1,927 research outputs found

    The european tourist flows. Evolution between 1995 and 2012

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    La presente comunicación analiza el comportamiento de la demanda turística ante el crecimiento económico con objeto de poner de manifiesto la sensibilidad de la misma ante variaciones en los niveles de renta. En este sentido, se pretende ver en qué medida los niveles de renta determinan esta sensibilidad de la demanda turística respecto a las variaciones que experimenta esta variable. Para ello, se analizan una serie de países europeos, con diferentes niveles de renta per-cápita.The aim of this study is to analyse the behavior of the economic growth in the touristic demand, trying to highlight its sensitivity in relation to variations on the income levels. By doing this, we try to understand how these income levels cause the demand's sensibility regarding the variations that each variable experiments. For this purpose, we have analised different European countries with different income levels per head

    School narratives and innovation in university education. A contribution to the CIDUA model

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    La preocupación por la innovación y la renovación de las metodologías docentes viene siendo una constante en el contexto universitario. No obstante, los nuevos planteamientos de reforma hacen que la innovación como transformación del escenario socioeducativo en el que acontece la enseñanza adopte en este marco su sentido más profundo. Concretamente, la experiencia que presentamos constituye un paso adelante en esta etapa de cambios y es el fruto de una actitud inquieta y preocupada por parte del equipo docente que la crea, la concibe y la desarrolla. En este sentido, presentamos en este artículo el modelo didáctico planteado en la asignatura de “Organización y Gestión de Centros Educativos” de la titulación de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Málaga. Esta propuesta didáctica avanza en el marco de las orientaciones para la Innovación de la Docencia Universitaria recogidas en el Informe de la CIDUA (Comisión para la Innovación de la Docencia Universitaria de las Universidades Andaluzas). El carácter innovador del diseño se centra en el uso de las biografías escolares del alumnado como elemento principal de análisis y de desarrollo de la materia. Para ello, se combinan diferentes actividades y modalidades organizativas que pretenden facilitar la adquisición de conocimiento de cada alumno/a en virtud de su relato y de acuerdo a los principios de la disciplina. Las distintas tareas se articulan en función de los temas desprendidos de las narrativas y obtienen sentido poniendo en marcha distintos agrupamientos, tiempos y espacios (virtuales y presenciales). La estructura organizativa comprende actividades de gran grupo (plenario), grupo mediano (medio), grupo pequeño (microgrupos) y trabajo individual. Todo ello se complementa y dinamiza a través de la plataforma virtual de la universidad.Innovation and renewal of the teaching methodologies are a constant concern in the university’s context. The recent reform proposals stress innovation as the most important form of improvement at the university level. In fact, the experience that we present constitutes a step forward at this stage of changes and is a result of the concerned and probing attitude of the teaching team responsible for its design, creation and development. In this sense, this article contains a teaching programme used for the subject “Organización y Gestión de Centros Educativos”1, which is part of the course of pedagogy at the University of Málaga. This programme is a practical example of the guidelines for University Teaching Innovation outlined in the report published by CIDUA2. The innovative design focuses on the students’ biography as the main element of analysis to develop the subject matter. In order to do so, the students get into a combination of different activities and organisational modalities arisen from their school accounts. The methodology implies a series of parallel and at the same time complementary activities around the axis of the subject contents. The organisational structure integrates various groupings, time periods and areas (virtual and real). All of the latter is supplemented and made more dynamic through the virtual campus of the university

    Remarks on SHD spaces and more divergence properties

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    The class of SHD spaces was recently introduced in [12]. The first part of this paper focuses on answering most of the questions presented in that article. For instance, we exhibit an example of a non-SHD Tychonoff space XX such that F[X]\mathscr{F}[X], the Pixley-Roy hyperspace of XX, βX\beta X, the Stone-\v{C}ech compactification of XX, and Cp(X)C_p(X), the ring of continuous functions over XX equipped with the topology of pointwise convergence, are SHD. In the second part of this work we will present some variations of the SHD notion, namely, the WSHD property and the OHD property. Furthermore, we will pay special attention to the relationships between XX and F[X]\mathscr{F}[X] regarding these new concepts

    Narrativas escolares e innovación en la enseñanza universitaria. Una aportación al modelo CIDUA

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    Innovation and renewal of the teaching methodologies are a constant concern in the university’s context. The recent reform proposals stress innovation as the most important form of improvement at the university level. In fact, the experience that we present constitutes a step forward at this stage of changes and is a result of the concerned and probing attitude of the teaching team responsible for its design, creation and development. In this sense, this article contains a teaching programme used for the subject “Organización y Gestión de Centros Educativos”1, which is part of the course of pedagogy at the University of Málaga. This programme is a practical example of the guidelines for University Teaching Innovation outlined in the report published by CIDUA2. The innovative design focuses on the students’ biography as the main element of analysis to develop the subject matter. In order to do so, the students get into a combination of different activities and organisational modalities arisen from their school accounts. The methodology implies a series of parallel and at the same time complementary activities around the axis of the subject contents. The organisational structure integrates various groupings, time periods and areas (virtual and real). All of the latter is supplemented and made more dynamic through the virtual campus of the university. Key words: educative innovation, university teaching, CIDUA model, teaching methodology, student biography and school organization.La preocupación por la innovación y la renovación de las metodologías docentes viene siendo una constante en el contexto universitario. No obstante, los nuevos planteamientos de reforma hacen que la innovación como transformación del escenario socioeducativo en el que acontece la enseñanza adopte en este marco su sentido más profundo. Concretamente, la experiencia que presentamos constituye un paso adelante en esta etapa de cambios y es el fruto de una actitud inquieta y preocupada por parte del equipo docente que la crea, la concibe y la desarrolla. En este sentido, presentamos en este artículo el modelo didáctico planteado en la asignatura de “Organización y Gestión de Centros Educativos” de la titulación de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Málaga. Esta propuesta didáctica avanza en el marco de las orientaciones para la Innovación de la Docencia Universitaria recogidas en el Informe de la CIDUA (Comisión para la Innovación de la Docencia Universitaria de las Universidades Andaluzas). El carácter innovador del diseño se centra en el uso de las biografías escolares del alumnado como elemento principal de análisis y de desarrollo de la materia. Para ello, se combinan diferentes actividades y modalidades organizativas que pretenden facilitar la adquisición de conocimiento de cada alumno/a en virtud de su relato y de acuerdo a los principios de la disciplina. Las distintas tareas se articulan en función de los temas desprendidos de las narrativas y obtienen sentido poniendo en marcha distintos agrupamientos, tiempos y espacios (virtuales y presenciales). La estructura organizativa comprende actividades de gran grupo (plenario), grupo mediano (medio), grupo pequeño (microgrupos) y trabajo individual. Todo ello se complementa y dinamiza a través de la plataforma virtual de la universidad. Palabras clave: innovación educativa, enseñanza universitaria, modelo CIDUA, metodología didáctica, relato escolar del alumnado, organización escolar

    Competitive Management of Sugarcane Waste and Reduction of CO2 Emissions from Harvest Burning in Supply Regions

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    Sugarcane is an important crop in more than 100 countries around the world. Their burning is a cultural activity before and after the harvest; however, pollutants and greenhouse gases emitted to the atmosphere can affect the human health and weather, respectively. The aim of this research is to report the CO2 emissions of the main countries dedicated to the cane production and explain their relevant relation with the dry matter available to the burn and how it can affect their alternative uses. The methodology used in this study identifies the relation between biomass burned (dry matter) and CO2 emissions, estimated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations with the techniques of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The study was carried out for the period of 1990–2014. The results show an important positive trend in the increase in the annual production levels and the biomass burned during the harvest period. The high correlation between harvested area and yield per hectare in countries such as Brazil and the United States allows to have more biomass available for alternative uses. Countries such as Mexico and Colombia have a low correlation between both the parameters due to the increase in the harvested hectares and reduction of their performance per hectare

    IWQoS 2017

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    Producción CientíficaThe promises of SDN and NFV technologies to boost innovation and to reduce the time-to-market of new services is changing the way in which residential networks will be deployed, managed and maintained in the near future. New user-centric management models for residential networks combining SDN-based residential gateways and cloud technologies have already been proposed, providing flexibility and ease of deployment. Extending the scope of SDN technologies to optical access networks and bringing cloud technologies to the edge of the network enable the creation of advanced residential networks in which complex service function chains can be established to provide traffic differentiation. In this context, this paper defines a novel network management model based on a user-centric approach that allows residential users to define and control access network resources and the dynamic provision of traffic differentiation to fulfill QoS requirements.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (context of GREDOS project TEC2015 -67834- R, TEC2014-53071- C3 -2P and Elastic Networks TEC2015-71932- REDT

    SIASAR: a country-led indicator framework for monitoring the rural water and sanitation sector in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    The provision of water supply, sanitation and hygiene services has emerged as a top priority in the development agenda in Latin American and the Caribbean. In light of the investments envisaged to reach the targets set by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Information Systems (IS) will play a key role in improving decision-making. In this context, this article introduces a country-led and global IS, which is increasingly implemented in a number of countries across Latin America and the Caribbean as a policy instrument to support national and local decision-making: the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Information System (SIASAR). It includes a comprehensive framework for data collection, data analysis and data dissemination that simultaneously fulfils different stakeholders’ needs. This article analyses these three key monitoring issues from the viewpoint of stakeholders’ involvement. Results indicate that SIASAR represents a suitable monitoring framework to analyse sustainable services and the level of service delivered. Additionally, it is highlighted the advantages of adopting a continued participatory approach in system development, namely i) the stimulation of experience exchange and knowledge sharing among recipient counties, ii) the promotion of learning-by-doing, and iii) an increase of regional understanding, collaboration and comparison.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Influence of sugarcane burning on soil carbon and nitrogen release under drought and evapotranspiration conditions in a Mexican sugarcane supply zone

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    "Sugarcane cultivation is an agricultural activity of worldwide importance. This crop has been cultivated in Mexico for centuries, impacting important productive areas like the study region called Huasteca Potosina which is located at the Central-East part of Mexico. The relationship between soil conditions, weather and production per hectare allows identifying the edaphological and climatic conditions (aptitude levels) for cultivating sugarcane in the study area. The objective of this research work is to analyze the relation between the cultivated hectares and production of sugarcane. Likewise, to explain its behavior and interpret the contribution of N and C released to the atmosphere for burning sugar cane in association with events and meteorological parameters involved in the flux of water between soil and atmosphere such as drought, evapotranspiration and rainfall. The methods and indicators for burning waste provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the value of potential evapotranspiration as Thornthwaite and drought severity index were applied in order to understand the correlations between the drought severity index and potential evapotranspiration, and between C and N release and potential rainfall availability. The results show the increment of harvested hectares and the loss of water from the soil by the increase of periods of drought events and evapotranspiration. The volatilized nutrients in soil varied from 1.32 x 105 to 2.17 x 105 t for C and from 1.32 x 103 t to 2.17 x 103 t for N during the burning of sugarcane, affecting production levels with values fluctuating between 38 t/ha to 77 t/ha for the term of 1990-2010.""El cultivo de caña de azúcar es una actividad agrícola de importancia mundial llevada a cabo en México durante siglos, impactando importantes áreas productivas como la región de estudio llamada Huasteca Potosina, localizada al este central de México. La relación entre las condiciones del suelo, clima y producción por hectárea permite identificar las condiciones edafológicas y climáticas (niveles de aptitud) para cultivar la caña de azúcar en el área de estudio. Bajo este contexto, el objetivo fue analizar la relación entre las hectáreas cultivadas y la producción de caña de azúcar y explicar su comportamiento al interpretar las contribuciones del N y C liberados a la atmósfera por la quema de caña asociados a eventos y parámetros meteorológicos involucrados en el flujo de agua entre el suelo y la atmósfera como sequía, evapotranspiración y lluvia. Los métodos e indicadores para la quema de residuos provistos por el Panel Intergubernamental del Cambio Climático (IPCC. por sus siglas en inglés), el valor de la evapotranspiración potencial por Thornthwaite y el índice de severidad de la sequía fueron aplicados para comprender las correlaciones entre el índice de severidad de la sequía y la evapotranspiración potencial, así como entre el C y el N liberados y la disponibilidad potencial de lluvia. Los resultados muestran el incremento en las hectáreas cosechadas y la pérdida de agua del suelo por el aumento de los periodos de sequía y la evapotranspiración. Los nutrientes del suelo volatilizados, varían de 1.32 x 105 ton a 2.17 x 105 ton para C y 1.32 x 103 ton a 2.17 x 103 ton para N durante la quema de caña de azúcar, lo que afecta sus niveles de producción con valores que fluctúan entre 38 t/ha y 77 t/ha durante el periodo 1990-2010.

    Radiative Transference Equation Algorithm as an ANSYS® User-Defined Function for Solar Technology Applications

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    Heat effects in photocatalytic reactor applications are discussed and a case study is analyzed where sunlight is used to activate a chemical reaction to degrade water pollutants. Heat is produced in the light-capturing process, and heat effects need to be better understood during the device design process. Radiative transfer equation (RTE) is the guiding equation used to calculate radiation proliferation in participating media, and it is used to describe the balance of radiative energy transport in the participating media including the interactions caused by different processes such as absorption, scattering, and emission, which also are subject to additional phenomena like weakening and magnification. This equation plays an important role in the design process since it may be included in the simulation process to represent the sunlight heat effects in the different photocatalytic reactor components. In this chapter, it is explained how to build a simplified algorithm to incorporate the RTE in a numerical calculation during the design of a photocatalytic reactor using the commercial software ANSYS®. In addition, simplifications are explained that enable the program to coordinate some coefficients such as absorption and dispersion so their effects are included within the numerical calculation. A user-defined function is presented in the end of the chapter as a usable algorithm in ANSYS® program with acceptable results for photocatalytic reactors