4,132 research outputs found

    Citizen Support for Northern Ohio Community College Funding Initiatives During an Economic Recession Recovery

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    The current research, Citizen Support for Northern Ohio Community College Funding Initiatives during an Economic Recession Recovery, asks the question: Do the citizens of Northern Ohio support community college funding during difficult economic times? Based on the theory of Stakeholder Analysis, the purpose of this concurrent, mixed-methods study was to investigate stakeholder support of community college funding initiatives, particularly for levy-funded community colleges that rely on the voting public to voluntarily contribute property taxes to support their institutions. A comparison of Ohio community college statements and survey responses regarding stakeholder needs and beliefs indicated a significantly higher instance of language content matching between college and stakeholder statements for levy-funded colleges in Northern Ohio then non-levy funded colleges. Additionally, there was a moderate difference in levy and non-levy community college stakeholder satisfaction scores with levy-funded college stakeholders expressing a slightly higher satisfaction rate. Although stakeholder satisfaction did not correlate linearly with frequency of matching between stakeholder beliefs and college mission/vision statements, evidence suggests that there may be a modest relationship between the two variables. Lastly, qualitative data identified topics and themes that may further the understanding of factors contributing to stakeholder satisfaction. The Educational Awareness Model of Stakeholder Satisfaction produced from this research could be tested to determine whether the levy-funded colleges in Northern Ohio may leverage an existing advantage to gain further stakeholder support by formally empowering their employee stakeholders. However, further research is warranted with a sample that more closely represents the population

    Proposed Methodology to Evaluate CO2 Capture Using Construction and DemolitionWaste

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    Since the Industrial Revolution, levels of CO2 in the atmosphere have been constantly growing, producing an increase in the average global temperature. One of the options for Carbon Capture and Storage is mineral carbonation. The results of this process of fixing are the safest in the long term, but the main obstacle for mineral carbonation is the ability to do it economically in terms of both money and energy cost. The present study outlines a methodological sequence to evaluate the possibility for the carbonation of ceramic construction waste (brick, concrete, tiles) under surface conditions for a short period of time. The proposed methodology includes a pre-selection of samples using the characterization of chemical and mineralogical conditions and in situ carbonation. The second part of the methodology is the carbonation tests in samples selected at 10 and 1 bar of pressure. The relative humidity during the reaction was 20 wt %, and the reaction time ranged from 24 h to 30 days. To show the e ectiveness of the proposed methodology, Ca-rich bricks were used, which are rich in silicates of calcium or magnesium. The results of this study showed that calcite formation is associated with the partial destruction of Ca silicates, and that carbonation was proportional to reaction time. The calculated capture e ciency was proportional to the reaction time, whereas carbonation did not seem to significantly depend on particle size in the studied conditions. The studies obtained at a low pressure for the total sample were very similar to those obtained for finer fractions at 10 bars. Presented results highlight the utility of the proposed methodology

    Medios y enseñanza de estocásticos en el tercer ciclo de educación primaria

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    Esta investigación concierne al uso de medios en la enseñanza de estocásticos en la educación básica. De observaciones in situ, el análisis cualitativo de sucesos durante la clase con un programa de un cómputo (Enciclomedia), conducida por el docente, se encaminó hacia la caracterización de la comprensión de ideas fundamentales de estocásticos expresada en la interrelación docente alumno-medio. El aprovechamiento del medio requiere de infraestructura ad hoc (acceso a internet) y de la familiarización con la herramienta; el programa reproduce la lección del libro de texto y es el guión de clase; la temporalidad de su uso, sin incluir vínculos, es la misma que la del libro; su empleo enfoca la atención de los alumnos y se uniformizan las respuestas a preguntas, pero no los procedimientos, ni la oportunidad de la actividad individual para la experiencia matemática

    Requerimiento de frío en frutales efectos negativos sobre la producción de fruta (primera parte)

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    Hacia una mayor rentabilidad : otros sistemas de conducción para durazneros en Argentina

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    ¿Qué es Organic Eprints?

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    La Sociedad Científica Latinoamericana de Agroecología – SOCLA, e IFOAM América Latina (Federación Internacional de Movimientos de Agricultura Orgánica – Grupo Regional de América Latina), en ocasión de realizarse el IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Agroecología, pone a disposición de la comunidad científica, miembros y colaboradores del movimiento agroecológico en la región; el servicio que brinda Organic Eprints con la finalidad de difundir y poner disponible en la internet, los trabajos presentados y aprobados por la comisión de evaluación de artículos del Congreso. Los invitamos a utilizar este práctico y útil repositorio de documentos científicos y de investigación, así como trabajos basados en las experiencias agroecológicas

    Incidencia de la fijación de precios en los niveles de competitividad de las MIPYMES productoras de Tabaco, municipio de Estelí, ciclo productivo 2015

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    El desarrollo de esta investigación se realizó con el propósito de analizar la incidencia de la fijación de precios de venta del producto en los niveles de competitividad de las MIPYMES productoras de Tabaco en el municipio de Estelí, ciclo productivo 2015. Metodológicamente la investigación se aborda desde la perspectiva de un enfoque mixto, porque analiza y vincula datos cuantitativos y cualitativos en un mismo estudio, alineándose más a un enfoque cualitativo, es de tipo correlacional, se basa en un paradigma desde el punto de vista filosófico pragmático de corte transversal y muestreo no probabilístico. Se utilizan diferentes instrumentos de recolección de datos tales como entrevistas, encuestas y guía de observación documental. Los resultados indican que para las MIPYMES productoras de tabaco los factores principales que intervienen en la fijación del precio de venta son los costos de producción y el cliente, quien ejerce un poder de negociación en el precio del producto, afectando su entorno competitivo y su capacidad para alcanzar la rentabilidad. El precio se ve condicionado por la calidad del producto, para los productores es importante obtener la mejor calidad para poder alcanzar un buen precio de venta, que les permita obtener la rentabilidad deseada, poder mejorar su capacidad tecnológica y productiva para llegar a ser competitivas en las condiciones del mercado actual. Para que una MIPYME sea competitiva debe ofrecer su producto a un precio que le permita cubrir los costos de producción y obtener un rendimiento sobre el capital invertido. Las MIPYMES productoras de tabaco están a merced de las fábricas en términos de calidad y precio, lo cual las hace menos competitivas.Dentro de la investigación se propone utilizar la metodología target costing, como estrategia competitiva para establecer un costo objetivo que le permita a las MIPYMES productoras de tabaco alcanzar el precio establecido y obtener la rentabilidad deseada

    Partial extinction and reinstatement

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    Fear extinction is not permanent but more vulnerable than the original fear memory, as relapse phenomena have traditionally shown. Partial extinction has been proposed as a strategy that may serve to mitigate relapses. Partial extinction differs from the standard procedure as it includes the occasional presentation of CS-US trials at the beginning of the extinction training. The present experiment, using an aversive differential conditioning procedure, evaluates whether partial extinction can reduce reinstatement, a specific form of relapse. The results showed that partial extinction did not mitigate reinstatement but proved effective to diminish the magnitude of the US expectation after a first reacquisition trial in a final test phase. The results reported are more consistent with theories that conceives extinction as the acquisition of new inhibitory learning rather than the erasure of the original conditioning.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Enhancing the choice and use of medicines : an overview of the Medicines Authority’s strategy to empower patients and consumers and support healthcare professionals

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    Public health authorities regulate in the public interest to protect health, ensure patient access to safe medicines, stimulate innovation and encourage a competitive market.1 Pharmaceutical regulation supports various components of a national pharmaceutical policy, including research and development (through regulation of clinical trials and provision of scientific advice), authorisation of medicinal products, regulation of the supply chain (manufacturers, wholesale dealers and pharmacies), pharmacovigilance and the rational use of medicinal products (through information about medicinal products and the use of medicines). The tangible public health outcomes of these processes are access, availability and affordability of medicinal products which are of good quality, and safe and efficacious when used rationally.peer-reviewe

    Instrucciones sobre cómo depositar un artículo del IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Agroecología en Organic eprints

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    Instrucciones sobre cómo depositar un artículo del IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Agroecología en Organic eprint