1,347 research outputs found

    El professorat d'Educació Física davant la realitat multicultural

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    Aquesta tesi doctoral ha estudiat la pràctica professional del professorat d'Educació Física davant la realitat multicultural de l'escola primària catalana tot centrant-se en la seva percepció sobre l'alumnat, la seva intervenció pedagògica i la seva trajectòria professional. L'estudi de 12 casos en què el percentatge d'alumnat d'origen estranger supera el 50 % ha permès tipificar tres perfils pedagògics del professorat davant la diversitat cultural de l'alumnat, així com proposar orientacions per a la consolidació d'una Educació Física intercultural.Esta tesis doctoral ha estudiado la práctica profesional del profesorado de Educación Física ante la realidad multicultural de la escuela primaria catalana centrándose en su percepción sobre el alumnado, su intervención pedagógica y su trayectoria profesional. El estudio de 12 casos en que el porcentaje de alumnado de origen extranjero supera el 50% ha permitido tipificar tres perfiles pedagógicos del profesorado ante la diversidad cultural del alumnado, así como proponer orientaciones para la consolidación de una Educación Física intercultural

    El professorat d’educació física davant la realitat multicultural: percepció sobre l’alumnat, intervenció pedagògica i trajectòria professional. Un estudi de casos en educació primària

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    A la llum dels nous reptes i problemàtiques que ha ­desencadenat el progressiu increment de la població escolar estrangera a l’escola primària catalana, l’escola es reafirma com un marc privilegiat per afavorir el seu rol inclusiu, socialitzador i transformador de la realitat social. De la mateixa manera, el paper del professorat adquireix una vital importància per impulsar i instaurar els principis educatius interculturals que les esferes polítiques i teòriques promulguen

    Linear structure of functions with maximal Clarke subdifferential

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    It is hereby established that the set of Lipschitz functions f:URf:\mathcal{U}\rightarrow \mathbb{R} (U\mathcal{U} nonempty open subset of d1\ell_{d}^{1}) with maximal Clarke subdifferential contains a linear subspace of uncountable dimension (in particular, an isometric copy of (N)\ell^{\infty}(\mathbb{N})). This result goes in the line of a previous result of Borwein-Wang. However, while the latter was based on Baire category theorem, our current approach is constructive and is not linked to the uniform convergence. In particular we establish lineability (and spaceability for the Lipschitz norm) of the above set inside the set of all Lipschitz continuous functions

    El despliegue de la “post-convertibilidad" en la Provincia de Mendoza

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    El objetivo general de la investigación es identificar las características y particularidades económico-productivas, sociales e institucionales que asume el régimen de acumulación de la “post-convertibilidad" en la provincia de Mendoza, y como este conjunto de características y lógicas particulares se relacionan con la lógica dominante desplegada a nivel nacional. De forma específica -pensando en lograr los objetivos más específicos que hacen al propósito rector-, se busca dilucidar las rupturas y continuidades del modelo de acumulación global de la post-Convertibilidad con respecto a la etapa de valorización financiera; identificar las particularidades del patrón de acumulación en la provincia; contextualizar la lógica del despliegue del patrón en el nivel provincial con la dinámica del modelo a nivel nacional; e inquirir las características específicas que presenta el Estado durante la Post-Convertibilidad.Fil: Manzur, Tomás. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales.Fil: Flores Kemec, Gonzalo. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales

    Motivation, basic psychological needs and intention to be physically active after a gamified intervention programme

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    The aim of the present study was to compare the possible effects of a gamified programme and a traditional instructional approach in secondary physical education at the level of intrinsic motivation, autonomy satisfaction, competence satisfaction, relatedness satisfaction, and intention to be physically active. A total of 54 year-nine students (14±0.1 years) enrolled in two classes in the same high school participated. The school administration (totally anonymous to the study) distributed all the students among the two classes and the research team randomly considered one the experimental group (n =27, 13 boys, 14 girls), which experienced a gamified learning unit, and the other the comparison group (n =27, 15 boys, 12 girls), which followed a traditional instructional approach. Both study groups had the same physical education teacher with training and experience on several pedagogical approaches, including gamification. The study followed a pretest, post-test quasi-experimental research design (the time lag between pre-test and post-test was nine weeks). The results showed significant differences at post-tests favouring the experimen tal group in all the variables assessed. In conclusion, the results from the present study provided support for the use of gamification in physical education since it was associated with increased levels of students’ intrinsic motivation, basic psychological needs and intention to be physically active more than a traditional approach. Therefore, gamification could be considered a positive pedagogical framework for secondary physical education. Nevertheless, more studies with larger variability in contexts, participants and content are needed

    Airborne pollen report during the spring season in the San Salvador de Jujuy city, Argentina

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    Se estudió el contenido polínico atmosférico durante la estación primaveral de 2007 en la ciudad de San Salvador de Jujuy con el objetivo de elaborar un registro de la composición cualitativa, describir la variación porcentual semanal de polen captado y evaluar la representatividad de la flora nativa y presencia de polen alergógeno. El monitoreo se llevó a cabo con un captador gravimétrico tipo Durham, con frecuencia semanal de recambio de las muestras. Se identificaron 36 tipos polínicos de los cuales 17 pertenecen a la vegetación exótica, 14 a la vegetación nativa de Yungas y 5 de origen indefinido. El reporte muestra que, durante todo el periodo muestreado, la composición polínica atmosférica está influenciada tanto por la vegetación urbana, como por el aporte significativo de vegetación arbórea procedente del bosque nativo de Yungas, representados por Alnus acuminata, Juglans australis, Celtis sp., Anadenanthera colubrina, entre otros, mientras que para fines de la estación, predomina el polen herbáceo de Amaranthaceae-Chenopodiaceae y Urticaceae. Del total de tipos polínicos registrados, se identifican 16 con reconocido potencial alergógeno, pertenecientes a especies exóticas presentes en el arbolado urbano, como Morus sp., Cupressus sp., Populus sp., Platanus acerifolia, entre otros, y Celtis sp. de la flora nativa. Los resultados obtenidos representan los primeros estudios aeropalinológicos para la ciudad de San Salvador de Jujuy.We studied the airborne pollen content during the spring of 2007 in the San Salvador de Jujuy city with the aim to record the qualitative composition, describe the weekly percentual variation of capture pollen, and the evaluation of the representativity of the regional native flora and presence of allergenic pollen. The sampling was carried out with a gravimetric Durham trap, with a weekly change of the samples. We identified 36 pollen types of which 17 belong to the exotic vegetation, 14 to the native vegetation from the Yungas forest and 5 of indefinite origin. The report shows that, during the sampled period, the airborne pollen content is influenced by the urban vegetation as also the significant contribution of arboreal plants from the native Yungas forest, such as Alnus acuminata, Juglans australis, Celtis sp., Anadenanthera colubrina, among others, while at the end of season the herbaceous pollen are predominant, mainly Amaranthaceae-Chenopodiaceae and Urticaceae. Of the total of pollen types registered, 16 are identified to have allergenic potential; they belong to exotic species present in the urban trees, such as Morus sp., Cupressus sp., Populus sp., Platanus acerifolia, among others, and Celtis sp. of the native flora. The obtained result represents the first aeropalynological study for the San Salvador de Jujuy city.Fil: Torres, Gonzalo Román. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Unidad de Análisis Palinológicos. Laboratorio de Palinología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Flores, Fabio Fernando. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Unidad de Análisis Palinológicos. Laboratorio de Palinología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Non-linear pedagogy in handball: the influence of drill constraints

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    The manipulation of drill constraints facilitates the performance of certain sports behaviours and according to non-linear pedagogy is the main tool with which coaches can accomplish their proposed objectives. The objective of this paper was to ascertain the influence exercised by certain constraints (no-bounce rule, compulsory passing and receiving while running and making at least five passes to be able to score) in handball players’ offensive behaviours. The study participants were the 14 members of a men’s U-15 team with ages ranging between 14 and 15 years (M = 14.6 years, SD = 0.4). Using a specific/nomothetic/multidimensional technique design, 24 matches were studied in a modified game situation in the course of six training sessions to which the constraints studied were applied. Moreover, the use of an individual defensive system was obligatory. An ad hoc observation instrument was designed and was input into the Dartfish 5.5 program, which was used as the recording instrument; intra- and inter-observer concordance and sequential delay analysis was performed using the GSEQ 5.1 program. The HOISAN 1.2 program was used for the polar coordinate analysis, which demonstrated the emergence of different behaviours in order to retain ball possession, progress towards the opponent’s goal and finish the attack according to the constraints applied. These findings may indicate the most suitable drill constraints for accomplishing the proposed objectives and avoiding the selection of drills on the basis of subjective criteri

    On the emergence of chaos in dynamical networks

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    "We investigate how changes of specific topological features result on transitions among different bounded behaviours in dynamical networks. In particular, we focus on networks with identical dynamical systems, synchronised to a common equilibrium point, then a transition into chaotic behaviour is observed as the number of nodes and the strength of their coupling changes. We analyse the network's transverse Lyapunov exponents (tLes) to derive conditions for the emergence of bounded complex behaviour on different basic network models. We find that, for networks with a given number of nodes, chaotic behaviour emerges when the coupling strength is within a specific bounded interval; this interval is reduced as the number of nodes increases. Furthermore, the endpoints the emergence interval depend on the coupling structure of network. We also find that networks with homogeneous connectivity, such as regular lattices and small-world networks are more conducive to the emergence of chaos than networks with heterogeneous connectivity like scale-free and star-connected graphs. Our results are illustrated with numerical simulations of the chaotic benchmark Lorenz systems, and to underline their potential applicability to real-world systems, our results are used to establish conditions for the chaotic activation of a network of electrically coupled pancreatic β-cell models.