263 research outputs found

    Modeling Architectures and Reference Models: Development and Maintenance Open Source ERP

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    The adoption Enterprise Resource Planning (ERPs) by small and medium-sized businesses may not possible its cost. At same time, whenever adapt ERP specific needs company, user becomes dependent developers due to the lack access and knowledge respective code. Free and open source software can promote advantages companies, however, for their adoption, it is necessary to develop techniques tools facilitate implementation and maintenance code. This article highlights the importance of defining modeling architectures and reference models for development and maintenance open source ERPs, especially the ERP5 project

    Animal-borne tags provide insights into the acoustic communication of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) on the calving grounds

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    Funding: This study was supported by the Marine Mammal Commission under Grant No. MMC17-230. Additional support was provided by Cetacean Society International and VIVA Baleias, golfinhos ecia.This study investigated the repertoire, call-type variability and call rates of southern right whales on a calving ground off Brazil in the western South Atlantic. Acoustic tag data were collected from four lactating females and one juvenile. Pulsive, hybrid, and upcalls showed the greatest variability among call-types with up to 23% of non-standard forms detected. Quiet sounds (grunt, single, and double pulse) were detected for the first time in this species on the calving grounds. Although the sample size was limited, results suggest that social interaction increased call-type diversity and call rates, in line with other acoustic studies on right whales.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The northernmost haulout site of South American sea lions and fur seals in the western South Atlantic

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    We present estimates of the seasonal and spatial occupation by pinnipeds of the Wildlife Refuge of Ilha dos Lobos (WRIL), based on aerial photographic censuses. Twenty aerial photographic censuses were analysed between July 2010 and November 2018. To assess monthly differences in the numbers of pinnipeds in the WRIL we used a Generalized Linear Mixed Model. Spatial analysis was carried out using Kernel density analysis of the pinnipeds on a grid plotted along the WRIL. Subadult male South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens) were the most abundant pinniped in the WRIL. Potential females of this species were also recorded during half of the census. The maximum number of pinnipeds observed in the WRIL was 304 in September 2018, including an unexpected individual southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina), and a high number of South American fur seal yearlings (Arctocephalus australis). However, there was no statistically significant difference in counts between months. In all months analysed, pinnipeds were most often found concentrated in the northern portion of the island, with the highest abundances reported in September. This study confirms the importance of the WRIL as a haulout site for pinnipeds in Brazil, recommends that land research and recreational activities occur in months when no pinnipeds are present, and encourages a regulated marine mammal-based tourism during winter and spring months.Fil: Procksch, Natália. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; BrasilFil: Grandi, Maria Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; ArgentinaFil: Ott, Paulo Henrique. Universidade Estadual Do Rio Grande Do Sul; Brasil. Grupo de Estudos de Mamíferos Aquáticos Do Rio Grande Do Sul (GEMARS); BrasilFil: Groch, Karina. Instituto Australis de Pesquisa E Monitoramento Ambiental. Projeto Baleia Franca; BrasilFil: Flores, Paulo A. C.. Centro Mamíferos Aquáticos, Currently at Área de Proteção Ambiental; BrasilFil: Zagonel, Marcelo. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; BrasilFil: Crespo, Enrique Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; ArgentinaFil: Machado, Rodrigo. Grupo de Estudos de Mamíferos Aquáticos Do Rio Grande Do Sul (GEMARS); BrasilFil: Pavez, Guido. Universidad de Valparaiso; ChileFil: Guimarães, Murilo. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Veronez, Maurício. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; BrasilFil: de Oliveira, Larissa Rosa. Grupo de Estudos de Mamíferos Aquáticos Do Rio Grande Do Sul (GEMARS); Brasil. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; Brasi

    Assessing bias in aerial surveys for cetaceans: Results from experiments conducted with the franciscana dolphin

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    Line transect aerial surveys are widely used for estimating abundance of biological populations, including threatened species. However, estimates obtained with data collected from aircraft are often underestimated because of visibility bias and bias in estimating group sizes from a fast-moving platform. An assessment of multiple sources of bias in aerial surveys were carried out in Brazilian coastal waters by experiments on multiple survey platforms (i.e., boat, airplane and helicopter). These studies focused on evaluating visibility bias (perception and availability bias) and potential differences in the estimation of group sizes from different types of platforms used in franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei) abundance surveys. The ultimate goal was to develop correction factors to improve accuracy of estimates of density and population size for this threatened dolphin. Estimates of density and group sizes computed from boats were assumed to be unbiased and were compared to estimates of these quantities obtained from an airplane in the same area and period. In addition, helicopter surveys were conducted in two areas where water turbidity differed (clear vs. murky waters) to determine surfacing-diving intervals of franciscana groups and to estimate availability for aerial platforms. Abundance computed from the aerial survey data underestimated the true abundance by about 4-5 times, with ~70% of the total bias resulting from visibility bias (~80% from availability bias and ~20% from perception bias) and ~30% from bias in estimates of group size. The use of multiple survey platforms in contrasting habitats provided the opportunity to compute correction factors that can be used to refine range wide abundance estimates of the threatened franciscana given certain assumptions are met. Visibility bias and group size bias were substantial and clearly indicate the importance for accounting for such correction factors to produce unequivocal population assessment based on aerial survey data.Fil: Sucunza, Federico. Grupo de Estudio de Mamiferos Aquaticos de Rio Grande Do Sul.; Brasil. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora; Brasil. Instituto Aqualie; BrasilFil: Danilewicz, Daniel. Instituto Aqualie; Brasil. Grupo de Estudio de Mamiferos Aquaticos de Rio Grande Do Sul.; Brasil. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora; BrasilFil: Andriolo, Artur. Instituto Aqualie; Brasil. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora; BrasilFil: de Castro, Franciele R.. Instituto Aqualie; BrasilFil: Cremer, Marta. Universidade da Região de Joinville; BrasilFil: Denuncio, Pablo Ezequiel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Ferreira, Emanuel. Associação R3 Animal; BrasilFil: Flores, Paulo A. C.. Instituto Chico Mendes para a Conservação da Biodiversidade; BrasilFil: Ott, Paulo H.. Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul; Brasil. Grupo de Estudio de Mamiferos Aquaticos de Rio Grande Do Sul.; BrasilFil: Perez, Martin S.. Grupo de Estudio de Mamiferos Aquaticos de Rio Grande Do Sul.; BrasilFil: Pretto, Dan. Instituto Chico Mendes Para A Conservação Da Biodiversidade; BrasilFil: Sartori, Camila M.. Universidade da Região de Joinville; BrasilFil: Secchi, Eduardo Resende. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande; BrasilFil: Zerbini, Alexandre. Marine Ecology And Telemetry Research; Estados Unidos. Cascadia Research Collective; Estados Unidos. Instituto Aqualie; Brasil. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora; Brasil. The George Washington University; Estados Unido

    A parametric study on the dynamic response of planar multibody systems with multiple clearance joints

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    A general methodology for dynamic modeling and analysis of multibody systems with multiple clearance joints is presented and discussed in this paper. The joint components that constitute a real joint are modeled as colliding bodies, being their behavior influenced by geometric and physical properties of the contacting surfaces. A continuous contact force model, based on the elastic Hertz theory together with a dissipative term, is used to evaluate the intra-joint contact forces. Furthermore, the incorporation of the friction phenomenon, based on the classical Coulomb’s friction law, is also discussed. The suitable contact-impact force models are embedded into the dynamics of multibody systems methodologies. An elementary mechanical system is used to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the presented approach, and to discuss the main assumptions and procedures adopted. Different test scenarios are considered with the purpose of performing a parametric study for quantifying the influence of the clearance size, input crank speed and number of clearance joints on the dynamic response of multibody systems with multiple clearance joints. Additionally, the total computation time consumed in each simulation is evaluated in order to test the computational accuracy and efficiency of the presented approach. From the main results obtained in this study, it can be drawn that clearance size and the operating conditions play a crucial role in predicting accurately the dynamic responses of multibody systems.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    On the contact detection for contact-impact analysis in multibody systems

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    One of the most important and complex parts of the simulation of multibody systems with contact-impact involves the detection of the precise instant of impact. In general, the periods of contact are very small and, therefore, the selection of the time step for the integration of the time derivatives of the state variables plays a crucial role in the dynamics of multibody systems. The conservative approach is to use very small time steps throughout the analysis. However, this solution is not efficient from the computational view point. When variable time step integration algorithms are used and the pre-impact dynamics does not involve high-frequencies the integration algorithms may use larger time steps and the contact between two surfaces may start with initial penetrations that are artificially high. This fact leads either to a stall of the integration algorithm or to contact forces that are physically impossible which, in turn, lead to post-impact dynamics that is unrelated to the physical problem. The main purpose of this work is to present a general and comprehensive approach to automatically adjust the time step, in variable time step integration algorithms, in the vicinity of contact of multibody systems. The proposed methodology ensures that for any impact in a multibody system the time step of the integration is such that any initial penetration is below any prescribed threshold. In the case of the start of contact, and after a time step is complete, the numerical error control of the selected integration algorithm is forced to handle the physical criteria to accept/reject time steps in equal terms with the numerical error control that it normally uses. The main features of this approach are the simplicity of its computational implementation, its good computational efficiency and its ability to deal with the transitions between non contact and contact situations in multibody dynamics. A demonstration case provides the results that support the discussion and show the validity of the proposed methodology.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    A mathematical framework for contact detection between quadric and superquadric surfaces

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    The calculation of the minimum distance between surfaces plays an important role in computational mechanics, namely, in the study of constrained multibody systems where contact forces take part. In this paper, a general rigid contact detection methodology for non-conformal bodies, described by ellipsoidal and superellipsoidal surfaces, is presented. The mathematical framework relies on simple algebraic and differential geometry, vector calculus, and on the C2 continuous implicit representations of the surfaces. The proposed methodology establishes a set of collinear and orthogonal constraints between vectors defining the contacting surfaces that, allied with loci constraints, which are specific to the type of surface being used, formulate the contact problem. This set of non-linear equations is solved numerically with the Newton-Raphson method with Jacobian matrices calculated analytically. The method outputs the coordinates of the pair of points with common normal vector directions and, consequently, the minimum distance between both surfaces. Contrary to other contact detection methodologies, the proposed mathematical framework does not rely on polygonal-based geometries neither on complex non-linear optimization formulations. Furthermore, the methodology is extendable to other surfaces that are (strictly) convex, interact in a non-conformal fashion, present an implicit representation, and that are at least C2 continuous. Two distinct methods for calculating the tangent and binormal vectors to the implicit surfaces are introduced: (i) a method based on the Householder reflection matrix; and (ii) a method based on a square plate rotation mechanism. The first provides a base of three orthogonal vectors, in which one of them is collinear to the surface normal. For the latter, it is shown that, by means of an analogy to the referred mechanism, at least two non-collinear vectors to the normal vector can be determined. Complementarily, several mathematical and computational aspects, regarding the rigid contact detection methodology, are described. The proposed methodology is applied to several case tests involving the contact between different (super)ellipsoidal contact pairs. Numerical results show that the implemented methodology is highly efficient and accurate for ellipsoids and superellipsoids.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Development of a planar multi-body model of the human knee joint

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    The aim of this work is to develop a dynamic model for the biological human knee joint. The model is formulated in the framework of multibody systems methodologies, as a system of two bodies, the femur and the tibia. For the purpose of describing the formulation, the relative motion of the tibia with respect to the femur is considered. Due to their higher stiffness compared to that of the articular cartilages, the femur and tibia are considered as rigid bodies. The femur and tibia cartilages are considered to be deformable structures with specific material characteristics. The rotation and gliding motions of the tibia relative to the femur can not be modeled with any conventional kinematic joint, but rather in terms of the action of the knee ligaments and potential contact between the bones. Based on medical imaging techniques, the femur and tibia profiles in the sagittal plane are extracted and used to define the interface geometric conditions for contact. When a contact is detected, a continuous non-linear contact force law is applied which calculates the contact forces developed at the interface as a function of the relative indentation between the two bodies. The four basic cruciate and collateral ligaments present in the knee are also taken into account in the proposed knee joint model, which are modeled as non-linear elastic springs. The forces produced in the ligaments, together with the contact forces, are introduced into the system’s equations of motion as external forces. In addition, an external force is applied on the center of mass of the tibia, in order to actuate the system mimicking a normal gait motion. Finally, numerical results obtained from computational simulations are used to address the assumptions and procedures adopted in this study.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT