2,998 research outputs found

    Pleiotropic Role and Bidirectional Immunomodulation of Innate Lymphoid Cells in Cancer.

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    Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are largely tissue resident and respond rapidly toward the environmental signals from surrounding tissues and other immune cells. The pleiotropic function of ILCs in diverse contexts underpins its importance in the innate arm of immune system in human health and disease. ILCs derive from common lymphoid progenitors but lack adaptive antigen receptors and functionally act as the innate counterpart to T-cell subsets. The classification of different subtypes is based on their distinct transcription factor requirement for development as well as signature cytokines that they produce. The discovery and subsequent characterization of ILCs over the past decade have mainly focused on the regulation of inflammation, tissue remodeling, and homeostasis, whereas the understanding of the multiple roles and mechanisms of ILCs in cancer is still limited. Emerging evidence of the potent immunomodulatory properties of ILCs in early host defense signifies a major advance in the use of ILCs as promising targets in cancer immunotherapy. In this review, we will decipher the non-exclusive roles of ILCs associated with both protumor and antitumor activities. We will also dissect the heterogeneity, plasticity, genetic evidence, and dysregulation in different cancer contexts, providing a comprehensive understanding of the complexity and diversity. These will have implications for the therapeutic targeting in cancer.This work was supported by KCL Breast Cancer Now Research Unit. FF-B was funded by grant KCL-Q2-Y5 and SI was by CRUK (grant C56773/A24869)


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    Introduction: The constantly education of anybody profession, in special the nursery advance with the professionals diferents stamentsneeds a permanent plan of formation. If we set a real commitment with transformation on labor and social practice, as the quality of the attention; this plan cannot be conceived without integrating the institutions of effective performance. Objetive: To compare the degree of Knowledges of the nursing personal of the education Model in Diabetes Mellitus for the health before and after of a educative intervatiun. Material and methods: It is realized comparative research before and after to 25 nurses, them to attend to the educative intervatiun, it was the model capacitation in Diabetes Mellitus of the health education using didactics strategists. That permitted to personal having more participation, of the one hour 30 minutes, each one. The instrument elaborated of an examination structured with question of options multiples and false and true, with a value 70% o the items, and a clinical case of diabetic patient with a value of 30%. Result: The middle of age of the student population was to 38 years, with a DE plus 5.3 about to the degree of Knowledges to the infirmary personal of the education model for the health education before of the educative intervatiun. The 80% was low. After of theintervatiun to winnowen 72% high. With proof of the hypothesis of WILCOXON = with value PO. 05. Conclusions: The effect of the educative intervatiun was significant statistically, for the sake of the degree of knowledges to education model in Diabetes Mellitus for the health was bigger after to the intervatiun.Introducción: La Educación permanente de cualquier profesión, en especial el avance en enfermería con sus distintos estamentos de profesionales, requiere de un plan permanente de formación. Si se plantea un compromiso real con la transformación en la práctica laboral y social, así como con la calidad de la atención, dicho plano no puede concebirse sin integrar a las instituciones de desempeño efectivo. Objetivo: Comparar el grado de conocimientos del personal de enfermería del modelo educación para la salud en Diabetes Mellitus antes y después de una intervención educativa. Material y métodos: Se realizó estudio comparativo antes y después, a 25 enfermeras, las cuales asistieron a la intervención educativa de capacitación del modelo de Educación para la Salud en Diabetes Mellitus, utilizando estrategias didácticas que permitieron al personal tener mayor participación. En total se desarrollaron 15 sesiones de hora y media cada una. El instrumento se elaboró a través de un examen estructurado con preguntas de opción múltiple y falso y verdadero con un valor del 70% de los ítems y un caso clínico de paciente diabético con un valor de 30% de lo ítems. Resultados: El promedio de edad de la población estudiada fue de 38 años, con una DE +5.3. Referente al grado de conocimiento del personal de enfermería del Modelo de Educación para la Salud antes de la intervención educativa, el 80% salió BAJO. Después de la intervención arrojó el 72% ALTO. Con prueba WLCOXON = con valor P < 0.05. Conclusiones: El efecto de la intervención educativa fue estadísticamente significativa; por lo que el grado de conocimientos del modelo de Educación para la Salud en Diabetes Mellitus fue mayor después de la intervención

    El informe social y la imputación del artículo 122-B del Código Penal

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    La presente tesis tiene como objetivo analizar de qué manera el Informe Social incide en la acreditación de los contextos de violencia familiar y prevalimiento en el delito del artículo 122-B del Código Penal, el estudio es dogmático, con enfoque cualitativo y tipo de investigación básica, orientado en un diseño de teoría fundamentada en bases teóricas, jurisprudencia y derecho comparado. Para el cual se usó como instrumento de recolección de datos entrevistas a profesionales de la materia, a través de los cuales se obtuvo como resultado de que el Informe Social permiten establecer los contextos de violencia familiar o prevalimiento, al advertirse indicadores de dependencia de la víctima hacia el agresor, ya sea, por su nivel familiar, social, económico, personal entre otros, así como aquella información que permita determinar si la víctima asume una posición en la familia o en la relación. En conclusión, el informe social no es solo una herramienta con la que se busca promover medidas judiciales de protección, sino además es una herramienta con la que se construye una biografía de la víctima o del denunciado, permitiendo advertir elementos significativos conexos al crimen cometido y que pudieron haber contribuido a la materialización de este

    Estudio de la actividad catalítica de Ag/Al₂O₃-ZrO₂ sobre la oxidación del M-Cresol

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    Se estudió la actividad catalítica de catalizadores Ag/Al₂O₃-ZrO₂ en la mineralización de m-cresol en un reactor batch a 160 °C. El soporte γ-Al₂O₃-ZrO₂ (1, 5, 10 y 20 wt% ZrO₂) se preparó por la hidrólisis simultánea de la bohemita y de tetrabutóxido de circonio. Las propiedades fisicoquímicas se estudiaron mediante análisis de adsorción de nitrógeno, DRX y la adsorción de piridina. Se observó que el contenido de alúmina inhibe la cristalización de la circonia monoclínica, evitando la aglomeración y la sinterización de las partículas de circonia; provocando un incremento en área del soporte de γ-Al₂O₃- ZrO₂.The catalytic activity of Ag/γ-Al₂O₃-ZrO₂ catalysts was studied on the degradation of m-cresol in a batch reactor at 160 ºC. The physical-chemical properties of the support γ-Al₂O₃-ZrO₂ (1, 5, 10, 20 wt% ZrO₂), prepared by simultaneous hydrolysis of boehmite and zirconium alkoxide, were studied by: XRD, N₂ adsorption and pyridine adsorbption. It was observed that the alumina could inhibit the crystallization of zirconia and delay zirconia particles from sintering and agglomerating, leading to an increase of the surface area supports of γ-Al₂O₃-ZrO₂

    Data to action: Community-Based Participatory Research to address Concerns about Metal air Pollution in Overburdened Neighborhoods Near Metal Recycling Facilities in Houston

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    BACKGROUND: Exposures to environmental contaminants can be influenced by social determinants of health. As a result, persons living in socially disadvantaged communities may experience disproportionate health risks from environmental exposures. Mixed methods research can be used to understand community-level and individual-level exposures to chemical and nonchemical stressors contributing to environmental health disparities. Furthermore, community-based participatory research (CBPR) approaches can lead to more effective interventions. OBJECTIVES: We applied mixed methods to identify environmental health perceptions and needs among metal recyclers and residents living in disadvantaged neighborhoods near metal recycling facilities in Houston, Texas, in a CBPR study, Metal Air Pollution Partnership Solutions (MAPPS). Informed by what we learned and our previous findings from cancer and noncancer risk assessments of metal air pollution in these neighborhoods, we developed an action plan to lower metal aerosol emissions from metal recycling facilities and enhance community capacity to address environmental health risks. METHODS: Key informant interviews, focus groups, and community surveys were used to identify environmental health concerns of residents. A diverse group from academia, an environmental justice advocacy group, the community, the metal recycling industry, and the local health department collaborated and translated these findings, along with results from our prior risk assessments, to inform a multifaceted public health action plan. RESULTS: An evidence-based approach was used to develop and implement neighborhood-specific action plans. Plans included a voluntary framework of technical and administrative controls to reduce metal emissions in the metal recycling facilities, direct lines of communication among residents, metal recyclers, and local health department officials, and environmental health leadership training. DISCUSSION: Using a CBPR approach, health risk assessment findings based on outdoor air monitoring campaigns and community survey results informed a multipronged environmental health action plan to mitigate health risks associated with metal air pollution. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP11405

    Caracterización de los catalizadores de Co/ZSM-5 para la producción de biodiésel

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    Las zeolitas como ZSM-5 ácidas impregnadas con metales de transición resultan muy atractivas para reacciones de transesterificación y esterificación. Las zeolitas fueron impregnadas con cobalto, ya que se ha reportado que metales de transición como cobalto, hierro, níquel y cobre, favorecen la producción de ésteres metílicos y minimizan la producción de glicerina, además de tener un bajo costo. En la literatura se ha mencionado que al tener en mayor porcentaje al silicio en la zeolita esta se vuelve más hidrofóbica, por otra parte, esta característica permite que las zeolitas puedan resistir temperaturas mayores a 200 ºC disminuyendo la perdida de cristalinidad y aumentando la actividad catalítica, por lo que, en esta investigación se utilizaron dos zeolitas ZSM 5 con diferente relación atómica de (Si/Al) =50 y (Si/Al) =150, de zeolyst international para observar este fenómeno. Las zeolitas se impregnaron con 1, 5 y 10 % de cobalto, posteriormente fueron oxidadas a 500 ºC con una rampa de 5 ºC/min durante 10 horas y a las cuales se les realizaron pruebas de isotermas de adsorción de nitrógeno (método Brunauer Emmett-Teller (BET), espectroscopía infrarroja de piridina (FTIR) y difracción de RX. Para observar su actividad se realizaron pruebas en un reactor PARR INSTRUMENT CO. A una temperatura de 160 ºC y a presión generada durante 3 horas de reacción.Zeolites such as ZSM-5 acidic impregnated with transition metals are very attractive for esterification and transesterification reactions. Zeolites were impregnated with cobalt, because it has been reported that transition metals such as cobalt, iron, nickel and copper, favor the production of methyl esters and minimize the production of glycerol, in addition to having a low cost. In the literature that mentioned has been to have a greater percentage the silicon in the zeolite is becomes more hydrophobic. On the other hand, this feature allows the zeolites are capable of withstanding temperatures greater than 200 ºC decrease the loss of crystallinity and increasing the catalytic activity. So, in this study, two ZSM-5 zeolites were used with different atomic ratio (Si/Al) = 50 and (Si/Al) = 150, from Zeolyst International to observe this phenomenon. The zeolites impregnated have been with 1, 5 and 10 per cent of cobalt, subsequently were oxidized to 500 ºC with a ramp of 5 ºC/min for 10 hours and which were tested by nitrogen adsorption isotherms (Brunauer Emmett-Teller (BET) method), pyridine adsorption infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction. To observe their activity tests carried out in a reactor PARR INSTRUMENT Co. at a temperature of 160 ºC and a pressure generated during 3 hours of reaction

    Probing the fuzzy sphere regularisation in simulations of the 3d \lambda \phi^4 model

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    We regularise the 3d \lambda \phi^4 model by discretising the Euclidean time and representing the spatial part on a fuzzy sphere. The latter involves a truncated expansion of the field in spherical harmonics. This yields a numerically tractable formulation, which constitutes an unconventional alternative to the lattice. In contrast to the 2d version, the radius R plays an independent r\^{o}le. We explore the phase diagram in terms of R and the cutoff, as well as the parameters m^2 and \lambda. Thus we identify the phases of disorder, uniform order and non-uniform order. We compare the result to the phase diagrams of the 3d model on a non-commutative torus, and of the 2d model on a fuzzy sphere. Our data at strong coupling reproduce accurately the behaviour of a matrix chain, which corresponds to the c=1-model in string theory. This observation enables a conjecture about the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 31 pages, 15 figure