2,806 research outputs found

    #43 - Gesture Recognition of EEG Signals Using Wavelet Transform and Artificial Neural Networks for BCI Applications

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    Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) systems present many advantages for their use in the fields of robotics and prosthetics. BCIs enable the control of electronic systems using only the central nervous system, allowing, for example, patients with motor neuron disease to control prosthetic limbs or electronic devices. In this study, an electroencephalographic (EEG) signal gesture recognition process for BCI applications is described. The gesture recognition process receives a raw EEG signal as an input and classifies the received input into its corresponding gesture. The gesture data was acquired from different subjects using the EMOTIVR EPOC, a 14-channel EEG headset. 402 samples of 6 different gestures were recorded. The gesture recognition process consists of two main stages: feature extraction and classification. The feature extraction stage consists of a 4-level wavelet decomposition of the filtered EEG signal using a db2 wavelet. The wavelet decomposition of the signal allows for each EEG frequency band (delta, theta, alpha and beta) to be analyzed individually. Statistical data is then taken from each frequency band of the EEG signal individually and is placed into the input layer of the ANN. The ANN’s input layer is made up of 336 elements, consisting of 6 statistical values of 4 frequency bands from 14 EEG channels. The ANN consists of input layer, 50 hidden layers, and an output layer. The ANN uses a backpropagation algorithm, a type of supervised learning where the neural network is fed a set of labeled training data prior to testing and a gradient descent algorithm is used to adjust the weights and biases on each of the hidden layers to effectively produce the desired output. The output layer consists of 6 different targets, each representing a gesture (smile, look left, look right, raise eyebrows, blink, and hard blink). During tests, the gesture recognition algorithm exhibits about 86% accuracy, which indicates positive results

    Da restituição de taxas urbanísticas com fundamento na caducidade da licença

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    [Extrato] No percurso do Professor Doutor António Cândido de Oliveira evidencia-se o papel de professor, manifestado numa brilhante carreira universitária ao longo de várias décadas de atividade. Não se limitou, porém, o Ilustre Professor, a desenvolver a sua atividade académica dentro das quatro paredes da sala de aula e a oferecer a sua produção científica à comunidade. Através de vários projetos, que rapidamente se assumiram como instituições de referência no mundo jurídico, impulsionou e promoveu a produção e publicação científica junto dos seus pares, destacando-se o papel do Professor no âmbito do Direito das Autarquias Locais. Saudamos, por isso, e congratulamos a iniciativa de o homenagear, mediante a publicação destes Estudos, e com agrado contribuímos com o presente artigo. [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O impacto da reforma do CPTA e do CPA no processo e procedimento tributário

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    O presente artigo tem por objeto o estudo do impacto da reforma do Código de Processo nos Tribunais Administrativos (CPTA) e do Código do Procedimento Administrativo (CPA) no processo e procedimento tributário. Esta reforma foi, no essencial, produzida por via do Decreto-Lei n.º 4/2015, de 7 de Janeiro, o qual, ao abrigo da autorização legislativa concedida pela Lei n.º 42/2014, de 11 de Julho, aprovou o “novo” CPA, e do Decreto-Lei n.º 214-G/2015, de 2 de Outubro, o qual, no uso da autorização legislativa concedida pela Lei n.º 100/2015, de 19 de Agosto, reviu, entre outros diplomas, o CPTA e o Estatuto dos Tribunais Administrativos e Fiscais (ETAF). Por facilidade expositiva, este complexo de alterações normativas será, abreviadamente designado por Reforma de 2015. A avaliação do impacto de tal reforma no procedimento e processo tributário resultará, necessariamente, da delimitação do âmbito de aplicação das normas daqueles diplomas no domínio tributário a fim de apurar se as alterações neles introduzidas se refletem neste domínio.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The need of tax harmonization within the wealth taxation in the European Union

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    [Excerpt] Though widely used in the European Union, the wealth taxes account for a relatively small part of the EU Member States’ tax revenue, when compared with the main sources of revenue[i]. At the same time, the political debate and the scientific research developed in the field of wealth taxation is very incipient, when compared to another taxation bases[ii]. Not even the fact that this kind of taxation constitutes one of the oldest ways employed by the states to obtain revenue was able to counter the identified trend[iii]. However, in the current time of fiscal consolidation and macroeconomic adjustment, taxation of wealth is gaining momentum. The lack of alternatives capable of generating an increase in tax revenue within the income and consumption taxation[iv], the growing interest in the fairness and redistributions aspects of the tax system[v] and the need to adjust the tax system to make it more growth friendly[vi], can be pointed out as the main reasons for the recent academic and political debate on wealth taxation. [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Formulación de proyectos en Mypes: evidencia empírica de la ausencia de un modelo práctico

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    This is an investigation that addresses the activity of formulating organizational management projects (PGO) in micro and small enterprises (Mypes), with a quantitative, correlational and cross-sectional investigative exercise, within a case study, to test the hypothesis that: The greater the number of theoretical elements used by a microentrepreneur in the formulation of their projects, the greater the development of the determining factors of business survival, a process that allows determining the existence or not of a model adopted to the operational particularities of this type of business. , using an ad hoc instrument validated by expert judgment, in two stages (design and calibration), with CVC of 0.98, Fleiss de Kappa for construct and objectivity of 0.95, with a Pearson temporal stability coefficient of 0.95 and alpha of Cronbach of 0.81. The result indicates that in the case of the population under study, there is no model adapted and used mostly by Mypes, in addition, with a Spearman's Rho of 0.617, a strong correlation between the variables studied is evidenced, which allows to contribute the concept to incorporate the Operational Distinctive Features (RDO) of the Mypes to the development of management theories adapted to their operational realities for the formulation of PGO.Esta es una investigación que aborda la actividad de la formulación de proyectos de gestión organizacional (PGO) en micro y pequeñas empresas (Mypes), con un ejercicio investigativo de enfoque cuantitativo, correlacional y transversal, dentro de un estudio de caso, para probar la hipótesis que: A mayor cantidad de elementos teóricos utilice un microempresario en la formulación de sus proyectos, mayor desarrollo de los factores determinantes de supervivencia empresarial logra, proceso que permite determinar la existencia o no de un modelo adoptado a las particularidades operativas de este tipo empresarial, utilizando para ello un instrumento Ad hoc validado por juicio de expertos, en dos etapas (diseño y calibración), con CVC de 0.98, Fleiss de Kappa para constructo y objetividad de 0.95, con coeficiente de estabilidad temporal de Pearson de 0.95 y alfa de Cronbach de 0.81. El resultado indica que en el caso de la población objeto del estudio, no existe un modelo adaptado y usado mayoritariamente por las Mypes, además con un Rho de Spearman de 0.617 se evidencia una correlación fuerte entre las variables estudiadas, lo que permite aportar el concepto de incorporar los Rasgos Distintivos Operacionales (RDO) de las Mypes al desarrollo de teorías gerenciales adaptadas a sus realidades operativas para la formulación de PGO

    Mezcla de Marketing : Decisiones en la distribución de productos

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    En el presente tema de investigación “Mezcla de marketing“, donde se basó principalmente en el subtema de “Decisiones en la distribución de productos” para su desarrollo se han tomado en cuenta las normas APA 6ta edición y la emisión de juicio de parte de los investigadores. En este documento se contemplan cuatro capítulos con base teórica y una conclusión de la investigación. La principal finalidad de este seminario de graduación es conocer la importancia de elegir un excelente canal de distribución del producto para que se haga llegar el producto al distribuidor y consumidor, en el cual se explicara por qué las compañías utilizan canales de marketing, y la función que estos desempeñan, donde se definirá el termino canales de distribución, se dará conocer la importancia, estructura, funciones y los tipos de canal de distribución. Se conocerá acerca del comportamiento y organización del canal. Las decisiones que se deben considerar para el diseño y administración del canal, también lo que conlleva la logística de márquetin y la administración de la cadena de suministro La metodología utilizada en esta investigación es científica, básica (contribuye a la ampliación de conocimiento científico) de carácter cualitativo y su naturaleza es documental (informativa) y teórica. Los datos obtenidos para esta investigación son a partir de fuentes documentales y libros digitales. Esta investigación ayuda a comprender la importancia de los canales de distribución para las empresas y como las empresas combinan diferentes canales para llegar a mayor cantidad de clientes en tiempo oportuno

    Propuesta para mejorar la eficiencia y eficacia de la cooperativa de ahorro y crédito Artesanos Ltda. en la ciudad de Ibarra, provincia de Imbabura

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    La Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito “Artesanos” Ltda., al amparo de la ley de Cooperativas se dedica a la intermediación financiera a través de la captación de ahorros y la colocación de créditos con sus socios, además presta servicios financieros, actividad que la viene desarrollando desde hace 20 años. Mediante la propuesta de eficiencia y eficacia en el crédito hipotecario, se pretende fortalecer dicho producto financiero de la institución como principal fuente de fondeo, con la finalidad de reducir la volatilidad e incrementar el tiempo de permanencia de los depósitos de ahorro hacia el largo plazo y cumplir el objetivo principal para lo cual fue creado la cooperativa. Este trabajo, presenta una de las maneras que tiene una cooperativa para incrementar su ventaja competitiva. Otorgar servicios de calidad, satisfacer los requerimientos del cliente y con ello crecer en su industria, destacarse entre la competencia y aumentar su rentabilidad.The Savings and Credit Cooperative “Craftsmen” Ltd., under the Cooperative Law is dedicated to financial intermediation through savings deposits and the origination of loans with their partners, and provides financial services business that has been developing 20 years ago. The proposal for efficiency and effectiveness in the mortgage, is to strengthen the institution's financial product as the main source of funding, in order to reduce volatility and increase dwell time savings deposits into long-term meet the primary goal for which it was created the cooperative. This work presents one of the ways that a company has to increase its competitive advantage. Providing quality services, meet customer requirements and thereby grow in their industry, stand out from the competition and increase their profitability

    A Conceptual Model of Technology Transfer for Public Universities in Mexico

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    Technology transfer from academic and scientific institutions has been transformed into a strategic variable for companies and nations who wish to cope with the challenges of a global economy. Since the early 1970s, many technology transfer models have tried to introduce key factors in the process. Previous studies have shown that technology transfer is influenced by various elements. This study is based on a review of two recent technology transfer models that we have used as basic concepts for developing our own conceptual model. Researcher–firm networks have been considered as key elements in the technology transfer process between public universities and firms. The conceptual model proposed could be useful to improve the efficiency of existing technology transfer mechanisms