns over the years. Polychaeta and Bryozoa were gradually replaced by Cnidaria, while Porifera and Mollusca displayed an increasing trend over the years. Motile benthos was mainly represented by Mollusca, while the abundance of Polychaeta increased in contrast to that of Crustacea. For both sessile and motile assemblages, significant differences were observed among the years. The results of this study indicate that ecological succession is still ongoing, and further improvement in the monitoring methodology can assist towards a more accurate assessment of the community composition in complex AR structures.European Union MIS 5002670, MIS 502740