539 research outputs found

    Does Construing relate to Acculturation Attitudes and Psychological Well-being in Polish Immigrants in the U.K?

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    There is evidence for increased rates of psychoses and mood disorders in immigrant populations, with some contradictory findings showing that migrants have better mental health outcomes than their native-born counterparts. Explanatory theories considered individual and contextual factors. Acculturation processes are regarded to play an important part, but again there are contradictory findings. The relationships between immigration, acculturation and mental health are complex and more explorations are needed. The aim of this study was to explore whether construing before and after emigration was related to acculturation processes and mental health in Polish immigrants in the U.K. Forty adult immigrants participated in this study; measures of psychological well-being, cultural attitudes, and repertory grid interviews were used. Participants reported positive attitudes towards Polish and British cultures, significantly more positive attitudes towards the heritage culture. As a group, participants compared favourably to their counterparts living in Poland in terms of levels of psychological well-being. They also construed themselves more favourably following emigration. Nevertheless 20% of participants reported a history of mental health difficulties. Nearly half (45%) of participants reported clinically significant levels of distress, which is more than double the national prevalence rate in the U.K. The main findings of this study indicated a relationship between how Polish migrants construe themselves and significant others, their psychological adjustment and cultural attitudes. More positive attitudes towards Polish culture were associated with higher levels of positive affect. A positive view of Polish culture was associated with a relatively more salient construing pre-emigration. Contrary to the prediction, high levels of conflict in construing of significant others before emigration was related to a positive view of Polish culture. A relatively more conflicted view of self post-emigration was related to less positive attitudes towards British culture. As predicted, more structured construing post-emigration was linked with better mental health outcomes. Furthermore, a relatively more favourable view of self following immigration was associated with higher levels of positive affect and fewer symptoms of psychological distress. The latter was also linked with relatively lower levels of conflict in construing of 'self after emigration'. Case examples are presented. Recommendations for clinical practice and further research are made

    Dieta bezglutenowa a choroba Hashimoto — obecny stan wiedzy

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    Hashimoto’s disease and celiac disease are autoimmune diseases that can co-exist. In autoimmunethyroid disease, celiac disease occurs with an average frequency of 5%. In people withoutdysfunction of the thyroid gland, celiac disease affects 1% of the general population. Based onthe common origin of both diseases, patients are actively looki ng for alternative treatments,which include the use of elimination diets and taking supplemen ts containing selenium andvitamin D. It is postulated a beneficial effect of a gluten-free diet on the occurrence and course ofautoimmune diseases. However, there is not enough scientific evidence for the effectiveness ofthis type of therapy in Hashimoto’s disease. The use of a diet eliminating gluten in healthy peoplemay have adverse health consequences such as hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, ischemic heartdisease. The standard treatment in hypothyroidism in the course of Hashimoto’s inflammation is substitution with levothyroxine. In euthyroid patients, treatment is not available only becauseof the presence of positive anti-TPO antibody titres. It is recommended to conduct diagnosticsfor celiac disease in a group of patients with autoimmune thyroid disease.Choroba Hashimoto i celiakia należą do chorób autoimmunologicznych, które mogą ze sobą współistnieć. W chorobach autoimmunologicznych tarczycy celiakia występuje ze średnią częstością 5%. U osób bez dysfunkcji gruczołu tarczowego dotyczy 1% populacji ogólnej. Biorąc pod uwagę wspólne pochodzenie obu chorób pacjenci aktywnie poszukują alternatywnych metod leczenia, do których należą stosowanie diet eliminacyjnych oraz przyjmowanie suplementów zawierających selen i witaminę D. Postuluje się korzystny wpływ diety bezglutenowej na występowanie i przebieg chorób autoimmunologicznych. Nie ma jednak wystarczających dowodów naukowych na skuteczność tego rodzaju terapii w chorobie Hashimoto. Stosowanie diety eliminującej gluten u osób zdrowych może mieć niekorzystne następstwa zdrowotne, takie jak hiperglikemia, hiperlipidemia, choroba niedokrwienna serca. Standardem leczenia w niedoczynności tarczycy w przebiegu zapalenia Hashimoto jest substytucja lewotyroksyną. U pacjentów w eutyreozie nie prowadzi się leczenia tylko ze względu na obecność dodatniego miana przeciwciał anty-TPO. Zalecane jest prowadzenie diagnostyki w kierunku celiakii w grupie chorych z autoimmunologiczną chorobą tarczycy

    Human settlements in low lying coastal zones and rugged terrain: data and methodologies

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    This document describes the assessment of global terrain data and a procedure to combine terrain data with newly available human settlement data. The aim is to quantify settlements in low-lying coastal zones and in topographically rugged terrain. For terrain data we use the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission Digital Elevation Model made available at 90m (3 arc sec), for settlement data we use the Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL) data set released in 2016 composed of built-up area (GHS-BU), population (GHS-POP) and settlement model (GHS-SMOD) grids and available for 4 epochs, 1975, 1990, 2000 and 2015. We show that SRTM at 90m and GHSL can be combined in a meaningful way. However, we could not generate accuracy assessment on the resulting figures as both datasets do not come with accuracy assessment. In addition, as the data extend only up to 60degrees north, the analysis is not completely global even if it covers the large part of the populated land masses. Preliminary results show that it is possible to derive quantitative measures related to the increase of population in coastal zones, and in steep terrain that may be considered prone to natural hazards. Preliminary analysis indicates that the rate of population growth for the four epochs in the low-lying coastal areas is higher than the global population growth rate. In addition, we show that we are able to measure the spatial expansion of settlements over steep slopes especially in the large cities in developing countries (i.e. Lima), but also in coastal settlements of developed countries (e.g., Italy and France).JRC.E.1-Disaster Risk Managemen

    DUG User Guide. Version 2.1

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    This user guide accompanies the DUG tool which is a public tool for applying the “Degree of urbanisation” (DEGURBA) model at one kilometer grid. DUG stands for Degree of Urbanisation Grid. It has been developed in the frame of the “Global Human Settlement Layer” (GHSL) project of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, with the overall objective to support the DEGURBA activities. The tool builds on the GHS SMOD model that implements settlement model classifier at 1 km grid. The tool uses population and built-up grids as input data, and optionally a water mask. It has been developed and tested using GHS P2016 datasets ; however other grids can be used on user responsibility. This user guide is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of using the DUG tool. It includes instructions for the set-up of the software, the use of the tool and the manipulation of the data. It presents briefly the basic principles and background information on the methodology and its implementation. Some guidelines on the parametrization are also provided.JRC.E.1-Disaster Risk Managemen

    Metal-morfozy. O języku dziennikarstwa metalowego w miesięczniku „Rock’N’Roll” w latach 1990–1991

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    Artykuł jest próbą analizy języka dziennikarstwa redaktorów muzycznych zajmujących się różnymi odmianami muzyki metalowej w miesięczniku „Rock’N’Roll” ukazującego się w latach 1990–1991. Okres po transformacji ustrojowej jest szczególnie interesujący dla rozwoju muzycznego dziennikarstwa, a magazyn „Rock’N’Roll” był najodważniejszym muzycznym periodykiem tamtych czasów. Cykle artykułów, recenzje koncertów, recenzje płyt, próby analizy zjawiska składają się na intrygujący obraz tego okresu w rozwoju muzycznej świadomości rodzimych odbiorców heavy metalu

    Namaszczenie Jezusa w Betanii (Mt 26,6–13)

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    The action of pericope that describes the anointing of Jesus (Matt. 26:6–13) took place in Bethany, in Judea. These areas were then part of the Great Roman Empire. Christ foretold that the woman who poured out the precious oil on His head in the house of Simon the Leper would know the whole world. That is what exactly happened. Many Christians do not know much about history of the Ro- man Empire, but probably everyone has heard of a nameless woman who anointed Jesus shortly before His passion and death. The woman embarrassed the apostles, her generous gesture toward Christ contrasted with the conspiracy of the chief priests and the elders of the people (Matt. 26:3–5) and the betrayal of Judas (Matt. 26:14–16).The action of pericope that describes the anointing of Jesus (Matt. 26:6–13) took place in Bethany, in Judea. These areas were then part of the Great Roman Empire. Christ foretold that the woman who poured out the precious oil on His head in the house of Simon the Leper would know the whole world. That is what exactly happened. Many Christians do not know much about history of the Ro- man Empire, but probably everyone has heard of a nameless woman who anointed Jesus shortly before His passion and death. The woman embarrassed the apostles, her generous gesture toward Christ contrasted with the conspiracy of the chief priests and the elders of the people (Matt. 26:3–5) and the betrayal of Judas (Matt. 26:14–16)

    Genre Search in Contemporary Engaged Culture. Several Notes on The „Patriotism of Tomorrow” by Siksa Duet

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    The paper is an analysis of the “Siksa” duet’s work, The Patriotism of Tomorrow (2018) deeply rooted in a contemporary feministic punk culture. The author looks at the work from a genre studies perspective, finding a genological novum (basing on E. Balcerzan’s theory of “multimedia genology”). The analysis of the work (a verbal-musical collage), consists of the search for its genological place in contemporary engaged culture. The author demonstrates that the uniqueness of its genre frames is not wide enough to be described as “antigenre” or “authorial genre”, the terms introduced by Polish scientists; he suggests that the term “post-genre” ought to be used instead

    Paschalna wiara apostoła Tomasza (J 20,24-29)

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    John the evangelist presented various dimensions of faith in the risen Jesus in his work. The beloved disciple believed after he had seen an empty tomb, in which only the linen clothes and the face cloth had been left (John 20:8). Mary Magdalene believed after the glorified Christ, whom she had earlier confused with the gardener, had spoken to her (John 20:14-16). The disciples believed when they saw their risen Master and His wounds (John 20:20). Thomas got rid of his doubts and believed because of the encounter with Jesus, who allowed him not only to see but also to touch His hands and side (John 20:24-28). Finally, there are also those who did not see Jesus and His spectacular signs, and yet believed in Him (John 20:29). This article presents a detailed analysis of the pericope of the meeting between the risen Christ and Thomas (John 20:24-29). This was a breakthrough moment in the apostle’s life and it was associated with two types of transition: from doubt to mature faith and from the conditions imposed on Jesus to a strong confession of faith: „My Lord and my God!”Ewangelista Jan zaprezentował w swoim dziele różne wymiary wiary w zmartwychwstałego Jezusa. Umiłowany uczeń uwierzył po zobaczeniu pustego grobu, w którym pozostały tylko płótna i chusta (J 20,8). Maria Magdalena uwierzyła po tym, jak przemówił do niej uwielbiony Chrystus, którego wcześniej pomyliła z ogrodnikiem (J 20,14-16). Uczniowie uwierzyli wówczas, gdy ujrzeli swego zmartwychwstałego Mistrzai Jego rany (J 20,20). Tomasz wyzbył się swych wątpliwości i uwierzył pod wpływem spotkania z Jezusem, który pozwolił mu nie tylko oglądać, lecz również dotknąć swych rąk i boku (J 20,24-28). Wreszcie są też i tacy, którzy nie widzieli Jezusa i Jego spektakularnych znaków, a jednak w Niego uwierzyli (J 20,29). Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje szczegółową analizę perykopy J 20,24-29, w której jest mowa o spotkaniu zmartwychwstałego Chrystusa z Tomaszem. Był to przełomowy moment w życiu apostoła, który wiązał się z dwoma rodzajami przejścia: od wątpliwości do wiary dojrzałej oraz od warunków stawianych Jezusowi do mocnego wyznania wiary: „Pan mój i Bóg mój!