69 research outputs found

    A framework of industrial sustainability good practices

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    Global environmental problems, energy and raw material prices as well as their availability, increasingly demanding legislation and environmental taxes are some of the reasons that drive the consideration of sustainability concepts and practices into company operations. This paper presents the research carried out in order to capture industrial sustainability good practices and represent them into a framework to help companies increase their awareness and adopt practices to embed them within their operational processes

    An analysis of methods to achieve robustness towards a lean product development process

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    Since Taguchi’s introduction to robustness much has been researched about it, particularly into the field of new product development. Despite the attention given to the subject by academia, recent research has found that industry has yet to fully grasp its benefits. Among the main attributed factors, lie the complexity of the proposed statistical tools and a general misconception of the concept and its implementation. Based on Toyota’s Product Development System, the term Conceptual Robustness is broadly defined based on three forms of variation: physical, design and market. Parting from the this definition and as part of the LeanPPD Project, the objective of this paper’s contribution is threefold: 1), to present the state of the art on research in the area of robustness, 2) propose a taxonomy in order to understand the different scopes of available resources and 3) finally identifying the possibilities to achieve conceptual robustness (that of Sobek et al., 1999) with the available resources presented to the industry by academic research

    Cinética de internalización del radiofármaco 99mTc-N2S2-TAT (49-57) Lys3-BN en linfocitos humanos empleando el ensayo cometa.

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    En México, el cáncer de mama representa la segunda causa de muerte en mujeres de 30 a 60 años, esto involucra un gran problema de salud pública. Por eso es importante contar con nuevas formas que nos permitan detectar el cáncer de mama en una etapa temprana. Una de las nuevas alternativas es por medio del uso de los radiofármacos de tercera generación, estos se emplean en medicina nuclear para obtener imágenes de blancos moleculares específicos y son únicos en su capacidad para detectar in vivo sitios bioquímicos, tales como receptores y enzimas.Introducción: Los receptores del péptido liberador de la gastrina (GRP-r) se sobreexpresan en cáncer de mama y próstata. La bombesina (BN) se une específica y fuertemente a GRP-r, esto es el fundamento para marcar la BN con radiación gamma. El TAT (49-57) es un péptido que penetra fácilmente la membrana celular por lo que, conjugado a diferentes proteínas, actúa como un “caballo de Troya” al aumentar la internalización de fármacos a la célula. El radiofármaco 99mTc-N2S2-TAT (49-57)-Lys3 -BN fue sintetizado con la finalidad de utilizarse en una etapa temprana de la carcinogénesis, para el diagnóstico y terapia del cáncer de mama. Objetivo: Determinar la internalización mediante el ensayo cometa del radiofármaco con y sin TAT, induciendo daño al DNA. Materiales y métodos: Se emplearon linfocitos humanos, con los siguientes protocolos: a) TATBN, b) 99mTc-Lys3 -BN; c) 99mTc-TAT (49-57)-Lys3 -BN y d) grupo control. Se realizó el ensayo cometa y se evaluó la cinética de internalización a 0, 5, 10, 15, 30 y 60 minutos en 3 repeticiones con cada uno, con actividades de 2.9, 6.6, 9.01 y 14.8 MBq. Se leyeron 100 células por tiempo y tratamiento, se determinó el Tail momento (TM). Se aplicó Kruscal-Wallis con p≤0.05 para la comparación entre los tratamientos. Resultados: El daño causado por el 99mTc-TAT-BN es mayor y diferente significativamente a los 30 minutos, respecto al control, mientras que 99mTc-BN y TAT-BN no los son. Conclusiones: Esto demuestra que el TAT-BN favorece la internalización del radiofármaco

    In motion: the (im) possibilities of images caught among multiple (im) predictable

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    [ES] Las primeras experiencias con cinetismo aplicado a las artes visuales ocurrieron en las primeras décadas del siglo XX, cuando composiciones con objetos y estructuras en movimiento fueron elaboradas, con la intención de explorar, usufructuar, controlar y multiplicar los efectos que estos elementos y recursos generaban para la vivencia estética en ambientes y espacios destinados a interacciones corpóreas. Los espectadores que vivían tales experiencias, aunque intentaban memorizar los vestigios de la escena en movimiento, sabían que era una imagen imposible de ser aprehendida por completo, y nunca definitiva. Las sensaciones experimentadas y las reflexiones generadas sobre lo que habían presenciado, aunque impactantes, se mostraban imprecisas y ambiguas. Entre los pioneros de este género de arte encontramos el artista multimedia Lazló Moholy-Nagy, autor de innumerables producciones experimentales, cuya naturaleza abstracta sirvió de referencia para artistas interesados en explorar la manipulación de soportes y técnicas no convencionales, en el campo de la pintura, escultura, fotografía y cine, como estrategia para la investigación artística y científica. Sus estudios sobre imagen incluyeron el uso de la luz como medio para generar composiciones, posibles de ser aprehendidas sólo en movimiento. Por lo tanto, exploró la fotografía y el cine, no como medios para producir imágenes, sino que los experimentó como áreas transdisciplinares, imbricadas, cuya superposición altera la percepción sensorial de los observadores, permitiéndoles imaginar, a través de la desmaterialización de los efectos luminosos, como "ver en movimiento". Este artículo es uno de los productos del proyecto de investigación bienal (2018-2019), que estudia el Ballet Triádico de Oskar Schlemmer, en diálogo con la producción de los demás docentes de la institución de enseñanza alemana. Discutimos inspirados en los curadores y teóricos del arte, como los supuestos y el empirismo exploratorio de materialidades de Moholy-Nagy contaminaron a artistas contemporáneos como el estadounidense Bill Viola.[EN] The first experiences with kinetics applied to the visual arts occurred in the first decades of the twentieth century, when compositions with objects and structures in motion were developed, with the intention of exploring, usufruct, control and multiply the effects that these elements and resources generated for the aesthetic experience in environments and spaces destined for corporeal interactions. The spectators who lived such experiences, although tried to memorize the vestiges of the scene in movement, knew that it was an image impossible to be apprehended completely, and never definitive. The sensations experienced and the reflections generated on what they had witnessed, although shocking, were imprecise and ambiguous. Among the pioneers of this genre of art is the multimedia artist Lazló Moholy-Nagy, author of innumerable experimental productions, whose abstract nature served as a reference for artists interested in exploring the manipulation of non-conventional media and techniques in the field of painting, sculpture, photography and cinema, as a strategy for artistic and scientific research. His studies on image included the use of light to generate compositions, possible to be apprehended only in movement. Therefore, he explored photography and cinema, not as means to produce images, but experienced them as transdisciplinary, imbricated areas, whose superposition alters the sensory perception of observers, allowing them to imagine, through the dematerialization of light effects, like "see in movement". This article is one of the products of the biennial research project (2018-2019), which studies the Oskar Schlemmer Triadic Ballet, in dialogue with the production of the other teachers of the German teaching institution. We discussed inspired by art curators and theorists, how the assumptions and exploratory empiricism of Moholy-Nagy materiality contaminated contemporary artists such as the American Bill Viola.Nascimento, M.; Flores, R.; Terezani, J.; Chen, L. (2019). En movimiento: las (im) posibilidades de las imágenes flagradas entre múltiples (im)previsibles. En IV Congreso Internacional de investigación en artes visuales: ANIAV 2019 Imagen [N] visible. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 524-530. https://doi.org/10.4995/ANIAV2019.2019.9542OCS52453

    How can hackathons accelerate corporate innovation?

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    IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2018, Seoul, Korea, August 26-30, 2018, Proceedings, Part I In recent years, the way corporates innovate has changed significantly. Going from ‘behind closed doors’ innovation to open innovation where collaboration with outsiders is encouraged, companies are in the pursuit of more effective ways to accelerate their innovation outcomes. As a result, many companies are investing to create more entrepreneurial environments, which not only empower employees to proactively propose and test new ideas, but also reach beyond company walls to involve many others in the co-creation of new solutions. In this paper, we outline the most notable benefits of hackathons from the perspective of large organizations, and present the benefits and a methodology for organizing hackathons, i.e. competition-based events where participants work in small teams over a short period of time to ideate, design, rapidly prototype and test their ideas with a user-centric approach to solve a determined challenge. This paper also provides a brief insight into the CEMEX Hackathon, which was organized following the aforementioned methodology

    Predicting Innovation Acceptance by Simulation in Virtual Environments (Theoretical Foundations)

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    Abstract. This paper extends the current development of a methodology for Computer Aided Innovation. It begins with a presentation of concepts related to the perceived capabilities of virtual environments in the Innovation Cycle. The main premise establishes that it is possible to predict the acceptance of a new product in a specific market, by releasing an early prototype in a virtual scenario to quantify its general reception and to receive early feedback from potential customers. The paper continues to focus this research on a synergistic extension of techniques that have their origins in optimization and innovation disciplines. TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving), extends the generation of variants with Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) and finally to present the designer and the intended customer, creative and innovative alternatives. All of this developed on a virtual software interface (Virtual World). The work continues with a general description of the project as a step forward to improve the overall strategy

    Brachytherapy versus radical hysterectomy after external beam chemoradiation: a non-randomized matched comparison in IB2-IIB cervical cancer patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A current paradigm in the treatment of cervical cancer with radiation therapy is that intracavitary brachytherapy is an essential component of radical treatment. This is a matched retrospective comparison of the results of treatment in patients treated with external beam chemoradiation (EBRT-CT) and radical hysterectomy versus those treated with identical chemoradiation followed by brachytherapy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this non-randomized comparison EBRT-CT protocol was the same in both groups of 40 patients. In the standard treated patients, EBRT-CT was followed by one or two intracavitary Cesium (low-dose rate) applications within 2 weeks of finishing external radiation to reach a point A dose of at least 85 Gy. In the surgically treated patients, radical hysterectomy with bilateral pelvic lymph node dissection and para-aortic lymph node sampling were performed within 7 weeks after EBRT-CT. Response, toxicity and survival were evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 80 patients were analyzed. The patients receiving EBRT-CT and surgery were matched with the standard treated cases. There were no differences in the clinicopathological characteristics between groups or in the delivery of EBRT-CT. The pattern of acute and late toxicity differed. Standard treated patients had more chronic proctitis while the surgically treated had acute complications of surgery and hydronephrosis. At a maximum follow-up of 60 months, median follow-up 26 (2–31) and 22 (3–27) months for the surgery and standard therapy respectively, eight patients per group have recurred and died. The progression free and overall survival are the same in both groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of this study suggest that radical hysterectomy can be used after EBRT-CT without compromising survival in FIGO stage IB2-IIB cervical cancer patients in settings were brachytherapy is not available. A randomized study is needed to uncover the value of surgery after EBRT-CT.</p

    Synthesis and Evaluation of 177Lu-DOTA-DN(PTX)-BN for Selective and Concomitant Radio and Drug—Therapeutic E ect on Breast Cancer Cells

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    The peptide-receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) is a successful approach for selectively delivering radiation within tumor sites through specific recognition of radiolabeled peptides by overexpressed receptors on cancer cell surfaces. The e cacy of PRRT could be improved by using polymeric radio- and drug- therapy nanoparticles for a concomitant therapeutic e ect on malignant cells. This research aimed to prepare and evaluate, a novel drug and radiation delivery nanosystem based on the 177Lu-labeled polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimer (DN) loaded with paclitaxel (PTX) and functionalized on the surface with the Lys1Lys3(DOTA)-bombesin (BN) peptide for specific targeting to gastrin-releasing peptide receptors (GRPr) overexpressed on breast cancer cells. DN was first conjugated covalently to BN and DOTA (chemical moiety for lutetium-177 complexing) and subsequently loaded with PTX. The characterization by microscopic and spectroscopic techniques, in-vitro drug delivery tests as well as in in-vitro and in-vivo cellular uptake of 177Lu-DOTA-DN(PTX)-BN by T47D breast cancer cells (GRPr-positive), indicated the formation of an improved delivery nanosystem with target-specific recognition by GRPr. Results of the 177Lu-DOTA-DN(PTX)-BN e ect on T47D cell viability (1.3%, compared with 10.9% of 177Lu-DOTA-DN-BN and 14.0% of DOTA-DN-(PTX)-BN) demonstrated the concomitant radiotherapeutic and chemotherapeutic properties of the polymeric nanosystem as a potential agent for the treatment of GRPr-positive tumors.This study was supported by the grant CONACyT-CB-A1S38087 and the International Atomic Energy Agency (CRP-F2264). It was performed as part of the activities of the “Laboratorio Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo de Radiofármacos, CONACyT”

    A new species of Urobatis (Myliobatiformes: Urotrygonidae) from the tropical Eastern Pacific.

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    Una nueva especie de raya redonda con espina, Urobatis pardalis sp. nov., es descrita a partir de material recolectado en las costas del Pacífico de Costa Rica. Esta nueva especie difiere de sus congéneres por el patrón de la coloración dorsal del disco y por varias relaciones de medidas. Se presenta una clave para la determinación taxonómica de las especies del género.A new species of round stingray, Urobatis pardalis sp. nov., is described from material collected in the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. This new species differs from its congeners by the color pattern of the dorsal surface and by several proportional measurements. A key to all species of the genus is provided.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (CIMAR